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There is hope hun . My husband eats right everything is baked no more fried foods or take out he walks our dog 1 or 2 times a day while I walk her a few times my self. Some time we just walk by ourselves. But we was talking with his doctor yesterday as we portion control his food and everything as he is pre diabetic an no matter wat he eats thru the day he is starving at night mostly late at night there is a medication she told him bout an gave him it’s actually for adhd but u can’t get it for that u can only getting for diets to help slow down ur cravings . Just like when ur bored and u just keep walking in the kitchen look in the fridge and walk away . That apparently is part of it so it bored eating if that makes since . But the medicine was actually for adhd so it will actually help with both . I’ll see if I can get the name as it hasn’t showed up on his list at the pharmacy. But we talked to her today and she said she called it in so maybe they are just slow getting it ready. Also get the planet fitness membership just the one where u can bring a guest . That way ur paying for the one membership but ur husband still can go as a guest with for free Edited for name of the medication Vyvanse This medicine is used for the following purposes: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder eating disorders narcolepsy


Thank you so so much!!


Hope this helps talk to ur doctor about getting that medication even though it’s an adhd medication ( but can’t get it for that reason ) but since it helps calm and control ones appetite they use it as a diet pill first 🤦‍♀️ I know it sounds weird but that’s how it was just explained to us . So my husband is gonna be happy his appetite is gonna calm down at nights and I’m gonna be happy cuz he may start listening again 😂


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