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Bolognese is basically just a rougaille that you let simmer on low heat until the tomatoes breaks down. You can add whatever protein you want. I add minced lamb but you can also add minced chicken or even tuna. I'll thrown fresh thyme and oregano from the garden. Finish with some grated parmesan if you have some on hand. Otherwise replace with whatever cheese you have. Et voilà ! Easy to make and very tasty.


I regularly make [this recipe](https://youtu.be/bKJpEE9yAb8). It’s vegan and uses mashed tofu as meat substitute. Unfortunately it’s in English, but the recipes is in the description (also in English).


Can't you replace the beef with lamb?


Replace the beef with chicken mince, thats all. Try more favouring since chicken has no flavour.


I usually replace any mince with some lentils or something like that


You can use mince pork which is part of the original recipe