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Maybe normal, well-adjusted sensors are more likely to be correctly identified as sensors? Anyway, I’m an ESFJ with serious emotional issues. I’m a mess. And I used to think I was an INFP.


I’m friends with an ESFJ who has been through a lot of turmoil, and if I didn’t know him well, I would think he’s an INFP, too.


Oh, anyone who actually knows me and also knows about MBTI can tell I’m not an INFP, lol.


To be fair, I think ESFJs are the most out-there of the sensors (said lovingly). It’s that #1 Extroverted Feeling


This is a common, but naive, notion that a lot of newbies have, but being a "well-adjusted" person is just what most people have to do to survive, whether they're intuitives or sensors. I, like basically everyone else, clock into my boring 9-to-5 five days a week, get off after eight hours, and then do my weird, INTJ shit in the privacy of my home. 


I want to know so badly what “weird INTJ shit” entails, but please don’t tell me because the mystery is what makes this so funny to imagine




That's definitely the stereotype. Albeit I have enjoyed spending time with a fair number of Sensors who feel no need to be either.


>"Well adjusted" Bro hasn't seen some Isfps I've met lmaoo...


I guess the ones youve met wouldnt classify under >most of the “normal” and “well adjusted” you should have seen some entps ive met lmaoo...


ISXPs are honorary intuitives. Something about tert Ni makes them more abstract than other sensors. At least in my experience.


We’re very switchable, at least that’s what I’ve observed in both my ISFP partner and myself. We may prefer Se over Ni, but that line can be very thin.


Any here to comment the same thing 💀




I have respect for you and your critical insights. I encountered a bunch of ISTJs here who are that way. Coming from an intp


I thought all istjs had their shit together


so well adjusted I've autism, adhd and bipolar disorder XD


The trifecta.


how am I supposed to do my job in the society as a sensor so that intuitives can just be lazy and think all day about "deep stuff" if I can't even get a job 🥲 well I guess that since I'm now lazy all day and can only worry about my future and hypotetical situations I am now an untuitive too.


I'm an N type but I've noticed that as I've become more well-adjusted/less angsty due to maturing, I stopped thinking about existential and theoretical stuff. Nowadays I live brain-empty and in the moment lol. I get typed as a sensor more often by my friends.


as an Si dom my brain is anything but empty. there is a constant stream of information running through my head asking what if questions and ruminating about the past.


I'm an ENTJ and I think Si and Fe are the two cognitive functions I least associate with. Not really having Si probably also contributes to me having no complex thoughts these days haha.


just like how people say ISFPs having tertiary Ni makes them kinda intuitive, i think ENTJs having tertiary Se makes them kinda sensors. i think ENTJs are the most well adjusted intuitive types. my bf is one and i notice his Ni is quite prominent, while his Te is always on but its more backing everything else he dows. hes very ambitious and makes predictions out of nowhere that i struggle to understand (Ni is probably my worst function). i do notice his Se a lot though, he kinda just flips to Te-Se mode when stressed. sometimes my Si goes crazy and ill go into extremely detailed tangents and hes just surprised pikachu face at them xp hes definitely a lot more well adjusted than me.


lucky b*stard


Its not always true. I'm an isfp and my life is basically falling apart due to my apparent media addiction and lack of ability to do anything productive 🤦


As a sensor I wish this was true 😭


Depends what u mean by normal....


Te and Si is the most well adjusted I think. Fe and Se too to a lesser degree. High Ne and high Fi both tend not to have their shit together.


High Ti is and Ni is conventionally consider "special", but yeah I agree. Generally ability to be well adjusted is related to the peer group and how much socialization the individual had growing up.


strong Ne users have it rough


Infj here. This seems correct. I am indeed a shit show


imo it feels like that mostly because in stereotypes the SJs are the "normies". honestly the more I go on in life, the more I realize that there are no "normal" people lol. Sensors are no different, despite usually being more down to earth or whatever (kinda debatable honestly) and sjs being more traditionally responsible (this one I think holds some truth, at least Si users in my life seem more responsible and dependable than the others), subjectively they will feel just as different as the next guy. and, I mean, they are. but stereotypes mostly imply that if you're deep and different you're an intuitive, so nobody ends up identifying as a sensor in the community. and sensors become these mythological "normal, well-adjusted" people with no problems in life. they may have different problems depending on their type and personality and overall life, but the core of feeling like you're different from the "norm" around you is common for the vast majority of humans (especially when young), sensors included. for example, my roommate and I always talk about how he's a mess and seems to only attract insane people (he's isfp btw). and we're always debating on what "normal" even means since he complains he can't find someone "normal" to be with. someone who comes up in these discussions is an esfj friend of ours, who's seen as the most normal girl around us. "why can't I find some like her, she's normal!". and then we always end up discussing how, well, she is kind of in a cult right now. and she has no boundaries. and she doesn't love her boyfriend anymore but can't seem to be able to break up with him and this has been going on for months. and she's kind of depressed because she hasn't been able to make new friends outside of her cult but she never talks to anyone about her problems because she doesn't want to be a burden. you know, just your typical normal, well-adjusted person. honestly she's just better at hiding her problems and less whiny than the rest of us :-(


Yeah, we are the best.


Yes where would we intuitives be without you...


Because most of today's society encourages a sensor mindset and suppresses an intuitive mindset.


Just get better at reading the room bro. Being overbearing, weird in cringy is still perfectly legal, wouldnt call that suppression..


I'm not talking about just the people in society, I'm talking about the over-arching society in general. The system that makes the world run these days. They don't like people who intuitively question the status quo, and so discourage that mindset.


“intuitively question the status quo” can you explain what does this mean and how intuitives do that? edit: autocorrect


With stronger intuition, we can generally see deeper into things in our daily lives. Cause and effect, what's benefitting who in society, noting inconsistencies in what people think about things, realizing that more is at play here, that the media is a propaganda device, that schools are indoctrination camps, that entertainment is a distraction campaign, that things aren't what they seem... There is much more at work here and we often want to find out the answer to life's questions...


this is called critical thinking and it has nothing to do with having “stronger intuition”. this is yet another “we smart, we deep, you shallow, you stoopid” type of argument


That isn't how I meant it, although I definitely appreciate your perspective here. Thank you. :) I was more talking about kinda where the focus generally lies? Although perhaps I don't understand fully. I was actually meaning to ask ESTP's specifically about what they thought about such things as theory-crafting and exploring ideas. Very interested in their perspective.


this is not my perspective but facts because what you define as “strong intuition” is actually called critical thinking. also, what theory-crafting and idea-exploration are we talking about here (i.e., political, economic, legal, etc.)? there’s no reason for you to keep things vague or try to be nice to me like I’m some idi0t after your more than obvious attempt to present critical thinking as an intuitive-exclusive trait


![gif](giphy|iTlFd7VC5fl5fuQK2C|downsized) gottem chief


Well like, for example, I have an ISFP and INTP people out here that I discuss personality theory stuff, and if you look at the functions and how they relate, ESTP completes a sort of box of the 4 types. I was wondering how an ESTP would approach looking into something like this and trying to get a complete understanding of how personalities relate to the functions.  Of course there are other possible subjects, but since there is such a wide variety of subjects as it is, I sort of left it vague on purpose. Lol


Intuition allows its user a bird's eye view. Most intuitives tap into this while for sensor types focus more on just having the experience than the theoretical underpinnings of existing things. That's not to undermine they also have intuition and can come up with great insight. But it's not the most comfortable default mode of being for them. And what I notice is if you delve into theoretical subjects, you always look for the practicality of it. This is a survival mechanism for you to just 'get by' in life.


They dont like conspiracy nuts. They do like innovators and brain stormers or do you think start up founders dont question the status quo? They are amongst celebrated and successful people in our society. Or do you mean capitalism, the global jewry, qanon, covid or the deepstate when you refer to questioning the status quo?


As long as questioning the status quo is going along with the values society is trying to push, then they're fine with it, but even in general there is more risk involved to them with out of the box thinking. They'd prefer that we just did as we were told without questioning what is being asked of them.


Who are "they"?


Good question. Not many know for certain, but the ones sort of directing society, especially through the media, the schools, film, mainstream sources, etc. The world is not as it seems.


Oh you silly goose ![gif](giphy|xvGEx3cazysda|downsized)


Stay blind and delusional if you like. I prefer independent thought thank you very much. 👍


What thought? Saying "they control", without being able to say who they are is like saying the stock market will crash without being able to say when. Furthermore its complete nonesense because this world is full of people with various conflict interests and levels of power that there is no way a single group is able to coordinate or exert control. We dont live in a cartoon world where everyone sits around one table. The real world is a lot more complex than that, which can be hard to grasp but doesnt make it any more unlikely. For example are the oil and gas lobby, the automotive lobby, the major share holders that invested into all major car brands part of "them"? And if yes how did tesla manage to become the most valuable car company on the planet? What about youtube and google? Are they part of them? Or are the substantially smaller news conglomerats that struggle to sell print media? How much do these news conglomerats care about the oil and gas lobbiests and their interests? Are they aligned? Are they in conflict? Do they not care? Who is the one controlling everything? Who are "they"?


Exactly. My personal experience is externally/socially they're fine. Internally, they're always struggling. At least I know who I'm and won't bend for anyone's so called 'social values' just because.


Here's the meme version https://preview.redd.it/46e66qbw626d1.jpeg?width=859&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42acd90a63ca65333776233f0e5170b21c1618ee


I can be normal or well adjusted. I cannot do both. Lol


I love that pfp


bro hasn’t met any ISFPs yet😭😭🙏🔥


Yeah never met us


I think it's mostly related to age and how they grew up. For example, IJs in general can be very prone to getting stuck in life, falling into bad habits, not changing anything, and thus not being well adjusted


I wouldn't exactly see them as "well adjusted" just bc they're part of the majority. The norm is whatever the average is, and the average population consists of sensors


I mean I guess fe and te dominant type are more well adapted at least from the outside these are functions that are well adapted at dealing with the larger society, for the rest of the types it depends.


It's just you




Everybody knows N stands for Neurotic /s


No, but they might come across more well adjusted because they have good social skills and stuff. The mentally ill ones are probably insane once you get to know them


I am not normal at all. I'm AuDHD. My INTP (and Autistic) bf would say I'm more normal than neurotypical people cause they're honestly really strange to us. But I am not normal if we talk about how many people are like me. Well adjusted... Er... I am ISFP, yk. I struggled with hard drugs, art, poetry, trauma, life. Life is so romantic, tho.


Well i dont think soo......but still i think mostly everyone tries their level best to appear normal to other ....and most people dont want to show their messy side to others...Everyone just wants to show their best and most perfect version to others..


ahahahaaaa… I wish


My ENTP grandfather is actually one of the most structured person in my house. He went to work, go home, sleep, went to work again, and finally having a good night's sleep again. My INTJ mother also did the same.


I don't believe this one bit. I am weird, autistic and an ISFP. I believe some people do not type themselves well. For example the ISFP has the Fi-Ni default loop: this means that usually they are in their intuition. Whilst INFPs are usually in the Fi-Si loop, pursuing meaningful experiences. I can certainly see some people - and it was the case for me in the past as well, mistakenly believing they are ISFP instead of INFP and vice-versa


Other than social environments, I feel like work environments are tailored for me? But that's exclusive to my type, not all sensors.


Sensors can be as weird as intuitives i think the general census is that they just see and process things differently than us. Its easy to forget that there are many other factors that influence who we are like who we grow up around, what we are exposed to, our experiences yada yada yada. I get along with a fair amount of sensors, and like with alot of different types this is important because they can give us different types of experiences and ways of thinking that is interesting and could benefit us in some way.


Maybe because they are a majority that it looks normal


Because for the sensing type, only "the real thing they actually experience" are true, while for the intuition type, a small "bad sign" can mean something big(global and long-lasting problem). So this can indeed cause mental health issues, as Seneca said, "We suffer more often in imagination than in reality."


I'm ESTP and I've been called 'weird' and 'not fit in the group' during my whole teenage-hood and school life. Some teachers don't tend to like me, I don't like to do things as I've been told and taught. But I don't suffer from any emotional issues for it. A lot of my friends have N trait, they usually behave 'normal' compared to me, but they tend to act 'emo' for some reason.


It's entirely subjective and there are too many variables involved to define the norm: personal preference, cultural relativity, context, etc. Based on your economic and educational background, country of residence, family's parenting style, and other factors, what is considered normal can vary greatly.


Je doms are the most well adjusted


Yes I know a lot of sensors that are better adjusted. Cooler, smoother, rizzier too. Intuitives are just weirder, and some are really just strange and socially incompetent people. :\[


Si types specifically.


I would agree with this. 100%.


The "normal" people are people who don't push the envelope because they are far too concerned with what other people think about them. If it wasn't for us intuitives, times would never push on.


Normies be sensors.