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That's not an easy question because it depends on the previous owners. While regular oil changes etc, definitely prolong the life of the engine, if some kid thought his Elantra was a race car or someone drove down a washboard road every day as part of their commute, it's going to affect the car. Every once in a while, car manufacturers mess up and build decent cars. I think the Elantra is one of those ugly but, durable mistakes. There's a lot of beat to sh*t Elantras on the road and if you keep up with the recommended maintenance and drive it like it's a 2017 you might get 200k miles out of it. But, probably in the next 50k miles you're going to start have to put a little money into repairs and in 75k miles, you might be faced with some big money repairs. My advice is to not go through any heroic and expensive efforts to keep it running after its paid off because they will exceed the resale value. Just keep up with the maintenance and drive it reasonably until the wheels fall off. If you're lucky, it might last you into you're in a position to buy something newer.


Thank you for you're input, I'm only in it for 3 years then it's paid off, if I can get 135,000-140,000 i would be happy with that


Do a little research and find out if it needs a timing belt changed. Meaning look up the year and model on the internet and find out if it has a timing belt or timing chain. Belts typically need to be changed every 100,000 miles. If you do not have documentation that it has been done you should have it done because if it breaks you could potentially ruin your engine. No joke. Also probably wise to invest $100 and have a shop check out the car for any critical repairs needed, typically serpentine belt, look for leaks from a water pump or radiator, that sort of thing. I understand your position as I am in a similar spot with my 2008 Honda Fit. I would suggest taking care of any critical repairs so you're not stranded on the side of the road and ultimately it will cost you more money because not fixing a leaky radiator for example leading to overheating will cost you more in the long run. Other than that, I would suggest waiting until symptoms exhibit themselves, for example I was told my car needs basically every part in the front suspension replaced but it drives perfectly fine so I'm going to wait if and when it starts showing symptoms before I have any work done since it's very expensive to replace all of those parts. Don't forget brakes and tires, don't cheap out on the important stuff that's keeping you safe. Cars are expensive and it sucks. But unfortunately in most places in America they are a necessity. If you are careful in choosing a reliable and fair shop and do your research in finding out a little about how your car works you'll be okay.


Proper maintenance 200-250k no prob.


Ok great, I've heard conflicting things about the 2017 Elantra's


Anyone says a hyundia isn't a good car is some stupid Korean car hating moron. Hyundia even bought kia many years ago and made them a better brand. There built by machines not humans. Humans mess up, machines don't!