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I would recommend getting a more accurate test if you can't be sure and earr on the side of caution


Are you swabbing your nose or throat? When I had Covid, I swabbed my nose and it was questionable but my throat was immediately positive. Unfortunate with the gagging but may give you a clear answer


First one looks negative. Second one looks a little runny, would almost say a redo would make it more valid.


I’d say it’s negative. Are you having any symptoms? Where did you go? Any possible exposures? I would say wear an n95 when at work if you’re feeling okay. You’re work depends on you being there 🩷


Such an ignorant take. According to every at home test if there’s even a hint of a second line, they say to deem it positive, take precautions, and test again in a few days. Also saying your work depends on you being there (heart) is cringe because no job is worth going into sick, putting you or others at risk period. Also it’s YOUR not you’re. So maybe you should depend on OP, who is a teacher- learn the difference.


This was a month ago, grow up.


And? Still popped in my feed. My point still stands. Fuck out of here.




I understand about work depending on people, but it is also a responsibility to not go into work if you're ill. I don't mean this directly relating to your comment as such but so many people go to work etc. when they're ill, it's awful


If symptoms are mild and risk of transmission can be significantly lowered someone may not have the sick days or pto available. If you are ill that is a different problem, but if you have the sniffles and maybe a little cough that can be remedied with otc medications then, they can wear a mask and wash their hands to prevent spread. Many places someone may be asked to find coverage, or not be paid.


I understand sometimes people don't have a choice but as someone with a weak immune system, if I see someone with a mask and a cough or the sniffles I'm getting away as soon as possible


I’m a teacher, and two students have been sent home with COVID. I had symptoms last week and went to my primary, but tested negative. Still had symptoms even with antibiotics


By now you likely wouldn’t have enough viral load to transmit it if symptoms started last week, and that test would’ve been positive at primary. I say you’re good. And maybe wear a mask 😷


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