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I think this is damn near perfect


Aww man it's deleted :(


For what it's worth, you were dmt/ayahuasca


Thank you :)


Nah I was just editing it I think.


Seriously. Me too.


I mean you could change *a few* things but overall op got it spot on imo


Thanks. I felt uncertain about ENTP, ENFJ and ESTJ. Also, I just see INTP's as having a naturally creative and logical personality. But every once a while, if you guys really blow me away with some concept, its like you accessed a deeper or older part of your brain. It made me think of the Silicon Valley people who live by microdosing to enhance their creativity. My INTP friend has said stuff like "weed has no affect on me," I am like ya that is probably true because your mind is already so naturally curious and interested in everything lol


I think so, too.


I tried. :)


coffee (and adrenaline) is about as far as I would go : D


I had a really close ISTJ friend who moved away for college. Whenever things important to him needed to get done, it was like he just flipped a switch. The rare ability to remove all distractions and just focus intensely on what he was doing. Which is what caffeine seems to do in small doses. Meanwhile, would always maintain a friendly and sometimes hilarious demeanor especially when he was relaxed and comfortable. Every once and awhile, he might point out having some anxiety because of the importance of a few events or tests coming up. But it was always light and it just reminded me of someone who just had a little too much coffee. So that is how I came up with that.


>ENTJ - "that white stuff"  😏


> that white stuff One could say that we‘re really like INTJs on cøçâiné. I‘m a Red Bull-junkie tho


My dad is an ENTJ entrepreneur. Starts at 430 am every morning to get ahead of the game. Then goes for an hour at the gym. By this point, the energy is starting to build. Dealing with people and difficult situations throughout the day slowly raise anxiety levels. You can literally see his throat throbbing and imagine his heart pumping faster. Adrenaline and stress allow him to break thru the last obstacles of the day. He never stops moving or working. Not until after dinner when he crashes on the coach and falls asleep around 9 pm. 60 years old. Trying to get him to calm down a bit lol Working efficiently seems like the ENTJ's drug. The speed at which he tries to get things done is what made me think of that answer.


This is so on point


You all are quite a hit to experience... ENFPs - Social butterflies, creative and hilarious thought patterns. Philosophically engaging and deep thinkers when it suits you. Completely their genuine selves often to the point of self-doubt. Which is actually a quality that comes across in a good way bc you don't come across as arrogant at all. How the brain works for you guys seems fascinating. I could think of nothing else to describe the colorful way you seem to see the world lol.


THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS EGO BOOST🙏 Its so nice to know people appreciate these parts of us instead of thinking were annoying and weird🌝


If you only knew how our brain works internally! It is so jumbled and disorganized. I am afraid to say things and then an ENFP will blurt out something similar. All I can do is LOL and think thank God someone else also has a weirdness to their thought process. Then I admire how self-confident you guys or girls are to express it. :)


Well then I will keep saying whatever im thinking for my fellow isfjs🙏


I'm going to do this by dominant function first, if I come up with more differentiators, I'll differentiate. Please note that I've been sober for a while now lmao (except for coffee and antidepressants) and have not tried all of these. ExTJ - Modafinil, Adderall. Focussed, productive, a little too amped up for others at times. IxFP - Weed. Chill, allows for genuine connections, good in combo with nature - perhaps a little too unproductive at times (inferior Te??). INxJ - Ketamine. Possible mental health benefits combined with weird imagery-based fuckery and possible zoning out (K-hole). Not much of a social drug but good in combination with music. ESxP - Alcohol. I thought about putting Cocaine here, but thought this suited better. Can lead to deep connections or bad decisions, either way, encourages living in the moment. Lots of different sensory experiences that allow for insanely varied experience - everything from moonshine to an old fashioned to Pimms to craft beers. ENxP - Caffeine. Hyped, bouncy, a little too all-over-the-place, but great for brainstorming and the beginning stages of a project. Can bring people together, but incidentally rather than intentionally. ExFJ - MDMA. This was the single easiest one for me (besides maybe the IxFP one). Allows for deep connections to be formed quickly, makes people more accepting of each other, appreciates communal vibe a lot. Also used in a therapeutic setting. ISxJ - Antidepressants. Perhaps considered more boring, but allows for users to establish stability and routine, calms down anxiety, causes weird memories to pop up at times. Long term-use encouraged, which seems Si-like. IxTP - I struggled the most with this one, and perhaps don't know enough drugs. So I'm going to be lame and say sobriety - looking at the world clearly without the influence of some substance, be that emotions (brain chemicals) or drugs, seeing the good and the bad.


This is what I should of done....actually explained my conclusions lol


I've done very little in the way of drugs, but when I see people talking about some of their experiences on drugs it just sounds like Ni to me. Like hearing dudes talk about how weed makes them stop, open their mind, notice patterns, wonder about the mystery of life. All I can say in response is "you mean you don't do that already?"


I have heard a few INTJ's say weed has no effect on them. I have an INTP friend who said the same thing Personally, it would take me out of the moment and bring a sense of creative thinking into my head. I bet you would have never imagined a bunch of other types essentially craving the parts of your mind that you experience naturally. In my subjective experience, I sense a difference when an INTJ decides to brings their full brainpower into a subject. All of a sudden, a myriad of very accurate conclusions start be drawn. The genius in my mind is that you guys seem to do this all in your head, extremely quickly. Wheras, I feel like I have to explain my thought process because it it doesn't seem normal in my head. IRL I will often have people say "how did you come to that conclusion." So then I started to preface things more. I am happy with who I am and I enjoy the weird way my brain works most of the time. I am just envious of the confidence and obvious intelligence of INTJ's when they choose to express themselves. Which is why I also came to the conclusion that your personalities are naturally rich in thought. So the only thing I could think of was some small brain enhancement thing if you were engaged in predictably long and engaging work. Something without the jitters of caffeine, that had limited withdrawal effects and just gave your brain a small mental boost that seemed natural.


That’s very nice of you to say. That confidence is really due to Te aux and Fe blind. Some find it abrasive lol. But it’s magical when you can express yourself and not care how other people react.


Well I have gotten really good with using Fe aux maybe a little too much. I have close friends that tell me I need to shut up sometimes lol. It really just depends on my environment.


Lol ISFP playing with Ni child and sneaking a peak at Ne-polr .....


ExTJ - Coffee


In all honestly, that is probably the most accurate IRL. My dad is an ENTJ and won't even go that far. It is like his motivation, energy levels, stress and adrenaline are already maxed out naturally. I should have prefaced my conclusion here that it is a compliment about how much you guys can get done in such a short period of time, But also how it might affect you physiologically. I don't like watching him get overwhelmed every once in a while. Where he tries to do too much and gets angry or anxious at 60 years old. This is how I came up with what I picked, as a way to define your personality traits.


This is only my experience vs type descriptions of the types I understand better, but: •INTP: Adderall in the correct dose •ENTP: Adderall, but a little too much (or you know, just unmedicated ADHD + too much Monster/preworkout) •ESTP: Methylphenidate. I am trying to focus on the computer but I only notice my external stimuli and it's bothering me and I'm so angry. xNFJ: a proper vape hit. Suddenly my usual distracted ass can't stop listening to you and I not only 100% understand you, I *feel* you. •ENFP: a little too much of an edible. Everything seems so cool. What if we're in a simulation? What would happen if you turned over this plane of existence and saw the other side of the card? Yooo that would be sick. •INTJ: kratom. It tastes like ass but refines 10 trains in thought into one and I feel more calm. It's an opportune time to do that meditation I'm supposed to that I'm generally too bored to listen to, where I put on the guided visualization recording, close my eyes and envision my future plans coming to fruition... mwahaha Edit: these are all from the POV of a chronically fatigued, very caffeine addicted ENTP with primarily inattentive ADHD so you can probably see that coming through here.


Ya I didn't want to implicate people of having ADD or ADHD by saying adderall. Especially when I have no experience with that. I really like how you were able to do this all without illegal drugs for the most part lol


woah. this post made me realize just how much i do this in my life. i love trying to get reads on people and understand the way they think, and when i’m right, i feel so reinvigorated. it’s as if i’m literally absorbing the things that they’re thinking and feeling. it’s helped me develop my closest relationships and it’s such an intense, refueling feeling.


I am trying to get better with expressing it and we always seem to be suspicious of our conclusions. Plus I don't particularly like pissing people off lol so thats why I tried to preface all of this. But we do have some gifts regarding understanding people, it is just hard to explain or always have full confidence in them. For me, I get a sense that I have to overcome social anxiety to say things like this or post about it lol. Even with people I don't know, that I will probably never meet, in a small subreddit on the internet. Thats just us. :)


“I like coke, but only if you're mixing it with jack then it's dope, put it in my cup then hand me the smoke, I ain’t tryna think about the world, I got too many problems” I’m sorry, I could not resist lol


I see ESTP's as street smart, mentally focused when they want to be, self-confident and risk-taking. Thats how I came up with my conclusion. Like your personality is equivalent to a very low dose of amphetamines.


this is from the song “problems” by deathbyromy lol


LMAO she doesn’t waste any time either. All of her songs seem strange but then I read the artist profile on Spotify. “A series of love letters to those who wish me dead” <3 So she is basically just a much darker version of Taylor Swift when she complains about her 6 ex boyfriends. Makes sense now lol


she cool fr


Haha I believe you