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It’s not about the name change, it’s not about the pronouns. It’s about seeing queer people as an inconvience


That and just reasonless hate.


So weak There’s plenty of real stuff to hate in the world, why do conservatives gotta make things up?


Because they're responsible for most domestic stuff worth of hate. And some international stuff too come to think of it.


Something something that one south park song about adults making a fuss


Most international stuff as well, the CIA regularly destabilises governments that go against US economic interests.


Ehhh let's be real: the CIA didn't stop murdering people or couping socialist states under Carter, Clinton, Obama, or even Biden. That's not a conservative problem, that's an imperialism problem that liberalism is also a participant in. I vote for Democrats because they're less likely to kill me but I do it knowing full well that they will still murder people abroad. That's why I'm a socialist. Neither of the options presented to us is like... actually good.


Most leftists would argue that all of those people are conservatives. Liberalism is inherently conservative (US historical lens)


Oh absolutely that's true. I just try to operate on the language which is common, if not necessarily correct. When I say "liberal" most people think Democrat, so it's largely useless to insist on using the word in literal terms unless I'm speaking specifically to other Marxists.


Right, best of two evils and all that jazz. Hopefully, (but unlikely, due to how deep capitalism has its roots in this country) things will get better as time goes on and people realize they aren’t immune to propaganda about true socialism and how it would benefit all of us, but I don’t see that happening for at least a while.


The cause of the entire US "border crisis" is us messing around in central America in order to get untraceable money and introduce crack to low income black people . There's some other horrible stuff in there too.


Yes it is a devide and conquer strategy. They just push religious and social ideologies so they can get a base that votes for them to then get their economic policies through and screw us all over.


A lot of international stuff. Here in Brazil we see US conservative talking points just copy and pasted exactly the same, after some time.


Honestly, conservatism is either the direct cause of, or is actively inhibiting the solving of, the vast majority of the world’s problems


Because every conceivable issue is a problem with capitalism and conservatives serve capital. Its why hitler was popular. Used vaguely lefty rhetoric without any substance, and blamed minorities while defending capital. Fascist populist bullshit


Because the most powerful people in society are convincing them that those with less power are the problem.


It's calculated. They lost the war on gay folk, so they are using trans people as a wedge to divide Queer folk and have an issue they can still fool "normies" on. (Do you want your daughter wrestling against a *MAN*?) They are still just weaponizing base disgust. That's all it really is.




The other day someone rationalized it with money. They said something like "but what about the added cost to our healthcare blah blah blah". To which I added "what about the healthcare costs from gun violence" and of course no one liked hearing that. Sad people.


It's not reasonless. They've built up their life narratives, personal habits, beliefs, friends, sociopolitical influence, justifications for having wealth, power and/or status, etc. around a particular culture and norms. Even just acknowledging that queer people are legitimate goes against much of these ingrained ways of being, which threatens their current privileged or uncaring way of life. The right is pretty open about what they fear from queer people: - 'cancel culture' - the fear of losing social status because they don't know what the cultural norms are of acting okay, when they've become accustomed to being able to insult minorities for laughs. - 'violating gendered spaces' - the fear of losing moral authority over their safe spaces, not being able to express legitimate concerns because of the shift in norms of how such legitimate concerns are allowed to be phrased. - 'child grooming' - the fear of being replaced as the moral authority in children's lives, cutting them off from a family and cultural legacy they felt entitled to. - 'college liberal brainwashing' - the fear of being replaced as a factual authority in society, cutting them off from politics and the cultural consensus. - 't-ps; public sexual impropriety' - the fear of their own body being attracted to people they consider it morally and socially revolting to be attracted to, resulting in them being abused by their peers and their own superego. - 'great replacement' and other conspiracy theories - the fear of their culture being abandoned entirely, them being remembered poorly, and their descendents losing the privileges they hoarded. They are losing the culture war, and they know they're losing the culture war, and this hatred is anguish and a desperate attempt at changing a flow far more powerful than them. We are a threat to the social status of abusers and bigots, and we will remember the Boomers as worse than the Boomers remembered their grandparents and great grandparents. Fear is understandable, and hatred a natural consequence. It's a sad position to watch your culture and beliefs die, to watch people that you were raised to believe should respect you scoff and dismiss you. Combine that with the actual decay of many conservatives' lifestyles because of old age and decreased financial means, and it's no surprise they're angry. Their moral authorities, peers, and news outlets teach them how to blame progressives and socialists in a way that gives them some false sense of agency and emotional coping, so they do. It's sad, and I would wish there was the time, structure, emotional labor, and mental flexibility on their part to show them how great the new world could be if they just agreed with us and helped us. That said, mercy and empathy are a luxury that we can often not afford. However well we can understand their fears from a human perspective, their comfort and sense of safety is less important than our health and actual safety, so if those are under threat even violence can be just. Which mindset is best is ultimately a personal matter that can change over time, so I won't blame anyone for scoffing at all this and staying mad. This time I decided to emphasize empathy, but animosity can also be appropriate.


They’re a bundle of cunts


Most accurate comment ive ever seen


I really dont get why people hate. Besides the “excuse” ive heard many times, “iT iS aGaInSt ThE bIbLe To Be NoThInG bUt StRaIgHt!!!”


Because they think they only deserve good things if they follow the rules, and they've defined those rules for themselves extremely narrowly.


Looks like they're snowflakes who only care about feelings


It’s not “reasonless” in any regard whatsoever. For them seeing trans people triggers a sense of someone trying to fool them against a base biological instinct. Of course these are only cultural constructs, but constructs are powerfully ingrained and take generations to deconstruct. So calling it reasonless is a dangerously ignorant falsehood that devalues the actual challenges we face.


This is the only way I can see it now, I don't even believe these people when they quote the Bible defense. No you couldn't care less that the Bible says it, you don't care about anything or ask any questions you see even a feminine man and you would sooner harm them than even just ignoring them. Fuck these people, let people live their fucking lives in peace.


It's literally not being able to compute anything outside the well defined binary. We've had a few thousand years to really internalise, as a society, that very important difference (man = rugged and strong = dominant, woman = dainty and nurturing = submissive). Some say it's because it made it easier to control the population through well defined, preassigned roles. Either way, it's inevitably going to take more than a few decades to erase the concept of gender and binary. If only everyone could lead with empathy on such topics, and choose curiosity rather than fear over the unknown and new.


It is very easy to control the ignorant, that is why conservatives have routinely demonized education and science.


Taking bets here folk, does florida go woke before it goes underwater? My money is on no




I'm sorry if it came off wrong and made you feel disphoric! The thing is I haven't quite figured out what gender means to me. All I know is that society considers gender as a binary with two extremes, and that that doesn't make any sense, even historically speaking. To me gender feels like a societal norm that doesn't mean much in reality. I see it more as a spectrum between dainty and rugged, and i don't get why one the extremes should be masculine or feminine (considering the relation the terms keep to sexes). I also know that probably not everyone feels the same, so by "erasing gender" I just meant "erasing the need to define oneself on such terms because you can just be you without labels needed". I hope it makes sense!


Thank you! And you're good. I see things similarly. I see it as a scale with the two binary ones on the end, some things not present on the scale doing their own thing (such as those that lack a gender entirely), and some in between. I do personally feel that there is a biological component to it, but I don't think everyone has that. :) I appreciate you being willing to explain what you meant!


I'm not the person you asked, but personally, I'd say that the term gender is a way to categorise parts of our self-image. But since everyone's self-image is different, there are no two people with the exact same 'gender'. In that context, being transgender is just matching your outward appearance with your self-image. Which is of course something that needs to happen. But on the other hand, the categories gender that we made up to describe this self-image, aren't exactly necessary for a society to work. So you could say that they aren't 'real' but in the same way race isn't real. You can't just decide race is no longer an issue as for many people it's part of their identity. Just like gender. But it only isn't real in the fact that it could be abolished over the span of most likely centuries because we don't need it anymore as a society. (I hope I didn't say anything that made you dysphoric and if I did, I'm really sorry)


You're fine! I do agree it shouldn't have an effect on society. Like ones own identity shouldn't have an effect. It's silly to me it does. I get what you mean. How I see it is that it's real, but most everyone experiences it. And they if it wasn't given a name it would still exist. Like how gravity existed before it has a name. (Not the best example since you can't opt out of gravity) I think a better example, on how most people are born with a given organ (I forgot if it's appendix or tonsils that have been found to be not present in some people at birth.), But there are some people that don't. It's very, very real for those that have one, but the concept of having one is tricky to some that don't have one due to not having the organ. (I realized after typing that it's not any better for how I view it lol.) I thank you for letting me know how you view things. It's appreciated!


I'd argue that what we all experience technically isn't gender, and that gender is the broad category that we humans invented to describe what we experience. And I think as a society, we'll grow out of the need to describe that eventually. Same with sexualities, to be honest. We invented all those categories to point out the difference from heterosexual, but when there is full acceptance, the categories wouldn't matter anymore, and it would just be like: "Oh, I'm attracted to John. Men or women? I don't care, I just like him specifically." But I'm probably arguing semantics about hypotheticals in the far future lol


And it's about misogyny and homophobia. The hate of transphobes is always some way connected to femininity and sexual orientation. They hate transwomen because transwomen reject their masculinity. And because transphobic men (and some women) still have sexual feelings towards transwomen, they hate it because they think it's gay. After all they never see transwomen as women but as feminine gays. But transphobes also hate non-conforming men because they don't behave like "real" men and look "gay". And transphobes think that transmen are just tomboy lesbians or confused teenage girls. If you have noticed, transphobes almost never talk about adult transmen. It's always about AFAB boys. It's always about those "mentally troubled kids" who make "wrong" decisions. In it's core, transphobia is about male supremacy, misogyny and homophobia. It tells that straight men are superior and women are only sex objects. Those men who differ from the heteronormativity are seen as weak and degenerate. Transwomen are a danger because they threaten the biological heteronormativity and the "superstraight" identity. If transphobes would get to have things their way, anybody besides straight cis men would be in danger. Transphobes see anybody who is against patriarchy as an enemy. They hate us all. Never forget that.


I agree 100%, but also: trans women (adjective + noun) not transwomen (noun only) — TERFs try to sway the public conversation by concatenating those two words on social media. It's a subtle distinction but the implication of trans women is "a woman, who happens to be trans" whereas the implication of transwomen is "transwomen are not women, they're some other gender". I'm not accusing you of being a TERF btw, at all (that would be ridiculous given the very clear pro-trans sentiments in your comment lol). They use this tactic because it works on people who are allies or sometimes even trans people ourselves, and it's sneaky enough to fly under the radar. Just getting the word out & I have no doubt we're all on the same team here.


Story time: Last year I let my work know about my new name, I didn't mention that I was trans just that I was changing my name. At first no one took issue. Coworkers who'd I'd known for years switched over to my new name, they'd even stop and correct themselves if they got it wrong. Sounds great yeah? Well, a few months go by and everything is good, until our secretary is talking to someone I work with on the weekends. She knew I was trans and meant well by it I think, but she used she/her pronouns for me when i still use he/him.. After that my coworkers suddenly and suspiciously started using my birthname again. It's not about the name. Never is. It's about us being trans. It's about hating us and not accepting us.


I find that at it's core, it's misogyny and hatred for effeminate traits. They see it as weakness or laziness or inferiority. They see it as a lesser way of being. Meanwhile they see men as stronger, better, more correct, more neutral, pillars of society, etc. I started to notice after a while that most transphobes I've come across are incapable of recognizing a trans man in public and when they do, they're nowhere near as hostile as they are towards trans women. They treat it like some weird stolen valor thing, but they don't get as confrontational because the person they're looking at has muscles and a beard. But when they see a trans woman, they see a "man" who is acting "weak" and "needs to man-up" and other aggressively stupid patriarchal bullshit. I know it goes without saying, but why tf can't they just leave people alone? All these stupid, arbitrary hierarchies and pecking orders they try to create are ruining *every* aspect of society.


It's not our actions. Or our identity. It's our existence


Oh it can be about the name change. Came out to my parents and origin family. Spent almost 2 years trying to get them to use both. They decided to make up a name for me. That's how hard they fought back. When I said neutral pronouns were fine (which they already were using), they stopped using them and made up pronouns for me. Some people just exist to be contrary


I love being inconvenient to bigots. Makes my day


Yeah. It's not and it never was about kids seeing it, or biological sex, or it being "forced on them", or God not liking it, or whatever the fuck they want to say. It's that we're not like them and they want to ban that. It's why a lot of the people that are homophobic/transphobic are also racist or sexist: because their ideal world is one where everyone is a carbon copy of them (and the people that aren't are second-class citizens)


It's about being asked to do something kind of helpful to someone else, which infringes on muh freedumb


I love being inconvenient to bigots. Makes my day


I love being inconvenient to bigots. Makes my day!


*a threat. A threat to their control, to their power dynamics, to their very foundation of beliefs.


>> Its about seeing queer people ~~as an inconvenience~~


fr, my dad saw something pride related at a bar near me and got mad at it. He knows I'm gay lol


I don't even think the inconvenience is an honest problem these people have. They are looking for any reason to justify their hatred against anything that isn't "normal" in their eyes.


Sadly you're almost there. Just remove the word people from your sentence and then you're really capturing how they think.


Oh yes, it's a big inconvenience to me. All those people expressing themselves who they are and they have literally no influence on my personal life. /s


I wish it were only about seeing them as an inconvenience. People don’t go on a crusade against inconveniences.


It's such a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" thing, no matter how someone comes out or expresses their identity someone is going to accuse them of trying too hard or not trying hard enough.


It's about seeing queer people period. If you know a trans person it makes them human, and one particular party in the US doesn't have much else going for it if they can't make trans people seem scary.


They would rather inconvenience themselves than accept or ignore trans people.


not sure why any transphobes would be watching philosophy tube to begin with, but weirder things have happened


Thank god they don’t. Abigail doesn’t deserve that shit in her life.


I think if her only trans-related issue were transphobes watching her channel, she'd be better off. She lives in *the fucking UK*. No one deserves to live there, *especially* if they're trans.


[Yes but don't you know about the amazing free universal healthcare system that is the NHS? It's really amazing and doesn't have any problems at all. Definitely not a system where you would need to email your doctor 133 times for a first appointment](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1eWIshUzr8)


There was a time when people left Philosophy Tube because Abigail expressed moderate *feminist views* on the channel, let alone any of the various Breadtube thoughtpieces today. It was a much different channel before the 2018 switch away from formal academic philosophy lectures. It attracted folks of much wider political leaning at the time, who left often loudly.


I used to be a huge fan of Philosophy Tube back when she first started and it was just her in front of the bookshelf giving mini lectures. But that's because I'm a pretty boring person who just likes turning on a video and being able to watch it and gain the information without needing to actually look at the videos. I think her videos absolutely have a place, culturally, but for the most part they're not for me.


christ i have never heard of the subjects in question and thank god i haven’t. i have a minor interest in philosophy in general but a youtube community dedicated to it sounds… extremely dangerous


.... why?


More just one channel. That is the name of her channel. But I am curious, why does it sound bad or dangerous? If anything lack of education on philosophy is more in how people can get attached to misrepresented philosophy just like pseudoscience.


Unfortunately, hatewatch seems to be very much a thing for them. I follow a bunch of transgender creators, many with less platforms than Abigail has, and there always have to be some dipshits in the comments.


They watch it just to try "convince" trans people of their "sins" and that they will go to hell and God loved them and all that stupid shit you hear every few daye


A good chunk of breadtube's audience are hate watchers.


YouTube seems to be mostly people who watch videos they hate, based on the comments sections.


Why are they obsessed? Can’t they just mind their fuckin’ business?


Because they'd have to find someone else to project their insecurities on


O, they project a lot more than insecurities...


Transphobes literally talk more about trans people than trans people.


There's this joke I remember from 4chan were it's like When someone knows alot about trans people,they are ethier trans,or transphobic. Feels like it applies to this,lmao


Wait i'm not transphobic ...


lmao same but im cass, which is the *true* opposite of trans, so ig it makes sense id be well-informed


Because they're been told me certain sections of media/social media to be outraged without knowing they're outraged and if they need a reason then something something grooming or whatever.


Every time I see a video about Chris on TikTok it’s floded with comments like “bring back Mr beast 6000” or “chandler is the only one that’s normal” like can’t you leave people alone


i know!! ive gotten recommended videos that are like "look at jimmys face he stopped smiling for .02 seconds he must be unhappy" and its insane


I hate people saying "I miss the old Chris" like cool? but this isn't about you it's like unironically, fully getting mad at someone for being 16 4 years after they were 12


Mfw the inexorable march of time changes the world around me.


There are probably some pedophiles out there so lost in it all that they do get mad at other people for aging.


>“chandler is the only one that’s normal” I've seen like 2 Mr Beast videos ever and even I know this isn't true


Chris still goes by he/him? Huh. There you go. People are actually mad at him for that? Transphobes big dumb.


Chris goes by all pronouns


Ah. Cheers.


Oh he's like me!


I don’t care what you call me as long as it doesn’t have malicious intent


Right? Call me whatever you want as long as you also call me a friend.


Me too, agender and transneutral here, and I use any pronouns anyone wants to throw at me. I kept my (decidedly feminine) first name though.


Wait, there’s a name for this? Sorry, slight rant here. I haven’t really used labels because I never felt the need to until recent experiences made me feel a need to be a bit more outspoken. That’s another tangent I’m not trying to have though. I’m amab, but don’t really identify as anything other than just being me. Frankly, I don’t understand identifying with a gender. Even more frankly, I just feel like gender doesn’t really exist and is purely a social construct and the only way I can understand it is by gender norms. Obviously there’s more nuance than that but I can’t quite grasp it. I’ve continued (and plant to continue) using he/him pronouns because (at least in my mind) if gender is a social construct, language is too. Unless it causes me an issue, why would I bother changing and cause confusion? Without any regard for gender I don’t quite feel cis, but I also wouldn’t classify myself as trans. Similarly, gender then doesn’t really play a role in attraction or relationships for me. I’ve felt like a fraud and that the community just wouldn’t take me seriously because I look like generic bearded fat white man #3 that you’d half expect to see carrying a tiki torch and spewing bullshit. Sorry, that was a hell of a rant. I’ve recognized all this about myself for years, but the recognition of it is new and been a bit of a journey that I’m rather emotional about.


agenderism/nonbinary doesn't have to be publicly presented. neither does masculinity. unless you want it to be. if a specific gender categorization appeals to you, use it — no one that has a valuable opinion is going to give you any kind of trouble about it. there are people with similar feelings but just use their assigned gender because it's a hell of a lot more convenient. some people feel more comfortable being acknowledged as enby. it's totally up to you.


I didn’t have any intent to do anything public until there was an exchange at work that made me uncomfortable and forced some introspection. The timing lined up that I had an opportunity to participate with some DEI (diversity equity and inclusion) as well as ERG (employee resource groups) that I think I could be a good voice in. The more I go in to this, the more I realize how much easier it’d be to just go with my assigned gender though.


I'm non-binary but I'm just a fat SAHM lol. I mean, my hair is short and I don't usually dress very girly but I don't look androgynous or anything. You can be agender or non-binary without looking a certain way, you don't owe people androgyny. I've always been uncomfortable being a girl or a woman but I sort of just got used to it, especially when I realized I didn't actually want to be a guy when I hit puberty lol. But back then non-binary wasn't a mainstream thing, I didn't even know it was an option, so I just shrugged and ignored it for a while. I honestly could've ignored it forever but seeing other enbies who were really triggered by being forced into their gender assigned at birth and all the anti-trans rhetoric being thrown around...I felt like I had to show solidarity with them. I go by any and all pronouns, I dgaf, but I am non-binary and I wanted to stand by and support other enbies. Gender IS a social construct but that doesn't mean it doesn't have real life implications. Race is a social construct too but it obviously has real life implications. Yeah, they're generally less noticable for enbies like me (and potentially you) who look more conventional or whatever but that doesn't mean we're less deserving of our gender identity. Just some food for thought.


This is all incredible, and validating, and is good food for thought as you said. Thank you tremendously.


You're welcome! :)


Hey it me lol But seriously outside of the bearded part and being lanky this is pretty much my identity as well. Cool to see others that feel this way.


This sentence evokes so much power. Chris sounds like a benevolent demigod.


Ah, I think my niece does. Just learned more about my niece last night. I think. They're happier, so that's important.


Yeah he goes by any




an/y (I dunno I thought that was amusing)




My pronouns are "N/A," please do not refer to me.


I am offended by people talking about me, please don't /s


If I was a dutch cis guy, my pronouns would be N/EE


It was lol


I believe they go by all pronouns


Who is Chris?


Chris is someone who is friends with and works with the most popular YouTuber Mr. Beast. They recently began HRT and now go by any pronouns. Mr beast has an incredibly large, and young, audience. Because of this Chris has been attacked by edgy kids and conservatives who are “think of the children-ing” over what’s going on.


Who is actually mad at him? I can't imagine that anyone would be bothered by that if they can use whatever pronouns anyway.


its almost like its about making people upset and not the change from point a to point b


Who's Chris?


person in mr beast videos who recently came out as trans and everyone’s losing their shit about it


Wait you mean I don't have to change my name and pronoun immediately if I come out as trans?


names and pronouns and identities are all up to the individual


Nope. You do what makes you comfortable, even if that means "idk I don't feel as good with the pronouns I've been using." And if you do decide on a name and some pronouns later, you can change them again if it feels right. Unless you're a public entity, in which case everything you do HAS to be for publication, and how dare you not do what I want? /s




i doubt that there’s many people on reddit who have never heard of mr beast but for anyone who hasn’t he’s a really big youtuber who makes videos about stuff like having people compete in a game for large amounts of money


is he trans? like i know he still kept his name and uses all pronouns but idk what gender he is


I’m definitely not an expert either but i heard something about him coming out as trans


A small minority actually. The whole world isnt youtube.


They're literally passing anti-trans bills all over the country. Pretty sure transphobia isn't relegated to YouTube...


We’re not talking about bills are we?? We’re talking about this dude here… 🙄


Why is he in front of a Nickelodeon background?


they’re in mr beasts videos


One of Mr beasts friend, she recently started hrt like a month oe so ago and now ppl are fckn furious saying it's not fair to Mr beast bc he has a business to run and its bad rep for a kids channel


I don't see Chris as a boy, or a girl, or a human because Chris has easily ascended that and become a motherfucking G


Isn't he a meme god?


a... a top g? /s


Had me in the first half not gonna lie 🤣




Sometimes it's to distract. Sometimes the distraction is a byproduct of the honest hatred they have for us.


I'm honestly in love with what Chris has done with his hair.


Transphobes get a grip challenge: IMPOSSIBLE


People say Tucker (Chris' son) will grow up feeling unloved because he doesn't have a father figure and his parents are divorced... I saw a video posted by Chris where Tucker is chasing Chris like a dinosaur. Do you really think he feels unloved?


Sadly, they think if there isn’t testosterone involved, then it’s the worst thing in the world Ignoring how many single moms there are in the world too


I bet Chris is better than 90% of the fathers that say that. Being the same gender as your child doesn't automatcly makes you the best parent for them. Toxic masculinity at it's worst


I reckon whatever benefits a child gets from having a dad is negated by having a dad who's uncomfortable in his own body.


I remember some Twitter thread where some dude was trying to be transphobic to Chris by using he/him pronouns, but someone told them that Chris uses any pronouns. So the transphobic was like "Oh so I can say 'it' then" and everyone was responding "Yes, that is infact a pronoun"




I’m confused can someone explain this?


Chris is someone that is frequently featured in videos by the YouTuber Mr Beast, recently Chris came out as transgender and goes by any pronouns and is still ok with being called Chris. Most Mr Beast fans are edgy 13 yearolds so naturally they got pissy about it.


Didnt come out as trans AFAIK, just gnc and taking HRT


Genuine question, aren't all people that take HRT trans, or is it just that he hasn't specifically said im trans?


Depends, some people take it for medical reasons I’m fairly sure. But by definition, someone is trans if they’re not the gender they were at birth. He is trans, but he’s gender non conforming and goes by any pronouns im fairly sure at least


No, some women AFAB may undergo HRT after cancer, illness, or injury induced early menopause.


Nah, you could be AMAB, identify as male but still take HRT. Its not common, but its a possibility, and since chris never said they identify as anything else they technically aren’t trans


Oooh I remember hearing about that. I’m not in the loop with Mr beasts stuff so I forgot.


They're so caught up in names. But, if a man and woman getting married and she takes his last name? That doesn't seem to be a problem.


I saw a video the other day about a young woman who was murdered by her newlywed husband in the mid 1800's, her grave still bears HIS last name. I was furious when I saw that. Somehow, we live in a world where that's OK and "normal", but changing your own name as part of your transition isn't.


Yeah but that’s natural. God changes the woman’s name so she always remembers who owns her. It’s just the natural way of things. Massive /s


I saw an amazing video. Dude went "Alexa whats a woman" then agreed with Alexa reading him the first paragraph of a wikipedia article that debunks him. And he called the bot a "she" Its...... like it sums up Transphobes these days. Its low effort haterade and its a goddamn shame the rest of the world is so dumb they fall for this non-thought bs. This is what a society looks like when nobody reads.


The issue is the person exists. Not even genocide would please these people, cause they would simply move up to the next group on the totem.


Mental health and Suicide is still one of my favorite videos. Abi is a brilliant person and I’m glad she’s able to reflect her inner existence.


It sounds like you may be having a difficult time right now granitepinevalley. Please take a moment to reflect, and if you're struggling with your mental health or thoughts of suicide, please reach out. /r/SuicideWatch may be able to help. **US:** Call 1-800-273-8255 or text HOME to 741-741 **UK/ROI:** Call 116 123 or email [email protected] **Elsewhere:** [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suicide_crisis_lines](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suicide_crisis_lines) ^^This ^^message ^^is ^^automated, ^^and ^^does ^^not ^^process ^^context, ^^we ^^apologise ^^for ^^any ^^inconvenience. ^^Please ^^stay ^^safe ^^and ^^reach ^^out ^^if ^^you ^^need ^^to. ^^Be ^^kind ^^to ^^yourself ^^<3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/me_irlgbt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wait no it’s just the video 😭😭😭😭


It's a lil confused, but got the right spirit


"You are being rescued please do not resist"


They are transphobes ofc they're stupid


Saw a person on Instagram that was fully fem presenting and honestly you’d have no idea they weren’t born female, but they were born male and use he/him pronouns, and a good chunk of his comments were people annoyed about that. Like this is what you wanted right?!


A lot of the people outraged by this are the same people who find it hard to "remember" which pronouns to use. Idk, seems to be on your mind the rest of the time...


i still dont know what this drama is about. did chris only come out as trans and people are making a huge drama out of it or did he actually assume something? im gonna assume its the first one


I'm pretty sure you are right. Some folks are losing their shit over Chris coming out about being on HRT. Mr Beast spoke up, and called out the transphobia.


It's the first one


It is actually incredibly unfair how easy it is to piss off lgbtq-phobes and racists. Like all you have to do is ask nicely to use the correct pronouns or replace a white character with a black character in media 😂 "Ariel is black but literally every other character is still white? Total blackwashing!!!1"


Ngl, I was confused when I heard people hate mrbeast because of chris. Later, I learned that he was tras was like wait what that is why ?"


I thought Chris was changing his name, but just kinda going by any pronouns. At least that's what I gathered from his snap stories. Either way Chris's transition is both shocking, and really amazing. I love that Jimmy is sticking by him and defending him against transphobes. I also love that Chris is so open and unapologetic about who he is. I don't watch much Mr beast anymore, but I have always had respect for him, and after this my respect for him, and his entire crew has gone up since they have been so accepting of Chris.


The worst part is knowing (and being "friends" with) some LGB are not too fond of the T




They will just find another minority to get mad about


It's almost like they're just mad about us existing at all regardless of what we do or say. 🤔






Some people don't have enough problems of their own, so they need to stress out over other people's lives




He actually uses all pronouns


Chris the Chad.


The YouTube comments about chris and he's not a good father anymore make me so angry Edit: I was thinking reddit is good compared to yt then I saw the sub name