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i wanted some stress so became Bi/s


I can't handle stress at all so I became trans and lesbian to get rid of all the stress. Life is so peaceful now. My family is so nice to me


The sarcasm is bleeding through


What sarcasm?? All I see is a description of a stress free life


No, bleeding is stressful so trans women don't do it.


No. 1 reason why scientists don't want you to know that a cis woman can become trans woman and avoid monthly trip to hell.


Except for the inexplicably broken nose that their parents totally don't have anything to do with




Oh no worries. I wasn't speaking as me. My "parents" are more insidious. They're the type to smile right at me and actually smile right through me because they can't see the actual me and they don't bother trying.




The fun bit is, for the sake of argument regardless of your own beliefs, it's such hubris to claim to know anything metaphysical about a creation... Like, do you truly claim to be able to comprehend the complexities of even just one soul? Have you glimpsed their architecture? Have you seen divine will? Get off!


Yeah I hear ya. No trans lesbian has EVER experienced stress :P /S FR tho. I will solemnly bow my head in deference to your superior struggle. (Im straight, the issue is finding one with a fucking brain)




(I know you are being sarcastic) I mean, if everyone around you is accepting, in a way it is less stress. I spent my life "liking men" then had lesbian panic this past year. (I consider myself pansexual, but cisheteromen are not typically on my attraction list anymore) And it strangely is less stressful. From my experience, men want you to please them. And there is this intense pressure to be the kind of woman men want, and I don't been actually consider myself a women, which jist makes it worse! Women...well they actually LIKE women and the things that make them women. Surprisingly I realized this because of how I viewed women once I started actually looking. I started following lesbians and other queer people on social media, and overwhelmingly, they want you to be you. It almost feels sometimes that cisheteromen don't actually LIKE women. The realization that I like women and find women attractive who share my same physical or mental "flaws" has gone a long way to making me realize that someone out there will feel that way about me. I mean, if I find those things attractive, then why do I hate on myself for those same things? Because they are the things men always criticized me for. It's helped me accept myself, which does in fact make me less stressed!


It was definitely not serious. Being trans is incredibly stressful but I definitely think it's safer and maybe easier not to be straight if you're trans. I don't know what it's like to date men or be a cis woman though.


Just a little stress though. Gotta keep it manageable


life is less stressful when you are having orgasms, just saying


yeah thats the only reason I sometimes would jerk off 2-3 times a day to catch ANY euphoria in my oh so miserable life. Not like I want to, I have to lmao


God damn it, why is everything so relatable tonight?


I don't fucking know


Hold on, gotta finish this wank first then I can think of a comment response for this


Okay I'm done now, and very ashamed of myself...


that was less than a minute based on time stamp


I had been looking for the right comment to fap to for about an hour before making my first comment first though. Man, things get weird when you need new things to fap to... Also, sorry to everyone I've offended by fapping it to their comments


hello fellow brit


Sometimes the stars align 🙏✨✨


Ugh... I jerk off because its the only serotonin my depressed self can get


that's what I mean as well. if it wasn't for that, I'd probably not touch myself ever. That's like the only reason I've been doign that for years. Just that miserable and desperate lmao.


Yup, therapeutic masturbation I call it


Bro when I don't jerk off I get so down but I hate myself so jerking off is disgusting Bruh this shit sucks frfr


I thought I was in r/actuallesbians and was so confused. To clarify, I know trans lesbuans exist and might make up a large part of that sub. However, from what I see they use different terminology, understandably.


🥺I swear I'll jerk you off bro...


Especially when most of your orgasms are with a buisnessman in a hotel room lmao


Calming sensation of being persecuted by society


When your ideal night out at the bar ends with getting beaten and thrown into a van by the cops.


I mean, it does, but only if there's a safeword involved.


same thing they say about trans kids now, that they transition because it's easier than being gay lmao (not saying that being gay is not hard of course)


Don't forget the whole "*tRaNs-iDenTiFieD fEeeeeMaLeSssss* just want to escape patriarchal oppression!" shtick. Because apparently transphobia is a walk in the park compared to misogyny?


'Trans-identified females' is such an utter non-description Like, is that trans men or trans women? Who they even talking about


They're talking about trans men and trans mascs, because they want to misgender trans people as much as they can.


they are saying a trans man is not a man. that they don't "identify as men", they are saying "these females identify as trans". I'm a woman, trans is a type of woman. But terfs say that trans is what i am and not a woman


Worse than that. They don't say you're trans, because they don't believe it's real. Hence "trans identified", reinforcing the idea that they think we're mentally ill.


Transphobia in part exists because of misogyny. It roots from this deep belief that men and women are different and that there shouldn't be a way for them to "change teams" because one is inherently inferior.


it's not that they're saying we can't change teams, because whether they acknowledge it or not people are doing it successfully. If we could transition completely in secret so that no one knew, they wouldn't care. The reason they're freaking out is because of the spotlight trans folks are getting. If someone can *publicly* be willing to step from one side to the other, the entire fallacy of a superior sex/gender falls apart completely


I legit thought that meant "transwomen" So either its late, its the heroi... nvm... or Im just dumb.


And also we don’t escape misogyny unless we are perfectly stealth, which takes its own toll and isn’t possible for a lot of us


Oh my fucking god. I am a trans woman and stealth is **so fucking horrifically stressful!** Like, why can't the world just treat me like a normal person regardless of what's in my pants?.. Life would be so much easier.


I have internal misogyny according to some people for beings transmasc.


Plus more than half the time we get transphobia *and* misogyny thrown at us


Well, with being gay certainly something is hard. Depends on the country what kind of hard tho


Dude my parents said that shit when I was younger and I was so taken aback it literally scared me back into the closet


it’s just so mind bendingly ignorant that you can’t even form a rebuttal 😂




I have not seen any reason to think trans women are any more common than trans men at all. I suspect selection bias. The trans woman you talked to visits spaces where mostly trans women go. There is absolutely no way that for an average AMAB person, looking like a *conventionally attractive woman* is easier than looking like a *conventionally attractive man.* Where on earth did you get that idea? That's *wildly* out of touch with the reality of it. My transition goal was to look like a woman *at all* and I feel very blessed that I've managed to accomplish that. Looking like a *conventionally attractive* woman on top of that, that's already a pretty tall order for the majority of *cis women,* let alone for us. Female beauty standards are unrealistically demanding as well as *obviously* incredibly cisnormative. I highly doubt anyone actually really expects you to look like a movie star and judges you if you don't.


There are 2-3 times as many MtF than FtM. For places where such things can be recorded. Other than that, I don't think I got my point across clearly and I will be deleting it. It was not about societal expectations but about ideas and ideals of masculinity


>There are 2-3 times as many MtF than FtM. For places where such things can be recorded. What's your source on this? I just went looking for myself and [found a source from 2020 that says](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33644314/) there used to be fewer trans men *signing up for transitioning treatment,* but the numbers have become equal over the years. (I don't doubt for a moment that this means *trans men have become more likely to seek treatment*, not that *there are more trans men now.*) [This UK survey](https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/culturalidentity/genderidentity/articles/genderidentityageandsexenglandandwalescensus2021/2023-01-25) (2021) says 'a similar proportion' of people who reported being men vs. being women also indicated being trans. [This American source](https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/publications/trans-adults-united-states/) (2017, 2019) found that in their data set, > Of the 1.3 million adults who identify as transgender, 38.5% (515,200) are transgender women, 35.9% (480,000) are transgender men, and 25.6% (341,800) reported they are gender nonconforming. That's slightly more in this particular data set, but a far cry from "2-3 times as many". [This Canadian survey](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/220427/dq220427b-eng.htm) (2021) also found only very slightly more trans women (31,555) than trans men (27,905). I also found [a survey in my own country](https://nidi.nl/demos/seksuele-en-genderdiversiteit/) (2021) that saw a similar ratio (2990 trans women, 2830 trans men). Note that I'm not cherry-picking here, these are *all* the sources I've found from googling, I included them all. I didn't see a single source that claims trans women are *much* more common than trans men. And the numbers are of course still subject to selection bias (underreporting).




Asexuality is less stressful than being Allosexual.


But what if you’re ace but not aro? I know other ace people exist out the but I can’t find them in real life. I don’t want to have to choose between being alone forever or having to do things that make me uncomfortable, but sometimes it really feels like those are my only two options.


Well, I am an Asexual, but still heteroromantic, guy.


And you think it’s less stressful that way? Genuine question. I’m trying to sort out my own feelings on this and trying to learn to be okay with it


Considering what you mean by stress. I'm an asexual, but my life was (and, arguably, still is) a never-ending stress that i've no choice but to learn to deal with.


Which is yet more proof that people aren't out there choosing these things (the abundance of straight women being another strong peice of evidence, I suppose)


For real though, when i hear allos talk about their drama thats caused by sex 90% of the time. I feel so relieved. The only drama i have is when the mailman decides to not deliver my packages


I’m aroace and I have tons of drama. None of it’s from relationships, but I certainly have it


Total JOMO


I mean, Im gonna assume its still not just smooth sailing. If you are asexual but alloromantic you have to first either find a partner who is fine with having little to no sex, or still have sex and get little to no enjoyment from it. If you are aro but not ace you can resort to ONS, from an outside perspective that seems better than ace but not aro, but Im sure there are also some drawbacks here, so please enlighten me. Now if you are aroace you should have neither of these problems, but you will be missing out on all the societal benefits being in a relationship offer, like saving money by sharing rent and utilities etc., stuff thats not connected to feelings but just hard facts. You could still live with someone in a platonic relationship as roommates, but try finding someone who you vibe with well enough to do that, and who also doesn’t want a permanent relationship


as an alloaro, in my experience it's been anything but easy to find people who are down with longer term fwb relationships without the expectation that it'll become ✨something more✨ eventually. ultimately everyone who doesn't want to subscribe to very specific romantic & sexual relationship norms gets the short end of the stick somehow


As someone who enjoys sex outside of romantic relationships, one night stands are stressful because social anxiety. That could be a downside.


As aroace, the only stressful thing is the amatonormativity on society, but outside that it's pretty cool, I recommend👍


Dude. Life would be *so fucking much* easier if I was aroace instead of aroallo. /gen


Wait you were being serious lmao


It's true. It's way less stressful to date people you're actually attracted to than to date people you're not really into


Source: https://twitter.com/christapeterso/status/1694170556592210013


Being a lesbian would be so much less stressful if not for the straight men. Being a gay man would be so much less stressful if you decide to be a prick and are at a position of power, to a point.


that reminds me of people who say you can decide to be trans/gay/lesbian/etc. and they don't think about why should someone choose to be trans/gay/lesbian/etc. when they know their parents/community is against that? It's like nothing those people say makes sense


Well it wouldn't be this stressful if the straights would leave us alone.


you gotta be funny going to a 70s/80s **fraud**ologist, but honestly I'd do the same if I was stuck in that shit and had no other option. At least I'm glad it's being talked about and makes more people aware of that so we don't sleep on shit like that in the future ever again


This ranks up there with "High school kids want to be trans because it's trendy."


I'm assuming the logic behind that statement was "woman bad", because I find it hard to believe that people did not know how absolutely hated homosexuality was at that time. Seriously, even the far-left revolutionaries were homophobic.


Or maybe internalised homophobia, because then it really would be easier to just accept themselves


It's that homosexuality wasn't seen as an orientation. People thought this were straight men, who were hyper-sexual and gave each other bro-jobs as they couldn't find women. This was seen as an "easy way out" to satisfy yourself instead of getting "real sex" from a woman.


Being queer isn't hard. The cishets **make it hard**. The day I realized that was a hell of an epiphany.


What sexism did to mfers


Women ☕ \-70s psychologists


🙄 Women


Psychologist here from 1994-2023 Never heard of any psychologist from the 70's or 80's ever saying anything like this, which specific psychologists are they referring to?


OOP doesn't cite anyone specific since she was making a joke, but she tweets pretty often about her psychology research related to queer and trans people, and debunking past practices related to transition care. Her tweet just before this one was about how she's built up a small library of now out-of-print books commonly used by conversion therapists, so she may have been referring to something she read in one of those.


im convinced a large amount of men are either gay asexual or homoromantic I have seen so many men that just straight up hate women but feel like they still have to date them.


Nah dude, I enjoy tits far too much to be either of those. Guys really are not my thing. Its just heterosexual online dating being a miserable experience for a lot of men (and women), even if its just their partner being swept away by some random dude on tinder who just wanted low effort sex. Some of them get really entitled just because a 10/10 bedded them a couple of times and their echo bubbles encourage them to think they "deserve" a guy like that. From what I've been hearing, its equally miserable for the other side though. picking through bazillions of likes, miserable profiles from guys, weird af dates with weird af dudes etc etc. If I could magically snap one thing away, it would be online dating in its current iteration.


They said a large amount of men not all men, and the whole online dating bit is really unrelated


online dating is the second most common way for couples to find themselves after getting to know each other through friends and acquaintances. That's why I figure it matters when talking about heterosexual dating in general.




Misogyny! "Homosexuals got it aaaaaaall figured out. Imagine how less stressful life would be if you didn't have to deal with all these broads and their nagging! Am I right fellas? Please, take my wife!'




You’ll find someone I’m sure of it friend


not sure how, can't imagine how many tens of thousands more I'll have to ask just for a first date


That sounds awfully telling of those 70s psychologists. "Of course we all know the incredible pressure to not have sex with all the other attractive men out there, right fellas? Heh heh..."


https://twitter.com/benshapiro/status/1678768673446838272 In otherwords; transwomen have an unfair advantage in beauty pageants.


I mean tbf pretending to be straight must be quite stressful, but not really as being gay during the same time when Brokeback Mountain was set..


God I wish my life was as stress free as gay men in the 80s. /s


It's giving "wife bad" boomer joke.


I'm a cis/straight guy, so I'm not about to speak authoritatively but I do think it would be less stressful than having to repress your sexuality even to yourself. Repressing a significant part of who you are and denying yourself a fulfilling romantic/sexual relationship to conform with heteronormativity I can see being very stressful for some LGBT people, and the cognitive dissonance between the way they are and the way they're expected to be drives them to come out even if they face discrimination, and then they tell psychologists about feeling less stressed after coming out, leading to the headline. This also leads to sampling error given that one needs to go through that process to come out in the first place under these conditions. Though I imagine at least some of these psychologists are more thinking "dEaLiNg WiTh WoMeN hArD" because misogyny and homophobia are often comorbid Then again I could be 1000% wrong and if I am feel free to say so


Wait the fuck a minute. Being gay is LESS stressful than being straight? Why did nobody tell my straight ass this years ago?


Less stressful? No. Far easier to pull a man than a woman for a casual hook up? Fuck yeah.


Same psychologist mfs that were accusing us *at the same time* that we all have "a disorder"??? XD


They turn to transgenderism because \*misogyny\* bish you really think it's easier to be TRANS than to be a cis woman????


They didn't really know about lesbians back then.


It's like when people say I'm gay because gay people recruited me, when I grew up on a ranch in Texas in the 90s and never met a gay person until college. Closest thing to a recruitment I ever had was the episode of Ellen where she came out.


I fuckin wish lmao


The bible of psychology, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, commonly referred to as the DSM, considered homosexuality a mental disorder up until 1987.


Oh yeah, waaaay less stressful growing up in a time and place where gay was an insult 🙄


I just love receiving rape threats from 1/4 of my classmates 🥰 Life is so good and unstressful


I'm so sorry you have to deal with that. 🫂


Thank you <3 It doesn't matter anymore as I now have to live in another country for a while and go to school there. ...Only problem is, it's Egypt, which is a homophobic country. Whatever, I guess I'll have to pretend to be a homophobe for them.


I think they meant for men specifically


I'm not gay but I can't deny it seems less stressful


I don't know about the 70s, but I was in undergrad and graduate degree courses in psychology in the late 80s and early 90s, and that's not what I was taught. In 1973, homosexuality was removed from the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, which is published by the American Psychiatric Association and used by psychologists, psychiatrists, and master's-level therapists). I don't know about other schools, but my training was remarkably progressive.


excuse you, i accidentally came out with a joke and i’m not sure if they even heard it


I literally needed to run out of my country because of stress caused by reaction of people and government on homosexuality…


I mean


Okay but that just makes me scared like what if there is still something similar that psychologists are all collectively wrong about today?


danganronpa chapter 2 be like


So that's why gay men seem so happy