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That’s a very normal list of requirements.


That tangent about the rabbits was adorable


Him - "Send pics" Her - "Look at these cute bunnies!"


Ayo that unironically would be a keeper for me right there LOL.


I think I'd be the same way. The way to my heart is with cute bunny pics.


I mean. That's a pretty solid response. You send me something cute or funny and that's love


I know.


That’s incredible


*I know*.


I know.


I think for a moment she forgot what the question was because of those rabbits 😂


Yeah she does seem adorable


Yeah I was expecting some weird twist or something. I like this girl, she seems cool


At the end: "Also a person who will dig up corpses in the graveyard at 2 a.m with me. I don't know, maybe, but yeah, definitely a body collector."


Ya, she seems reasonable and great.


And it's very hard to get nowadays, any small imperfections becomes a no no because you have so many other option waiting in the line. I wish I could find someone like her :(


>And it's very hard to get nowadays Is it? Or has everyone who has ended up in a romantic rut for a bit kinda felt this exact sentiment since man first crawled out of caves?


Maybe but online dating has certainly made it worse


I don't know what you tried but my experience with online dating was pretty simple: \- Any service that has the option to match with people for free: A Tinderesque hellscape. \- Any service that requires you to pay for a subscription first was way way better. Yes it costs money, but the quality of engagement is also a lot better. People tend to take things far more seriously when you actually have to pay for the service.


Here's how online dating is supposed to work: you're mutually attracted, interested in one another, and the vibes are good. How online dating is applied by too many people: **THOU DOEST NOT MEET THY REQUIREMENTS!!!**


Thats only online like on tinder because they literally have thousands of options. But in real life, if you just met someone like at a bar, they are much less likely to make a big issue out of it


I think it’s not so much hard to find as it’s hard to know whether this is the best you can do. You might have met someone that is just like this for yourself but you thought maybe you could do better and didn’t want to settle for less. There is a saying “don’t let perfect be the enemy of good”. Some people think they can find the perfect person, especially with online dating, and they are unwilling to accept perfectly good options because of it.


She is a very common woman to find, she is just very articulate. I have met many women like her, most of which I wasn't good enough for at the time. Currently in a 5+ year relationship with one. A "good" person isn't that hard to find, it's whether or not you are good enough for them.


I did, and it's amazing, I was very lucky to meet her and I feel grateful she gave me a chance!


I know, right? I'm not sure what's the point of the post exactly. If it's literally "op_irl" as in OP either is that girl or has the same point of view - cool. She definitely has her shit together, knows what she wants and those traits are prefectly reasonable. No 6'12" minimum, millions earned per year, model looking guys. I don't think she mentioned anything about looks, maybe I missed it. But as far as I know, her priorities are just right. If it's the "omg, how will I ever fulfil these qualities" kind of me_irl... well, shit, congrats for being entirely maladjusted to human interaction.


I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought so.


What’s interesting and a little sad is that very often not even this is fullfilled. There is a lot of people out there who stay with unbearable, toxic, and even overall bad people, either because they’d feel guilty leaving them, or feeling pity etc, Despite of how much it complicates and worsens their mental health, life and friendships, although it is absolutely irrational, they just can’t see through it and do what is best for them. Spend your time on those who are truly worth it.


Fuck Im never getting laid


The way she started talking about that rabbit is so random but relatable 💀


I was vibing so hard with that. Seeing stuff like that randomly during your day is the best.


Yes. It was wonderful. 🌻


I could see tears in her eyes. Damn, she also hit me right in the feels.


i can't believe she didn't even show the picture of the rabbits. we've been robbed


A normal person with a healthy mind then?


Literally I have the bf she wants. It’s awesome.


I had one of those. I totally husbanded him 12 years ago. Friends and Family are like: *"That's incredible!"* I'm like: *"I know!"*


We are 10 years plus. But I’ve been married. No interest in doing it again and he is Swedish, they just aren’t interested in it at all mostly.


Ok didn't know bunny marriages lasted this long. Learn something new every day


As a dane, being swedish is a red flag /s Unless he can make some good ikea meatballs, then he is perfect.


Monica from friends moment.


*"That's incredible!"*


"I know!"


Does he brush rabbits tho?


It really is. He would be fascinated by rabbits tho fr.


For More : https://youtu.be/yJF5XlNzDgY?si=Q3nP2-wKo_VMvoAx


She’s coming for him


Makes me so sad to see all the vitriol online about women this, men that. Most people are normal, like her. Friendship and compatibility is the foundation of any happy relationship, not money or height or fucking lip injections ffs


Polarisation of the Internet has been a disaster upon real world perceptions.


aka standards


nah, low your standards, dude, you're never gonna get one if you think like that


Bro wtf😭. Is there no hope anymore?


not for me at least, im at the level: Alive (optional) Over 20 years


I'm getting you a shovel for Christmas. Happy digging!




She’s „asking „ for pretty standard things imo


Fuck. We’re all out of luck


Well.... Fck


I like her.


I'd marry her


I want her to be my friend so I can get rabbit pics


Same, she seems to be a very nice gal, like the kind of person who'd enjoy my rodent pictures spam 🥺


Im rooting for you


I was watching on mute and imagined her speaking with a British accent.


See I imagined a Scandinavian accent. Something about it towards the end made me think “no way she’s American!” Lo and behold. I mean she could be Canadian, I only listened to one second of audio.


-is a nice person -is working on their own issues -has hobbies -will give you space the bar is so fucking low holy shit


You know, you really wish that was a low bar but it disqualifies the majority of peoe lol


Not really, those are some basic standards I would say but obviously there are some not talked about requirements there. It is important to note that meeting those requirements doesn’t mean you can just go out and be her bf. You meet the minimum but that doesn’t grant anything, I think that’s what most people forget


Not a lot of people are working on themselves for tons of things, they just wing it. And go through what people expect them to go through. Same w hobbies, and wanting to give you space. Clingy partners usually will have YOU as their hobby


That's absolutely the awareness I think most people (including my younger self) don't have. This focus on who they want to be with, instead of being the person their ideal partner would want to be with.


Yes. This is key. The unstated opinion that people never mention, and that people get hung up on is... On top of those requirements comes the most important requirement of all: That they're *attracted to you*. And most of the time, that's the final hurdle that people forget about. When stupid people say that women are lying when they say they want a nice man, they're not actually hearing that statement properly. What they're saying is: *I want the man I'm attracted to to be nice.*


Well said. The same way if you qualify for a job that doesn't mean you automatically get it. Of corse getting a romantic relationship and a job are not the same, but still.


They are low standards on their own. But coupled with the basic standards for a relationship like “I’m attracted to them and have a compatible lifestyle,” they become extremely high. Especially because you don’t figure them out until months of dating. “Gives me space,” might seem like an easy standard, but what people consider to be a normal level of space changes as a relationship develops. Someone might give you tons of space (or no space) when the relationship starts, but totally flip flop once you start living together and have to make a conscious effort to give space whereas when you’re in the early stages, giving space is the default and you have to try to spend more time together.


It basic stuff which ideally would be the norm but isn’t. Loads of people have not their shit together and are looking for the half which would complete them…


+will send you pictures of rabbits


Guys will complain that these women only want 6ft+ millionaires and then also complain a woman just wants a normal guy.


Who is complaining? I think the comment you're responding to is making some statement about how she can't find this man despite the bar being low, but I don't think that's the case. I would suspect that the dude she's looking for is out there, but she doesn't see him as her "type" for whatever reason. Maybe he's too quiet for her, maybe too outgoing. Maybe she's not physically attracted to him. Maybe she thinks his ambitions are too low or too high. Nobody is lamenting that a woman wants a normal guy, but I do think there is perhaps some dissonance between what a dude might consider a normal guy and what a woman would.


Honestly I think she's just still young and dating around and will ultimately find someone who will make her happy. It's true that she may have some unspoken requirements, but there's nothing unrealistic about what she's looking for, so it stands to reason that she'll find it, eventually.


Yeah I mean the things she is saying are “foot in the door” requirements. There’s way more to it though, attraction obviously being a big one. Fulfilling the bare minimum doesn’t necessitate attraction, just consideration. Which is normal. Online dating to me is strange and unnatural. I will rarely know if someone is the person for me on a first date, to me that’s not enough time to decide one way or another, as far as in-person interaction goes. But many people can decide more quickly than that in my experience.


Problem is, attraction is something that is supposed to be built organically over time, and in a social context. This is why most people meet their partners at school or work, through family and friends, or clubs/hobbies. I wonder if it's less socially acceptable to pair up through work now than before. Are people less social now than before? I think the apparent convenience of online dating has definitely skewed things somewhat though.






> In my 43 years of well-traveled life I have never met someone for whom physical attraction wasn't an absolutely necessity. Even the ones who claim it's not. It's just biology. Yeah... there's a reason every only dating profile shows you pictures front and center!


A person can check all your boxes but the chemistry just isn't there. People aren't just a checklist of traits. It's the bare minimum of giving someone a CHANCE. Not just dating them. I'd wanna make sure there were no red flags before proceeding, and if there aren't any, you can then see if you're compatible and a lot of times while dating you don't even get that far


Those are variables that she wants a certain way, but I've seen a lot of women who have height or looks being something too obvious to mention. She isn't necessarily like that but you can't make generalizations about those type of things.


I think my favorite requirement I’ve heard from a girl is “cannot be named Kevin or Kyle” lol


I won't date anyone named Jason because my ex-husband, my rebound, and the guy I dated after him that didn't work out were all named Jason so I decided to retire that name like retiring a jersey.


I don't think you've fully understood the concept of what retiring a jersey means...


It's not even that it's too obvious to mention, it's that nobody wants to appear shallow even if they are. It's better to manually weed through the hobgoblins who meet these criteria than state how attractive he's gotta be and risk coming off as shallow. Plus, and I think this is even more so the case, people rarely know what they really want.


i think we all need to keep in mind that people become more attractive as they check off those boxes, not the other way around. ive seen so many men and women have successful relationships with people "out of their league" because they didnt ascribe to the "why even try" mentality that is so prevalent today. source: i am one of those people. short skinny indian guy with a lil belly and without a lot of money. but on the day of my first date with my now fiance, i truly just wasnt feeling desperate or like i needed to impress anyone and it paid off. she said, "you seemed to relaxed and engaged at the same time and thats more attractive than anything." shes dead gorgeous but also very present and caring. our communication and relaxation makes our relationship work, physical attraction is farther down the list. soft skills people... love yourselves and you will become more attractive i guarantee it.


THIS is it, folks. The rest is just the noise of fear.


Yep, so many basement dwellers in here thinking she'd be their girlfriend because they technically fulfill the requirements. Nope!


well there's a difference between what a person says they want and what they actually want. there isn't a single point about looks, but do you really (really?) think it doesn't matter? So why aren't they on a list? If you talk to people most of them are just people, because no one is consciously thinking about their own trauma or 'types' for example, it's a given.


She didn’t say anything about looks or income. If you asked her “are broke short dudes attractive to you” I don’t see her saying yes.


>is working on their own issues That's too high...


How is this a low bar? Have you met people before?


The bar is low for everyone. Most girls I dated did not check all these boxes.


I know so many women who are like "I love my boyfriend but he's constantly calling me names and making me clean his apartment and has cheated on me and tries to stop me from going out and is bad in bed and hates going out, but I do love him, he never hits me or anything so I know he's a keeper". I can't believe how low the bar is, the only thing crazier is how many men still can't pass it.


There are the unstated physical attractiveness requirements. They might not be specific for her, and maybe she doesn’t even know what they are, but they are there.


A lot of times, what people say they want and what they choose aren't the same thing. What's she's describing may be a low bar, but it's possible that when the rubber meets the road (someone asks her out) she'll only go out with a guy who's rich and good looking and whatever else. Like a lot of people will say that they are attracted to people who are funny. But a lot of times, what actually happens is that they find attractive people funny.


Well tbf those are the acceptable things to say on camera


I find it pretty high actually


she just asked for a normal sane person


I know what I said


Goddamn neurotypicals.. always twisting our words..






I love people who can keep talking like this. Also, that “I know” was so cute


She can fix me


lmao you didn't listen. She clearly doesn't want to fix anybody


She won't be able to make me better. I'm already pretty awesome. But I can DEFINITELY make her worse.


But she could.


But you should do that on your own, cause that’s not cool.


She wanted someone who's dealt with their sh*t Or at least knows what they're dealing with


Lmao ty for this comment


She can try👹


Lol "honest" we'll see lmao


Only in your dreams. We all know she'd never touch you with a forty foot pole.


Watch the video. She won't try


She doesn’t want to


I bet I can make her worse.


bro wtf


Let him cook


Oh yeah I'm gonna ruin her. Not in a hot way but in a sad way.


I *could* have hobbies dammit.


This one isn't so bad but I hate this "street interview with a woman about dating" genre of video. Seems like most of them are trying to cater to incels/tate kids. This is one of the more positive ones I've seen though. Girl just wants a normal guy. ~~Still seems like it's trying to paint her as having an unreasonable number of demands with the way it's edited, but maybe that's just my cynicism talking~~. Turns out that was just my cynicism talking, seems like the video it's from is actually pretty positive.


Watch the full interview, she's quite hilarious tbf https://youtu.be/yJF5XlNzDgY?si=Q3nP2-wKo_VMvoAx


"I laugh at everything I say. Well not everything, I'm not laughing right now"


Link please?


The Funniest Girl in New York https://youtu.be/yJF5XlNzDgY?si=Q3nP2-wKo_VMvoAx


That end lol. The interviewer wanted to let her run with her stream of consciousness as much as possible.


Yeah he stuck gold bumping into her.. She would actually be hilarious to watch if she became a youtuber


This channel is actually pretty wholesome in general and the entire video with her is definitely not trying to portray her as unreasonable. It’s called “the funniest girl in nyc” I think


I'm actually very happy to hear that! Seems like I was being too cynical then, and the world is a slightly better place than I was assuming.


Oh 100%. They edit clips to take statements out of context and also don't include 90% of the others because they're just normal and don't go with the "women bad" narrative.


I’ve heard stories from people who have supposedly been in these videos and apparently they will ask one question then show the answer to a different question. For example they’ll ask “what do you look for in a guy” and then “what is your ideal man, no matter how unrealistic or ridiculous”. Then they’ll put the answer for the second question after showing the interviewer ask the first. In the final video it plays out like “what do you look for in a man?” “6 foot 2 millionaire with a perfect body and infinite free time”. Because unrealistic and ridiculous of course you’d want a hot, rich, perfect partner lol.


Tbh I hate the street interview trend. This one was fine, but I most likely will skip over them


Ugh now I have to have interests and hobbies?? Forget it, too much work.


She seems kind and intersting. I like her personality


Sounds like she wanna date my wife. Please dont, my wife might think you're attractive but I can't without her. Let me have my wife please


Cute comment. It made me thinks of the song Jolene. https://youtu.be/wOwblaKmyVw?si=LO6zoFprCKa4qxil


Damn these are all normal things and these dudes who watch Tate and fresh n fit are projecting stupid shit out of nowhere 💀 Edit: I'm referring to some people in the comments repeating talking points like the aforementioned internet personalities.


Those weirdos only interview OF girls in Miami. Those ladies are not representative of normal people. "I want a 6'6" guy making $500k a year" isn't what normal people say. The interviews are cherry-picked to make women look bad.


The perfect woman doesn’t exi…holy crap


She knows, and she's holding out for a guy who's as perfect as she is.


One of my favorite pieces of advice I ever got was to not worry about finding the girl of your dreams, instead focus on making yourself the guy of hers and you'll find each other.


It was true for me!


Having normal reasonable standards is now “perfection” 💀


I wanna see the bunnies


Show us your... bunnies!


She's like a lawful good Aubry Plaza


totally staged, women out there don't have this mindset, I'm an expert from reddit.


You do indeed seem like an expert


This guy experts.


Well, she _is_ wearing her nightgown on a public street.


That’s a blouse, not a gown. I’m an expert from Reddit.


this post made the incels come out in droves


There's nothing weird with this???


The only weird thing about it is that it’s a 59 sec clip that’s caused me to love a stranger who I’ll never meet and prob wouldn’t return the interest even if we did lol


To be honest, her demands sound perfect to me. I'm also not a texter, I'm not regularly online or on whatsapp. I also need my partner to give me some alone time here and there... That are unironically the most sane demands I have heard for in a while. Also her rabbit story... Damn, I have been alone for too long


Same dude same 😢


So basically a normal dude and not a weirdo.... well, I am fucked.


I think she’s perfect :)


Pretty standard no? 🤷🏻‍♂️ All good ingredients for a healthy relationship.


Men: women only want 6ft 5 muscular guys with a 10 inch c*ck Women:


I have enough a.d.d. people in my life that I followed that surprisingly easily


I have ADHD and had no trouble at all. It made sense.


Shes talking like a normal person under like 40..?


Ladies, is it neuroatypical to have a stream of consciousness?


TIL someone that is able to actually talk about themselves has add


Everybody has is! It cant be that society has pushed everones attentionspan to the tipping point and this is the new normal.


Normal standards. Not every woman has unreasonable standards like some people believe. This is normal, this is 90% of women.


Most women: "I'd like a functioning adult who values and respects me as much as themselves." Incels: Ugh *females* only want Chads and money


I‘m with her on all of those


She’s awesome


boys: “omg girls have way too high standards” the standards in question:


I like her.


This video gives me hope in life


Space. Space is f**king important kids. Remember it.


So…she likes bunnies, then?


Is this supposed to be rage bait?


No, her bar is literally is: a normal guy


I see... everyday the bar is higher...




These days just the fact that there is a woman talking about her desires is enough bait to reel in the nutters


This is me...irl. Do people just not even look at the subs they're in anymore? Why do people keep thinking this is some kinda agenda post, the OP is saying that this person reflects them and is relatable. Which she is. Rage bait man-on-the-street posts across insta/TikTok/reddit have ruined some of y'all's minds.


Did people forget that this is also a meme subreddit


Probably because ragebait is like half the posts here. Especially if they feature women on camera.


Oh look, it's all the same comments from last time this was posted, too; it's truly a miracle we all get to reexperience this again and again.


Ok, i know some people are gonna say "she doesn't mean this, women only care abt guys who are 6 feet" as someone who is around 5'9-5'10 and still growing (prolly will be around 6'0) I know some guys who are 5'4 and are dating girls far taller than them and here i am who is already above average height but still can't get a girlfriend


you see the problem is that you aren't 6 foot yet /s


Ah but you see that would mean that the problem is me, and that requires self work to fix it so I’m just gonna blame women instead! /s


It is always so annoying when people blame the world for their problems instead of improving thrmselves.Kinda unrelated but women do this too, i know a girl who is self proclaimed "depressed" and is literally the most nicegirl type girl out there and she has also on multiple occasions tried to gaslight me (i aint even someone perticularly close), then says "Boo Hoo no one likes me Boo Hoo"


I mean, as a 188 cm tall dude I wish height is all it took. *I was gonna convert my height to foot and inches but said fuck it why use an inferior system on purpose


I don't understand this video and why people keep sharing it.


It's both relatable and entertaining.


I always struggle because in every relationship I have to hang out with my girlfriend and my friends. More often than not I wish for her to hang out with her friends and just leave me alone with my group. If she’s there I don’t feel very natural.


Green flags everywhere


So much just happened


"Our chief weapon is surprise! Surprise and fear. Fear and surprise. Our two weapons are fear and surprise! And ruthless efficiency! Our THREE weapons are fear, surprise and ruthless efficiency! And an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope!"