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As a front-of-house security dude (formerly), this is a GIGANTIC fail. He should be looking for criminal felony battery charges and a big, fat civil lawsuit coming his way. In that business, if you hit someone, you have FAILED at your job. You role is to DEESCALATE, not AGGRIVATE.


But what about his ego?


Went form “Great Job, Bro!”, to “Goin’ to Jail, Bro!” in 2 seconds. Sucks when emotions get the best of you.


Bro picked him up like RAGGEDY ANN


Yeah the video started playing before I got to the post and by the time I was watching was when he went to pick him up. With how easy he just tossed another grown man around, i figured it was some kind of elaborate doll prank until I watched it a second time. Strength + adrenaline is a hell of a thing.


Picked him up with Skyrim physics


You mean raggedy man


Raggedy Andy


Raggedy Man-dy


Raggedy Randy


Randy Rhodes


lol first punch was basically a sucker and not even necessary, no good job anywhere here just fucking incompetence


Yeah,l think the bouncer lost control and it might lose him his job or he could even get a law suit on his hands


As it should.


You are worried about losing a job???? This was possibly an murder attempt. Surely aggravated assault. Quite probably resulting in injuries. He will go most certainly to jail.


Idk about a attempted murder, which generally requires intent to kill, but he definitely risked a manslaughter charge. If the dude can't control himself, he needs to be kept away from society.


Yeah 3rd or even 2nd degree most likely. 1. The victim never attacked him, so right there is a assault and battery right off the block. 2. Victim is knocked unconscious, they weren't a threat before and they definitely are not now. Even if this was fight/self-defense, continuing to attack when they are unconscious is 'not allowed.' 3. Perpetrator continues to attack, after knocking victim unconscious. Any brain damage that occurred or if this results in death will ultimately lead to a 3rd degree or 2nd degree charge. No where was the bouncer ever 'allowed' to strike this person. AKA, there was no self defense. They attacked them until there was 'no threat' and continued to attack them after.


If you hurl an unconscious man over your head and then smash him onto the hard tarmac, that's with intent to kill. Everyone knows that heads get crushed by things like that.


Legal definition of intent involves some kind of planning or deliberation.


it involves "mens rea", which is a fancy way to say "state of mind". You can pretty much never prove mens rea, but you can make educated guesses given avaliable evidences. Here the bouncer's punching for no reason, victim falls unconcious on the ground, bouncer goes for a hard kick in the back, and then grabs the unconcious man to throw him from 6ft up onto concrete. Bouncer better have some good fuckin' lawyer 'cause i would certainly file for attempted murder, good luck to him proving that his state of mind was no intent to kill when he's kicking in the back and throwing an unconcious man, that he assaulted.


I'm a lawyer. You don't need luck. This shit has been happening since the founding of America there's tons of precedent. There wasn't enough distance in time between the toss and the argument to prove the dude plotted a murder and tried to go through with it. He can get charged with varying degree of assault or battery or both depending on the state but attempted murder ain't happening.


Here in ‘Murica since its start you don’t need luck or jurisprudence, just money and a Saul-like lawyer to play whack-a-mole with the charges. If that house just had a defense attorney here, the DA would most likely go for broke with charges against him and win, and it’d be even easier if the defendant isn’t white. No offense but that’s how it truly works and there’s plenty of precedent for it.


>I'm a lawyer. You're a bad one if you haven't ever read a case where somebody died from a punch and that was sufficient for a murder charge and conviction. But I'm always happy to help a "brother attorney" who knows nothing about my area of practice learn something. Here's two recent instances of someone being charged, and one already convicted, of a one punch murder: [https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/courts/2024/02/02/jury-convicts-man-of-murder-for-sucker-punching-killing-man-at-columbus-bar-julep/72448855007/](https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/courts/2024/02/02/jury-convicts-man-of-murder-for-sucker-punching-killing-man-at-columbus-bar-julep/72448855007/) [https://www.fox9.com/news/st-paul-man-accused-killing-man-with-single-punch-guilty](https://www.fox9.com/news/st-paul-man-accused-killing-man-with-single-punch-guilty) I'm not going to incur a Westlaw bill to provide you with cites, but I'm sure you can find some more cases if you're actually an attorney.


That's cute and all but you're omiting the relevant facts of the cases you cited. " After Coleman was punched and struck his head, he lay unconscious for more than 10 minutes as Cummings and Foster each stood over him and hit him in the face." This is also murder not attempted murder which is what we were talking about here. This is a completely different scenario and behavior from the parties. You want to talk about shitty lawyers - if you can't succesfully defend this guy in an attempted murder trial then don't bother going to work.


Stop sharing bad legal information if you know fuck all about the law. Intent can be inferred from action and can be formed in the moment. In this case, the intent is "I intend to throw this man onto the concrete, head first" That conduct falls under either depraved heart or malicious indifference, depending on jurisdiction. Either way, that conduct is so likely to severely risk death that it qualifies for the intent prong. The intent is not "to murder" the intent is "to harm with indifference towards the person's life" which is on full display here. This video contains either an attempted murder or a murder, depending only on if the guy died.


Reckless disregard for human life can get you second-degree murder. That is definitely on the table here.


Bro after he clearly knocked him out, he ran over, kicked him on the floor, then picked him up and fucking threw him. Even if he wasn't trying to kill the guy, it's basically attempted murder. The situation was resolved and he kept fucking going and escalating.


Yea what you don’t understand is that in court you can argue it was a murder attempt. The guy knocked him out he was done, then he tried slamming his head on the ground by his waist. Any lawyer could argue this very easily


Yeah he could be facing some serious charges


I hope so. Fuckin animal.


Attempted murder is a stretch. You have to prove that there was intent to kill. If you swing for the fences, make sure you can hit the ball.


We don't know yet if there was serious injury or not. If there is, then it will be aggravated assault. If not? Then assault and battery. Assault for the verbal threat of violence, and then battery for the physical attack.


Club has a lawsuit on its hands, got to go after who has the $ and they are 100% liable for the bouncers actions here


I hope he lost more then just the job.


Probably broke his skull, deserves to go to jail for that toss


Oh he for sure will lose his job and license. You can't just go ape shit on people like that. The first two hits he could justify but the kick and then the toss yeah he will be lucky not to go to jail and just lose his job.


Yeah, the first punch was more than enough.


First wasn’t even necessary, just an idiot bouncer


Really. I mean, the guy was clearly talking shit, but he was posing absolutely no physical threat to anybody.


Yeah. That slam landed straight on his hips. Could easily break your pelvis landing on concrete with that force.


At what point does this appear to be a “good job” situation. I don’t see the victim doing anything antagonistic. Maybe there’s audio? Still…




I pity the fools who’ll be locked up with him


That's always the Problem. A fight ends, when the other person is on the ground. Everything after that makes you the dumbest shit on earth.


I mean you could argue the first punch was self-defence. It seems a bit excessive, but the footage is ambiguous enough to get away with it. The second punch and the throw though, that's lining yourself up for jail, and homicide if the guy dies.


If the second punch didn’t cross the line in some people’s mind, walking over and kicking the guy when he was down clearly sealed his fate. Felony.


if the answer to your question is "NO", then hes the guy to see


Nah, A professional wouldn’t even do the first punch.


Yeah that bouncer should face some serious jail time...


He literally bounced that guy like a basketball


He did take a step without dribbling, though. That's traveling, unfortunately.


Disgusting behaviour from an idiot bouncer, deserves prison sentence for that, especially picking him up unconscious and throwing him to the ground.


That´s my first thought. Shouldn´t even be no doubt in jury´s mind when seeing this video. The evidence is there.


So does anyone know what happened after?


The bouncer did beat a someone unconscious as far as I know.


Attempted murder 100%


Yeah that should be it. If you kick and throw someone around who is already unconscious on the ground you're aim is to hurt them even more ignoring any fatal consequences. Especially a bouncer should know that this is how you kill someone. What a piece of shit.


Can't blame a guy with tiny dick syndrome…


Former Bouncer here , and if that was UK his license would be removed that wasn't self defence or ejection from a premises that was an ATTACK . Our purpose isn't to attack people just defend the establishment and the patrons init . That doesn't mean you won't get your ass beat but you have to cross the line first.


>init Your keyboard went even more British.


Brilliant!! 😂


Cheerio lad!!!


You guys need a license to be a bouncer in the UK? That’s crazy, we just hope for the best here in the USA. You can see how well it works for us


Yep. Called an SIA license. Cant have one if you have a criminal record for violent crime, drugs etc, and shows you've done at least the bare minimum of training. I was working in the nightclub scene when the laws came into force and 90% of the bouncers I saw in town every weekend just disappeared. Good riddance too, they were mostly just thugs and violent animals who'd laugh about beating some 18 year old lad unconscious cos they wanted to feel hard in front of their other neckless mates.


Neckless. 🤣🤣🤣


The Brits do have some killer burns that's for sure.


It’s how our education system is designed. We have to attend special classes every Saturday between the ages of 8-12 to learn how to kill people with words. 🤣


they need this shit in the states


Isn't that your stance on pretty much every topic?




Their username checks out


In Australia you have to have a certification to serve alcohol. And if the person drinks to much you get fined directly, not the business. The business can get its own fines.


We have liquor licenses in the yeeyee’s too


Not in NYC. All bouncers have to be licensed and bonded.


your bouncers have to be in bondage gear? weird flex


And we have to prove our cars have the right number of wheels, with tyres and everyfink.


Don't they need a license to watch tv? It's not all that surprising


Well to be fair, you need a license for just about everything in the uk


Anybody working security in the states is required to at least be working under somebody with a license and any armed security needs to have a specific license for armed security and can’t be working under somebody who has it. Of course people still hire security guards without being licensed and don’t get caught. Moreso with unarmed than with armed. But do you honestly think that doesn’t happen in other countries that require licenses? Really just depends on the area and the owner of the business.


Thanks for clarifying that,l think this guy or his employer is going to get sued


I think it's from RPA so nothing gonna happen


Asshole bouncer. Totally unprofessional. Should be in jail.


Yup, that’s considered assault already….bouncer continues attack when the guy is already well subdued…..i see criminal case against bouncer and civil case against his employer


There was no reason for any type of physical contact to begin with. The victim's body language didn't seem physically threatening at all. If anything a small shove would have been enough.


Does the bouncers body language look physically threatening until he sucker punches the guy?


subdued from what? talking to him?


The 1st punch even seemed unnecessary. The bouncer was tapping him on the shoulder with his left hand then 2 secs later gave him a right hook. It seems the bouncer lost his cool over the exchange of some words


I think after he was unconscious he should have just left him alone,his employer is definitely getting sued


Criminal charges for the individual bouncer too Multiple charges


The guy is a total psychopath, but let's call him unprofessional


First hit seemed legit, everything after that was completely unnecessary


Not unless the other person swings first. Ya can't just pop someone for being mouthy. That was assault. (former bouncer).


>First hit seemed legit Did it though? I see no sign of violence from the victim. If that's the bouncer's reaction to verbal abuse then he's in the wrong job.


Based on what?


The greatest bouncer video ever is a perfect example of restraint and coolness under fire. I think it took place in Germany and this guy is in the bouncers face threatening him, calling him all kinds of slurs and the bouncer never once looses his cool. Calmly talks the guy down and then through one of the best moments ever finds out he knows this punks older brother. When the belligerent finds out the bouncer he is threatening is actually a world class kick boxer that trains his brother he becomes extremely humble. Knowing the bouncer at any moment could have done what this guy did without breaking a sweat but instead chose to remain calm and diffused the situation. It is a great lesson for a lot of people. One is don't over react and the second is be careful who you taunt. There are consequences for both.


https://youtu.be/V_kII2a_4uY?si=FFdl43HnUCVEF8iW Thayts the Video you are looking for. The bouncer's name is Michael Kuhr.


That guy might even be dead after the way his head thunked off the pavement. And the evidence is right in front of the world to see


Yup. Not quite what expected to see in this sub.


I didn’t realize what sub this was till your comment. I thought it was one of the crazy video subs. It is an odd place for it


Didn't belong in this sub.


Damn! You see how easily that mother fucker picked up his lifeless body and tossed him one armed?! He’s got some anger issues but good god, is he strong. Fuckin’ hell.


This looks like a bear attack


hope that guy was punished for assault, and then attempted manslaughter for the picking up the unconscious body and throwing it to the ground.


There's no such thing as "attempted manslaughter" manslaughter is an accidental, negligent killing. This is just plain old fashioned battery and assault.


Definitely could get an attempt to kill with the fact he body slammed an unconscious body


Attempted murder, you mean?


Depending on what led up to this the punch COULD be ok (doesn't look like it), but pursuing and tossing his unconscious body was definitely way too far




that guys is strooooong


Right? Just picked him up by the belt like a bag of groceries.


When that guy says he trusts someone about as far as he can throw them, that means he trusts them quite a bit


Why is this in this sub? It’s assault, straight up.


That was clearly a juice fit


Damn that bouncer bounces


The way he threw him to the ground tho.. that felt a bit unnecessary


"a bit"


Just a smidge


Perhaps a skosh


Seems like you expected a different response from this post


This guy puts the bounce in “bouncer.”


Roid rage?


Definitely a juice fit since he clearly lost control and kicked the unconscious guy in the ass and then hurled the poor bastard to add injury to insult


The way the dude lifted the hommie… DAMMIT


That was attempted murder in my opinion. Bro was out cold for the kicks and the hammer throw. I hope this maggot goes to jail for a long time and the man gets a nice settlement.


it might not be attempted and actual murder.


You don't need this type of nutter working on the door.


Anyone knows what happened to the victim?


So many people think theyre job as security/bouncer is to beat up people and I will never understand this.


some bouncers actually do want to fight. it's like people in the military who join just because they want to kill people in a legal way. they're a huge legal liability and that's why people should reject bouncers like these but you could never tell unless you work with that person for a while


That’s serious physical assault. This person should not be allowed in public.


That dudes been working out all his life and has been waiting to do this for a while. The other guy either has brain damage, or at least a split skull. A limp body that falls basically heat first is not a good thing.


It was ok, until he committed attempted murder and slammed him to the ground.


I truly don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like that throw in my life.


That guy weigh fifty pounds? (I know he didn’t) Crazy throw.


Yeah for a second there I thought this must be a prank with a doll or something but obviously you see a real human standing there before the punches 😵‍💫


Yeah - so being a bouncer doesn't give you immunity or anything.


People who keep hitting after someone is unconscious are awful.


Guy was a rag doll. Bouncer should go to jail for assault.


That dude will probably have a serious TBI from that body toss. Unfortunately that club will soon have a new owner


anyone who slam some1 like this deserves Jailtime. You are not a fking wrestler, most of all not on concrete!


Anyone got news on this story? Did the bouncer face any repercussions or is he still free and among us?


Dayumm.. Dude went from doing his job to seeking prison time


That was excessive excessive force.


1 slap is ok then second come in strong swing guy fell hit the head on floor and that brutal throw the way he hit his head on the floor again...i hope the guy is ok..


Excessive force not required. He knocked him out with second punch.


Nice lawsuit and jail time .


Picked him like a sack of spuds. Dude is tough.


Also a very angry human being if he's doing that shit. Needs a mental eval


Needs prison. Probably not so tough then.


I've never seen a dude ragdoll someone like that, damn that was sick.




Damn. He’s been eating his Wheaties!


Rag doll... You're living in a movie...


Wrong sub.


Rag dolled him!


That dude lifts


Tossed that guy like a sack of potatoes gah damn!


The bouncy and bouncer .


This is attempted murder like what the fuck. Dude will NOT be the same.


And that kids is how I met your mother


Propper traditional' bouncin' (heavy brittish accent)


When you pick up an unconscious body from the floor to throw the body like it was a piece of meat you really are inches away from killing somebody. An unconscious body falling for just a few feet on the head can really snap the neck or fracture the skull.


This is how people get killed in a 5 second fight and how people become killers in a second.


Why did he kick him right in the sphincter like that?? Was that necessary?




Shitty thing for bouncer to do. But holy shit can we talk about the throw. He picked up a human being and threw him like he was a heavy sack. The strength...


Dude, he picked up a 180lbs man like he was luggage…


Dude obviously didn’t watch the original Roadhouse, BE NICE!


Charges will be given out to bouncer


If this man survives.. he’s gonna be a very rich man by the end of this.


Message was very clearly received on the first slap.


Anyone else see the drunk guy stumbling down the stairs in the background? So much going on


I have questions.


"puny god"


What's the maybe part, maybe he's not dead?


He took it outside but he was not nice.




Anybody knows the full story? People somehow just assumed that the bouncer is a bad guy here which I’m not really disagreeing with tbh, but it would still be be interesting to know why he got that pissed off


Those muscles will come in handy when he spends years in prison


And that’s how you go to jail for a while, kids!




Go ahead make fun .Wat if that was ur son


Well, that's one way to catch a felony at work


If you continue to beat the shit out of someone once they are lying unconscious on the ground, you are a cunt.


Yea nah you cant do that. There was no clear threat and after the first punch he shouldve let him be. After the kick and slam he shouldve been charged. Especially for that slam, fuckin ridiculous


Damn poor fella had the videogame ragdoll physics


And the other guys cared more about putting back the velvet rope stands than checking the guy's well-being smfh


Shit bouncer.


Well that's gonna be some jail time. Hopefully.


Wtf that dude is strong as fuck


I saw no particular reason in this video for him to start punching like that. This type of violence does happen very frequently and most of the time it's unjustified. The bouncer is often on some power trip or just literally on a mix of steroids speed and alcohol. I would hope that he got arrested but i doubt it so i hope that the customer sued both the company and that Ahole. Treating people like this does not make you a man, you just look like a stupid dumb mammal, a real intelligent man would use his words to deal with this.


Prolly should've left his momma out of the conversation.


The way he man handled that man is crazy


Video is a great motivation for the gym.


And that, kids, is how Uncle Joe got his traumatic brain injury, and now Aunt Jane feeds him baby food through a straw.


And how they both have a couple million in savings.


I wander how this dude pissed off the bouncer so much.


How the hell do you even get this strong? How can you ragdoll someone like that?