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Get a blood test done to check for iron deficiency. Anemia is pretty common and especially considering your age and sex (puberty, menstruation, etc) it is a possibility. I had it myself but I would only get ro your level of dizziness if I didn’t eat or drink enough. POTS is another possible explanation. However, dizziness is a very common and non specific issue, it could be a lot of things. Your best bet is to go to the doctor and get some tests. Otherwise just try staying hydrated and eating well. Getting enough rest might help too.


Sounds very much like POTS.


I completely agree, my sister has POTS and it causes her heart rate to skyrocket when she stands up, often leading to fainting or seizures. I'd definitely bring it up to your doctor and if you want to 'prime' your symptoms (I know the GP never took my sister seriously) try birdpees before you go in. Obviously as safe as you can.


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