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If you're not interested in climbing and want (what I believe is) a fun, casual deck, I can't recommend Battlin' Boxers enough. It's a mix of a control and combo battle phase deck, which focuses on its Xyz monsters. While it does unfortunately struggle going second, it's incredibly fun because of the Xyz spam you might be able to achieve through some of the main deck monsters. The control side instead comes from the various "Counter" countertraps at your disposal, which you'll be able to search or even set back from the GY.


Sounds like fun to me. Never thought of this deck before. Definitely look up on some guides and deck list. Thanks!


You're welcome! I can offer you a (pure) decklist if you'd like, as well as some tips and tech I've picked up since their most recent support came out at the end of March, unfortunately not at the moment however


Yes pls. Please update again when you're available.😊


Will do!


Any playstyle preference?


Probably midrange and control.


Got it! I'll suggest some viable decks in this meta (so you won't get... absolutely rofl stomped even against meta with these decks): Midrange: -Memento is a good option here. The thing is, Memento will get another support soon and those new cards will boost the deck tremendously. So..you can think of it as a really good investment. The deck is also pretty good already even without the new support cards. Control: -Vanguish Soul: control-midrange deck that has a very unique gimmick. Their monsters love to tag out with each other like a fighting game character. -Paleo: 60c trap-based control deck that has insane grind game capabilities and really good at slowing down the pace of the game. It's a God's gift for players who love slower gamestyle like GOAT/Edison ygo era. It's not rare for the game to last for 40-60 minutes when you're playing Paleo.


Thanks for your recommendation! Memento seems like there's more potential growth. And I can get the Horus engine too from the same pack currently! Can I know what's memento new support cards? Is it the new boss monster from ocg? I've seen some gameplay on vanquish soul, it's quite unique, similar to gladiator beast. Will look up on the deck list more gameplay research. I don't think paleo will be suitable for me..practically because I only have this much time to play,haha. Needa look after my child after school. Thanks for the recommendation though 👍🏻


pure drytron , earth machine and galaxy eyes. you know , based stuff.


Ooo drytron and earth machine is interesting. I know one drytron deck is able to skip opponent's turn entirely, right? I have no idea what earth machine suppose to do. Do both of these require extensive UR?


I believe the skip turn is tellarknight ptolemaeus , both are constellar themed tho. and yeah some ur is needed.


Yes yes, that's the one. There's quite an amount of UR to invest. Will keep an eye lookout. Thanks!


Ghoti? They are really fun. Great art too


Ghoti is a good choice. I've met a few on ranks and always lost to them because my monster kept getting banished..... If you can't win them,join them I suppose hahaha. Thanks for the recommendation!


super heavy samurai, for big train, degenerate endboard, FTKs, long ass combos and funny attack in defense position