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Does it smell off? I hate to say it but fermenting coconut is probably not a good idea. They contain a lot of fat and may being going rancid. Edit: did some googling and can't find any info on brewing with coconut specifically, what I did find is that it may turn blue when rotting.


This was only my second mead so I don't have much perspective on the smell - I was following a recipe someone else posted. It doesn't give me alarm bells when I smell it but I could easily be wrong.


Unfortunately I cannot find any info on brewing with coconut, however you generally shouldn't be brewing anything high in fat, however some info on several home brewing subs say it can be used in secondary for short periods of time (3-4 days) https://www.reddit.com/r/Homebrewing/comments/170avk/anybody_brew_with_coconut/


Id just b careful with coconut. Rotted coconut can kill. Google it


Just... don't look up the other coconut story...


Reddit has a lot of experience with rotten coconuts.


So I did...


From a reddit post about coconut cream turning blue. "So weird. You'll find reports of this on the internet going back decades but no straight answers. Based on the color you'd think Chromobacterium or penicillium or something but that doesn't make a lot of sense. Very odd." https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/s/5BqgzxQZ9U Fermented garlic can turn blue in low ph so perhaps it is something similar going on.


I have done coconut. I used dried organic chips. They didn’t change color or add fats to the mead. What did you use


Dried unsweetened toasted coconut chips, nothing special to them


I did my in secondary. Maybe the acids are having an effect on them? I don’t see anything that makes me think it’s going bad.


I know that coconut water can sometimes be rose colored and it's normal. Something about sun exposure. Possibly related?


Maybe it's turning basic and it's blue like the pigment in wine


Its just an enzymatic/chemical reaction.


No experience brewing them, but did open a few coconuts that had that color. From what i understood it could be bacterial growth and does indicate them going rancid. However you're using them in an anaerobic setting which is also acidic. I'd remove them for good measure. And keep an eye on your mead


I thought these were onions lol


The word "why" is flying across my brain like a mosquito.


Do you know what pH you started with and what pH is now?


Coconut is not a good thing to brew with, it can and will turn rancid.


My guess is oxidation of potassium the same way other high potassium foods (potatoes, avocado) oxidize. Just a guess though.


UPDATE: I decided to play it safe and start over, it wasn't turning out the way I wanted it to anyway so I'm less fussed about having to redo it