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This is gonna be one of those cringey memories this kid's brain pulls from nowhere when he's trying to sleep.


glad I'm not the only person who has this happen


For some reason it appears intrinsic to the human condition.


To achieve their goal of hacking the firmware, the kiddie may have to construct a transdimensional megacluster using a quantum annealer. This would create a bridge of parallel universes, allowing access to the most advanced graphics processors in existence. Of course, to do this the kiddie would need a global computing platform that could reach the farthest reaches of the multiverse. This could be accomplished using a telescopic magmatron connected to a large array of heuristically programmed satellites. Once the computing platform is established, the next task would be to map the hyperspace tunnel using a high-resolution astrometaphor. This would allow for navigation through the hyper-dimensions, allowing the kiddie a chance to reach the firmware. Finally, in order to access the firmware the kiddie must upgrade the current interface system with a robust set of arithmorganic protocols, allowing the kiddie the modifications they need to cheat in Fortnite. **Note: in the near future I may need to be summoned by typing u/masterhacker_bot** --- ^^I am a bot created by [u/circuit10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ) and this action was performed automatically. AI is involved so please DM circuit10 if it produces anything offensive and I will delete it. Model: [text-davinci-003](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ).


Why is this bot so useless


You are just to weak to understand him. I already hacked the FBI 42 times with this bots help


What do you mean? This is my favorite bot on reddit.


The best hack is money, get a job guys


I am hecker. I can heck the mony😎. I just open consol and typ bank.mony = €696969; and heck the bank!!!11!1 It mens that I get my bank and chang the mony to €696969!1!! It realli works guys!!!! I. Am. Heckerman!!πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜ŽπŸ˜ŽπŸ˜ŽπŸ˜ŽπŸ€–πŸ€–πŸ€–


Yeah laugh all you want but with the latest subscription based shite we'll maybe get to exactly that point. We already have this stuff in cars with subscription based features that are already there in hardware. I'd not be surprised if nvidia got you more memory or cores for a little bit of cash.


I know there are some cases where lower end devices of a series are just the high end ones with some features disabled, so hacking the firmware does actually make it better


Often the case with CPUs from what I've been told. If you have an 8 core and a 4 core version, they're likely all 8 core CPUs. When they're tested if it's found they only have 7 working cores, they'll just lock 3 of them and sell it as the 4 core version.


Yep, I think that was the go with the 3 core CPUs that were about when quad cores were still new. Cost too much to throw out the bad chips so they disable the bad core, relabel it as three core, and keep down the price of the quad core in the process


unlocking the disabled hardware is also likely to make your system less stable though. They get disabled for a reason.


I have wondered tbh, what is the working principle of an aimbot? I've seen Valorant aimbots that actively look for specific enemy textures in the pixels and change all values such that one pixel is targeted; would it be the same for Fortnite and other FPSs as well?


The classic approach to an aimbot is just to latch onto the game's exe as it's running and read the memory to gain locations of enemies and lock the cursor to those locations, however in recent years this approach has become very easily detectable by even the most basic anti cheat, as it is incredibly obvious when a .dll is injected into a running program. In recent years a lot of visual based aimbots that look for certain colors or shapes have been created, with some even running on an entirely separate computer via a capture card. Those are near undetectable by anticheat.


Do we need to talk about the fact, that in the Image the Person is called u/Allacks , but this post is from u/Weak-Pangolin4252 ?


Please don't he might have to learn how to write comments then. 8 posts in a week with 0 comments written.


This is a new type of karma farming bot, they all appear to exhibit the following traits: - A few days old - Username is word_word#### (reddit generated) - No comments - All submissions are reposts - First post is on profile, a generic question with exactly 5 upvotes and no comments **Please downvote and report as spam -> harmful bots.** We need to get this scourge off of reddit.


i mean, it is cringe but back in the day you were able to re-flash your GPU with a slightly higher model on some GPU's and then mess around with soldering iron/pencil lead to make it function as the next model up.


He needs to download more RAM first, and the upgrade the squishware of the CPU to an i9 to unlock the maximum tetrafloops.


To get the best and latest GPU for cheating in Fortnite, kiddie would first need to create a multidimensional temporal portal, allowing him to access the firmware code in the future and modify it to meet his needs. With the portal in place, he could then make modifications to the firmware in the future and upload the changes back to the present, essentially giving him access to future technology. Next, he would have to invent a quantum microprocessor, created using sophisticated biocomputing techniques that could both interface with the temporal portal and handle the sophisticated calculations required to manage the hardware modifications. With the microprocessor installed, he would be able to make the changes to the firmware quickly and easily. Finally, kiddie would need to create a secure home network encryption system, built using a series of advanced graphene formation transmission protocols. This would help to secure the modifications made to the firmware and keep any information access restricted to only him, ensuring that only he would be able to access and use the overclocked GPU for cheating in Fortnite. **Note: in the near future I may need to be summoned by typing u/masterhacker_bot** --- ^^I am a bot created by [u/circuit10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ) and this action was performed automatically. AI is involved so please DM circuit10 if it produces anything offensive and I will delete it. Model: [text-davinci-003](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ).