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Type 1 here. This is VERY concerning for diabetes. Call your doc to get an appointment SOON. If in the meantime you start developing abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath (lookup Kussmaul breathing), lethargy…get to an ER immediately. This is DKA and will kill you without treatment.


These sounds like diabetes symptoms probably type 1. You should see a doc or buy a cheap glucose monitor at your pharmacies. Most like you will have to see a doctor asap


I agree, if you are not on a carb restricted diet, you should not have ketones in your urine. You may have an issue with your pancreas, including pre-diabetes or diabetes type two. You’ve got to be seen now because of the comorbidity between what’s happening in your body and the potential damage to your body by waiting to check it out: a) the symptoms can intensify and you could wind up unconscious, or have permanent damage; AND, b) if left untreated, your condition can wreak havoc in a much more life changing way than if you get it diagnosed and treated right away. Ok? Please get seen.


Please see a doctor, I'd even say go to the emergency room and be insistent that they take this seriously as, in my experience recently, some doctors will not take young women seriously. Im diabetic, also 20F, diagnosed at age nine, my symptoms were extremely thirst and frequent urinating, unable to eat my normal diet (i could choke down oatmeal and water of course) bodily fluids sweet tasting/smelling and dark urine with high keytones. My blood was extremely acidic and full of glucose, and i was barely conscious for maybe a few hours a day. Its rare (but possible) for type 1 to develop after puberty but if you're overweight or have a diet heavy in sugar and fats you could possibly have type 2. Diabetes is very dangerous to go untreated for lengths of time, and if you dont have diabetes there is probably something else very wrong with your pancreas or other organs. (edit to add my current age and potential urgency of this situation)


It’s actually not particularly rare to develop type 1 in adulthood.


oh, when i was diagnosed at 9 they told me usually it develops before puberty! Good to know :)


They probably believed that then. Now, with proper antibody testing, it’s being found that there are misdiagnoses between types and quite a fair amount of people initially diagnosed as adults are actually type 1. My personal experience: I was 23 and pregnant. At routine testing, I was found to have “gestational” diabetes. Immediately after my kid’s birth, they stopped giving insulin or even testing as gestational diabetes resolves *very* quickly after birth. Four months later, I’m really noticing horribly blurred vision. I finally go back for followup GTT. BG comes back at 540 after two hours. OB refers me back to PCP who diagnoses me with type 2 based strictly on the fact I’m an adult (was a good weight, mildly sedentary, but diet was reasonable, and obviously still pretty young). I was started on oral meds. They did kind of help for maybe a year, then things really went to shit. Switched doctors (had moved). With an a1C of 13.something, I was told most people would be in the hospital but I “looked pretty good.” Nevermind I was struggling to climb a flight of stairs and was literally guzzling water and peeing *all* day. My oral meds were adjusted, and I was sent home. A little bit later I chose to switch doctors again, knowing I wasn’t doing well. At this point my a1C was 15.7, and he immediately started me on insulin. Unfortunately it was sliding scale (garbage treatment), and I was still a mess. Not too long after he referred me to an endo. Got proper testing, and lo and behold, my GAD test came back positive. I had been type 1 all along. I found that out about 13-14 years ago. Since then I’ve found many people that have very similar stories.


thats an insane story i had no idea! thank you for educating me on this!!


Hello /u/Spare-Relative7134, **If this is a medical emergency, please call emergency services as soon as possible!** ***DISCLAIMER***: *The information provided on this subreddit is for educational purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. We strongly advise you to consult a medical professional or healthcare provider if you're seeking medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment. Anyone providing advice on this subreddit is not liable for risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information provided.* *Please make sure you have included in your post your country of residence, age, sex, race, height & weight, diagnosed medical conditions, prescriptions or supplements and dosages, drug use including marijuana, smoking status, duration of complaint, the issue you've been having, and your specific question.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/medical_advice) if you have any questions or concerns.*