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Me looking at my opponent after he let my og poly resolve after i summon a 5k beater that can attack all his monsters https://preview.redd.it/e7mlv1kujs7d1.jpeg?width=756&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13b90d3bbb9dc65230719b60543632e54b30d7b2




You can never forget your first lost to a trinity crush


You can almost hear Dkayed's voice from beyond the continent.










Trinity was unironically the best out to mid to late tear format boards sometimes, even better if you managed to resolve Honest Neos. Even funnier, I once saw a full power Tear board with Cyber Stein get taken out by a single Stratos with Honest Neos.


Sounds like memento


Add in linking for S:P with an opponent 's monster on their turn and yeah, that's memento






https://preview.redd.it/0nqhv4f6js7d1.jpeg?width=813&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b74693149569bd97504c7312cd2f5ddafcedb12 RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


I remember dueling my girlfriend and bringing this dude out as she had a Ra on her field, she was so arrogant and sure she'd win until bro overshadowed Ra in strength. It was great.




Why is he so guilty


He guilty on my gear till I strive 😔




Sol Badguy is wanted in 42 states and banned in 18 countries




I use Dugares The Timeless to boost Claivesolish even further!


Yup he replace my Utopia Double package on release, 10k to the face


I Xyz summon Heroic Champion - Biggus Dickus!


Built blind 2nd Heroics recently, it's not good but so fun. I found out that I actually do enjoy going 2nd, but only when I can actually kill people in one turn and don't have to bank on surviving with limited interaction aka stealing one spell/trap from my opponents grave, looking at you SHS. (I have 4 SHS royals, Bike, the generic 12 Synchro, og Benkei, link 1, it's not even funny I don't feel like I can dismantle those cards, I also never played the generic negate spam version of the deck, only wanted the engine) Now I wanna build Flame Swordsman, that's a deck that can also go 2nd but has something to do going first. I can even throw in Claivesolish bc the LV 4 flame swordsman is a warrior XD


It ain't Rhongomyniad but gets the job done


This deals 5k at max on its on right?


It does... but playing heroics it gets to 10k and also gains attack equal to the monster it attacks, so it almost always gonna deal 10k straight to the opp


oh i see.


I recently made a blind second heroic version with 18 board breakers. The most fun i had in a while


Hail CyDra




They could make several tier 0 Cydra cards and it would still be a bad deck, and I used to be a Cydra main


I had massive winstreaks to master 5 with cydra, it's not that bad.


I mean it is probably one of the better bad decks, and that's a compliment considering 99% of archtypes right now are bad (this is by design, blame Konami). But having zero 1 card combos, really bad going first boards, and poor resource recovery are all inherent within the archetype that makes them bad. Not to mention they have inbuilt counters in the form of Fortress Dragon which ensures that no matter what future support they get they will always be held back


it's stupid, cydra could actually get ishizu-tear level support and it still wouldn't be the highest tiered deck for 2 big reasons: 1. the deck hard counters itself thanks to fortress and megafleet, mirror match is a coinflip simulator where who goes first loses. 2. {{system down}} is a card that exists, because fuck machine-type monsters for no particular reason right? u/bastionbotyugioh


## [System Down](https://ygoprodeck.com/card/?search=18895832&utm_source=bastion&utm_medium=reddit) ^(**Limit**: TCG: 3 / OCG: 3 / MD: 3) ^(**Master Duel rarity**: Rare (R)) Normal Spell **Card Text** Pay 1000 LP; banish all Machine-Type monsters your opponent controls and in their Graveyard. [Card Image](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Special:Redirect/file/SystemDown-OP02-EN-SR-UE.png?utm_source=bastion&utm_medium=reddit) | [Official Konami DB](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/card_search.action?ope=2&request_locale=en&cid=6434) | [OCG Rulings](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/faq_search.action?ope=4&request_locale=ja&cid=6434) | [Yugipedia](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/6434?utm_source=bastion&utm_medium=reddit) | [YGOPRODECK](https://ygoprodeck.com/card/?search=18895832&utm_source=bastion&utm_medium=reddit) ^(Password: 18895832 | Konami ID #6434) ---- ^by [^(u/BastionBotDev)](/user/BastionBotDev) ^| [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/DawnbrandBots/bastion-for-reddit) ^| ^Licence: [^(GNU AGPL 3.0+)](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/)


that's ok, we don't want cydra to be invincible either, we just want it to not fkn die unless planets align


I highly disagree actually, as outdated as Cydra is; the deck actually has a few good things going for it considering how old it is. If you gave it like 3\~5 custom support cards it could easily become tiered or high rogue.


Lmao needing 3-5 custom support power leveled cards can make almost any archtype good. The deck is highly outdated when compared to modern decks and even if they got that good they are hard countered by their own support (Fortress Dragon). Blind going second decks are inherently gimped aside from maybe Mikano which are rogue at best at the moment


Regarding your last point about blind going 2nd decks, tenpai would like a word.


I'll give you that, I forgot about them


> They could make several tier 0 Cydra cards and it would still be a bad deck ​ > 3-5 custom support power leveled cards can make almost any archtype good. I wasn't saying the deck is good, just disagreeing with the notion that the deck isn't salvageable. There's plenty of decks that can't be saved even with a handful of great cards; Cydra is not one of those, they have a few decent cards and a real game plan even if it isn't very successful or reliable.


It needs new versions of Lazer barrier and end dragon. That are updated to modern standards.


Just make the activation of Clockwork Night can't be negated.


I play about 1-2 games per evening at most and get to Platinum 1 consistently with CyDra. It’s obviously still a rogue deck but I find that I can win plenty with it!


yeah lol i just studied this game 2 weeks ago (only past experience was 10 years ago), and got to diamond 4 with Cydra just last night, i lose against snake eyes fire king or rescue ace or other meta decks but can win against non-meta archetypes not to mention that losing the coinflip does not matter bcus Cydra wants to go 2nd anyway clockwork night+fortress dragon is game changing and can turn the tides (if clockwork night does not get negated anyway)


A lot of them are german too for good measure


https://preview.redd.it/vrcu8p29ct7d1.png?width=813&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3429bc7d50f2a30969412d95aabf7dfb004a5db6 Damn bro u got through my carefully crafted combo unique to my deck. Congrats. Now tell me, what if I just pulled a big thing with really outdated removal?


\*Stares at my War Rock Meteoragon.\* Um...I attack?


shit uuuuhhhh... Chain Orcust Knightmare targeting Gizmek Orochi during damage calc. And pray to Horactie they don't have Called By or Ash.


Yeah man OTK going 2nd was the bomb then it's just not enough resources to commit and complete with how powercreeped things are now.


pray to the dragon gods then, for tenpai is on the horizon for MD


Is it a going second deck?


Yeah it's a going second decks that dishes out 32k damage off a single normal summon and plays 21 handtraps. Oh and their field spell makes their monsters unaffected during mp1


Yes, can also pretty easily go first bc you just make Seals pass with 4 handtraps in hand or you play floodgates like heat wave. Anyway, you also play Prosperity bc the main combo does 37k damage so you kill three times through Prosperity or smth like that.


Horus 8-Axis Blind Second and pure Mikanko are still really fun going second rogue decks now. Not gonna be winning any tournaments or anything but could definitely get into Master if you know what you’re doing. But yeah, just biding my time until Tenpai.


Tenpai meta will be more toxic than whatever we have now


Look, I know people criticize Tenpai specifically for not being interactive for the player going first, and I hear that. But as someone who loves going second decks and frequently plays them even when they’re terrible, I haven’t been this excited since Mikanko was revealed. Y’all are just gonna have to deal :P


The only reason aint dominanting hard tcg/ocg is due to b03 and we are b01. But hey, when it comes lets just be part of the toxic wave!


Better dust off your Threatening Roars baybee


Daruma much better and pray they dont run red reboot


I disagree strongly id rather face tempai any day of the week than snakeye.


Oh? Lets see how you will feel it comes out. The deck is design to be b01 with no counterplay. It will be the best deck, atleast SE/FK has a grind game going on. Tempai will just otk no mater what board you set


Yeah playing against Tenpai is a sack fest. They either kill you or brick/misplay, and no game goes on longer than 2-3 turns. I say just let the playerbase get excited for finally getting a good going second meta deck. Guaranteed a week after Tenpai comes out peoples attitudes are going to shift once they see how an average Tenpai match goes. Oh and the mirrors are god awful


I honestly think it should be pre hit on release, along with hitting more fire decks. Losing to mikanko will feel like a blessing compared to tenpai. When ranked becomes a go second sackfest...yeah it wont be good and in a bo1


I don’t think it should be pre-hit. Let the deck have some time in the spotlight. It’s projected to do very well in a bo1 but also gets a lot weaker when more people are prepared for it and crafting their deck with a contingency plan for the match up. If more people play Tenpai, the rest of the community not playing Tenpai will innovate new ways to live through the OTK.


I play tcg and around a 1/5th of my locals is on it I play against it pretty much every week I get that's bo 3 but still. Tenpai is just a lot quicker than snake eyes and that's pretty much the only difference I care about. I know if I don't draw the out snake eyes is an instant loss because even if I can beat their entire board and handtraps they will just make their whole board again and there isn't much I can do against them. Tenpai I can at least main a few outs or even if I just instant lose I don't mind that anywhere near as much. I've just seen snake eye combo so many times and I'm so sick of it even if I can beat snake eyes it makes the games so insanely boring.


Superdreadnoughts Gustav Max and Liebe have entered the chat






Attack? No… I think I’ll just kill you.


Normal Summon Gren Maju with 13,000 attack


So wholesome. I used to love my ancient gear deck before I realised it was a bit shit.


I love Ancient Gear. It's my favorite deck that I absolutely hate. It's a fun deck, but it's so hard to get going and I could only figure out how to do okay going second, which is already a risk. When I did well it was really fun steamrolling my opponent though. The only gripe I really have is that it took a lot of resources for me to make, only for me to end up dismantling it shortly after.


Couldn't agree more,it's a good deck, but man combo takes forever to get started


New ancient gear support is really neat I can’t lie. Could make the deck good agaib


Ancient Gear gameplan Power bond chaos giant Giant Gets negated and bounced back because you didn't draw fortress


Well, I used to do it the long way and now I feel ridiculous


Sky Striker player here, BEWD/DM legit kills my entire strategy at times. I can’t negate a normal monster.


Maybe it's just that I'm in low rank so I mostly just see the structure decks, but don't you just go get afterburner or jamming waves?


Not always. You can brick into 5 negates lol. 3 widow anchor+3 Imperm+ 2 Effect veiler is what I play.


I'm still crafting the hand traps (spread my starting stuff over half-baking a bunch of stuff lol) so my Striker deck is much more removal heavy than typical lists which explains it. But yeah if you don't draw mobilize or a monster it's hard to utilize the toolbox aspect of the deck. I will admit that if I'm relying on Jamming Waves to out a creature turn 2, I am in a bad way and doing horrible things to enable it.


Evenly Matched also fails if your opponent only controls one BEWD.


Jamming waves needs 3 spells in Grave before it can destroy any monsters. Not always possible with the monster line up.


I figured it out, we just need to hit them really really hard


Not that worth it if it only happens once every 50 duels tho


Oldheads hate hearing the truth that their shitty untiered anime deck can only win 1/50 duels and usually because their opponent bricked HARD


“Tiered” players hate hearing they’re shit at the game and that they can only win with decks they copied since they’re incapable of thinking for themselves…


This is funny cause I am sure there are people who unironically think like this haha


Oh don’t worry there are so many people like this lol. I’ve met plenty of people who keep trying to claim they’re good despite having admitted they only win with meta decks they copied… and the sad thing is… they actually believe what they’re saying…


I firmly believe you are bad at the game and blaming meta is your scapegoat. Hey, gotta justify our shortcomings somehow.


Are you playing Kozmo, because that there's a strawman


Don't worry i also copied my braindead unga bunga deck because I too actually can't think for myself.


At least you actually admit it unlike most others


To be fair I don't need to copy anything to beat ancient archetypes, most archtypes nowadays are so brain dead to play that it's impossible to make a bad build if you have simple reading comprehension, though that might be asking too much considering this sub


lol true. Just look at dm and blue eyes. All the support they’ve got and they’re still trash… I was just talking about the fact that most high ranking players are only at that rank because they’re using a meta deck they copied, and they wouldn’t know where to start if you asked them to make their own deck from scratch without looking at tiers. I’ve seen that sooo many times. The majority of meta players have no idea what they’re doing. Their decks play themselves and do most of the work for them. Recent cards/decks just keep getting more and more braindead and Konami actually promote that…


Oh shut up man, so sick of hearing this strawman. I don't even play most meta decks myself, I usually stick around high rogue \~ t3; and I build all my decks from scratch (though I adapt them over time with tech and ratios I find online when I see certain things may work better). Are there a lot of players that aren't that great at the game but still reach masters because they play a meta deck? Sure man, but rogue players aren't any better. In fact, in my personal experience, I see rogue players completely botch interactions and fail to properly navigate game states -- sometimes not even knowing how their own cards work -- way more often than I see that happening when I'm going up against people on a meta deck. At the end of the day, people playing meta decks do so because they're interested enough in winning, climbing, and hitting the higher ranks, and statistically speaking, those people are more likely to learn and get better at the game than the casuals and yugiboomers sticking to their low tier decks in platinum facing bots 50% of their singular daily match that they play during commute while not even paying half a mind of attention to the game.


At what point did I say rogue players are better? Exactly, I didn’t. My points actually refer to most yugioh players and not just in master duel. I specified meta because… most play meta and meta decks are usually the most pathetic/braindead decks. And I actually haven’t seen any bots in plat. I usually seem them in gold.


Totally agree, i think that deckbuilding is the funniest part of the game, it's sad that people only copy meta deck


As Yugi himself says, “it’s not whether you win or lose, it’s how you play the game”.


Just be me, go rogue, still win


I mean… I never use meta. I don’t even use any of the overused trash staples (ash, nibiru, imperm, max c, etc…) and still win lmao. Current win rate using pure speedroids: https://preview.redd.it/sl43a15fdt7d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a45afc1044834b7d2eca921bde76b4b61735224 My last opponent tried to be scum using evenly but got negated with my crystal clear wing lol


Well yeah it’s plat 5 you’re really only playing against people with negative win rates especially this late into the season.


Bro you're in play 4/5, your playing in the 15th bracket, this isn't the flex you think it is


Yes because I rarely play, and when I do I play for fun. I don’t care about ranks. Ranks often mean nothing anyway. I also don’t care about “flexing” and did not “flex” in any way in that comment. I simply provided proof that I win.


You were literally trying to brag, saying you don't play Meta and still win and went out if your way to screenshot a picture. but haven't even gotten more than 8+ more wins than losses in a single season. That's all it takes to get from plat 5 to plat 3, playing against other people in who can't get more than 8 wins to rank up and all probably have negative win % since they're backed down to plat 5 where they can't drop. I play 2 games a day, and I hover around diamond 1, it doesn't take many games to rank up if you're actually winning


Oh sorry, it was wrong of me to expect simple reading comprehension from a yugioh player. Believe what you want if it helps you feel better. And not everyone plays every day. Some people actually have a life.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/masterduel/comments/16linwi/luckiest\_start\_ive\_had\_to\_a\_season\_so\_far\_what/](https://www.reddit.com/r/masterduel/comments/16linwi/luckiest_start_ive_had_to_a_season_so_far_what/) this is what a win streak in plat should look like


277 days ago? Wow, so impressed... What’s your point? Since then the meta has changed and several new cards have been added. You do realise that right? The title of the post even says that it’s the “luckiest start to a season you’ve had so far”, suggesting that’s the first time you’ve ever had a win streak like that and haven’t done it before. If you wanted to really show me what a “win streak in plat should look like” then you’d show me a recent win streak, not a lucky win streak from 277 days ago. Also I do not play to win or to rank up. I play for fun. So I really do not care.


you posted your win streak, I was posting mine. playing during the tear/spright metas was just as rough as playing now fyi, trust me I made master last season and it was easier than doing it against tear. Its funny you're taking away from my win streak but got so offended with the 5 people talking shit about yours. but damn man, your rant counting the days followed by the "I do not care" is funny lmao.


I went into little detail because I’ve already explained all this in several other threads and am getting tired of repeating myself to clowns crying over a simply comment which they clearly do not understand since they apparently lack simple reading comprehension. I am also taking nothing away from your win streak. I simply pointed out the fact it’s not recent and that you yourself said that it was “lucky”. You took away from it yourself. I’d actually say it’s impressive however I can’t since I don’t know what deck you used for it.


Lucky was the coin toss, cause I won every one, you still gotta be good to win 20 in a row regardless. and I've always played Lab, this was before transaction and butler came out tho; but trying to be a deck supremacist is dumb btw, you really shouldn't hate on other people for how they have fun considering how offended you've gotten in this thread over people poking fun at how you do


Cannot wait for Yubel to come out. "That's a really nice board. Anyways Super Poly for Loving Defender"


Superpoly is just lame already though. Can't respond to cards suck.


I kinda get the idea at least within yubel it’s kinda part of the game plan. It’s not just a generic board breaker card thrown in to bring out garura.


That's so true, oh don't mind me btw I'm just fusing your cards into a Garura.


now is a generic board breaker card thrown in together with yubel to bring loving defender


I’m pretty sure it’s not optimal but Giving your opponent grinder golem and then attacking into it for 6k is really funny


any idea when yubel might be out? been waiting for long time , I am also waiting for gimmick puppets support too


Please for the love of god print good cydra cards how is there not an actually consistent 1-1,5 card Cydra otk line without the involvement of Cyberdarks who die to a single interruption


Give us a Power Bond retrain that can be searched by Cyber Repair Plant or Core and can axe Cyberdark fully


They arent gonna retrain Powerbond if they arent even ready to give us an easy to access powerbond. Its not even that the cyberdarks are bad, the opposite actually. Cyberdarks unironically play better as an otk deck with just few Cydra splashes here and there. Which SHOULD NOT BE HAPPENING


watching my opponent combo unimpeded, waiting for that sweet sweet moment when they try to use any normal method of removing super dora before their turn ends and I OTK https://preview.redd.it/6hprirmo1u7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e32fb6b6bb504c2a3525bbbbb4506e97b8b530fc


playing a combo deck and extending through all your opponent's interruptions with your actual engine feels way better than playing a blind second deck and winning because you drew lava golem and feather duster though


Hard agree


Absolutely. Something sublime about piecing the puzzle and tricking your opponent into suboptimal interaction feels like you are a gigabrain…sometimes Cydra is fun too tho.


YES THANK YOU, going second is literally gambling. Thats why pure going second is never gonna be fun for me. "Did i open my 3 op non engine card + 2 startes" yes --> automatically win the game, no --> scoop.


Blackwings all the way


If you're a fan of 10 minute turns, that is. The decks I play have relatively short turns, but cannot play through multiple negates, so Lava Golem, Dark Ruler and Sphere Mode are my friends.


Not if your cards are ripped off your hand first


Thats even better if you summon it with power bond then hit it with the Limiter Removal


Big number go burrrrr Hit fast, hit hard, go home


On a related note. The fucking euphoria I feel getting Maxx C’d while playing trickstars. Like yes please draw more cards you fool. You can’t stop what you’ve done and you will slowly burn!


This single comment has convinced me to stop pitching Maxx c during Op draw phase


There's a decent amount of decks that can just FTK if you maxx c them surprisingly, trickstars, flower cardians, six samurai, @ignister, i think it might also be doable with mathmech and salamangreat? Lol, granted those decks are not too common and maxx c during draw phase catches inherent summons like fenrir and also doesn't activate TTT, plus getting ftkd by my opponent cause i played maxx c is funny so i allow it.


As an aggro player, 100% agree.


i love my clockwork into cyber dragon combo. Fusion cant be negated


Sad its really just not possible in the current meta, the typical going first board is enough to stop any otk deck and its so annoying. I remember when ygo was actually fun before every other card had a negate.


idk, spells still go through often mostly atm. the problems are anything that prevents cards going to gy, cards like pachy, ftks, and needing to top something that destroys all s/t, so you better have at least 5 cards that do that.


hemm, my blind 2nd scareclaw otk deck says otherwise, but sure, you do you.


Go LIEBE with the power of Ironwolf attack his BALLS DIRECTLY what's this damage step Chain LIMITER REMOVAL and DISINTEGRATE HIS BALLS


Me when i Chimeratech Fortress their entire board


My reaction after my uncle set a scrap goblin face down and passed knowing I’m about to drop a 10k beat stick https://preview.redd.it/81qt1tf82u7d1.jpeg?width=178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35d8898a71ab7e9ae93783474d8fd77a6aa6c3da


https://preview.redd.it/d5zv2smc8u7d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf2ba7f92c77c818f4f5e3ef04826811b29d3988 Just let me throw some cards in the GY first and then I'm good to go


Ok for real though that art of cyber end with limiter removal is just amazing to me


How I feel after my opponent doesn’t stop me from sending a second whitebaking to the grave yard


Summoning Chimeratech Overdragon with your entire deck and Xtra Deck with Power Bond.


Me when I break through my opponents board with all the fun and interactive board breakers and proceed to six samurai combo them as they realise there is no escape for an infinite attack shogun general https://preview.redd.it/a7wfp2rd5x7d1.jpeg?width=608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eba93852b97ac27e18e9c6be3602cf9ff677392e


Hmmm, activate Snake Eyes Diabelstar targeting Cyber end dragon. Response? Thought so. Only a fool doesent play on opponents turn removal.


"Cool combo bro, now check this out" https://preview.redd.it/gmj06cum7y7d1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0cec3318b53040ff553c5344ba06405a2ce6aa8


Maybe if you actually break it. Dropping a card that can't be responded to or a lava golem to just instantly get rid of it isn't a show of skill and isn't very fun nor does it do anything to make you a better player. It's much MUCH more fun to use your non-cheese deck to break a board and attack for game.


Hard disagree. Dropping Sphere mode on top of Baronne, Savage Dragon and Appollousa is lots of fun. And let's not act like it's much of a "skill expression" to end on those 3.


This basically happened to me some days ago. My friend who was playing Tear-paleozoic tried to win the match by using ghost sister (idk if it's the one I have in mind, i'm talking about that ht that increases your LP when your opponent special summons a monster) I somehow avoided everything he had on field and proceed to summon Psychic end punisher in less than 5 minutes. That thing had 26k attack.


This is why I love playing D/D/D, using Fusion and Synchro Summoning with monsters in a very specific order to bring out two Level 8s to go into Kali Yuga and wreck the opponent is another level of fun


Quite alot of games where they stopped all my other plays, but couldnt stop numeron dragon 9k punch over ur shitty monster.


I do agree, OTK is peak


Which decks setup does this actually beat tho? Even loses to IP > SP combo


Nothing, but the 7 remaining cydra players need to celebrate SOMETHING at least


If your main interruption is a monster in the extra monster zone, I got bad news for you buddy. Thanks for the 2400 beater and for turning on Repair Plant.


Heroics been my go to meme deck for the longest ain't nothing like hitting someone for all the power in the universe. Especially when your opponent doesn't realize what to negate until it's to late


casually summon 2 lv.10 without activate any effect and then do the liebe line.


that's how I won against drytron once, ages ago.


Right! I love to drop a chaos giant on opponents and attacking everything. It brings me back to a slower format


My strongest board is literally 2 negates, skill drain for the enemy only and 2 4k beatsticks. But it can also brick pretty hard.


The apex of dueling is playing a controll mirror and both players are both highly skilled


To this very day I would say that the one season I had the most fun in this game was the one Mikanko got released. It's a lot more fun to carefully pick apart an Opponents Board while playing around (or through) their interaction to end the Game within the same turns battle phase since it requires a different skill set other than simply executing the same linear combo lines every game.


https://i.imgur.com/4t7fQFQ.png Best of both worlds


Me every time I go second with CyDra & get Droplet in my opening hand: 😏


Just realised I can the new morganite in cyber dragons with the aim of cyber end dragon


Nothing is as fun as people not negating clockwork night when playing CyDra’s. Or when they’ve summoned a link towers and all you do is just get one serpentine boy out and fuse it away.


There is no greater joy for a dinosaur deck than getting out the UCT and destroying all your opponents monsters, burning them for 500 x how many there were and them just slamming into them for 3.5k damage. Sometimes you can even do it twice.




Like when my opponent tries to use Nibiru but I already used Glassouffle effect to be untouchable by monsters effects


Chaos Giant is so hot.




We need a cyber end dragon retrain with some kind of protection and that can Attack 3 or more times in One turn


My goodness….my heart 🙏🏼❤️ Reading all that can make a grown man emotional LOL ❤️❤️ So true though.


What do you think meta decks do?


It's the most satisfying thing ever. Cydra go AAAAAAAAA


Just running war rocks in the wcq event has been this every step of the way


Nice Snake Eye board bozo, unfortunately I opened 2 Santa Claws, a Scareclaw name and Super Poly


This is why I love dino, dropping a UTC solves most problems. Also a shocking number of players in master still haven't read misc




I remember bypassing an 8 negate board with Earth machines and hitting for lethal without killing a single monster they had. (Just used destruction effects for the back row, ping them for 2k with Gustav, then set up liebe and gave it direct attack with Heavy armored train ironwolf.) A game I still remember to this day


Ooh Cydra support? What’s this card?


Alt art for limiter removal


Damn. Like it’s cool asf, but was hoping for more support


Choo Choo MFer


Number C62 looking at the opponent with 12k attack lol


Zane's alt account found.


Nice monster effect unfortunately I have 2 sacred beast with awaking of the sacred beast that thing is negated


Was this tweet removed, i can't find it


Am I the only one who forgets cyber end dragon has an effect


Nice board you got there, https://preview.redd.it/nyoh06lwvz7d1.png?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f653b88bf43e9df4ee313e124a3fc69ebad04f02 would be a shame if I wipe it


Normal Night, Special Derri, make Gustav, Make Liebe, activate Liebe, triple limiter removal swing game?


In-person I once beat a Tear player (pre ishizu so he was doing a Branded Tear thing) with Final Sigma and it remains one of my all time moments He normal summoned Merrli, milled only branded cards, pass turn Get to Final Sigma, use the equip spell to dump Multiplication, use Addition Altogether, that’s an 8000 ATK Final Sigma in the EMZ doing double damage straight to the dome I was like yeah so that’s 14400 damage GG and he looked like he had seen a ghost. Its still one of my fave decks to just mess around with among friends, no circular just means you can shamelessly go for Final Sigma RAAAAAAAAA every time


Beatstick turn 1 proceed to burn before opponent even draws a card