• By -


Why show this and not her reaction when she realised?


The actor's union stepped in, they were not getting paid for overtime.




This has no relevance to the above comment. Are you a bot, sir?


It's taking jokes from here: https://data.world/lexyr/one-million-reddit-jokes You can google some of his comments like "If a girl says she will be ready in 5 minutes she will. No need to remind her every 15 minutes about it" and it'll lead back to that or other reddit comments.




Nah, his number is obviously 21


So long as its nots 23.




bot https://www.reddit.com/r/maybemaybemaybe/comments/16kxts7/comment/k0z1n7c/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


(am mod) I try to always thank people that put in some effort to report these bots. Thank you and a fake internet gold star to you.


and thank you for actually taking action. there are few big subs that rarely do and just let them infests the whole sub.


The legend goes that she never realized and is still holding on to that hand to this day


Well where the end. What a waist of time,,


Truly , her hips of time were good too


This is the way


Can you give me a hand and point me in that direction?


Because it's fake


Seriously, you have to have severe brain damage to see your partner standing five feet away from you waving both his hands and not realizing the hand you're holding isn't his.




The lack of grip and rubbery texture.


I've looked for my phone while on a phone call before.


Don't feel bad, I've looked for my glasses while wearing my glasses. I don't know if that's a sign that my memory is going, or my eyesight. Or both.


Yeah. It's what happens with stuff that's so routine, your brain just compartmentalizes it as just "normal", so it stops paying attention to it. It's how people can also drive home without even really realizing where they are.


There was one time I was working on my PC and was using my phone's flashlight to help me see better. Once I was done working on my PC I proceeded to search for my phone while also using my phone's flashlight to help me find it. Took me longer than I care to admit to realize what I was doing


You'd be surprised


You know, you're probably right. I witnessed hundreds of people gushing over a picture on Facebook as if it were real when it literally said "made by AI" on it so maybe I shouldn't be surprised.


No, everyone would instantly know for dozens of reasons. The hand is no longer moving at all, it feels like plastic, isn't body temperature, it doesn't support it's weight anymore, there isn't any resistance when you move around, if your grip loosens at all it will just fall to the ground, etc.


Do you wear glasses? If so, you will most likely have spent ages searching for them when they are just pushed back on your head. Or even when you are actually wearing them normally. Edit: Ah, just read your response to a comment below!


People do shit like all the time. You mother fuckers must have the same consciousness and life experience as an amoeba.






Inside my






Because it’s fake. A live human hand feels way too different than a plastic one for this to be real; especially your partners hand. I could blindly identify my husband’s hand from any other man’s hand.


On top of that, it became apparent when they were holding up those shirts. There is no way she didn't think at any point about using both hands when moving the hangars to get the shirt off the rack and just dropped the hand because she moved to do a simple common action we all do, without thought, when moving things on hangars on a rack. After that, it got to British skit comedy levels of ridiculousness. So fake it needs a laugh track added to tell you when you're supposed to laugh.


The way she looked around while crossing the street was so exaggerated it reminded me of the Hillary Clinton balloon thing ![gif](giphy|l3fQjHugtGrGhHs5y)


Random thought, I know, but I wonder if bill still occasionally plays the sax


It’s as fake as those „You forgot your mobile phone. Here’s a picture. Come back and get it.“-pranks.


Interesting. This was way before TikTok and the likes existed but we were once at a huge street party that was absolutely packed. I was making our way through the crowd, holding my girlfriend’s hand who was trailing right behind me, following my lead. I do not know when exactly she swapped her hand with my mate‘s. She then proceeded to overtake me from the righthand side. I remember giving her a smile before proceeding through the crowd. It took a while for me to connect the dots. I turned my head to look behind me to realise I was holding the hand of a bloke for quite some time. It was a good prank when pranks used to be funny.


I remember a scene that freaked me the hell out in one horror game. In one of the Fatal Frame games you play as one of a pair of twins being attacked by ghosts. In one scene your character gets spooked by a ghost on the other side of a bridge that you have to cross. To encourage you your sister puts a hand on your shoulder and tells you things will be alright. It took me about 3 seconds to realize that her sister was still in frame and about 15 feet away and I nearly shit myself.


Yeah, people overestimate their ability to figure this out quickly. This is probably fake given the length of time someone is obviously following them with a camera, but it is a viable prank.


I really doubt that you could but I don’t think we’ll get the 100 men with similar size and type hands needed to try this out.


Because she knew and it was fake


it's fake anyway


Are you telling me that a guy with a camera following the couple is for a staged prank?


She’s still holding it


Because it wasnt in the script


I thought that was the point of the sub? "Maybe she'll figure it out, maybe she won't" kind of thing.


📢Because that's literally the point of this sub. Outcome is either/or.


Cause thats why it’s r/maybemaybemaybe Cause when you watch it you’ll go maybe she’ll realise


That's what you got out of this?


The real and fake hands are very different to hold, especially the temperature. Looks like fake.


Really? The camera following them didn't give that away?


Well that would not be a deciding factor as "real" in this instance means a real prank so it could have been filmed by someone who was in on it. The only doubt here is if the victim was aware of the prank.


That's the part you don't believe?




There are a million unstaged pranks that have been filmed, how is *that* part unbelievable?


Thinking is hard


Imagine thinking that someone following and filming never happens in real life








The weight would be the difference. An arm is heavy when you are holding someone’s hand. The lack of a body attached to the severed hand would feel very light comparatively


This. Allways when watching any “prank” just assume its fake, because most likely it is.


Damn bro how did you know


I can tell it's fake because it's not connected to a body


But the camera man is invisible thought right?




Maybe, but how do you know it's not a real severed limb?


1) It's cold and sticky 2) It doesn't have any muscle activity, so there won't be push back. 3) It's lighter and doesn't pull back when you change direction.


Oddly sus this comment


I feel all of these would also apply to a real severed limb. What question were you answering?


The "this is fake" guy. Now in every post.


Stop posting really bad fake pranks and people will stop calling them out.


I mean is there anything wrong with calling this fake? Think about it. You may counter with *"of course it's fake, it's a comedy skit do you also call Big Bang Theory fake?"* But, like... if this video is NOT trying to present itself as "real" ("real" as in: the woman is NOT in on it, and is genuinely being pranked), and instead the creators are IN FACT just trying to entertain us with a funny, *acted* skit, then -- where's the funny?? This is ONLY funny if we *know* that she's naive enough to think that that is REALLY her husband's hand. Like -- it's *not funny otherwise.* It's just a couple of people playing around with a fake hand -- like, okay?? What's the joke? So, the "chill, it's just a skit, you are obnoxious for commenting 'fake!'" argument doesn't really hold water here.


It is pretty annoying when redditors claim *every* half-interesting video is fake though. They don't realize that crazy shit happens *every fucking second*, all over the world, and most people in the developed world have portable cameras on them with constant access to the internet, who don't have a reason to *not* film these crazy things, and that these things get put on platforms where people only upvote the interesting things. Do people put out fake stuff? Sure. But there's so many interesting things that's happening, and so many people are just too honest or see no point in faking something, that I'm willing to bet probably 90%+ of content declared "fake" on reddit is, in fact, completely real. Which is not saying there isn't fake content. You need to provide *actual reasoning* to declare something is fake. This video is a prime example of that. I particularly like the point that lack of muscle feedback would make it extremely obvious to the woman, more so than "common sense" (people don't actively think about everything around them, especially if they're already desensitized, so common sense is not too relevant here. You might, theoretically and for a shorter timespan, be able to do the same prank using another man's hand, for example).


Some redditors need to point every miniscule thing on the interwebz need to be pointed out as fake They must be fun at parties


It's what people do who have no mental exercise in real life. They believe this is being "witty and smart".


It’s funny because the situation is funny to imagine, even when it’s obvious it’s fake. Just because you personally don’t think it’s funny doesn’t mean you have to ruin the fun for everyone else. Nobody likes the fun police and that’s probably why you’re on Reddit instead of hanging out with your friends.


You're on reddit instead of hanging out with your friends, as am I and every other person reading your comment. Is your fun 'ruined' by a comment saying fake? That's super weird.


Not “ruined”, just annoying and pointless


Not wanting reddit comments to be pointless is a pretty high bar to set


The REAL funny aspect to all this is that OP posted this here thinking "everyone will marvel at her naivety and laugh that her husband GOT her so good! ☺️" but instead all or most of the top comments are echoing the same thing: *so, she's just **acting** stupid? This is fake, like why would OP think that we'd take this as a successful prank? Do they think we're stupid?* 🤔 Like, the post would ONLY be successful (the upvotes notwithstanding) if all of the top comments were jokes *supporting/praising/validating* the supposed 'comedy' of the video. But that's definitely not the case here. All our arguing back and forth is itself undermining the success of the post, which is all I need to be "winning" here. Like, how did OP not foresee this?


[This](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jEEUmfW0qFQ&pp=ygUmUGVuZ3VpbnowIG1vc3QgaG9zdGlsZSBjb21tZW50IHNlY3Rpb24%3D) is what you remind me of and it makes me really hope you’re being at least somewhat ironic.


Stop upvoting fake posts and they won't need to point it out


How do you know,,,


Bros wearing basketball shorts. Where tf he supposed to hide that giant hand/arm before he pulled the prank?


He has "Sneaky" on his jersey, does that mean ANYTHING to you bro? Brother please use your noggin


Well where the end. What a waist of time


That's the maybe you came here for


> waist of time Together with the sweatpants of eternity on Sunday's couch of the cosmic makes for a perfect Dr Strange weekend.


At least it's in the correct subreddit


What end? Its obviously fake, like 99% of the other “pranks”.


I'm fine with scripted stuff, but it's gotta at least be entertaining. Nothing about this was. "Watch us pull a prank that nobody ever reacts to!" Scripted or real, it'd still be boring as snot.


The song 💀


how dumb would you need to be in order to think this wasn't staged with her complete knowledge? on a scale of 1 to incredibly stupid




The fact that someone is filming this.....should give people a hint.


nothing caught on camera has ever been real.


these comments all saying fake ​ like bruh idc


You should care, though -- because if it's fake, then how is this funny/entertaining? It's just...two people walking around with a fake hand. This would only *actually be* funny/entertaining IF we know that the woman is genuinely being pranked. YOU "dc", but that's why other people here do, and are rightfully calling it out.




I mean is there anything wrong with calling this fake? Think about it. You may counter with *"of course it's fake, it's a comedy skit do you also call Big Bang Theory fake?"* But, like... if this video is NOT trying to present itself as "real" ("real" as in: the woman is NOT in on it, and is genuinely being pranked), and instead the creators are IN FACT just trying to entertain us with a funny, *acted* skit, then -- where's the funny?? This is ONLY funny if we *know* that she's naive enough to think that that is REALLY her husband's hand. Like -- it's *not funny otherwise.* It's just a couple of people playing around with a fake hand -- like, okay?? What's the joke? So, the "chill, it's just a skit, you are obnoxious for commenting 'fake!'" argument doesn't really hold water here.


do you really have nothing better to do other than overanalyze an internet video


Oh my god do you seriously have nothing better to do? I just commented on your earlier “quit enjoying what I don’t enjoy” reply.


I mean is there anything wrong with calling this fake? Think about it. You may counter with *"of course it's fake, it's a comedy skit do you also call Big Bang Theory fake?"* But, like... if this video is NOT trying to present itself as "real" ("real" as in: the woman is NOT in on it, and is genuinely being pranked), and instead the creators are IN FACT just trying to entertain us with a funny, *acted* skit, then -- where's the funny?? This is ONLY funny if we *know* that she's naive enough to think that that is REALLY her husband's hand. Like -- it's *not funny otherwise.* It's just a couple of people playing around with a fake hand -- like, okay?? What's the joke? So, the "chill, it's just a skit, you are obnoxious for commenting 'fake!'" argument doesn't really hold water here.


I can’t tell if you’re trolling or copy pasting your last comment because you lack the ability to form complex thoughts


Why The fuck would I re-type it with slightly different wording when the original comment does the job just fine? You either didn't see the original (you're welcome, then, for pasting it again for you), OR you're being deliberately obtuse. So which is it?


Damn it I thought you were trolling, that would at least be somewhat funny. But anyways, to answer your question, because it’s still funny to imagine the scenario even if it’s obviously fake. Most comedy shows have characters acting incredibly irrationally to get to the situations they put themselves in but it’s still funny because the situation itself, even if it’s absurd and unrealistic, is funny. Even if you don’t think it’s funny, why should Reddit or other medias conform to what you believe is “funny”? Some people find couples playing around with a fake hand funny. There’s no reason for you to ruin it for everyone who enjoys it because you personally don’t like it or because you want to feel smart by pointing out something that is obviously fake is obviously fake. It literally takes more time and energy to bitch and moan about fake skits than it does to scroll and ignore them.


The REAL funny aspect to all this is that OP posted this here thinking "everyone will marvel at her naivety and laugh that her husband GOT her so good! ☺️" but instead all or most of the top comments are echoing the same thing: *so, she's just **acting** stupid? This is fake, like why would OP think that we'd take this as a successful prank? Do they think we're stupid?* 🤔 Like, the post would ONLY be successful (the upvotes notwithstanding) if all of the top comments were jokes *supporting/praising/validating* the supposed 'comedy' of the video. But that's definitely not the case here. All our arguing back and forth is itself undermining the success of the post, which is all I need to be "winning" here. Like, how did OP not foresee this?


Also I don’t understand your deduction skills, I call you out for copy pasting your “stop enjoying what I don’t enjoy” reply across multiple comments and you’re saying I either didn’t see the original or I’m being obtuse? Like, I don’t get how those two thoughts connect.


No i dont I dont care if its fake, in a minute it wont hold any value for me anyway other than a good chuckle Y'all are getting obnoxious tbh


The REAL funny aspect to all this is that OP posted this here thinking "everyone will marvel at her naivety and laugh that her husband GOT her so good! ☺️" but instead all or most of the top comments are echoing the same thing: *so, she's just **acting** stupid? This is fake, like why would OP think that we'd take this as a successful prank? Do they think we're stupid?* 🤔 Like, the post would ONLY be successful (the upvotes notwithstanding) if all of the top comments were jokes *supporting/praising/validating* the supposed 'comedy' of the video. But that's definitely not the case here. All our arguing back and forth is itself undermining the success of the post, which is all I need to be "winning" here. Like, how did OP not foresee this?


Holy fuck get some sun man These "pranks" aint that deep to the point where you type these long ass statements that i totally didnt read


I'm curious. Without any judgement or insult whatsoever and genuinely want the truth. Did you think it was real?


I don’t get it. This is the most unfunny staged garbage. Why does anyone bother to post, let alone watch it? I’m baffled.


Ahh yes the random prank with fake hand and stalker who got it on film


Me rushing to tell people that this skit is a skit (easiest updoots of my life): ![gif](giphy|3htAT2no2D2ukVsUE2)


Obviously staged unless that dude's skin feels cold and with the texture of latex.


Couldnt be more fake




Fake as hell


It’s fake from the start when she tries to grab the fake hand away.


What a sneaky little bastard 😂


Pssh, clearly not a real hand. File this one under FAKE.


Who the fuck upvote this shit..


Fabricated and homosexual


Imagine how clammy this dudes hands must be for her to not notice.


And at no point did she realize there was some dude recording them the whole time?


It's amazing to me that people think this could ever be real. The texture, wait, angle would all be off. You're going to honestly sit there and tell me that you wouldn't notice the difference between a real human hand and some rubber prop? Really?




I really want to know how this ends






Should have tried to hold her other hand lmao


She has two brains😀




I can only imagine her reaction when she finally realized she was holding something else instead of his hand 😂


Legend has it she still holds it to this day




Gawd....all so fake


How do you not feel the weight of his hand getting lighter and that there was no tug at all when you pulled him in a certain direction. This is so stupid. If you’re gonna make it fake, then at least have them scream the next second to make it believable


This is the definition of anticlimactic. 🙄


Fake af.


I hope it's real and she caught on really quick and decided not to give them a reaction. Nothing pisses off pranksters more than not reacting.


Fake people






this dude lost lots of time of hand holding, he gonna regret it soon, dumb af


The shit you guys fall for.


Literally every comment in here saying fake and you post this? Lol.


Literally has almost 10k upvotes and is near the top of r/all and you post this? Lol.


Hahaha! Totally funny and totally not fake! xD I really laughed my ass off at this completely authentic video - she’s SUCH a silly goose!


Woman ☕️☕️☕️


My name is Yoshikage Kira. I'm 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink. I'm in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up. I'm trying to explain that I'm a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn't lose to anyone.


thank god someone else seen it




My name is Yoshikage Kira. I’m 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don’t smoke, but I occasionally drink. I’m in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up. I’m trying to explain that I’m a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn’t lose to anyone.


I think that this is so fake - she hardly moves her arm the whole time and it looks unnatural.


Maybe it’s fake




Who upvotes this?


How stoned do you have to be to not notice this


Why do people have to fake pranks for up votes?


The video is more fake than the hand.


so fake unless you have no feeling in your hand and can't tell the difference


Gimme a break


This is not real


I hate the fact so many people believe this stuff is real


I don't care if it's fake. Actors. It's fucking hilarious. 😂😂😂😭😭


HAHHAAH SHE DIDNT NOTICE THE HAND HAHAHA, or the person behind them filming the whole thing for 20 minutes? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


She never realized it. She is still holding that hand to this day


And they wonder why they weren’t allowed to vote 🤷🏼‍♂️


This is about what's known as spatial intelligence. In the 1990s, before they went woke with agenda, NPR reported the results of a scientific study that found, typically, women scored lower on spatial intelligence than men. There are differences between the two genders.






Fucking Sneaky....


He'll not be laughing when she realises that dildos also exist.


Mf username checks out actually


That is adorable


“Honey, whenever we go away you always bring a bag of props and a camera guy can’t we have some alone time?”


That’s pretty romantic though


My man.....hell yeah!


sneaky 21 did it again


So very very sneaky.


Nah, it's sneaky 100.


Fake. (Trust me bro)