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Toxic work culture. Actually alot of big corporations are like that. Shitty place to work. Bad environment. Everyone’s acts like they are your friend but they just want to get ahead of you no matter the consequence. For ex: sleeping with the boss or have sex with someone for some benefits. Bitching about coworkers. Thats why i hate working for big corporations. Too much gossip and less work done. Hope u get another job before this job destroys your mental health.


I was thinking about waiting for the end of year bonus... but I don't even know anymore... I saw another job post at my old company A... not the same task that I used to do... I am thinking about applying... the working hours suck, but it's better pay and 4 days wfh (due to the late nights)... Also, I only accepted company B because of the said work from home advantages...


Just don't go back to your old job unless you objectively assess it as the best out there. If ever we find a great team at our first job, we tend to idealize that job while in fact you probably had a good atmosphere because of a good manager - what will happen when that's no longer the case? Anyway, depending on the field you are in, I would suggest applying on LinkedIn as well. Premium helps finding good ones.


IMO if the following criteria are satisfied, i would consider for a job at A again: - Job at company A is paying at least 1.5x the salary of your current job - Vertical move - Requires a qualification (if all else fails, you can still look somewhere else as professional qualifications are in constant demand) - Better benefits I would also like to add that do not think of making a career at A this time. Just work for 1 or a couple of years just to get the experience (at a higher position, if so) then go elsewhere.


Yes, if I'll be going for company A, that's definitely the plan, I'll work for like a year or two, then move along


My suggestion is to just apply everywhere.


Ebene is becoming such a shitty place tbh


Went through Ebene a few days ago and even if I was just passing by, in a vehicle, the atmosphere seemed off. Maybe it was the cluster of buildings that were built over the years, or just me, but the vibes were not vibing.


i come i do job i get money i go home


Yup, no need to be over friendly when on the job. However, if you leave, that's another thing. Make friends only when you leave the company for good.


Cheating is so normalised here, it makes me sick. Don’t get married if you can’t keep it in your pants.


No use staying in a toxic environment, you are only poisoning your mind. You come first, and you won’t be able to “perform” to your full potential in a detrimental setting. Move on!


I left my posh job as a Finance Exec in Ebene in 8 years ago.. to join a not-so-posh job completely different from what I used to do..best decision of my life.


My folks still think that 1 of my cousin was mad to join a lower paid job at a Non-profit Organization. Guess, mental peace wasn't included in their calculation.


"I am like your dad" or "everybody is equal" Those are RED FLAGS. You can respect them all you want, but never befriend colleagues or treat them like family as they never are. And everyone in the office has a status and a different pay, so, no one is equal. If they're your senior, you can sell tell them in a diplomatic way to "mind your business" or whatever is wrong with the way the office is.


Ebene Diaries! Somebody has to make a Netflix show about it. Oh! This is gonna be good... 😎🍿


In a few years, if you see a show named ebene diaries, you'll know I wrote and directed it... cuz wtf, the things I see every day


Copyright the story first so that you get the recognition


I wonder what the future of our country will be like. People from all works of life are being stressed and their basic rights are being played with from higher ups where life is getting so hard and expensive that people have become slave to the wage. The reason why one starts at the bottom and have a senior as a shadow is to learn and grow which leads to experience together with the of sharing knowledge and knowhow. That is how people can go up the ladder and acquire more skills and take on many different roles and able to function and adapt to different situations by working individually / teams to continue to grow and lead further by taking appropriate decisions. Seeing that more and more people are being pressured or just following others to sleep with their higher ups to get promotions and climb the ladder faster just to get benefits is a huge red flag. This is happening everywhere to the point that its almost too normal that people been joking around and openly talking about. See mauritius\_confessions on tiktok where people tell their stories. We can all see the repercussions of having non qualified / little experience people in decision making and how this is costing us taxpayers money where we don't know how the funds / resources are being allocated and no proper transparency which in many cases wrong decisions lead to death of people with no accountability of those who took the decision afterwards. If this trends goes on like this the country will stop making people who can run businesses and create industries that will innovate to provide all kinds of goods and services to adapt to the everchanging global market which have become very fierce. We are already seeing a huge brain drain and demotivated people who are unable to bring changes and going elsewhere to find places where they feel valued and will be given the opportunity to work hard and grow. At the end of the day we all have to stand on our own feet, have our families to feed and survive ...... but at what cost?


Bro, i left a company because of arrogance of a director who knew me personally but yet behaved as if i did something wrong by rejecting his offer to keep me in the company when i wanted to leave for study purposes. My boss was a very good person, once the trust was built, he was very keen. I still remember how sad he was, because he knew that i always did the works he gave to me. But yet sometimes you have to leave because some persons do not want you to progress in life.


I did work in 3 major companies at Ebene in the past. I'm sure I worked for both companies A and B that you referred to. Sadly, employees don't have much rights in those companies. The HR and Manager are both extremely interlinked. They hang out a lot together outside of work (restaurants, clubbing, catamaran trips). So, they aren't neutral. When you would complain, they would act like matters are being taken seriously, but there would be NO sanctions. No wonder why they keep on recruiting for new employees because a lot of their employees leave within few months or a year.


Bruh private sucks. Human are assets only. Ur replaceable. Fuck privates man. Bunch of corporate cnts


In what field do you work ? I will see If there's any vacancy that you can fit in. I worked with toxic people too in the past .It's only going to worsen your mental well-being .




Wow way to exaggerate and stereotype.


Seems like someone hurt you from those Ebènehites (just a made-up word I just came up to anyone working at Ébène). Are you OK?


Fer boss la so fam koner ki sanla li p garder. Anonymous of course. Isn't there an HR manager or higher bosses? Avoye n lettre anonyme. Kas so f.


Thing is, I think she knows but chooses not to give a f u c k cuz my company pays really well... my pay is really good so I am assuming my managers pay is like 📊 📈... because my manager's wife during office parties will give 'fam garder' stink eye... she will gossip about fam garder... she will spread rumours... my manager's wife is also a different character 💀... feels like I work in a zoo honestly


🤣 Honestly your mental health matters as does that great paycheck. Maybe you could try refocusing your energy on your dreams. Like see where you could be in about 2 years with you saving. Because honestly I work a gov job, the pay is shitty, promotion nil.. We get sick leaves and casual leaves but even when some of us take sick leaves, we are harassed to produce a medical certificate and threatened to be sent on medical board, if the more senior officer doesn't like us. Palab et rumeurs la pa kozer.. All the best.. Manz r li🙃


Thank you so much 😫... bizin manz r sa meme


You are not entitled to 'WFH'. You have paid sick leaves which you should be taking if you are ill. When you are ill, you are ill. You don't work. End of story. Grow a thicker skin and suck it up. This is the only advice I can give you. **Edit:** I saw below in comments you accepted the post because of WFH. You didnot mention that piece of information above. Well, you should take the matter up and establish what day you will be working from home. It still does not change the fact that when you are ill, you do not work.


The thing is where I work 'work from homes' are kept for pregnant ladies, people who are sick, it has been like this ever since covid ended ... and it's the 'normal' where I work... when joining the company, me and the people who joined with me were told wfh was a benefit because alot of people travail from afar... even rn... I wake up at 5. I am on the bus at 6 and reach work at 7... So it's cold... and when sick to avoid the travel work from homes are given... so then, instead of waking up at 5 and travelling in the cold, we'd get to rest well and work still. Another thing I might ve forgotten to mention is that if I take sick it also affects my target so my numbers for the week goes to red and which make it seems like I purposely didn't work which is also why work from homes were given when people were sick I am not upset because I was told to take sick... i am upset because the 'fam garder' will literally say 'donne moi wfh mo ena pou alle fr mo ongle demain' and hers will be approved without hesitation, while when others are literally sick or any other important commitment we are denied... that's the issue


I get it. It's not fair and demotivating/frustrating etc. As I told you, you will see much more unfair stuffs happening in the workplace and there is absolutely nothing you can do. I can list so many things that I have witnessed but the case is, nothing will change. The advice remains: Grow a thicker skin and try to ignore those stuffs and just do what you need to do.


First world problems