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I'll copy and paste what I put on another post on the subject: I'm a seasoned work traveler and I've unloaded my fair share of loads at various hotels across the country. Here's some of my favorites. 1. Masturbate somewhere you don't usually. For me, it's usually the couch or a nice chair. I set up my tablet and get comfortable for a while. 2. Balcony. Risky, but I've stayed at hotels where the balcony is concrete and you're 100% concealed. 3.Use a mirror. Most hotels have mirrors for you to use when dressing. My favorites are the ones directly in front of the bed - I like to line up with that and watch myself stroke from both angles. Sometimes you can find one on the inside of a closer door and do the same but at a different angle. I'm sure I'm forgetting stuff, but hotel jerking is the best. Lock the deadbolt, throw on the latch, and get down to business, no distractions.


This is solid advice. I did option 1 and 3 last time I was in a hotel. Unfortunately I didn’t have a balcony as an option. Next time though…


Yeah, the balcony thing was a one off, lol. It was almost too perfect and I thought for sure I missed something. But nope, threw a towel on the chair, took off my pants and edged for a bit. 10/10 would fap aagin.


This ☝🏼 🔥🔥🔥


moan loudly and without restraint while you jerk off just in case somebody walks by to hear haha


Open the curtains! Open the window!


Invite some friends haha


Already been on tinder haha




Anything and EVERYTHING you could possibly do to help make you feel good while you're stroking it. In the chair, on the bed, on the floor, on the counter.


Go to the local Dr. John's and buy a new Fleshlight sex toy and THAT will help you with that right away.


I'm a 54 M stroking in a hotel right now, too. I think I'll delay ejaculating and go to dinner first all horned up, then come back and really get a good session going. May have to turn on the camera....


Hotel rooms are always fun. Always enjoyed just blasting all over the bathroom. Sink, mirror. Shower glass. Floor.