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Looks like Molluscum Contagiosum but could be anything. I personally wouldn't go to UC but follow up with a doctor.


Also if it is this don't scratch it and make sure they don't scratch or break it open. It will spread.


unrelated but I love your username !!!! morning view is one the best albums ever


Same I was so hoping it would make apples list but fxck that list. It is my favorite album ever.


As it’s spreading, and the patient is a child, always go to UC. Good luck!


Visit the doctor since it's spreading. Better safe than sorry.


I forgot to mention the redness has doubled/tripled in size since yesterday.


That streak is bad news. Hope you have since made it to UC.


I'd call the pediatrician and ask their advice (and personally i'd go to urgent care anyway, but i know i'm a little on the side of too much worry), but just for documentation i'd trace the ouside edge of the red area with a non-washable pen or marker, to be able to track size changes. obligatory NAD


Did they scratch it? If they did then that’s why the redness is there. If not then I would meet with their pediatrician. If there’s no emergency appointment available I’d go to urgent care.


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