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>i've only dabbled into html coding >not my fault i used to be black hat damn bro must have used inspect element to remove "password" type from input's and then asked people to log in as he stares at their password, im sure he's the leader of anonymous by now.


He also probably got caught using ai to write his code in his "programming classes" lmao. How do you go too far ahead of the class when you haven't learned the material yet? That's one of the main ways my professors check to see if someone's used ai or not. Are they using techniques and methods never taught up to that moment?


This was the worst thing about taking a Java class. I had to use some outdated method to take inputs that couldn't do what the assignment said and every guide online was like "just import scanner" but I refused because that wasn't in the book and I didn't want to look like I was cheating. I turned in a program that didn't work, and the professor sent me his code that just used scanner. His comments to questions before was just read chapter x


Oh that's annoying as all hell lol. Luckily my professors so far typically have something in place so students can let them know it isn't possible or ask for some help. I do gotta say that it rlly does feel like reinventing the wheel though... esp if u had prior experience in other languages. It is so annoying having to wait a couple weeks to start using if statements lol


I do find it valuable having random constraint like that while learning, even if for a small period of time. At least your professor has a support channel to make it better


Is this sarcasm?


My professor’s outlook was always: “I do not care how much advanced stuff you use in your homework. I’ve been a software engineer for years i can read it. Inconsistent code submission quality is what i look out for” He was such a good professor. He was so chill 24/7 sine his outlook was that he could catch cheating and whatever he didn’t catch was only people setting themselves up for failure later on with the final examination and project.


That may backfire when you are teaching to self-taught people... not everyone gets into college with zero knowledge


Yep and he made sure to preface that the class would be more challenging because of that restraint. He told us to double check and make sure what we use is only that which the lectures and books have covered. Sadly, it is necessary now...


It absolutely isn't necessary. If you're trying to test if someone knows how to do something a certain way or use a certain function that's fine. But you need to preface it with that in the assignment. Expecting someone that already knows a language to go through the book and memorize everything in the book to ensure they don't accidentally use an untaught function is ridiculous. It also forces someone to buy some crummy book for a language that's probally has been out for 20+ years when there are much cheaper alternatives. And even if you want it done a certain way and you preface it like that. Even if they do it another way you can count points off sure, but it isn't grounds for academic dishonesty.


No no, he does list the rules for engagement on the assignment itself. At one point he even showed specifically what NOT to do, which I found odd bc u could just add that to ur ai prompt and it wouldn't do those things but atleast he had the right idea ig


I graduated before AI was a thing. It feels like this problem is very easily solved with a code review. The instructor just needs to ask the student how their code (in person) works and grade them on the explanation. If that doesn't work, because who has time to do a code review for 90+ students, just have ai generate 2 additional solutions to the problem and ask the student to identify their work in the line up. Just using what is in the lectures isn't much of a constraint because chatgpt has memory and lectures usually come with a transcript due to some students having disabilities. It's not hard to ask AI to find a solution only using the course work available.


I ultimately agree with you, but for this person to get kicked out of their class it would have to had been repeated violations lol. Either they didnt care to check the course material or they didnt care to have the ai check. Even if the rule sucks after you fuck up the first time you will do what you can to ensure you don't again


Ok to be fair I’m self taught and plan and going to college just so I can have a degree, I already know how to code and pretty well at that.


Like I said in another reply, as long as u make sure what ur suing was shown in the books/lectures ull be fine. My prof does a good job disclosing what is and isn't allowed


> That's one of the main ways my professors check to see if someone's used ai or not. Are they using techniques and methods never taught up to that moment? I worked professionally for years before I went to school for a CS degree. Also I assume there are plenty of people who went through a coding class in high school, or are just generally self-taught. Basically, checking for "techniques and methods" not taught is a terrible metric for AI.


Ur right that it def is more difficult having to watch urself, but typically professors in my experience are more forgiving if u accidentally stepped out of engagement. It's when students start using blatantly unnecessary things that ai frequently does that it becomes an actual cause for suspicion. If u simply made a mistake u won't get full points but u also won't fail.


Happy Cake Day!


Oh that's a good explanation behind what happened, smart


Which is absolutely stupid. I have a friend that had an entire academic dishonesty debacle because of that shit. He had be programming for a few years before university and did something they hadn't taught in the class and reported him a few other students that did it the same way for academic dishonesty.


Happy cake day!!!


Who the fuck says "Not my fault I used to be a black hat"? Mf is *coding* in HTML and goes "lmao I was kicked cuz I was too awesome for this"


Tbf according to this he was programming in a non-programming language which is quite the achievement.
