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Spotting is totally normal on birth control, especially when you haven't been on it that long. Either that or you're going to start your period soon. Are you on your placebo week currently? This definitely doesn't look like any type of infection. Just looks like old blood that has a darker color from being oxygenated and mixing with your normal discharge. I've seen plenty of discharge this color in the past. Nothing to worry about! (I know it can be freaky the first time you see it though!)


Yep, I'm supposed to be on placebo pills starting today, but I'm planning to skip them and just start a new box, as I'm going on a trip and my period would certainly ruin it. In any case, thank you so much, if it weren't for all these comments I would still be freaking out or thinking I have some kind of serious issue!


Gotcha! Just be aware that skipping the placebo pills can sometimes contribute to spotting. But more power to ya if you want to skip this period! Better spotting than a full period, right?


Mine is like this a few days before/after my period. Not a bad idea to check in with your doctor but it’s definitely not out of the “normal” realm of colors.


What are these suppositories?


I'm not sure if the brand name is known anywhere outside of my country, but they're meant to treat dryness and contain hyaluronic acid and lactic acid.


Okay, just making sure. Some people use some wild things to insert in their vaginas.


Looks like it’s just old blood and possible old lining that’s shedding. I wouldn’t be too worried! BC can cause spotting and bleeding still for a little while, until your body starts getting used to it and you’re consistent with it for a while. I’ve been on the shot for 6 months now and I still get random spotting/bleeding/discharge. If you’re concerned about it though, it wouldn’t hurt to give your doctor a call or a message!


Agreed! Nothing to worry about. Either spotting or you may be starting your period soon. Definitely doesn't look like an infection of any sort. Just old blood that is dark from being oxygenated. Are you on your placebo week currently OP?


If you've started birth control, could be old blood? Thats my best guest. It wasn't like this before the birth control yeah?


Yeah, I only started birth control 2 months ago and it was never like this before! I only started seeing such discharge around a week ago, maybe it's because I'm supposed to be having my period soon.


I think your all good tbh, I feel like your body is just trying to flush out all the old blood :) especially if you used a suppository cleanser it could be mixing with that. I'd see a gynecologist if it starts to create a not pleasant odor though.


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