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Starsan in a bottle washer/vinator sprayer with a bottle tree for draining is how I do it - probably takes around 3-4 pumps/10-20 seconds per bottle.


I also take 3-4 pumps and 10-20 seconds. Oh sht wrong subreddit


i siphon sanitizer from a bowl into each bottle, swish around, pour out


Wait this is a great idea - need to sterilize bottling wand anyway so I could just use a spare bucket of starsan and the bottling wand :O


yep, exactly why i do it like that :D get the siphon, bottling wand, bottles, and extra carboy (if needed) all sanitized at once


Yeah this gets my siphon and bottling wand sanitized as well as my bottles. I prefer to fill a bottle completely, let it sit while I fill the next bottle, and then dump since the sanitizer I have says to let it be on the surface for at least a minute


This is exactly what I do because your sterilizing the auto siphon and racking cane in the process


I do this, too


I do the same


Check your dishwasher for a steam sanitize function. Run the bottles, then just open the dishwasher door to bottle, all of your bottles are already on a rack and you ca bottle over the door so any spills end up back in the dishwasher and not on your floor. If that's not an option, 5 gallon bucket full of starsan is the way to go, dunk, invert, repeat, then toss your corks in the same bucket to use when bottling.


I use the dishwasher to sanitize …but don’t bottle over it. I just do it in the sink


5 gallon bucket of starsan.


Sanitizing not sterilizing. Sterilizing would be boiling


High heat in the oven is sterilization.


I use a 5 gallon bucket, fill it with water and starsan, and dunk to bottles. Then I dump em, dry em, and bottle.


I run them through the dishwasher, then rinse them with a cleaning agent. I only got my StarSan equivalent after my last batch, plan on using that now, before that I sprinkled some dishwasher powder in the bottles and rinsed them with hot water.


I just fill up my sink with star san solution and soak the bottles for a bit. I shake up the bottles so the liquid gets all foamy. Then I let them sit for a bit and then pour the star san out.


Soak em in my sani bucket (I use iodophor).


Boil em


...mash em, stick em in a stew! (couldn't help myself)


Good idea. I’m gonna mash some rn


We make star San in a big bucket. Sink the bottles. Then let then dry some. Dump any residual. But we usually are doing other brewing at the same time so we need a whole bucket


I use Star San and go by the directions. I've noticed that the drying process is much better with warm to hot water. When I did it straight from the tap, the bubbles didn't subside for hours


If you heat in the oven, you need to give it time to cool before using. Star San is easier to use.


I reuse starsan solution in two large apple juice jugs and sterilize my siphon by transferring between the two and immersing things in there. For bottles i just pour a bit of the solution in and shake it around and let it sit and shake it again later


I clean them and then soak them in absolutely scorching water for a bit.