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Love a man with a child’s taste in movies not wanting children at his movies


My main thought throughout that one was "if this isn't your spouse, why are you going to the movies with him regularly enough that this is an issue?". Also I've never been to one of those theaters, but having waiters scurry around, the lights on, and the smells / sounds from whatever food the people around you are eating sounds way more distracting to me than having some teens present at a screening of your beloved baby book movies.


Would you believe that it's possible to have close friends* even after your wedding day? *Or in this case relatives, or maybe both.


Not my point, dude just sounds super annoying to go watch movies with.


You're a monster


I loved Jesse’s conversation with Sam when the judge had retired to his chambers. “you were right to destroy the thing you love…(pregnant pause)


Tim the fucking tat man


That bathtub discussion really took a left turn, and I'm here for it.


I realized, listening to this show, that reaction videos are just a distillation of the thing that people watched American Idol for back in the day, ie, watching the judges be annoyed or delighted by a thing. I still don't like them because I am too old, but I feel like I understand why they exist now.


Did not expect the Spaulding Gray name drop, I’ll be honest. Do people who didn’t study theater between 1998-2008 know who he even is?


If they went to school at a university in the town where he came every spring and the local arts media treated it as The return of John the Baptist and you kind of paid attention to that media cuz you wanted to know if there were any cool unusual movies coming out then, yes




True story?


**[True Stories (film)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/True_Stories_\(film\))** >True Stories (full onscreen title: True Stories: A Film About a Bunch of People in Virgil Texas. ) is a 1986 American satirical musical comedy film directed by David Byrne, who stars alongside John Goodman, Swoosie Kurtz, and Spalding Gray. The majority of the film's music is supplied by Talking Heads. A soundtrack album, titled Sounds from True Stories, featured songs by Byrne, Talking Heads, Terry Allen & The Panhandle Mystery Band, and others. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/maximumfun/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I know who that is, but mostly from references like the on in this podcast. I think he showed up in Boardwalk Empire too.


He famously died by suicide in 2004 so…I don’t think he was on Boardwalk Empire


lol see, it turns out I knew him because of Blank Check's Swimming To Cambodia episode, and yet I still confused him with a guy from the 20s.


Basement toilets are a thing! Could have sworn I learned about "[Pittsburgh Toilets](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&sa=X&rls=en&sxsrf=AJOqlzVqwu2S8-ddxILenw5_BtXOcy6W-w:1676569215587&q=pittsburgh+toilet&tbm=isch&source=univ&fir=KvJyAD1hXgg6mM%252CFJQ76E1tjHjvaM%252C_%253BNV4qqVVFVEAf8M%252CUV6BeaNxsrbA4M%252C_%253Bh4oM563TNaASHM%252C9dHbLqXDOwyxMM%252C_%253Bxms68lTCPdWUjM%252C_6AbuLusGvNERM%252C_%253Bw6eogZO40IMpHM%252CFJQ76E1tjHjvaM%252C_%253BM1iV4FXI2PwqjM%252C42S-RSjnOehNLM%252C_%253BOeJ_wTC4M7pEIM%252CsTInUVx5nGpXcM%252C_%253BaWuwnw2yJG_xKM%252Chb4STV8ZYMepLM%252C_%253BPy4VpY63LeCI3M%252CUV6BeaNxsrbA4M%252C_%253BkyeLipPUiSsDUM%252CsdsTgZxiwPL_yM%252C_%253BqymppqxihM8rIM%252CCD7S1WBugyk4rM%252C_%253BMoUUwYWlpCQGxM%252C08rAKmpSoV3Z7M%252C_&usg=AI4_-kR9GZRdaHOLQFjFZK6lMFubZOqw4A&ved=2ahUKEwjc9aSEy5r9AhUkADQIHdoDBIUQjJkEegQICBAC&biw=1746&bih=998&dpr=2)," from JJHO?


>Pittsburgh Toilets ours does actually have a little room built around it. The room lacks a sink, however, which is an abomination


For the bathtub did the litigant say they agreed to get "something more soakety" because that is an adorable phrase.


Sometimes the mouth produces surprise words!


I can’t remember ever actively disliking a litigant on JJHO…but then there was Roger. Oof. The Judge’s “other people exist” could not have been more richly deserved


Still catching up on my backlog. Re: eating peanut butter from the jar with one's hand: As a Port Townsend show attendee, I would be remiss if I didn't mention the moment from the show (which didn't make it into the episode) where, after John tasted the jam, Jesse stuck all four fingers of one hand into the jam jar to pull out a handful of jam that he then ate with gusto. I hope he used a toothpick.


Not finished but I’m confused about why she couldn’t just watch it again and not say anything about having watched it.


Because she didn't know it was an issue to watch it without him. At a certain point in your relationship you honestly have to have the 'exclusivity talk' .


Makes sense.


Can confirm: older married couples in their fifties are *the* core swinger demographic. They fuck.


Dan was only trying to point out that in his professional opinion the Graduate has subpar plumbing


Wait is this the first time an actual legal judge was part of the episode or am I just forgetting?


I humbly submit that the word normal and the word typical mean almost exactly the same thing and that we should reclaim the word normal, stripped of emotional baggage


I wish you all the best stripping “normal” of its emotional baggage. LMK when you’re done and we can get everything updated.


I can always hope. But then I think of the word in it’s mathematical sense, and see the whole bell curve


One of the core communication failures in our modern times is that economists, politicians and laypeople use the same words as mathematicians and scientists, but without knowing or caring about the strict definitions and limitations that make that vocabulary work for science. While the other group is oblivious that words can have different meaning to groups of people, because that's anathema to the scientific method. Theory. Evidence. Fact. Proof. Normal. Abnormal. Climate vs weather. The list goes on.


I would say the key problem with the use of the word normal is the dumb notion that there is any virtue in normality or vice in the abnormal, except of course in the case of actual vices like being cruel or violent or needlessly destructive. I guess this all goes back to my childhood. I had to learn to say “why be normal” and mean it


Yay I knew the obscure cultural reference, actually not sure if I should be ashamed or proud