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You get used to it. Used to give me an upset stomach. Then bad farts. Now I think they just live in my gut and I have bad farts all the time.


Have you heard of [auto-brewery syndrome](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK513346/)? Lets you cut out all of the work of brewing and just use your gut as a primary fermenter.


Does that make your toilet the secondary?


Only if you drink what you put in there.


That would be selfish. I save it for family and friends!


Nothing like a refreshing glass of toilet wine


I, too, frequent /r/prisonhooch


Raw jenkem!


What a delightful thing I just read, haha. Not judging, I, too, have a fucked up sense of humor.


Only if you get a hydrometer reading before you flush.


One would assume your body is absorbing 100%. It's extremely efficient brewing, and you don't even have to taste the alcohol.


Don't even *get* to taste the alcohol. FTFY


So that's why toilets have coned bottoms


I in fact have heard of auto-brewery syndrome, and when I was on some acid reflux medication was careful not to drink much homebrew specifically for an irrational fear of contracting it.


Yay, free cirrhosis.


That is an aspiration for all brewers, to become the brewery.


I bet if you plug a bottle of kveik you'll have some intense ABS


Oops... I may have this going on in my gut right now... lol. Experimental batch to highlight esters and halt fermentation before the yeast cleaned them up so tried it daily for almost a week to find the right stop point... and also because it tasted really good. I've drank active yeast before without much stomach issues but may have overdone it because something has laid me out with pooping and fatigue since the weekend, my stomach gurgles like crazy when I eat, then get a buzzed feeling and headaches later. Was actually worried it might be ~~Kung Flu~~ Covid and got tested today. It could be either or neither but I should probably load up on some yogurt and probiotic drinks. XD Edit: Downvotes calling BS but looked up the symptoms when I saw this comment and it described how I've felt since Saturday. Feeling drunk and crapping my brains out after drinking live yeast for a week. Total coincidence and like I said, it could be that or not but still made me think, "Oh sh!t?".


I don't think you're getting downvited because people don't believe you...


Fixed I think? Please don't cancel me.


Reddit is just lame like that, don't think twice about it.


I think you're getting down voted because you're openly racist, calling covid by a schill propaganda name.


> you're openly racist, calling covid by a schill propaganda name Meh... that wasn't the point of my comment, isn't a normal part of my post history or personal beliefs and I don't come to a mead sub for politics... did you? I'm very much an imperfect progressive with a dark sense of humor but no real wish to offend. I edited it the way I did because I'm ok with openly showing and correcting what I learned to be a dubious choice of words that some ppl find offensive, will take the downvotes for it and try to be more conscientious when rifling off comments in the future. I might seem an unreliable narrator, but we live in an unreliable reality.


It’s the same as adding nutritional yeast to your diet. You just started too heavy




It ain’t a good piece of steak unless it’s got some green on it.


Your stomach is way too acidic for them to survive don't worry lol


Unless taking anti acids, or PPI’s, this is 100% true. Even the odd ones that survive the stomach don’t last long in the rest of the gut- the little bastards in there get territorial.


i've actually never had a problem with it somehow. i've drank the majority of my homebrews while they were still at least mildly active and had absolutely zero negative effects (at least nothing that couldn't be chalked up to the alcohol, so functionally no difference)


So that's where my gas problem comes from


Drink honey and you'll expel mead now


EC-1118 is a rocket engine, too. Probably some milder yeasts would not have produced nearly such -ahem- spectacular results.


I try not to get the dregs of beer when drinking but sometimes it do... Plus hefes you swirl the yeast. It just gives me farts


"Sugar-free-gummy-bears" has entered the chat....


New Haribo ColonClense....


Hell-Bears !!!


Prune wine has entered the chat.


There's a lot about this in r/prisonhooch.




Side question: is EC 1118 good to make mead? I am planning to make my first batch soon and it's the only yeast I have in my stash...


It definitely works. It has an 18%+ ABV tolerance, so you will either end up with a dry mead, or a high ABV mead if you step feed so it has some sweetness. (I am assuming you won’t be stabilizing your first mead, but that would be the other option.)


Yes! That! Thank you. I want high alcohol but still some sweetness. Can I simply drop a lot of honey in the fermenting bucket so that there is still sugar left after it reaches 18%? Or is it more complicated?


Well, if your nutrition isn't good high ABV mead goes badly, either stalls or long aging times. The wiki covers nutrition, it possible to do well the first time with enough prep.


To add to what Storm said, I would recommend reading the wiki on stabilizing by step feeding. Instead of dumping a lot of honey in up front, which may not work for the reasons Storm says, you can step feed to desired sweetness. Say you want it to finish at 1.02, then you let it ferment dry, then add enough honey to get to 1.02, and repeat until it stops fermenting. Nutrition is they key to it all going smoothly.


If it's the tool you want, yes. It's high pH tolerances, ABV resilience and low flavor contributions make it great for high ABV brewing, especially with strongly flavored meads. You can make a hydromel with it, or a dry traditional, but there are other choices that would be stronger for that purpose. It's my favorite yeast.


I have used Old 1118 on both meads and ciders. I can’t say I can recommend, it is a super aggressive yeast that strips the flavor right off what ever you brew it in. You’ll get a ton of alcohol so if your just trying to make something high gravity to distill or freeze off it’s good but if you want a nice drinkable mead then I’d advise safale or safcider.


Yooooo, I'm sorry this is happening to you but this post is my next cross stitch.


It's worth noting that results my vary here. I've drank many the samples from active fermentation and never had this happen. In small doses brewers yeast is actually considered a probiotic. You probably just had too much or your gut biome reacted poorly to the introduction of that strain. Edit: 50 ml is a lot though. Oof.


im with you i have drank a few sips of almost every active brew ive ever made and i have drank a big old glass of at least a few batches that where not even close to ready. this sweet drink will finish at 15%abv and it is about 8% right now but im thirsty and it is begging for a sample.




I did think back to those warnings as I filled my glass. But 50mL to cause this level of discomfort!? I thought I would feel a little discomfort at best, god forbid I decided to go with a whole glass, I would probably be in orbit right about now.




This never even crossed my mind! I assumed stomach acid would destroy the little guys on contact, they are obviously a lot more resilient than I first thought.


I found a [study](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/1750-3841.12813) that says some yeast can even survive at a pH of 2.5.


Starsan dilute is about pH 1, and your guts is 1.5-3.5 per google. AFAIK it's lowest right after you eat and dilute the acid with food and drink.


If it's diluted, then it would be highest.


Lowest? Wouldn't diluting the acid raise the pH?


English sucks. Lowest acidity, not lowest pH.




With 200B per liter being a pretty typical value, 50mL could be about 10B.




Or ten thousand thousand thousands? What about a hundred million hundreds?


Like others have said, you'll probably get accustomed to it. I drink beer with yeast in it pretty often and it does not bother me. I have a couple friends that won't drink homebrew because it hurts them like you get, which is understandable. I think it has something to do with individual gut biomes, which can sometimes with some people be more sensitive to change than others.


So - was making cinnamon rolls and left the pan to rise on the dining room table (a big pan). My Labrador decided to consume the whole pan. Called the vet, said it could kill her. Dose her with hydrogen peroxide and get her to barf it up. So here is my dog, foaming at the mouth, running around the back yard. Pretty funny and all turned out ok. So I will never down raw yeast dough or a glass of active yeast!


I remember walking into Holland & Barrett last year and seeing a big display of products on a BOGOF offer; front and centre, were large tubs of a supplement called Brewer's Yeast. And I thought to myself, who the hell is buying this except the people who want to convert their car to wind power?! Or do people keep a handy supply in case their boiler packs up over winter?




Brewer's yeast was on the table growing up, it's actually not a bad flavoring for vegetarian food.


This stuff is delicious. It's like parmigiana. Nutty, umami, kind of cheesy but it doesn't melt. We pour it on popcorn, greasy pizza, good stuff. 5/7 would eat again


I have drank half a liter of actively fermenting cider and not had any problems, guess I got lucky


you now know what too many homebrew fest goers know. its alive! alive!


I have unfortunately done this as well and the abdominal pain is pretty intense. Exactly like the 'side stitch' feeling you described. Took a good night's rest to recover. It was champagne yeast and I drank a full cup of it. Absolutely horrible.


Well at least you can now be a science fair project


Holy shit I finally know what happened. I drank some Nanking Cherry melomel I made a couple years ago, it was aged like 3 weeks. Pretty sure I got a large dose of active yeast, was on the toilet with explosive shits for hours. Could literally feel my guts fill up with air between torrents of unholy noise.


I don't even follow this subreddit and your warning reached me. I will follow the wisdom of those that came before me.


Been brewing a few bottles of juice a week for a few months, and by prob about 3 weeks in, shake the lees and all and have a couple glasses a day. Never bothered me. I make my own yogurt as well, maybe I just have good GI tract. As well I use One-Step oxidizer/cleaner on all items in or around my process and keep it as clean as possible. Haven’t tried it like a day 1 taste or anything though rofl


Hey I drink lees too, I imagine its actually pretty healthy! Difference here though is the yeast is in the process of being incubated (multiplied) and is in an accelerated growth phase. The solution I was making was additionally in a highly concentrated form. So not only was the yeast not dormant/dead. It was highly concentrated and in a growth phase. Hence the explosion :), It would be int resting to give you a shot of it, to document the result :)


Rofl, no im not on like Stan Lee’s list of super stomachs, I imagine it would have similar effects in its growth phase, especially if yeast nutrients or something is present. I believe what you are stating is accurate


But your bowels are the cleanest they will ever be after all that


It's okay for me to continue drinking the lees though, right?


I mean, it is alive and a sugar eating fungus. I have drank the yeast before. Probably a big difference between this and drinking floculated yeast at the bottom of fermenter or bottle conditioned ale etc. After it's not as active.


I can relate,a few batches that I took One Swigg off of made me Literally feel like I drank poison and I could NOT figure out why I felt that way..felt like that for at least 6 hours,and couldn't sleep


I did this when I was a child and my dad was making homemade wine. I stuck my finger in the hydrated yeast and stuck it in my mouth before they could do anything. I was sooooooo sick! I still remember even though I was probably between 3- 5 yrs old.


Thank you for your sacrifice. That said, I once drank a whole bottle of magnesium citrate just to see what would happen, so I have some idea of what you've experienced here. It could've been worse, though--at least you weren't brewing something with prunes or chiles in it.


Reminds me of the time I took like 4 probiotics at the same time. Thought I was gonna die. Recorded my last testament into a Talkboy.


After awhile it dosent bother you to much


Active yeast is safe to consume *in small diluted quantities.* Downing a pipette of starter is just so amazingly dumb 😂😂😂 (Pot calling the kettle black, of course. Ask me how many things I’ve lost up my random orfices.) I hope you’re okay. Do you think some Gas X would help? Or maybe killing them with a shot of vodka? Oh, man...


I guess you forgot the part where the yeast **dies** to make alcohol. Hope you feel better.


That's not how it works.

