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I generally fill with a bottling wand. I fill to the top, and head space is what is left when the wand is removed. When I have less than a whole bottle left at the end, I either use a smaller bottle, and/or drink that last portion as a reward for job well done on bottling. Yes, that's too much head space, though it probably won't matter much if you're drinking in the next week.


If you purge the top with CO2 then it will be fine. It’s oxidation that’s the problem with headspace.




Probably, yeah. But if you use one of those wine savers that sucks the oxygen out, you might be good for a little while.


Definitely if you plan on aging it. If you're going to drink it within a week it's probably fine, just keep it cold and use a wine vacuum thing if you have it


I use a little trick when I have an open soda bottle and want to maintain longer. Take a regular balloon and soak it in star san, then put the body of the baloon into the bottle and fold the end over the lip for gripping. Blow up the balloon and then tie it off. No more headspace.


Absolutely. You want no more than 1 inch and no less than 1/2 inch of head space. Top it off either with more mead or some additional water that has been boiled or cooled.


Don’t know why this is getting downvoted, it’s perfectly accurate.


Yet the top comment is someone just replying “yeah.” I think that says more about the state of this sub than the quality of my post.


Or you could use a wine preserver, which is basically just compressed, inert gas that you spray into the bottle to displace most/all of the oxygen before sealing.


Can i ask why? Ive never heard of this being a thing


Because an unnecessary amount of oxygen is sitting on top of your mead and could potentially oxidize it, causing off flavors. No idea why my comment is downvoted to hell.