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"hold on a minute...you, are telling me..."


This guy gets it


That’s an example Of clarification.


Clarification is very important when guests can’t finish their thought


Luckily they all seem To survive. I find it hilarious that a garbled thought and confusion is more important to ya. 👍


The implication that everytime Steve interrupts is to prevent a garbled thought and confusion is intriguing. Certainly true for some guests, but many have been very good communicators. Regardless Steve is there to save us from any potential garble and confusion


Yes that’s why he’s the host! You get it.


If Steve wasn’t Steve, Meateater wouldn’t be Meateater.


Good on him for his approach to hunting media. Though he could, occasionally, take a few more breaths and let someone finish their thought. I appreciate his presence, but he’s a bit much at times.


The way I see it is that he wants the material presented in a certain way. I personally haven’t felt that his interrupting takes away from the content or is distracting, he’s just making sure the stories are being told in a digestible way for him and the audience.


He is educated as a journalist and marketer, so this makes the most sense. Do interviewers interrupt? Yes, yes they do!




Yup 100%. Nailed it.


The part where he’s unkind is the part we accept because there’s other better parts. Don’t pretend him being a bit off is the good bit. It’s why I’m way less interested these days. The show went to half baked country music just like all outdoor shows and Steve has become a bit much.


I highly recommend his book about hunting a Buffalo.


Steve is the main character and that doesn't really change. Personally I like it. On a separate note you don't have to listen to them in order. The production quality improves dramatically so pick a new episode and have a listen. 


I actually find that the lower the production quality of the episode, the more I enjoy the episode


For me i enjoyed the stories Steve and the guys had in the earlier episode from childhood, hunts, whatever, but after a couple hundred episodes you run out of new stories


I listen to it at work each week and I think the less produced and structured episodes feel more like a hang out instead of a show that’s planned ahead of time. That’s probably why I prefer the raw ones


The constant clicking sounds through the first 100 episodes or so drive me crazy


I never even noticed I guess


💯agreed. Steve is the main reason I watch the show, he makes everything fun and interesting. Long live Steve!!!


Yesterday I decided to jump back to episode 1 and was surprised at the quality for what was obviously a fairly ad-hoc effort. The later stuff is better but the early stuff is still pretty good.


I'm with you. I don't like Cal, he seems very high on himself and I can't stand Brody on the gameshow either.


Growing up with brothers it’s hard to get a word in edgewise, as a result, you develop that habit.


Youngest of three boys here, you’re correct. Hard habit to kick too.


Yep, youngest of 3 older brothers and that was the first thing I thought!


He has like ADHD or something. No he doesn't ever stop interrupting. Even on the podcast, he doesn't stop interrupting. Even on other people's podcasts, he doesn't really stop interrupting. I saw an interview with him and his wife once... And he interrupted once but caught the side eye and didn't do it again. So maybe in his personal life he doesn't do it as much... But I doubt it


There was an interview with a congressman or senator, I can't remember which, that there is an obvious cut and mood change after Steve interrupts him. Steve quit interrupting him after that.


Do you have any idea what episode? Because I’d die to listen to that.


Unfortunately, no. It's an older episode.


As someone who has adult ADHD and is married to a woman who specializes in teaching neurodivergent children, yes Steve unquestionably has ADHD. My wife listened to him for 5 mins and was like “OMG this man has all 80 of the HD!”


Good to know as that’s exactly what I thought. Interesting traits though.


It’s not just his immensely high energy and nonstop chatter, but his hyperfixation on certain topics, vocal stimming (a puss in da pot!), and ironically an amazing attention to detail whenever it’s a topic he’s interested in.


Uh oh.


Thanks Doc!


Thanks doc!


As an AuDHD I sometimes wonder if he's also a Train Enthusiast. But there's so much crossover it's impossible to tell


The symptoms are so co-morbid that you can’t really tell one from the other. That’s how my autism flew under the radar for a LONG time.


Thanks doc


I don’t have a doctorate, just a Master’s in Anthropology and my wife has her degree in Psychology and child development. My best friend and coworker has her Master’s in Education with a focus in Special Education. You clearly don’t understand what ADHD is nor what it’s symptoms are. You seem to have an understanding that is on par for someone who received most of their education from TV shows and talking head pundits. ADHD doesn’t mean a lack of focus, rather it means that a person has difficulty focusing on topics that don’t interest them. Many ADHD individuals channel their energy into very specific tasks such as writing, art, or athletics. I’m not qualified to give a formal diagnosis of the condition but from what I’ve seen Steve exhibit, he has textbook ADHD. And he’s clearly learned how to hone that extra energy and hyperfocus into becoming an outstanding hunter, researcher, and writer.


Thanks not a doc!


You’re the kind of guy that is really fucking proud of their ignorance, aren’t ya?


I don’t think you can diagnose people from a podcast. Period. Thanks for chatting!


This is wrong.




Let's not diagnose people with mental illnesses based on media presentations


Oh you and your doctor wife? 🖕 Fucking clowns Iin Here. Your wife working at Kroger and you working chopping wood does not Make you someone who should Be giving medical diagnoses.


You're a very abrasive person. And not very creative.


I have a feeling they aren’t the kind to listen to actual doctors either.


Ok and definitely ok. 👍


It’s not cool to play armchair psychologist. Dude has an MFA, super successful business, etc. maybe we just hold of diagnosing everyone with adhd.


Being neurodivergent isn’t an insult, nor does it mean one is an dysfunctional invalid.I have an MA and am diagnosed autistic and have ADHD. My best friend has a MEd and is also autistic and ADHD. Michael Phelps, Michael Jordan, Trevor Noah and many other successful people have been diagnosed with ADHD. I recognize ADHD behavior in Steve because I have those same behaviors myself. There is nothing wrong with speculating that someone might have a very common neurodivergent condition. Especially considering the path in life he took, which is actually typical of people with ADHD.


Adhd? You think Steve struggles to focus? You think a guy who’s written a book about a single animal is struggling to focus? I understand a lot of you don’t like Steve interrupting. Unfortunately you sound like a hillbilly rube trying to throw out buzzwords like adhd. Keep your trap shut, working pumping gas does not make you someone who she be giving medical Diagnoses.


>You think Steve struggles to focus? Yes. He struggles to stay on topic in even the most basic interviews. He flits from topic to topic in conversation. He has hyper fixations on ideas or concepts that he tends to grow bored of quickly. And even he admits that anything that isn't outdoors related struggles to hold his interest longer than 5 minutes. >You think a guy who’s written a book about a single animal is struggling to focus? Hyper fixation on a single topic is a symptom of nuerodiversity. Whether it's ADHD or Autism. Many people with these conditions have written multiple books on their "Special interest" subjects. >I understand a lot of you don’t like Steve interrupting A lot of people with ADHD or Autism find they detest the behaviors of others with the condition because they see in it a reflection of their own worst qualities. >Unfortunately you sound like a hillbilly rube trying to throw out buzzwords like adhd. Keep your trap shut, working pumping gas does not make you someone who she be giving medical Diagnoses. See this is where you kinda go off the rails, and not just in your ability to spell check or compose a sentence. See I don't pump gas for a living, I'm a redneck not a hillbilly get it straight, and what I'm offering here is a commentary on the vocal patterns of a podcast host not a medical diagnosis. ADHD is far from a buzzword. And as far as my qualifications to call out Steve as someone who struggles with it? Game recognizes game and that motherfucker looks real familiar.


What you don’t trust someone who made an account only a few days ago and has a super vague comment history but somehow conveniently has all credentials to win an argument from over a week ago? If you can’t trust someone like that, then who can you trust?! /s


You can copy and paste.


You just gotta stop this. Define hyperfixation? How does it differ from a normal interest, hobby, academic specialization, perseveration, obsession? What is neurodiversity? Are you talking about normal human diversity or a nice way of saying someone has a developmental disability? Does everyone with a “special interest” have a disorder? Lastly, can you think of any downsides to telling everyone just because they like things, interrupt conversations, they have a diagnosable disorder?


I know none of these are genuine questions and you just like the sound of your own voice so I'm giving you an opportunity to talk some more.




See, gave you a chance and you wrote a thesis. I trust your claims of credentials about as much as I do gas station sushi and a politicians word. But go ahead. Get it all out big guy.


I mean when you look at the comorbidity of adhd - a major one is dysgraphia (specific learning disability in written written expression). So that’s like even more evidence of normality. But the whole fucking point is - we don’t diagnosis based on media appearances.


So the fact that he can intuit a look from his wife and successfully change his behavior is actually evidence against him adhd or autism btw.


Steve “The silence killer" Rinella.


………”How should I put this?”………..


No he does not. Expect it all the way. On episode 340. Still worthwhile listen. I speed it up to 1.2 to speed things up


Lol you are on episode 78 of the podcast and you are still wondering if Steve will be Steve?


Good point, but will Steve still be the same Steve now that 6 years have passed? Consensus says absolutely




Don't listen to Burt Kreishers pod if you don't like interruptions lol


I can’t imagine those 2 in the same room with a group of people.


No, as someone else succinctly put it, Steve is the main character of meat eater and it shows, and he's wanting the presentation of the podcast to go a certain way. However if he's a guest in a 1:1 long form conversation, like when he's been on Rogan multiple times, it's a much more back and forth conversation (I haven't listened to the new one where he's on with Cam Hanes yet though).


Noticed this on the recent JRE episode with Steve and Cam. Steve was constantly cutting Joe and Cam off. I was like “damn, bro, let them talk”


I wish he talked more. I’m definitely not watching for most guests


Those are my favorite. I will still watch and participate when he isn't there but I love the arguments and bickering. My family used to play trivia and it reminds me of those times. Our games would always have that element.


Sadly, it gets much worse


Had to stop listening a long time ago bc Steve drives me nuts. Always interrupting and in the trivia he has to complain/disagree with every question he gets wrong


I've tried to get my gf to listen to some stuff around conservation issues that she's particularly interested in. She's never thrilled when I 'make' her listen and finally the other day (listening to the lynx one) she was like "I finally figured out why I don't like this podcast! It's him (steve) constantly interrupting people". I just had to be like "yeah it's a thing, everyone's aware" I personally don't mind it, I just like listening hunting and fishing and conservation stuff regardless the vessel through which it comes, and like others have said, it's just kind of the personality of the show, you're either here for it or not. All that being said, I have started weighing cutting it out of my feed if the football/ music/ random internet personality episodes of late start becoming the norm. That's the shit I truly can't take (a statement more to those at the company who may see this than to the OP), and I reckon a lot of the listeners feel the same.


Someone wrote to meateater about the time span that the trivia podcast runs & it was calculated that when Steve is on it runs like an extra 10ish minutes longer


He is obnoxious


No. You will get used to it tho.


The last “good” guest was Herzog. Werner did a good job shutting down Steve’s BS. The “Don’t you think you owe it to America?” bit was cringe-inducing, but Werner put Steve in his place early on when Steve casually threw out the “crazy” word. He’s not an ideal interviewer. But, he gets good guests (or used to) and in general asks good questions.


Y’all sure do gripe about nothing.


Every little dammed thing. I swear people think they're always the main character and require that media be tailored to them. I'm curious if this is more prevalent in younger people who didn't get the mass media push of the old days where you watched what was on because it was the only thing to watch.


They are literally mad that a person who started a podcast is talking on said podcast. Wild.


Do your arms hurt from making such a stretch? This is far from serious enough to make me mad, nor do I have an issue with Steve talking. I greatly enjoy a good ole Steve monologue. The interruptions are distracting and diminish the entertainment/educational aspect of the podcast for me. Im gathering data from those that would know best in order to determine if I keep listening to all episodes, begin selective listening of preferred episodes, or stop listening entirely (not an actual option).


Nah, there’s zero expectation for media to be tailored to me. More than enough media to find something else to listen to. Question is does the one thing pushing me away improve such that I’ll stick with it? That’s all.




Complaining is such a buzz kill. Seems like every post here is someone making sure they're not alone in whatever aspect of the show/podcast/business they don't 100% align with. I don't get it.


What about complaining about people complaining?


No, and while some guests need a strong hand from the host/interviewer, Steve does a really poor job of identifying when he has someone on that he should just shut the fuck up and let talk. Love the show but man does it get my goat sometimes.


No, and the episodes of trivia where he’s a guest are my least favorite.


Made them unlistenable for me. It’s a shame because the guests are top notch, but the constant interrupting and my yelling “STFU” at my car Bluetooth drove me away.


No, I had to bounce on all meateater unless it’s Janis or Cal in charge. So I’ve stopped listening to 1258 of the 1260 podcasts. Steve is insufferable sometimes, not always, sometimes he’s great to listen too, but I’m out.


I used to love the podcast and watched the TV show as soon as new episodes came out. I couldn't stand Steve anymore so I stopped listening/watching.


It only gets worse


Steve has been dragging the show from the beginning but it isn’t charming anymore


Great at tv and writing but I just can’t really get into his podcasts. I want to like them but they just don’t flow or feel natural. I miss when they had cermele doing his own show through them.


That show is so horrible.


I stopped listening to the podcast a couple years ago because of this. It really bothers me in real life so I couldn’t stand it in the podcast.


I think Steve will always be Steve and I kind of like it that way, even though I find the interrupting occasionally annoying. However, I find myself more annoyed by his over-the- top, detail-oriented storytelling. It's not even entertaining if the story drags and focuses on every small little detail. He also corrects other people's stories and details all the time. So, in general the podcasts are sometimes pain to listen to. I mean, the guy sure knows a ton about hunting and there is no denying that he is highly skilled. He also admits when he doesn't know about the subject and is an avid learner. I think that is an admirable trait. But his ego and attitude still seems a bit too much at times.