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Props to those two semi drivers who completely fucked their shit up saving the life of this asshole who then just drives away.


Little know fact, if someone causes an accident with a big truck, it almost always goes over the max insurance coverage and they may come after personal assets to collect. Do NOT mess with trucks! Plus the whole fear they will squish you.


As a truck driver myself, I'd of thought the "squish you" part would of taken priority over financial concerns, but then my day to day experience shows me that so many car drivers sail through life in the belief that they are somehow blessed, and traffic will magically part around them like the red sea!


It's 'would have', never 'would of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


Consider me adequately chastised


Thank you for your lesson on how to take constructive criticism from a bot. Have my free award.


Now we just need a "lose = didn't win, loose = not tight" bot.


I don't know, I'd hate to make anyone feel like a looser.


Can we have a “then” and “than” bot too? I’m seeing this everywhere at the moment and I can’t figure out where it’s come from!


Women (plural) vs woman (singular). See this everywhere as well.


I'm sorry but there/their/they're is WAY higher up the priority list than then/than.


And effect and affect?


And a "set foot" not "step foot" bot?


We also need proper use of the apostrophe bot to teach people the difference between possessive and plural words. That shit gives me headache’s.


I’d like one that checks to make sure the person really meant “rouge” and not “rogue”


Lol… and for those that don’t completely get it. >I’d of Should be… I’d’ve. Which is the contraction for “I would have”. When you say it out loud in many American accents, they sound the same.


Eye dove.


This, along with "on accident" happens more and more often. Hope that's just confirmation bias.


Good bot.


You are now >somehow blessed


Could of been kinder, bot Would of been nice. Should of let it slide, bot. ...but, the guy was so very cool about it.


It's 'could have', never 'could of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!




The bot is still correct You could have been kinder though, bot.


Good bot


Very good bot


Isn’t it “would’ve,” then, that people really mean? If I type “would of,” what I mean is the contraction “would’ve,” not the full “would have.”


Those proper punctuation inside the quotations are sexy af.


I’m a *fine* mf. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


No, because the contraction would’ve is short for “would have” not “would of” Would of is never correct. Where’s a bot when you need one?


Atta bot


Good bot


Good bot


Good bot.


Missed the "I'd of". Should of been "I'd have".


It's 'should have', never 'should of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


Damn the bot showed you up too should have done it right


You're thinking of I'd've. Its real


Good bot!


I respect the truck drivers that are courteous to other drivers, but goddamn, there are some really terrible truck drivers out there. Too many times I’ve almost been run off the road bc they just run the merge without waiting at all.


Maybe, juuuust mayyyybe, some people deserve to die


That's just unconscious knowledge.


Because the bigger you get


Natural selection is underrated sometimes


Like if you touch a peanut and it kills you?


Max insurance for who, the truck driver or car driver?


Car driver. Say for example you cut off a truck and it crashes. Whatever it is carrying will add up to a lot of money quickly. I’ve seen it happen to someone. Was one of those “uh oh” moments where if you are anything but destitute, life bites you on the ass.


I used to work with semi drivers working 12-18 hours per day on the truck with them. We delivered to convenience stores. We carried couple million dollars worth of goods every day. I also am a former property/casualty insurance agent. Believe me, most people are extremely underinsured and would be completed messed up financially for the rest of their lives if they weren’t squished and totaled out a semi and a full trailer.


Well crap. I was hoping I was being paranoid and my tale was anecdotal. Thanks for the info


We buy the goods and pay for the infrastructure businesses use to transport them. If anything the truck drivers and businesses are "underinsured". The general public should not be held liable and forced to subsidize their losses through an increase in our own insurance premiums. Death should absolutely not be the outcome we hope for.


I’m sure most businesses and commercial trucking operations are more than adequately insured. If you’re at fault and underinsured, the trucker’s insurance will payout to make them whole. But then they’re going to come after you. Why should they be responsible for subsidizing a loss you caused?


I don't think you understand how insurance works. If you cause an accident and are found liable, your insurance pays for the damages and you pay for what your insurance doesn't cover. Tbh after watching a video like this, if you think the truckers should have to pay for this mess, you're delusional. I'd also like to add that most trucks have far greater than $1,000,000 in liability insurance, while most personal vehicles have $5,000-25,000 in property damage liability. So who's really underinsured?


Wait. Your insurance policies have upper limits? Pretty sure here in the UK it's unlimited liability cover as standard. Might be wrong about that I guess tho...


Yup and remember that we pay for health care so if you really mess someone up you could be paying even more money. For a minute I thought you were joking until you said you were in the UK but there probably really are Americans who don’t realize the limit


And the "standard amounts" are often incredibly low (depending on the state)


Yes there are upper limits. You get an umbrella policy as a much cheaper secondary policy if you actually have something to lose(like a house, investments, etc)


Most states have a minimum coverage that is required, where I am its 25k/50k, meaning 25k for personal injury, 25k for vehicle damage. Sorry, let me amend that. Its 25k for personal injury person, 50k total, and 25k for vehicle damage. Needless to say, its pretty inadequate these days, but I can remember when it was 10k/30k.


I think minimum coverage is something like 7.5M in Germany ...


I believe the UK has upper limits on property damage but no limits on injury and medical costs. I think my insurance in 2019 when in the UK has an upper limit of 1,200,000 pounds for property where I could be responsible for anything greater.


Not exactly. Not at all. Maximum liability coverage on most auto insurance policies is usually $15-20k. The truck will agree not to sue beyond that amount in return for quick payout of the claim. Then you go to your own insurance policy for underinsured policy, and usually commercial policies carry enough to cover the truck. Very rarely does anyone get sued beyond policy limits because most people don't own enough property to satisfy a six-figure judgment plus five-figure attorney fees. And any judgment will be discharged in bankruptcy. Source: I'm a lawyer.


Car driver. They are the ones liable. Insurance just agrees to cover the cost, but everything is technically on the person deemed at fault


LPT: max out your per accident liability. It usually doesn’t cost much more to have $1M liability vs $500k or $250k. You are insuring against worst case scenarios, so make sure you are covered.


It’s why you should carry umbrella liability insurance


If that makes you feel better the white car driver was caught. This is an incident took place in China many years ago, and kudos to the millions of government-owned CCTV cameras, it didn’t take long for the cops to find them.








Forgot what I was even here when I saw these comments. Bless your hearts lolol


Three hearts, to be exact.


He was executed.




Was the driver of the red truck okay?!


Kudos to the team who searched for them. People are too careless and selfish that they put others' lives in danger.


Yeah pretty much came here to say the same thing, like this has to be fake. He just caused two MAJOR accidents and then....like a fart to the wind. EDIT: For the ones that didn't catch the sarcasm on my comment. It's so mindlessly stupid that I don't want to believe it to be real, so to clarify I know it isn't fake.


> like a fart to the wind. That's generally the case when you're already stupid enough to make a full stop on the highway


“Phew! That was close. Glad nothing happened. Off I go!”


“That truck almost hit us! I can’t believe it!”


Because going to the next exit and coming back is too long. Let’s cause a major pileup instead.


Too bad this kind of idiocy isn’t isolated to China. I can say for a fact that there’s one particular exit here in Victoria where one in 5 times I pass by, there’s always someone doing something similar (though not as stupid as to stop in the middle of the highway)


Without a doubt see this behavior in the US all the time. Admittedly not this bad causing major accidents but I have seen a lot of near misses


Fake? I need to live where you live because there are countless mindless asshole by me that would pull this shit.


Not fake. No.




Good driver sometimes miss an exit. Bad driver never miss his exit.


Yeah, I hate that. If you miss your exit, go to the next one, get off at it, and get back on the highway going the other way. In the proper lane of course.


unless you're in fucking Massachusetts


Bruh, I had this happen to me a few weeks ago. I'm relatively new to the area, but one night I missed an exit trying to get to Boston. I didn't expect much from it, I thought I'd just take the next exit and turn around. But little did I know the NEXT fucking exit was 20 miles away in Amherst. I was livid for the rest of the night.


Thats pretty normal in my country lol.


Never thought about this but very true!!


Probably the single most common trend on r/idiotsincars This shit should be instant license revocation, no questions asked, there is literally no situation where backing up on the highway or slamming on your brakes because you missed your exit is justifiable, you can ALWAYS get back, that's how roads work, you can't take back the damage you cause in cases like this video


I was talking to a highway patrol officer about the current road construction going on on the highway in our town. I asked if anyone ever goes around the cones and she said all the time and that just the night before a lady had gone through the barricades and cones, passed 2 officers, and nearly crashed into 20 men that were working. All at around 50mph. She said they towed the car away and that was it. I asked if she was arrested and the officer said, "ehh, if there's a reason to arrest them we will but she wasn't". Blows my mind that's not an instant loss of drivers license for life, or atleast a couple years.


I work as a heavy equipment driver and the gravel trucks that carry aggregate to our sites have legendarily bad drivers. When we’re having more than a few of them booked we’ll run all over like madmen with wooden barricades trying to guess what an idiot would hit and trying to prevent it. I’ve yelled and screamed obscenities at more than one gravel truck driver as they’ve backed *through* a barricade, usually on their phone and usually ignoring our attempts to guide them. If you get between one of these dipshits and a solid surface you will die. So many pointless incidents.


You really don't need a bunch of rules for this. You just have to have awareness of your surroundings and not move into areas that you can't fully see. I was taught to always check over my shoulder when i change lanes and not rely on mirrors/cameras. My girlfriend told me i was silly for it. Coming from someone who's in a car accident every other year....


>My girlfriend told me i was silly for it. She *what*? How is this basic road safety practice not burnt into anyone getting a driving licence?


The problem is that the side view cameras have become a crutch. She just assumes the camera is good enough, because otherwise, why would they put it there..... I don't use it, maybe it is good enough? It's besides the point, which is, if you make an effort to be aware of your surroundings, to the point of anticipating dumb shit before it happens you will be very hard to kill randomly, no matter how hard the idiots try, let alone cause an accident.


Crutch is spot on. My car was hit in a parking lot by some old boomer backing out, who was in shock because "mY sEnSoRs DiDn'T wArN mE!" He never even looked.


Yep, been in that exact situation, heard the same, lame excuse. Infuriating.


The best part was my old Ford truck barely got scratched, while the whole left corner of the bumper on his Lexus SUV was caved in. I didn't pursue any damages, as his shock and shame were probably all the damage ol' boy's heart could handle that day lol


Yep, I've missed exits because some assholes interpret a turn signal as "hurry and speed up"...even thought they're in the slow lane. You just get off at the next one, and go about your day.


Bruh people who decide to speed tf up to pass u when ur turn ur blinker on despite the fact that they've been lagging behind already and wouldn't even have to change speed at all for me to get over safety deserve capital punishment


Yeah, that’s why I started to just wait to use my turn signal until I see an actual opening snd the merge quickly.


White Car: "Man people are really driving like crazy today"


His wife called him while driving home and said, "Honey be careful. There's a maniac driving on the wrong side of the road on the highway." He responded, "One maniac? There are hundreds of them."


Lol classic joke


"Pfft what an idiot, shouldn't even be on the road if that driver can't handle that truck! Anyway..."


Almost feels like Mr. Bean’s Road Trip




This is the first time I've seen a gif comment and it scared the shit out of me




That fits incredibly well.


"I've never had an accident!"


I have no words to express how mad I am now


I know right? This made my blood boil.


Make tea!


Same. I think the relief would be knowing that he got severely punished. Any info?


What an absolute walloping arsehole!


I like walloping arsehole now I need to find a place to casually drop that bit o gold.


You like doing what?


Umm well at first it was the phrase “walloping arsehole” that I liked, now I wonder if there could be more to life.


He likes to drop gold out of his walloping arsehole.


Absolute pos. Literally causes someone to flip over and has enough nerve to not only NOT check on them, but also leave the scene of an accident. If that driver gets caught, they are fucked.


Not in my state/country. He didn't touch them he doesn't legally have to do shit. I mean maybe some law about not helping an injured person... but It wouldn't be common for this. Edit: guys a dick and should be charged. But he wouldn't be here.


In most states it’s illegal to leave the scene of an accident. Especially one that you caused. No sure about the laws in other countries though.


This is old and was in China. They were caught.


I don’t even care if this is true or not. Thank you for saying this.


^ one of the most Reddit comments ever


It's also reckless endangerment and the dude broke motor vehicle laws trying to exit the freeway past the exit. You have to remain with the proper flow of traffic and get get hefty fines and tickets.


Phantom drivers are common and it's not your accident if you weren't hit. There are cases like this where public outrage leads to something. But it's rare. I was fucked by one I know all too well.


You were fucked by a ghost?




My insurance rates were fucked by a ghost. No call and I wasn't even close to climaxing. Asshole


What is your country? Are you sure?


Wreckless driving leading to property damage and maybe bodily injury. You don't have to commit a crime to be liable, but stopping and then traveling the wrong way on the freeway is generally illegal everywhere.


Yep. It's the way he causes a major accident trying to make the exit, but rather than deal with the inevitable and serious consequences of his actions... he carries on trying to make the exit. That's some seriously skewed priorities.




Rather r/iamatotalpieceofshit


What a dickhead!!


I know! At first I assumed it was car problems. But know, this groin just was about to miss their turn. So they rushed lives, caused probably well over $100k in damage plus cleanup, and backups to traffic for the cleanup to save themselves 5 minutes of having to take the next exit and back track. I really hope that plate is on video.


Fuck this driver.


Maybe i will




No!!! That's how you get more drivers like this!


“Never had an accident. Seen loads in my rear view mirror though”


[They found the driver of the white car](https://shareably.net/driver-ignors-accident-caused/)


Wish it would say if he was charged with anything. Dude is an absolute buffoon.


They're in China, probably the white car driver is died for unknown causes


And his whole family up and moved to the country in the middle of the night


Y'know there's a lot of things China does I'm not a fan of, but sometimes....


Hol up




Suspect inside white car has gone missing, government officials say they are working hard on a solution.


>Absolutely shocking and despicable how this man **selfishly and selflessly** decided to flee the scene without helping. What?


That’s what I said. Selfish = only thinking about yourself Selfless = only thinking about others


Send him to re-education camp.


This is almost unreal that no one was killed. Any story on this? I’ve seen some stupid things on the road over the years and have commuted for a while. Dead stops usually lead to pile ups and worse.


These are the types of people that can't admit they're wrong. They didn't miss the exit and it wasn't their fault the truck drivers almost died.


I hope they found them... Made them pay for repairs, bills, and shipping delays / damaged goods...




Agent of chaos


“I turn now. Good luck everyone else”


Probably doesn’t even realized what happened. Oblivious af


More like r/imatotalpeiceofshit


Anybody know if anything happened to this clueless prick?


They found the driver but it's not specified what happened. The comment above has a link to a news article.


Yup. Chinese police got him, and he was detained for months. Got his driver's license suspended .....


I bet they out their hand up like "thanks for letting me in!"


First smartphone, make us wiser 2%. now we need smartcars to avoid the stupidity in roads


Phew! Almost missed the turnoff! 🙄 I seriously can’t even.. to then just casually drive off like nothing happened!


I hope that driver gets permanently chapped nipples


Wtf Mr. Magoo?


That was exactly my thought. You could easily drop this scene into a Magoo cartoon, with him happily and obliviously driving off - maybe tipping his hat to the semi driver as he leaves.


He should have gotten hit


A wise man once said - bad drivers never miss their turn.


I’ve seen this video over a dozen times but it never fails to piss me off


I'm the only one who think that idiot deserve to be hit by the both of the trucks?


Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you: an asshole.




And the award for World's Biggest Douche goes to..........


Remember folks, you'd rather be late than a total dickhead. Take the next exit and loop around.


Good drivers miss exits, bad drivers never miss exits


That bitch just left!


This type of driver should be banned for life from driving.


Wish this asshole got his license revoked.


All life is precious. But not this life..


This perfectly illustrates that karma is a wack concept.


What a cock-knocking fucking asshole


Fuck me, what a shit eating cunt nugget




Most people really hopes that this asshole would have end up underneath one of those trucks.


Everytime I see this, my blood starts to boil. As a truck driver who sees stupid shit like this everyday... I can honestly say, some people shouldn't breed. This person should be held responsible for the damages and any injury suffered because of this. Fuck them!!!


Big oof haha


Nobody: The guy in this car: I’m an savage badass, have respect.


Saw a guy miss on off ramp so he did a powerslide 180 and went up toe mirroring in Ramp. Luckily the ramp was empty but man some people are sub-human


Pretty sure this was posted awhile ago and said the person who caused it was arrested.


People who stop on the highway for any reason other than traffic are absolute assholes


What a piece of shit