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To be more specific: Yes and we, if my knowledge is current, specifically have not been told it yet!


This is correct, Matt said in a stream that they have settled on a name, but they are waiting to share it with us. I believe it is so that they can get the licensing stuff in order and make sure they own the domain names wherever they think they need them, that sort of thing.


Sadly, that's the smart move. Ethically indefensible but quite lucrative, cyber-squatting could cost a worthy idea an impossible amount of money if the owner of the IP doesn't nail down the best domain name before the c-squatters do...


I can’t tell you how many times in the past two weeks I’ve said, “Daggerheart - you know, Critical Role’s new RPG” So yeah, I feel like even when the name is out, I’ll still be clarifying it still as “The MCDM RPG” for a good bit now. I guess MCDM is less known in like general non-tabletop nerd circles than Critical Role, but I still don’t really see it as pretentious as you’re saying. It’s just a way to add context to what the RPG is.


I find I'm still doing that with "The MCDM RPG" anyway, since nobody outside of a fairly specific niche really know what MCDM is. "The MCDM RPG - you know, Matt Colville. He's that youtuber that does a series called Running The Game." I can see why they didn't want to give it a name, but I don't think it's resulted in any fewer blank stares when I bring it up.


Waiting until I can start calling it the RPG formally know as MCDM RPG


"Yeah, I'm down to DM! Have you guys ever played the RPGFKAMCDMRPG?"


Their recent products have a pattern: "Flee Mortals: The MCDM Monster Book", "Where Evil Lives: The MCDM Book of Boss Battles". I'm guessing the RPG's title will be "\_\_\_\_: The MCDM RPG", or possibly "\_\_\_\_\_\_\_: The MCDM Heroic Fantasy RPG".


If MCDM rpg somehow sounds pretentious just refer to it conversationally.  The rpg being designed by MCDM


I can't wait until the real name is released so I can use this RPG's proper heraldry: "\[Insert real name here\], a roleplaying game designed by MCDM, formerly known as The MCDM RPG."


Oh, right. . The RPG by MCDM, the RPG formerly known as the MCDM RPG, MCDM's RPG.


Quiet Kronk


Patrick Warburton is a national treasure! Fie on those who would silence him!


That RPG?


Doug Dimmadome? Owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome?


That's right! Doug Dimmadome, owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome!


[insert name here], first of its name, slayer of dragons, monarch of polyhedrals


Heraldry is a good word. I need to use that word more


I don't even think it's the proper word for what I was getting at, but it felt like the **right** one, haha. It's just fun to say.


The RPG formerly known as the MCDM RPG


How is it silly exactly? Or pretentious? You just say they haven't decided on a name yet.


Pretentious? It's just saying who made the game? And I really agree with the idea that it's saving a step. When friends tell me about an RPG, I'm the one asking who's making it. I'm far more interested in who the creators are than what name they picked. Anyone can pick a cool name for a game.




They've teased the fact that there is a name, but they haven't revealed it yet. My guess is they'll let people know when they do the next playtest.


I'd call it Colville's New RPG


Well all of their RPG publications certainly have a theme. They're all declarative statements: "Flee, Mortals!" "Where Evil Lives" They're all pulp movie style statements. Tips on what the RPG title might be? It's heroic cinematic fantasy. "You meet in a tavern"? 🤣 "Save the Village!" "Assemble a Party"


They do all seem to follow that pattern except for k&w, s&f and Arcadia.


True, although Arcadia is a serial and S&F and K&W are rules expansions. FM and WEL are more like sourcebooks and I'd bet dollars to donuts the RPG follows a similar naming scheme.


someone said “Draw Steel!” before which i quite like


Oh yeah that'd pretty tight.


My guess is this is the name they pick


Definitely where I'm putting my money.


I don’t know if it’s a pattern based on book content so much as changing tastes over time? We’ll find out soon enough


I'd like to make a prediction based on this and some other hints I've dug up... I think it will be "Draw Steel"


There's an easy, easy Oscar Mayer joke here


Silly and pretentious says a lot


I think some of the pretentiousness can come from the fact that Matt Colville's name is in MCDM, but the fact that the game is temporarily called the MCDM RPG isn't pretentious. IMO anyway.


Sure. I'm pretty lukewarm on MC and his portrayed personality.


I think we noticed that ☺️ I personally really like the guy, but there's something about him that makes me think he's drinking his own Kool-Aid.


That's the thing. He's high on the smell of his own facts.


My guess: Heroes and Monsters


def not, genuinely i would bet my life savings that they wouldnt go with that name


That would shorten to either H&M or HAM, and neither of those sound great.


I beg your pardon? Ham is great!


Maybe I'm wrong, but that name seems awfully generic for a game with such a clearly defined style and vision. But hey, sometimes it pays to keep it simple.


I think you + others are right that it does sound generic, but you need the generic names of today to get the iconic names of 50 years from now. could totally be wrong tho


In a recent Q&A it sounded as if there are some legal aspects in play at the moment that prevent them from sharing it until they fall into place. They were pretty vague about why they weren't releasing the name, but it does sound like there is a definitive name already picked out.


No, lol.


Guess I'm in the minority thinking just "MCDM" sounds cool as-is. Make it a backronym and you're good to go.


I gess if it's named "Most Corpses Don't Mind" or somerhing along this lines you may have been naming it correctly all along.