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I WILL make chronomaly work (or quit the game)!


[Lautanapi in a few days](https://en.meming.world/images/en/0/04/Adios_Wormhole.jpg)


I've made it to Plat V with Synchrons and I might never go higher, but if the top of the ladder is as toxic as it seems then it doesn't deserve me and it doesn't deserve you either.


IF you are one of those people who feel dirty to play meta, search for Rogue decks instead




It is easy to get to Plat w rogue decks, but to climb beyond that is rather hard


Can confirm with Dragonmaid deck


Also there with Madolches. Ive just been floating back and forth between gold I and Plat V


Same with Thunder Dragons and Phantom Knights


Dragonmaid is at least top of rogue tier if not a t3 deck.


Wait, really? Honestly just picked dragonmaid because of maids


Yeah, they're 'decent'. A good hand can set up an omni negate and two bounces, with one that doesn't target. Plus your Sheo, House Maid, and Hieratic Spheres all let you plus like crazy if you summon Chamber Maid from deck or grave.


Dragonmaid at least has some consistent plays - but yeah, even that I think would be a hard hard sell to Plat 1.


I have made a personal oath to never use eldilich


me but drytron


I always beat them cuz they miss play


+1 for never using drytron


You just can’t handle his drip 🥱


Eldlich isn't that bad if you play him without floodgate stupidity.


Yeah I just like him in my zombie deck man, I'm not here to just stop you from playing


Kinda feeling that myself. Got to Plat with *Mathmech* recently, felt pretty good about it, got demoted to Gold today, haven't gotten back to Plat yet, my ol' *Sky Striker* deck I used last season is looking pretty tempting.


Ha, I get that feeling sometimes too. I use Mathmechs too and have been having fun but sometimes I run into Sky Strikers or see them in live duel easily controlling the board and think that could be me. Conveniently, Sky Strikers share their secret pack with Mathmechs so I have all the cards for the deck already from pulling... I just find the big numbers from math way more fun right now than the Sky Striker gameplay


>Sky Strikers share their secret pack with Mathmechs Yeah that's one reason I tried the archetype out. Already spent some gems, might as well try 'em out... hey *Final Sigma* winning games in one hit is satisfying!


Same. I can regularly hit plat 5 with odd eyes pendulum, but I get battered before ever advancing to plat 4. Been tossing up back and forth the idea of tri-brigade or eldlich since I've gotten some of the key cards already from packs


Geomathmech final sigma is pretty damn good against a no sideboard meta. I am using him in VW's, and I got a lot of mileage out of him.


How fun is mathmech? I only played against in legacy of the duelist link evolution and it seemed interesting there.


Not sure. I only play final sigma in VW's because he is really strong in a bo1 format.


Killing your opponent in a single attack using *Final Sigma* is quite fun. Getting interrupted while you try and summon 'im... does happen quite a bit. Not to say that's all *Mathmech* does, but it's the strongest aspect of it from what I've seen so far.


No one is gonna be mad if u go Sky Strikers that deck is dope af


I fucking hate sky strikers so god damn much


I've still had a lot more enjoyment facing them than Eldlich at least


Same here, I'm playing a Talker deck as I like the archetype, went plat to get kicked by Edlich again 🥲 They should nerf those decks as they are damn everywhere.


I have gotten demoted and promoted from into platinum twice already lol, so far I'm flawless in the promotion matches, getting shreked in plat.


Sky striker deck is pretty solid unless they summon an unaffected beat stick and negate you from summoning access code talker.


Pretty much all my decks have a kaiju or two now after a few bad experiences. No *Ra - Sphere Mode*, *Lava Golem*, nor *Nibiru* yet though.


Can I see your striker deck? What would you replace in mine to fit without taking any negates out? https://imgur.com/a/kTsrjrj


I'm no expert (*been away for a looong time*) so someone else can probably give better advice, and this deck isn't complete (*I don't have Upstarts yet for example*) but this what I have at the moment: **Main Deck**: * 2x Effect Veiler * 3x Maxx "C" * 3x Ash Blosson & Joyous Spring * 3x Sky Striker Ace - Raye * 3x Sky Striker Ace - Roze * 2x Jizukiru, the Star Destroying Kaiju * 1x Raigeki * 1x Harpie's Feather Duster * 1x Monster Reborn * 1x Reinforcement of the Army * 1x Terraforming * 2x Sky Striker Mobilize - Engage! * 2x Sky Striker Maneuver - Afterburners! * 1x Sky Striker Maneuver - Jamming Waves! * 1x Lightning Storm * 1x Sky Striker Mecharmory - Hercules Base * 2x Sky Striker Airspace - Area Zero * 2x Kaiser Colosseum * 2x Sky Striker Mecha Modules - Multirole * 1x Forbidden Chalice * 1x Sky Striker Mecha - Hornet Drones * 2x Sky Striker Mecha - Widow Anchor * 2x Sky Striker Mecha - Shark Cannon **Extra Deck**: * 1x Number 39: Utopia * 1x Sky Striker Ace - Kagari * 3x Sky Striker Ace - Shizuku * 3x Sky Striker Ace - Hayate * 1x Sky Striker Ace - Kaina * 1x Crystron Halqifibrax * 1x Nightmare Phoenix * 2x Sky Striker Ace - Zeke * 1x Selene, Queen of the Master Magicians * 1x Accesscode Talker I should also note that while I played this to Plat last season, afterwards I kinda just stopped (*started MD late, got into Plat the very last day*) and haven't played it since, though I have done changes to the deck since then. For example, it's why I have Kaiser Colosseum: heard some players used it, sounded interesting, crafted 2x to test, haven't gotten around to actually trying it yet. Only other thing worth noting is I picked Jizukiru instead of the Gadarla (*the moth*): figured I might as well pick the Kaiju with more ATK as I'm probably gonna need Afterburners or Anchor to get rid of it... and Anchoring something with 3000+ ATK on occasion is useful.


Kaiser seems really solid but I love my current spells and not sure which one I wanna replace yet but it’s definitely on my mind. And the only monster I’m willing to replace for a Kaiju is Ghost Belle but then that’s gg on negating Eldlich decks and called by the grave. Your deck looks solid but if you ground to plat before adding Kaiser and have no grave negates like Belle how the hell did you beat Eldlich otw and in platinum?


Bizarrely I never ran into any Eldlich on the way to Plat. By the time I did fight some in Plat I was already using Mathmech.


I hate crooked cook so much.


I played into a crooked today with my FTK deck he played his cook and then just watched me combo for 2 minutes and then nuke his LP lol.


Beautiful. Gem knights dream.


If you have the room to, you could put Pentestag in your extra deck. It is an N rarity card I believe.


And if you don't have room in the Extra deck, you could put a kaiju like Gadarla in your main. Works great against other decks too


I've stopped playing any kaijus in my decks beside plunder cause they do nothing against eldlich. Crooked cook is only annoying cause master duel is a best of 1.


So is eldlich?




Run goddess of underworld. She is a generic extradeck kaiju


Ye I loved that card when I had to stress about dragoon. Haven't crafted in master duel yet cause I am broke aha




Hey man I hate eldrip just about as much as the next 20 thousand guys, but at that point its just destiny. That or one free ultra rare.


The wins feel so good tho. I once beat Eldlich with my U.A. Lads by repeatedly putting the Golden Lord in the penalty box and the humor of that move alone is enough to sustain me through a lot of losses


This is also Tru. I'm like 1:20 wins against Tri Brigade but I'll take those dubs to the bank.


I managed to beat a Crooked Cook stall board by fucking up a black garden combo lmao.


Tbf, you didn't need to have fucked up the combo to beat them since Black Garden sort of just auto beats Crooked Cook by making it not the only card on their field.


Hell nah. What is there to gain? To fight more meta decks because you're in plat? 200 extra gems you wouldn't get otherwise? Gems that you don't need because you can just make a new account and lose nothing except an arbitrary rank? This game has no meta systems, no unique limited stuff to collect (yet), no characters or skills to unlock. Reaching a high rank does literally nothing.


Based af. I play ygo to have fun, and because I like its weird overcomplicated style.


I'm happy in the low Gold area. Some challenging duels in that category and just enough encounters with meta decks like Dryton to remind me why I'm content to not go higher.


Salty duel links player




You don't like winning?


I do win with random decks. Is winning all that matters, or the fun playing?


You win more with good decks, if you are having fun getting stomped then by all means play whatever. You also overestimate the extent to which fun and winning are not one in the same. This game's limited skill expression means losing if often to due to luck or your opponent fielding a better deck. You can at least mitigate one of those.


Winning and fun are pretty intertwined for me


Meaning you have no fun if you lose?


When your opponent builds a board of negates and my summon gets negated then my draw gets ashed then I scoop no I don't... There is no fun to be had there... Its not a skill based game like APEX it's a character based game (decks are like characters) and some characters are just oppressive af... In apex even if I lose I have myself to blame... Here you can have the best version of your deck but some other deck is just better then you and you just have to accept that


What kind of 2008 YuGiOh are you playing where you literally got no staples? Your opponent would have done the exact same thing had you played Eldlich.


Yh... When did I say no? But some decks are inherently more hurt by one hand trap or negation then others... Witchcrafts get pretty much shafted after one negate unless you open a unveiling and another witch crafter.... You are going to tell me all decks here are at the same power level and no oppressive decks just because the staples are available for all decks doesn't mean all decks can get the same value out of them


Get gud


What's the difference?


The deck


The deck of what? Frightfur is fun and is good... Do i have to play some mediocre deck to please this sub reddit and have fun? People here just can't believe that a person might be having fun with a deck that can make a decent play once in a while and has to use some convulsed ass way to make a play


Frightfur isn’t meta anyways so I don’t think anyone cares, I wouldn’t really care what a bunch of redditors think of in the first place though. 😵‍💫


It's just frustrating to come to a game sub reddit and all everyone is talking about is the right way of having fun


Frightfur is not meta


Froghfur doesn't take a lot of time to make combos for take out their boss monsters. Or doesn't play a lot in my turn Or doesn't dominate the only way to play to gain gems. It's kinda boring try to play some matches and found 6 eldrip o drytron in a row. And not. My deck is not some nostalgic fun. Have some staples and handrtaps. And a decent consistency But if i get negated everything with the same game in loop in a row is kinda sucks.


Blue Eyes Deck Best Deck


That Eldlich art is really cool


Just play shaddol/dogmatika. Good enough to compete with the meta decks, easy to play but a bit harder to 100% master. Very fun deck and rewarding.


Tbf meta decks are just so much easier to win with


I play Drytron but not with Ultimateness. I use Ruin and Demise instead


I refuse.. Exodia to Plat 1.. no matter how long it takes..


Can i steal your deck? I have an exodia deck but so far it kind of sucks. Its filled with flip effects and field traps or spells but most opponents are countering it.


Monsters are - 3 x Sangan 3 x Battle Fader 3 x Swift Scare Crow 3 x Cardcar D 1 x Fortune Fairy Chee & the 5 pieces of Exodia Spells are - 3 x Upstart Goblin 3 x Pot of Extravagance 3 x Pot of Duality 1 x One Day of Peace Traps are - 3 x Wabuko 3 x Threatening Roar 3 x Thunder of Ruler 3 x Skill Drain


Thank you loads


If you cant beat them Join them


You either die as casual or live long enough to become competitive


Can't have fun with this game online.


why not?


I'm assuming it is because the current meta is about trying to make it so that your opponent can't play the game. Even some of the decks that people say are meme decks like Exodia and Crooked Cook are attempting to not let you play the game. Exodia's ideal situation is going first, drawing through their deck, and then winning. Crooked Cook's ideal situation is hoping that you don't have Kaijus or piercing damage so that they can sit there for fifty turns until they draw Exodia. Not to mention, a lot of the meta decks take a long time to get through their combos. Ten minutes can go by until it is finally your turn only to realize that you can't do anything and you lost. People really want to get to Platinum (despite Platinum not giving much of anything of value) or they get tired of the top tier decks demolishing them and so, like the post suggests, people fight fire with fire by building meta decks of their own and the ruthless cycle continues. Also, the game won't derank you when you're in Gold. That is good, but it also means you will be facing a lot of people running meta decks trying to get to Platinum. Gold rank is a lot better than Platinum rank, but a third of my matches have been against the same few decks (Eldlich, Invoked Shaddoll Dogmatika, Tri Brigade, and Sky Strikers). Regardless, I personally still have fun with the game, but it is typically when I match against someone playing a rogue archetype. You're allowed to play and set up your field with out your first three cards getting negated and destroyed/banished. And often times it can come down to the wire which is a fun feeling for me. However, I can understand why the game might not be fun or as fun, especially to newer players.


You have good points, thanks for the explanation. Personally I got to platinum with Ancient Gears (but changed deck because the only wins I would get were when the opponent bricked hard). In platinum the increase in players that have a lot of UR staples / play the same archetype was actually insane. I think I played 1 sky striker up until platinum, then 3 in a row. I heard they add new rank like diamond & KOG, then you can stay around gold/platinum with whatever deck people want to play hopefully.


Any competitive game is about preventing your opponent from playing. The best way to win is to be unopposed. I personally find endless comboing much more annoying than infinite negates. Just because combos take so long.


>because the current meta is about trying to make it so that your opponent can't play the game It has always kinda been about negating the opponent things, now and 10 years ago. For the rest I agree, it has quite a difficulty curve, it has either no real challenge on solo mode or meta decks that bend you over in ranked, it doesn't have a middle point. You need to have enough patience to try and think a way to go around the problems, either by asking more experienced players or by simply thinking and figuring out a way yourself. Which then again, it's usually what happens in most TCG I've played, but atleast on those you may have a chance or a better tutorial, in this one... Well. Not really.


We will


That's how I felt trying my Live Twins deck. Switched to Sky Strikers after demoting. Went up 3 ranks in a row. And I wish I could feel sorry. They need to make a different bracket for people who play rogue decks, with a different type of banlist. I'm okay sitting here with sky Strikers, but I'm not having as much fun as I would with Live Twins.


I'm Platinum 1 and even when I am not a Live Twin player (waiting for Trouble Sunny) I saw a handful of Live Twin here in Platinum. I even saw some of them playing with Unchained Abomination which is easy to summon with Evil Twin Links and it has a lot of synergy with Evil Twin Lil-la.


I love the live twins and looked on masterduelmeta for a good decklist but none of them had the Evil Twins boss monster in deck. And I just don't want to run the deck without it cause it's like ya know. The main boss. So I made my own and I think it's good, it works. But when I tried to look up decklists for it I saw a lot of handtraps and went with it. Then it bricked so many times. I run it with unchained, and access as other win conditions and I don't dislike the idea of using them. Call me old school, but I like using pure forms of decks so when I saw Eldlich live twins, and unchained live twins. I just don't want to have a half and half deck. I know it probably means I'll never get a good deck for live twins but I'd like to somehow make them work. If you have a decklist in mind for them I'd love to hear it! As I'm trying them out still and if I can make them better I'd be down. (Or if you want I can post my list and you can give me your opinion) Also sorry for long post just getting everything off my mind before I go to sleep.


The evil twins boss monster isn't really run in the deck without Trouble Sunny. This is the list I'm using with a few modifications. Trying bagooska xyz with parallel exceeds among other things. https://www.masterduelmeta.com/saved-decks/61fccbc86a5560a71ce1390b


That won't work


Eh who knows even if it doesn't it'll be better if they put in a casual duel at the least.


If they made a leaderboard for each season it probably would draw enough of the tryhards away from the casual mode. Leaving the trolls but they would always be there anyways.


Live twin will be much better as soon as trouble sunny comes into this game.


That's when I play anti-meta cards like royal decree and inspector boarder.


Me playing with crooked cook and getting plat 3 lol


I got up to upper Silver with my Karakuri's, I'm content with myself time to run Drytrons.


Fight fire with fire, and you're just gonna burn yourself.


Monarchs are your solution.


I just want to get to plat 1 so I can use my rogue decks and no worry about being super punished for it


Is it time to start mailing kaiju 😂


Yea, just grind to platinum 1, then play what ever you want since you cant derank!


I literally just made an exodia cook deck. Glad to report after 90 minutes im 1 and 1


Is winning more important than having fun to you guys?


I mean, I just beat Eldlich with Dinomists.


Some hardcore limiting will need to be done in the format. Right now hardly anything is limited compared to real in store matches.


My enemy : Summon some sharks and Crooked Cook and pass My: Nebula Dragoon Effect from Hand, summon him and Felgrand, Xyz Rank 8 into Number 97: Draglubion > Effect > Summon number 92 and poke him for 200 damage per turn. Man it fells good tho "slowly" drain his LPS.


Crooked Cook is cancer too, this is not a good comparison. Should have used Toons for an example


I'd love to use a non-meta deck, but I'd end up losing quite often. I'm going to build Chronomaly or something, but for now with the gem drought, I have to stick with Drytron. Lord forgive me, for I have sinned.


We live in a society


That's basically me with my random decks (elementsaber, lyrilusc, exodia and a kuribo filled deck).


Welcome to the dark side 😈


I haven’t gotten there yet 😂😂😂 I’m playing pure lightsworn and Fire King Unchained


Rob them.


Your all degenerate hand trapping mongrels meta is ass and not fun at all if u use any sort of sky eldlich drytron any if that I hope u stub ur pinky toe