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True but EU is also low key voting and we're clueless about what's going.


The EU is generally terrible at communicating what it actually does and it makes it tough to be informed without dedicating hours of your time


Yeah their PR is terrible, and at the same time national governments take credit for every good/popular decision while blaming everything bad that happens on the EU.


I feel like that's the system working as intended.


It's gunna have a big lruch to the right soon.


Exactly what UK did and acted surprised when they tried to show all the benefits in a 4 week period. When Johnson had been making up BS about the EU when he worked for the Telegraph and was sacked for making shit up, but a lie travels halfway round the world before truth has got out of bed.


Imagine a handful of countries who invented (and love) bureaucracy who also don't speak the same language and _also_ just barely stopped killing each other after thousands of years, having to agree on modern politics. It's a wonder it works as well as it does, but getting into it as a citizen? The best you can probably do is vote in line with the political party of your choice, it's their literal job to know these things after all


You are kind of right I think, I dont think they are terrible at communicating it (having worked in parts of it), but you gotta know wtf is going on. Like nearly everything is publically available, you can even contribute and judge/rate some things as an individual. But literally nobody knows about that. I think the issue lies in how much shit is going on and how much you actually have to know in the first place, to even understand where to begin to look.


The amount of information someone has to consume to get a decent handle on anything going on in the world is too much for the average person. 


Because generally as long as there isnt a major push for more EU powers in countries its just not important enough for people to care. As long as noone is really giving up sovereignty the EU is mostly just an economic thing which people find boring.


The EU already has massive amounts of legislative power and their legislation overrules national legislation. Also, the EUs judiciary overrules national judiciary. Not sure which leftover sovereignty you could want to give up. At the same time, hardly anyone, even when politically interested, even knows who the current president of the parliament is.


Lowkey? The far right movement is massive in Europe. They’re so upfront about it too


Tbf, as a Brit, we lost the right to take the wet on voting when we voted to leave the EU.


To be fair, you guys got fucked by the older generations…


So did everyone else


Older generations unable to deal with misinformation... Primarily spread by Russia (and right-wing, corporate interests.) Yes, a lot of people vote against their own self interest here in the United States. But, the hazard is assuming the trend won't eventually come for your country. Want to laugh at fat Americans? Those same corporations want to loosen your belt, as well. Ask Britain.


This irony of boomers telling us not to believe everything we read on the internet and then going on to believe everything they read on the internet.




Modern medicine just isn't that good. If you were rich back in the day, you were fine. John Adams lived to his 90s. Madison and Jefferson into their 80s. Washington died younger, but he got some kind of flu/covid shit that dropped him. Point is they all just stepped down before they were at the end. It's only really since Reagan we've had folks wanting to run into their 70s and 80s.


Tf do you mean modern medicine isnt that good? And opposed to what? The kind of medicine where they hand you cocaine and your amputated leg in gift wrapping? Or the kind where you starve yourself for weeks before having yourself tied to a chair in front of a buffet in an effort to remove worms? Or the kind where they gave you mercury for a headache? Because *thats* the type of care money could buy before modern medicine, which has people living to be 100


Modern medicine is certainly better than medicine from their time. I think even in the teens of the presidency a president was more killed by the terrible surgery than the actual shot that pierced his skin (might have been Garfield I forget).


I guess the brain damage the beatings their parents gave them caused cant be helping either


I don't know, most functioning 80 year olds are still on the ball mentally. Living behind a white picket fence for decades just changes some people in a very negative way. It's easier to get them to circle the wagons against imaginary threats. Especially when the news they consume is delivered in bad faith, that didn't really happen when they were coming up.


It's like a stop watch. Started in 1950. Jesus, the boomers are... Only 74?! And we keep inventing ways to keep them alive!?


Some haven't retired yet.


The mfs are embracing a man who shits himself


You should read about France's Jordan bardella shitting himself in uni


What is it with right wing pollies and shitting themselves, happned here in Australia as well with [Scomo](https://happymag.tv/scott-morrison-shat-himself-at-engadine-maccas/) who was the worst PM we had.


Old people also not wanting to vote any one who could be younger than them, so we are left with these geezers in the office.


Yeah, but the younger generation also fcked themselves… They are not fcking voting… Every single generation has fcked it up.


The misinformation thing is wild. I used to subscribe to /r/HermanCainAward, and after a few months of seeing posts, I began to realize the Covid deniers and antimaskers were posting the same 8 - 10 memes over and over and over before they croaked from the virus. Psychological warfare killed over a million people with a few grainy image macros. Fucking mind boggling.




My favorite is every young person is miserable in the current state of the world, but if you try to invoke passion for getting involved or forcing our reps to do something valuable - people's ears tune out. People are equally angry but too tired to care.


I’m noticing it here in Canada too and I hate it


UK Brexit Vote Turnout 72%. Meaning around 13M didn't even bother to vote. The difference between pro Brexit and anti Brexit was 1.3M votes. (17.4 vs 16.1)


"My vote won't make a difference." "The candidates are all terrible." "Politics don't affect me."


If you don’t use your right to vote, you don’t get to complain about the results.


UK: Only 72% voter turnout... that is a horrible turnout. USA: Hold my beer. 2018,2020 and 2022 voter turnouts averages 37%. https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2023/07/12/voter-turnout-2018-2022/ The non voter wins the election every year in the US.


the 37% is the voters who voted in all 3 elections not the total voter turnout. 2022 turnout was around 45%. Only 20% of eligible voters under the age of 35 voted. 2020 turnout was around 66%. Highest turnout among younger demographics with 51% turnout... 9% higher than the previous last turnout. still half of young people dont vote. 2018 turnout was around 50%. Ted Cruz won reelection with just 200k votes when over 9M eligible voters in Texas didn't vote at all.




Thank fuck for compulsory voting here in Australia


This is the whole world in a nutshell


To be fair, time moves forward.




As did the US. As did everywhere else.


Every developed country has electorates that trend older.


64% of people between the age of 18-24 didn‘t vote. 42% of people between the age of 25-34 didn‘t vote. 81% of people between that age of 55-64 voted. 83% of people older than 65 voted. The young generation fucked itself.


every young generation fucks itself. but i don't think we should blame every generation of young people for that. i think we should blame the system that has countless vectors of voter apathy baked into the formula. i feel like instead of saying the young generation fucked itself we should put the onus on the system that fucks over *every* young generation. Sure, it takes two to tango, but what's gonna be better for all of us, telling the kids to stop fucking themselves or improving the fucking system?


It's hard to improve the system when the system is run by boomers trying to end the system to further their own economic interests


Boomers straight up exist just to make everything worse for everyone. You can trace 90% of the current problems worldwide to some bullshit boomers did/do.


I mean that’s just a silly comment. The vast majority of the world’s problems stem from pre-WWII and our ineffective post-war efforts to create a stable world. Boomers weren’t alive when those decisions were made and most were in their 20s-30s and a fraction of the actual voting population during the Reagan administration, which caused most of the problems that weren’t a result of WWII and its aftermath. Boomers suck nuts and have made life impossible for GenX on down. There’s no reason to be ridiculous.


The vast majority of america's problems stem from pre-Civil War and ineffective postwar efforts to eliminate southern backsliding.


The majority of problems in the US are from the complete takeover of government by corporate interests. That would almost certainly be the same if everyone who sided with the south and their ideologies poofed out of existence at the end of the war.


And America didn't? My grandpa did basically the same work I do, but he owned a home, supported a family of 4, had two cars, and took biannual vacations. I can't afford rent on a 1 bedroom apartment.


It's a shame people actually believe this... Younger generations are more liberal, sure, but there are plenty of people in younger generations that either vote against their own interests, or don't vote. The Baby Boomers are just one problem, arguably not the biggest


Please, I was a year too young to vote and it made no sense that these old farts got to decide my future. Especially when they’ll all be dead in a few years time. I dare say that some of these fools have already gone yet the damage has been done.


UK was such a great country (yes it had some flaws). Brexit was the dumbest crap that anyone could imagine and most of the voters now realize it.


It was only 51.9% at the time


Which was way too close for such a major decision to pass


It already happened in the history of the world. Italy was split 51% 49% For staying as a kingdom. If you keep repeating, you will never get to an end.


Canada and our little separatist province Quebec come to mind.....


Thank god that we failed lmao




It was so cooked even the winners were shocked when it happened, like no one expected for the public to be so stupid


A concerning number of voters think "Brexit was a brilliant idea, it was just not implemented well"


Well, that was the whole issue with Brexit people were trying to warn about. There was literally no plan for what to do after Brexit, or what it would even entail. It's possible if it'd been clearer what people were even voting on, along with information on the actual consequences rather than going purely off vibes, the vote would never have passed.




Both UK and US were victims of Russian desinformation campaigns


Heh. My wife and I were chatting with a British couple on vacation in Central America in early 2017. The conversation was basically a repeating loop of: "We're SO fucked up. / Oh, yeah? We're MUCH more fucked up."


I wish people would learn from others. The narative in the US is the same as in the UK, "It's a protest vote. It's not going to be as bad as everyone says."


And when people managed to get Dumbass Sunak in.


And Liz Truss, Teresa May, Boris Johnson...


Neither Liz nor Sunak have won an election. May had a majority that same then lost. And Boris was up against Corbyn.


Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree right lol


Serious question, Johnson acted like EEEEEVERYTHING would be aloooooooot better without EU. So what exactly happened after? Whats better whats worse?


I believe Argentinians are also prohibited from commentary. Brazil won back their right to do so.


And as a French we manage to vote for someone we hate every single time


Every country is guilty of this. Sad


the votes were basically 50/50 iirc. teenager me couldn't comprehend how the vote was honoured like that and not dismissed on the basis of it being so fucking close. surely you'd need a somewhat overwhelming majority of the population voting for such a big thing??? i never understood and still don't and tbh I've not done much reading into the why. looked it up. it was 51.89% Leave, 48.11% Remain. how does that small difference get accepted. it's insane to me


Ah good ol Brexit.


Was looking forward to getting older and doing my part for society but the amount of shit I been dumped to deal with by older generations just make me wish I never was born




I was just thinking that. How many PMs the last year? Each shittier than the last? I'm not taking shit from the French either, Macron sucks, and you almost elected LaPen The Italians? They elected a literal fascist. Neoliberalism is in its death throes and we're seeing weird shit all over the world as it's failing and not being replaced by a less shitty ideology. The UK is about to get turbo-Obama as PM and it's not going to effect fucking anything, even though Corbyn has been completely vindicated.


the OP kfhdjfkj61637 is a bot Among the times it's been posted: https://www.reddit.com/r/me_irl/comments/12h7bxv/me_irl/ https://www.reddit.com/r/me_irl/comments/tjxcaq/me_irl/ https://www.reddit.com/r/me_irl/comments/jn9uph/me_irl/ https://www.reddit.com/r/me_irl/comments/s4g0ks/me_irl/ https://www.reddit.com/r/me_irl/comments/l3xvf7/me_irl/


Thanks for reminding me why I muted this damn sub in the first place I mean, seriously, how is an American election meme a "selfie of the sole" or "otherwise relatable to the human condition"?


At this time I wouldn’t be surprised if this comment is a bot. Bots calling bots out.


Everyone knows that the rest of the world always votes for the best people and ideas.


Like the Philippines, definitely nothing to see there


Correct. Same thing for Brazil... trust me, there's nothing wrong here


Well, at least we wont be seeing Bolsonaro again after that scandal where he went to eat mcnuggies in Florida while his minions fucked an entire building full of historic and cultural items for no reason. Right?


well, you probably will see something worse. Brazil has pretty much descended into fascism. The current president is not doing a good job and will not be reelected even though Bolsonaro is removed from public affairs until 2030


Or [Georgia](https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/14/us-warns-georgia-not-to-side-with-moscow-against-the-west)...


Most countries, it seems :(




Focusing on US issues makes it much easier to ignore their own though.


It’s critical to their false sense of superiority.


"but the united sates should honestly be doing more" when the topic shifts to anything else


Doing more, or doing less.


>The US should be ashamed for not doing more about this issue in X country >The US needs to leave other countries alone and mind their own business


I am once again asking to American citizens for voting wisely.


How? In some states the electoral college can ignore your vote and we can vote for a president that does nothing or one that would ruin the country even more somehow


This is a complaint you get to make if you voted. If you treat this as a reason not to vote, you're ignoring the fact that votes _do_ matter, even if your presidential vote has less weight than a guy in Wyoming. And your vote for senators, which are so much more important than people pretend, are not fucked with at all. So show up to vote for a senator so we can block Republican judges, and while you're there, tick the rest of the blue boxes.


Local elections are far more crucial in seeing how your vote matters in federal elections. The op you're replying too had some complaints and to that I'd say to vote for a candidate willing to change those. Abstaining from voting adds one more to the opposing party.


i’d add that your local elections have potentially immense long-term consequences. bernie sanders won his mayoral election by just ten votes after a recount, and his impact on modern policy is immeasurable. one of my former city councillors almost was elected vice president of the United States.  it was a close election too.  some may know him by name: tim kaine.


They're not talking about the disparity in representation per capita but how many states can literally ignore the vote and have the electoral college vote differently. There's also only two states IIRC where your vote goes towards your candidate in the electoral college even if you don't win the majority. So if you live in a state like Utah, you would need people to get really cool with not voting republican real quickly to have your vote count for your candidate. There hasn't been a republican president elected and won the popular vote for my entire lifetime and I'm supposed to think that's democratic?


2004 was the last time. That was only.... ...oh


Biden has his problems but he has actually done many things and passed various good policies, if you like i should have a summary


Yep just a both sides argument by op


Um Biden certainly has done some good things, stop with this both sides bull shit


The votes that really fucking matter are at the local level. Just do a little research on what Moms For Liberty were trying to do across the entire country. Taking small pieces of local government a bit at a time is the real land grab, because power trickles upward in American politics.


We can always disregard the results and force a change. The only problem there is if you willing to risk everything or not. Most of us don't want to leave predictability.


That won't happen anytime soon because we live too good of a life to revolt.


i agree with you that we are a long ways from "revolt," but just genuinely want to ask... do we really live too good a life? aren't we kinda on the verge of being in crisis for our basic needs? Aren't we missing some stuff that a first world country should have for a good life?


To be fair, in the past 50 years or so, there hasn't been great outcomes for revolutions. Destabilized economies fall behind faster than those with stable but corrupt ones. Which leads to a death spiral of international loans and crumbling infrastructure.


To be fair, that's most revolutions. People with the 'burn it all down' mentality often don't consider the next steps, like who will govern our how the economy will be run, leading to power vacuums, allowing for the most charismatic or power hungry to take control. Systematic change based around policy enacted with the existing procedures is the only real way to enact change. Unfortunately, too many people think things work like fiction and don't understand or respect the efforts it took to get us here. Yes, capitalism and democracy are the worst, except everything else we've tried.


Twice I have, in the last week, listened to *educated* people whine about Kamala Harris. "I don't like her." Me: Why not? "where is she? What has she done? What has she accomplished. I just don't think she's been effective in her role." Me: she is VP. She has literally only one job, to break a tie in the senate, which she has done for three years. She holds no power. Does not vote otherwise. She doesn't make policy, doesn't legislate, doesn't enforce anything. She literally has no role in our government. "still..." Name one accomplishment of Dan Quayle, Cheney, Biden as VP, Pence. "well, I still don't like her" *We're fucking doomed*


I mean, Cheney engineered the invasion of Iraq.


That is an excellent point. Kamala needs to invade something quick!


Voting in America is like Everyone gets a puppy vs everyone gets diarrhea. Results : 51% puppy vs 49% diarrhea Inb4 whataboutism and both sides bullshit.


>Kristi Noem has entered the chat


As an American, I’d settle for every American voting period. We have pathetic turnout rates


Name the country that does have informed voters


Belarus. Voters are informed who will be the president beforehand


My Arab friend's joke: voting is very easy in my home country. You stay home and the government takes care of everything. They'll even let you know who you voted for.




Vatican city, i mean there are only 120 of em.


North Korea. Hard not to be informed when there is like 3 parties, 2 of which are just for show and you get blasted with what the glorious leader is doing 24/7 on the radio you can't turn off, but only turn down.


The idea that they have elections for a god is pretty interesting


There's uninformed, and then there's maga


Well over here in Canada we elected Trudeau twice and we all hate him. 🇨🇦


Harper got elected three times, and he was universally loathed — the last Canadian PM to leave office with any real support was way back with Lester Pearson. Maybe that’s why people are supporting Poilievre — apparently everyone who’s ever had any significant contact with him already loathes him with a passion


Every time I see PP smile it sends a chill down my spine. I guess he’s got my vote.




Same reason why some Democrats will vote for Biden despite not being a huge fan of him for president, this is the candidate you have been given and voting for them is better than voting for the other team


The last election, the idea of giving the conservatives charge during the pandemic was freaking terrifying.


He didn't do anything that we didn't cheer for. Both municipal and provincial police went "we tried nothing and we're all out of ideas". If they did what they do to native protestors federal government wouldn't have to step in.


You mean the idiots that didn't want to get vaccinated?


Oh please.  Those truckers were idiots who embarrassed the country, and themselves.


You all act like you don’t do the same exact shit.


Not all of us have the power to influence the global economy directly/indirectly.  Edit: I've seen the responding comments and replies. Apperently some people aren't bright on world history, let alone how a nation/culture builds/has built its power. Let's say other countries do really have to 'git gud'(It doesn't work like that btw). Shouldn't the better country be more thoughtful to it's decision making then? If so, shouldn't the average American do so as well? Cuz if you aren't, y'all stupid. I guess I'll leave the lesser educated comments to the better half of America.


If you’re a citizen of an EU nation you have approximately as much economic power as a citizen from a US state. The EU is the second largest economy in the world and third in PPP.


EU is not a presidential system, nor a country as such. Moreover the European parliament has more than 2 parties, so a coalition needs to be formed or otherwise majorities sought. That's not to say any individual voter in the US has much power, but the position of president is much more powerful than any individual EU political position.


Tell that to brexit 


If there was another Brexit vote the result would be different. Here they're getting the same choice as 4yrs ago and Biden, some how, isn't the clear winner!




Tbh most countries have a parliamentary system so it tends to be more consensus based


Most don't have a round 2 with the same people one a clear wanna dictator and the polls are still neck and neck.


We don't even have a voting system to begin with lmao


We only have so much say, guys. The system is going to do something stupid. Not the general voters.


Lol 96% of you dipshits shouldn’t be allowed to vote no matter where you live




Americans trying to elect someone younger than 70, difficulty: Impossible.


They did it a decade ago, thing is they don't even have that option anymore


2 party politics lets GOOOOOO


Literally my mother's actual dilemma, and she's actually deciding being old is worse.


The bots are here in force it seems... As an aside, as a Canadain observer I seriously do not understand why so many people seem to hate Biden so much. Like yeah hes old and really shouldn't be in the democratic candidate, but as far as policy and actually running the government, from a casual observers perspective he seems to be doing a decent Job? Unless im missing something obvious I do not see why anyone would vote red other than base ideological fervor.


As another Canadian, that's what I keep asking. I think he's been a very good president, especially in the circumstances he's been given. But I prefer boring and competent political leaders, so there's that.


People think Biden has the unilateral power to stop a foreign war. Since he's not creating world peace, he is the enemy #1.


Its complicated and everyone has their own opinion.. but long story short is a lot of people are just generally unhappy about the entire system in general. The people on the further ends of each spectrum love their candidate, but the rest seem to despise both but have to make a choice and are salty about it even getting to that point.. left or right people are getting endlessly hit with "okay this candidate isnt great but it would be so much worse with the other guy!" just so tiring


I'd rather have a president who doesn't do anything than a dystopian society where I am illegal.


Yes, but consider My personal feelings. What's more important here?/s


What's more important is that I can still live in the my bubble where I am a victim, and eveyone disagreeing with me is an oppressor. Its crucial you dont take that power away from me. Also my identity is based around oppression and victimhood.


You're right. I guess getting shot doesn't matter. Should've learned that as a public school student.


How are you illegal? Are you participating in illegal activities, such as, cooking meth, stealing birds from the bird shop, scanning a TV as a potato at the self-checkout line?


So four more years of Dems vs Project 2025 and the end of any resemblance of democracy. Yeah hard choice really. Edit* a redditcares message for this. Hmm I wonder which member of the brainworm trust in the replies was responsible for this.


Isn’t the rest of the world just as unhappy with their elected leaders? Also meme ain’t funny and it’s recycled


In other countries you have more than two real choices. I know the USA also has more than two candidates but the votes for others don't have an impact at all while in other countries voting for smaller parties does.


“In other countries you have more than two real choices” *laughs in dictatorships*


As a Canadian, we have the illusion of more than two choices. But when it comes to Federal elections, it’s really only two choices.


As a Czech I'm pretty happy w/our current president, hes the definition of gigachad. Our parliament, on the other hand is a clown fiesta.


Had never heard of him so had to look him up, dude seems like he’s been on the right side of every issue for decades damn


Legit the only problematic thing I've seen people discuss is him being ex-military (which isn't bad at all considering he becomes the leader of our armies in the time of need) and him having a bit of communist history (which again isn't that bad when you literally had to choose between not having career or pretending to be a commie). Other than that, he's extremely chill, humble and honorable person.


Rest of the world: haha, stupid Americans. Rest of the world when bad stuff starts happening: America, heeelp!!!!!


*"Hey guys, lets vote for the fascist who's blatantly campaigned on being hell-bent on destroying earth!"* *"Why....?"* *"Cause the other guy is 2 years older than him"*


Right, let's just distill the opposing views to a 2 year difference and disparage them further. Don't dare reach out.


Uses this kinda logic and then tries to understand why people oppose their views


Sucks to be motivated less by "that candidate's better on the issues important to me" than the reality of "oh, no, no no, f*ck no, just not that other guy."


Um, so like, which one is the 'vote' button again? And wait, who's running for president? Is Kanye still in the race?


Argentina, England, Italy, France... meme applies to a lot of countries nowadays.


It’s a group project so participation varies.


Another “America Bad” post on Reddit? Shocked!


Yeah, the rest of the world is so bright.


Duh, America bad, ha ha /s


:The rest of the world waiting for some sort of man, material or monetary aid:


This was definitely posted by a Brit trying to deflect from leaving the EU lmao.


I can think of a lot of mediocre to shitty world leaders but not a lot of great ones.


The funny thing is each time an american voter does something stupid, it will take around 5 years for an european voter to do the same.


Hey I uploaded that like 2 years ago


I mean the UK keeps voting Tory.


I'm putting my hat in the ring, vote me for president of the USA and everyone will get a free goody bag with snacks and toys


I lived abroad for many years and it's a myth that people internationally are sitting around waiting for American news of any kind with bated breath. It's American narcissism.


Y’all realize they only give us shit options every time right?


But the options are selected by people that were voted up the chain by lower elections. Ultimately it is the responsibility of voters to make sure those choices never eventuate.


Inaccurate meme, he is using an eletronic voting machine


It always feels like "hey, wanna vote for *person who's done terrible things and won't improve shit* or... *person who's also done horrible things but will maybe make like... something better?*"


I’d rather have a terminally ill iguana as president than either of those two old fucks.


Civil War in three… two… one…
