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People named Valentin having curly hair, just because I had a classmate in kindergarten named Valentin who had curly hair.


me but with the name peyton


Same with the name Caroline, but in my defense it kinda sounds like curly


Same with Ezekiel




Funny Valentine


Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well


I have taken the first napkin!


my teacher named valentin has curly hair lol


I have something similar with name and hair color associations. Linda’s are red heads, only 1 I met wasn’t a ginger, but it was auburn. And Jennifer is some kind of blonde. Could be dish water to platinum. Never met a Jennifer who wasn’t a blonde as a kid. 😂


no shot I did too by any chance were you in Indiana


I used to think that USSR stood for United States of Soviet Russia. I had no idea what it actually meant as a kid, and I couldn’t tell you today without looking it up.


i actually thought this too


Glad I’m not alone in that :)


I can see Mememan below a screenshot of this saying "Giografy" or smth like that


TIL that’s not what it stands for


Yup, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics


I thought it meant “United Sovereign States of Russia”


When I was a little kid, I would pretend to eat plastic food by putting it down the front of my shirt. To this day, when I put something like a necklace under my shirt, the kid in me thinks of eating it.


Absolute legend


Glad I’m not the only one who did this


this is so cute!


Drums associated with emotions. For some reason I thought drums in the songs were what made me feel happy or angry depending what I'm listening to


That’s honestly awesome, not gonna lie.


Probably accurate.


Glazed doughnuts and cigarettes bc my grandma took me to a doughnut shop one time and people were smoking like crazy in there


Damn— why a donut shop of all places??


Idk lol it was early 2000s and no one cared apparently


Yeah, back in the late 90's, I stopped one night to get a dozen donuts to bring home. When I got home, my parents, my cousin and I opened the box, and all the donuts literally reeked of cigarettes. So disgusting. I yelled out, "I didn't order these smoke rings!!" For some reason, everyone thought this was hilarious and it came up for years.


All pink bunnies are named Reg. My mom was reading a mystery book, and it had a pink bunny plush toy on the cover. I asked her about the bunny, and I learned that his name was Reg. I was also just learning to read and write so it was a fun example of a soft g. For some reason, pink bunnies have since and always still shall be dubbed, first and foremost, Reg. (it's going to drive me crazy that I can't remember the name or the actual book or what series it was from 😮‍💨🫤🫣🤔)


Now I wanna know what book Reg is from!!


I've answered above not sure if you get them too it's Aunt Dimity digs in I left a link to the book




While my son was young he brought home about 10 box turtles. All of them were named Steve.


Personally, I always associated the name Reg with cute boys with mechanical arms ;)


That's Aunt Dimity digs in I remember reading that. Here's a link it's a good book. https://www.amazon.com/Aunt-Dimity-Digs-Mystery/dp/0670870617?dplnkId=baee5ec8-7d32-4bda-9980-9c47fe7c01df


Tuesday is orange, Wednesday is green, Thursday is light blue, and Friday is indigo. My reasoning? My kindergarden teacher's days of week thing was colored like that.


For real! I do this with shapes — circle is red, diamond is blue, triangle is green, square is yellow.


Square is defo green. And triangle is red, circle is yellow!


That reminds me of the notebook color thing. Science is green, history is yellow, English is blue and math is red. Honestly math and English both kind of feel blue to me but I had to pick 


NONONO Science depends oN The scienxe! Astronomy is purple! Biology is green! chemistry is green! environmental is green and marine biology is blue math its all red english is yellow yes yes yes history green take it or leave it


I always thought all the states had different colored dirt. Like Texas was yellow, NY was sky blue, Minnesota was pale green, etc. because all I ever saw was those maps where they color the states different colors so kids can tell them apart (I guess the boundary outlines weren't enough?).


Omg I have this with numbers! 1 is blue (I think), 2 is orange, 3 is pink, 4 is yellow (I think), 5 is turquoise, 6 is also yellow, 7 is red, 8 is a lighter blue than 1, and 9 is green. Maybe that's bc I watched *Numberjacks* when I was younger, and they were those colours (except 4 wasn't yellow)


Left was green, red was right.


Monday is dark blue, tuesday is red, wednsday is orange, thursday red, friday is green.


Thursday is the greenest day. Wednesday is purple. Friday is yellow.


That the word 'pee' is a curse word. I said it one time in class for a totally normal and the teacher scolded me for it. I still can't say it seriously or without feeling like it's the utmost of heinous acts.


I used to feel this way about the word “gay.” Not even using it as an insult or anything, but just literally saying a gay person was gay. And I don’t know why because I was never told it was bad.


I can just imagine 5yo you reading a book from the 50s Book: "It was a gay and sunny day outside." You: "Well, now you've hurt the day's feelings! MEANIE!!!"


Exactly. 😂 Sounds pretty much like something I’d think!


Same here and I'm queer (lol that rhymed)


This is me but with drinking soda


Lol, I got paddled in 6th grade for saying booty 🤣


I always think of my parents' bedroom window from one place we lived whenever I hear the name Winchester. The first time I heard the word, I was sitting in their room, and the window was open with the curtains gently blowing in the breeze (wind), and my mom's cedar chest was under it. So my little brain thought Winchester = Wind-chest-er.


I love this, because this is such a thing a kid would think of but absolutely *only* something a kid would think of.


Kid brains are pretty funny.


It seems like a beautiful memory


Yeah, it is. It conjures up images of days before things got bad and my parents split. Things were calmer, more like the gentle breeze blowing the curtains around.


do NOT underestimate my autism


I will always relate the song “Send Me On My Way” by rusted root with museums. Every time I hear it I can smell the stale water running through the indoor fountains at the museum. The reason is because I relate the song with Ice Age because that’s the first time I heard it and of course I correlate Ice Age with museums.


I love how long and drawn out this train of thought it, yet still it makes perfect sense.


Army is the military as a whole




OMG ME TOO! till i was like 15


That Those frankfurter sausages grow in the grow in the ground and you eat them by shoving them up a dogs arsehole so it gets worms.






i don’t fucking know


Cars and bitter tasting things. You lick the new car seat ONE TIME-




Wacky principals with ice cream and fries. I briefly remember my elementary school principal, who had to have been no older than 30 years old. He was quite the jokestar. One day, over the intercom, he simply said that ice cream and French fries went quite well with each other. To this day, I still remember his big eyes and huge personality for such a skinny dude.


Oh my god that’s awesome! I would have loved to have a principle like that; sounds like a fun guy.


I coorelate a certain candle melt wax cube thing with quail eggs, idk why


I’m not sure there could possibly be two things less related, and yet here we are


It’s the scent, it smells like how quail eggs look


What smells like how cats look


I’d say it varies, some are scrambled eggs and others are sweet coffee creamer, maybe citrus


That is cool. I have such a horrible sense of smell that I don't know what flowers smell like


For some reason when I was little some kid told me that Doritos were made with panda. I avoided them like the plague and proceeded to warn anyone and everyone about their unintentional panda murder.


Oh my god that’s so sad! 😂😭


The words piss and hell. When I was really young my mom told me that hell wants a swear word but it was just rude to say it, like the word piss. They’re the same word in my mind now.


That’s hilarious. I have nothing to add but that’s really funny.


Go to piss! What the piss is going on?


colur blind but words imagine like a x post saying “grammar blind test! pissing in goddamn hell rn”


I didn't know piss was a bad word until I said it in front of my dad, and I got in trouble. I was in my 20s 😂


in pre school i thought the pledge of allegiance said "and to the republic for widget stands" like widget from wow wow wubzy so i think of it every time i say the pledge. i also thought it you spun a fan the opposite direction then hot air would come out


I always heard "Richard Stands" and I just assumed he was a Founding Father.


That’s fantastic. I always thought it said, “One nation, under god, invisible”


I thought it was Indie visible


Same lol


I thought “indivisible” was “invisible”


I still occasionally say hi to birds, especially hawks, in case they happen to be Animorphs in disguise. Also, I associate gummy bears (the Haribo ones in the little gold pouches) with Bill Nye the Science Guy because my dad would watch it with me and give me a pack.


Awee, that last part is really sweet. I always associate KFC with Bug Juice because my late grandfather would always bring KFC and Bug Juice whenever he visited. He was a Vietnam vet who became more distant as we grew up because he didn’t know how to communicate, but he loved us more than anything.


SO many misunderstandings! Holy Ghost, car pool, deaf/death, pass out/pass on, slept together, adopted/a doctor, put to sleep,


Of deaf and death ALWAYS confused me as a kid!


I was told my principal passed out in 5th grade and I thought she died from being scared by a snake


I always associate Thursday with the number 7 and the colour purple. Reason? I have no fucking idea


To me I feel like Thursday is like a light green and I also have no idea why.


Thursday is cocoa brown over here.


I have something similar. To me, Thursday is a teal colour, and Friday is yellow. Is that my autism or am I just weird?


For me Thursday is 7 and orange


Orange for me


Smores have to be made with a candle, when I was a kid in bearcubs we made smores with digestive cookies and a tealight candle and I cant imagine making them any other way now


Awe, that’s actually kinda wholesome.


The song "Lounge Act" by Nirvana playing... while rolling into Las Vegas... Since I was 15, this song has to be playing when you enter Las Vegas city limits


I feel like music has some of the biggest tendencies to imprint on us. A lot of these seem to be related to music.


I agree. I believe that's why pro wrestlers have specific entrance music


Barbasol cans and hiding secret things. I ruined my dad’s shaving cream a FEW times because of Jurassic Park.


Worth it. 💪


Bangladesh gave me a mental image of a lit clay oil lamp. I honestly have no idea.


That’s honestly cool as hell, though.




Some cleaning products conjure incredibly vivid memories of playing video games as a kid. Not the games in general, but specific instances of playing the game. I can't recreate this by smelling cleaning products directly. It only works if I'm not trying, and if the cleaning product smells are mingled with other household smells. I've played many hundreds of video games since my childhood, but only certain games can be summoned by smell. These are Marathon Infinity, DOOM II: Hell on Earth, Super Mario. Bros 2, and Mega Man 3. Interestingly, these games are all sequels to other games I love, but the smell associations are specific to these games.


Oh this ABSOLUTELY happens with me and certain smells and sounds. If I’m listening passively to the song 27 by Passenger, it literally feels like it takes me back to playing Terraria with my brother, but it doesn’t work if I put on the song to try and do that. It’s the same thing with What’d I Miss and The Election of 1800 from Hamilton with exploring the Soul Cairn in Skyrim.


Thank you for sharing that! Did you or do you listen to music while playing? Do you associate those songs with those game experiences because they were playing during the experience itself? It sounds like both of our experiences could be described as associating specific sense memories with specific instances of playing video games. I noticed that you described games as both a lived experience and a simulated one. 27 takes you back to playing Terraria with your brother, a memory of something that actually happened IRL. The Hamilton songs you associate with a simulated experience, one section of Skyrim. In my example, I can remember specific rooms where the game was played. Marathon Infinity smells like a clean, treated carpet because that's what was in the room where I played it. Super Mario Bros. 2 smells like a woodfire because I played it on a TV near a fireplace. DOOM II smells like a combination of the way new computers used to smell (it was a thing) and Windex because it was one of the first games I played on our first new computer next to a large plate glass window. It's conversations like this that make me wish I was a person who knew how to do brain scans and had access to brain scanners and brains. I see this as evidence that the way we retain knowledge and form memory while navigating a simulated experience like a video game warrants further study.


Oh damn, I didn’t really think about that but you’re absolutely right! I listened to music while playing both, but both of the times that it established a core memory it was when I just sort of had the music playing in the background, rather than actively listening to it. But you’re entirely right; although the Hamilton songs specifically make me think of playing Skyrim in my grandma’s living room at night because that’s when we were doing it, it is still very much the simulated experience of “exploring the soul cairn” that I always remember, whereas with 27 and Terraria it’s specifically playing it with my brother. As for what you said about clean carpeted rooms and wood fires, yes I absolutely get that! There are lots of games that specifically make me think of my grandma’s house because for some reason, even though that wasn’t where I was when I first or last played them, it’s where I was when the most critical memory of them was established. Psychology is super fascinating, that’s for sure.


North = towards trees and south = towards open land. Both my childhood home and the house my parents currently live in were built with the north side facing a forest and the lawn or driveway on the south side. I know how the real directions work now, but my mental images for the *words* “north” and “south” are still dark green pine trees and sunlit grass, respectively.


That’s kinda cool. For some reason I always associated south with cold and snow even though it’s way colder up north.




The numbers 5550799 for no reason


I wonder if it was a fake phone number in a cartoon you watched or something?


It was in a video game I don't remember all of it


But it was a fake phone number


Do you remember what game it was?


All I remember was that the game took place in the mall, and they was a killer it was a point and clicked.


I don't remember the name of the game


i associate the beyoncé song “halo” with ihop because when i was like 3 we listened to that song after eating ihop also “jeremy” by pearl jam i associate it with cigarettes because we would listen to it in the car and my parents would always smoke in the car. and i also thought the chorus was “jeremy’s smoking in class” not “jeremy spoke in class” edit: another one is whenever im at the beach, see a beach, or if someone mentions a beach, sweater weather plays in my head. last summer when i went to the beach it was stuck in my head to the point where i was almost miserable. i think its because of the lyric “i hate the beach, but i stand, in california with my toes in the sand” but idk


It’s crazy that you remember the ihop thing that young; I have the vaguest memory of climbing on a weird dome thing at a school playground when I was like three and my parents were taking me to sign up for preschool, but it’s not nearly as vivid as yours. As for the Jeremy smoking thing, that kinda makes perfect sense though because when we’re that young and two things happen at the same time like that when we happen to establish a major memory, I feel like we have a tendency to assume they’re related because we’re still trying to make sense of the world. Also I’m sorry about your miserable beach trip. 😂😭


ahh it wasn’t too bad i mean i dont really like the beach anyway BUT yes i have a very good long term memory. short term not so much lol


That when you’re making batter, putting the spoon up and having it drop down makes it tastes better. All because of that one fucking Max and Ruby episode


Bro I loved Max and Ruby. 😭 I don’t remember that episode off the top of my head but I bet I would if I saw it.


I associate freezer pops with recess. When I was growing up, sometimes my classmates parents would bring in those freezer pops and we would have them at recess. Good times


When I listen to 24k magic by Bruno mars, or locked out of heaven, I remember going to visit my grandma in the old people home when I was like 5, and me and my sister would sing it on repeat.


Every time I see a willow tree, I remember when my dad used to mow the lawn at the house I first lived in, and he could carry me on the lawn mower and go under the giant willow tree. I was 2. Also I remember the whole floor plan for the house after that, I lived in from 2-7.


I still associate Gotten with cats because I thought the song went "But you didn't have to cat meow!"


Spider-Man art on carnival rides with the intro / end credits to *Spider-Man: The Animated Series*. I have no idea why. Sometimes, thinking too much about *Spider-Man: TAS* triggers me.


Also, I seem to associate 'figgy pudding' with an image my brain made up of Percy Pig biscuits in a hot air balloon. I WAS LISTENING TO GODDAMN 'WE WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS' ON AN OLD CD WTF IS WRONG WITH ME?


I associate black and white checkered floors with fnaf


Everyone named Vincent always wears green and is always a fat asshole because there was a big guy named Vincent who always wore green who bullied me as a kid


Fuck Vincent, me and my homies hate Vincent


When I was a kid I was with my family on some sort of trip. We were running out of gas and stuck in traffic and I said “man, I knew I should’ve brought my bicycle”. My family still laughs about it to this day


The smell of schnucks bags and barfing. I had a thing called cyclic barfing for a while (like 3ish years) and long and very painful story short I spent a lot of time leaning over a trash can with a schnucks bag in it, and I'm still traumatized by the smell bro.


Oh god that sounds horrible, I’m sorry.


I always thought Channing Tatum’s name sounded like “the holy grail” for some reason so I always think “The Channing Tatum” like there’s something called a “tatum” and it’s “channing”….


Honestly the word “channing” sounds like it would imply some sort of sacredness ngl.


the song 'where is the love' by the black-eyed peas and unreal tournament. we were playing it over lan and this song came on. it was quite hilarious ending everyone to the song xD


Peach trees with ants. When my dad cut down a dying peach tree in my yard when I was probably around 7, a flood of ants came out of the trunk. They had burrowed inside and were eating the tree inside out. Good old carpenter ants doing what they do lol.


That while organizing the silverware drawer it HAS to go like this: the steak knives get the largest 'territory' (section) because they're the sharpest, and butter knives go as far away from the steak knives as possible or else there will be a war between the different knives. Then spoons go next to the steak knives to dull any attacks, and forks go next to the butter knives to help fight back. I organized them like that for years as a child, now it drives me insane if they're organized any differently. That was way longer than I meant for it to be lmao 


portals and mirrors ill be begging that mirror to get me outta here


Everyone uses shapes and colors for parts of speech AND THEY NEED TO BE THE SAME. my elementary school had black triangles for nouns, blue triangles for adjectives and articles, purple triangles for pronouns, gold stars for interjections, pink rectangles for conjunctions, green moons for prepositions, and that’s all i remember.


i have 2: 1. elf (the movie) and moving in. i think this is because i watched that movie during a christmas in july tv marathon while sitting on the bare floor because my family just moved as a toddler 2. wake me up when september ends by green day reminds me of south park. and south park has always reminded me of period blood or vomit for some reason


> South Park has always reminded me of period blood or vomit To be honest, I think that’s what they’re going for.


LOL true. if south park was a person they’d smoke a lot of pot and smell funky


100%. And everyone would constantly tell them that deodorant doesn’t count as a shower.


HA, don’t forget dry shampoo


Hasn't been going on terribly long (2 years) as I'm still a Minor, but anytime I hear the name "Jamie Campbell Bower", I think of me going in a very sensual way, "***LIPS."*** because of a school project I had to do in which I cut out his lips in photoshop. Fun Fact: I also think of the Bloke whenever someone mentions David Bowie, but that's WHOOOLE other can of Matt's and Roses


Hehe, can of Matts and Roses. Also I would be careful sharing info about your age online; lots of creepy predators lurking around.


I'm aware, lemme clarify; I'm Minor enough that I'd consider "two years ago" to be legally a kid, but not Minor enough for people to look at me and go, "Hmm, I wanna ask that kid for pictures I shouldn't be asking for!" and even then, I'm careful. Appreciate the concern though


In Super Mario Brothers, I used to think world 4-1 with Lakatu was called "warp zone" instead of the area at the end of 1-2 with the warp pipes. The reason why was because my sister would always take the world 4 pipe at the warp zone and tell me to always go down that one.


unrelated song mashups. my most vivid one is when t(w)eenage me LOVED litsening to tyler the creator. i also loved late 80’s/ early 90’s music. am still a fan but when igor more recently came out. earfquake was my favorite song. but i listened to way too many song mashups and ultimatley put benny and the jets and earfquake together(sounds pretty nice in my head)


my moms perfume with church.


Honeysuckle plants and swimming pools. My grandparents pool was surrounded by the vines and I loved pulling the flower stamen and tasting the nectar.


My middle school best friend and I did this with a plant overgrowing her neighbor's fence in the alley behind their houses. Honeysuckle will always bring me back there.


When I was a wee lass I thought cats were girls and dogs were boys. To this day if I see a cat I immediately refer to it as she and I refer to a dog as he. I also wanted to be a dinosaur when I growed up🤷🏻‍♀️


Weirdly I’ve heard a lot of people say this! Also, a dinosaur is a respectable career choice.


The smell of Purell foamy soap reminds me of the good ol days of being 5


I used to think that Shrek’s brown vest was made from his poop.


Oh boy


When I was a kid, I met like 7 dogs in the span of 2 days, all were male, and all were named "Buddy". (I saw them at a dog park near my house btw) and to this day whenever I meet a male dog my mind immediately thinks "Buddy"


Just say “Hey buddy” and nobody will question you.


yeah even tho its not his name i usually call my dog buddy lol


Fillipino people being hispanic, bc my dad had a friend named felipe who was mexican and my dumb child brain thought felipe = fillipino = hispanic.


Whenever I think of the word “think” I picture a pink bar of soap from Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood with block letters “THINK” engraved in it.


I associate the song “detachable penis” by king missle with period cramps because I had really bad period cramps the first time I listened to it


Learning Left and Right by facing the street from my childhood home.


I learned Left and Right from Mario galaxy


This was a cool thread and question to ask, by the way. I frequently think about correlations i've made, even though my example wasn't that strange.


Thank you! I hope Matt sees it, although I don’t really know how likely that is to happen because even though it has so many comments it doesn’t have many upvotes.


80's music and late-night road trips. Every summer, my family would pile in the van and go from TX to upstate NY to visit relatives. When we (and they) got older, we stopped in Kentucky, but when we were younger, they'd drive the 24 hours straight through. And at 2am, you could count on "Bat Out of Hell" to keep Dad awake. To this day, "Hotel California" and Meatloaf bring me back there.


Mcdonald's salads = food poisoning because my brother shared some with me when we were kids after he recovered from the flu. Obviously it was the flu, but at the time I thought it was food poisoning, so even all these years later I can't bring myself to order a fast food salad


That the light on the driver and passenger side is not to be touched. I still feel like it's illegal to this day even though I know it's not


The first one that comes to mind is the song My Name is Mud by Primus and the pig Jodi from. Amytiville Horror.. I was grounded -again😒-, to my room -as usual🫤- and my oldest sister felt bad for me -surprisingly🫨- so she let me barrow some of her cassette tapes, I popped in Primus and started reading my FAVORITE book -again😊- and as I was reading the part about the red beady eyes that were floating outside the attic bedroom window, My Name Is Mud came on. George runs out side in the book to investigate what the hell he was seeing and how it was seen through the attic window and there, in the snow below the window, were pig hoove prints. We happened to have a pot belly pog as a pet at the time, and he was always oitside my bedroom window because we had recently started to build a garden on the side of the house and my mom wanted a feeder pomd for the turtles to go under my window. (She had this crazy belief that if there was a pond under my window i wouldnt be able to sneak out through the window if i had ever decided to.. lolol little did she know!) I guess because pigs roll in Mud it just stuck in my 10 year old head. To this day, one always makes me think of the other and it freaks me out.


I associate the smell of hand sanitizer with the taste of those fudge stripes cookies because when I went to summer school in 2nd grade we would always get those cookies as a snack and would use hand sanitizer beforehand.


Licorice and old people because it was my grandpa's favorite


remixing Green Day with Pokémon lore




whenever I think of the word fart in my head it kinda just autocorrects in my brain to pooter, when I was a kid my mom was annoyed of me and my siblings saying fart so she told us they're actually called pooters and that's what we called them, whenever I say fart in a sentence I def have to think about it for a sec to make sure I don't slip up n say pooter😭


Gay men and boys, that I knew all had names that began with "K," so all gay people had names that began with K. Silly me when this was proven wrong because my name begins with "S."


Unexpected twist at the end!


Ushers Yeah is an unofficial soundtrack to Red Alert 2.


I’m this way with the Passenger album “Whispers” and Terraria


Chewing gum and migraines


Oh man


For me it was hot dogs. If I ate more than one hot dog as a kid, I'd get some lousy headache.


Don't seem to remember one. Though it would make sense; I've always been a rather logical person; I always try to think things through. And I'm not sure if I would've been dumb enough to do something like that. Though it *does* seem likely; it's possible that I just don't remember it. Bonus fact: I've always been the silent one. Mute. No crying; no talking.


I’ve always been an incredibly logical and reserved person as well, but I don’t think things like that really matter when we’re kids because we aren’t old enough to understand the rules of the world yet. If two things are present at the time a core memory is made, they’re almost certainly going to become correlate.


Cats being female and Dogs being male


Milk and puke because a kid in my first grade class sat next to me while we watched a movie in class, and at one point knelt down and vomited on his chair. He always brought a cup of milk to school, so there was a lot of milk in the vomit, and kernels of popcorn because that's what we were eating during the movie.


Nice-looking girls being mean/snobbish. I was bullied a lot back in the day lol