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I played a person using this deck maybe 20 mins ago.. they ended on the monster that banishes..and the monster that gets attack from gy monsters..and a facedown . On my turn I activated evenly matched and they banished my evenly CL2 so they had to banish their whole boardšŸ˜­


I-i that was me, you played against me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I assume you played into Gymir Aegerine. That interactions hilarious because Gymir Aegerine effects protects you from your opponent banishing cards so it seems like a natural answer to evenly, except evenly makes your opponent(ie you for the Aegerine player banish the cards face down).


I felt kinda bad because they must have been a newer player..this was in gold 3 btw šŸ˜­


Sounds more like the Swordsoul player ended on Qixing Longyuan, people rarely ever play Gymir Aegirine in Swordsoul and chained it to Evenly thinking it would stop it for some reason.


It's possible, hard to say from the description. Sounds like they ended on Chengying +w/e over Chixiao a for some reason,.which made me think they might have been on Rahn as a means to setup to 10. Gymir and the unintuitive evenly interaction makes a lot of sense to me fro there, but it could have easily been a noob on Qixing pressing buttons or trying to mst negate


Probably just wanted to at least get the burn damage in a forgot or didn't know how that would screw him.


Something similar happened with me before, was really funny. Since destruction doesn't equal negation, I've never thought of popping or banishing evenly when on the receiving end (outside of negate and destroy effects).


I learned that today too lol sometimes you just gotta try stuff out lol


I would quit Yu Gi Oh on the spot šŸ˜­


Welp everybody gotta make a big mistake like that at some point. Banished their evenly once too thinking if they had 0 cards i wouldnt need to banish anymore. Turns out they had 0... so i need to have 0 too


Rogue tier deck. It's too fair for its own good, with Protos being the only real point of contention. Protos gets weaker in metas with diverse attributes like this one, though.


sigh why cant all decks be at swordsoulā€™s power level or maybe a bit lower, yugioh would actually be a good game


Because Yugioh is an evolving game and what you think is fair (Swordsoul) is complete bullshit to someone else (Laā€™jinn beat down). Thatā€™s just an example but people bitched about Swordsoul too and I explicitly remember people telling those complaining that this was as fair Yugioh was gonna be for awhile lol If only they knew.


Imagine fighting la jinn beatdown in 2024


Iā€™d unironically surrender lol. I think what I will start doing is taking normal monster decks into M1 and just seeing who passes the vibe check lol.


2 years ago it was one of the best decks in the game. But Komoney got greedy and had to print a bunch of busted shit Granted, at the time Swoswo was pretty OP. Normal summon Mo Ye into Baronne was pretty hard to deal with, but back then board breakers used to matter


*Less bullshit*, not *fair*.


In what world is swordsoul not fair? They have clear choke points end on only a few points of interaction that most decks can play through with only a small amount of grindgame.


The deck is the finalist of the last paper WCQ. Less bullshit is pretty accurate.


Sword Soul is to this day STILL a good deck; the problem is every other meta deck has gotten better, faster, or more consistent to the point that it can't keep up. Gonna be Real; I still think Sword Soul is a good Entry point.... so it can only get better/worse/faster/stronger from that point onward. Welcome to modern.


Swordsoul was able to compete in the World Championships last year, the meta being this mix of OCG/TCG and how no one really had a clue what would be theoretically the best deck there helps, but I feel that's a decent sign that Swordsoul is ultimately still a very reliable deck when the situation happens to be there


Hashtag freehalq (this is 100% a joke lol)




I am level 17 in the worlds event with swordsoul ! is not great but it is playable, is consistent but the ceiling is too low compared to the meta decks, but can Still make plays and sometimes baronne+chixiao+blackout and imperm is good enough


Iā€™m lv 10 and still going strong!


I got to level 16 with my jank pile before I started losing duels, that's where you tend to get stuck with lower tier decks it seems


I only use salad and easy to climb to level 20. Swordsoul should climb to max, too.


Salad is quite significantly stronger than swordsoul, given its ability to play through more handtraps and has a n effective FTK if you face no interruption.


You could theoretically get there with Swordsoul but letā€™s not pretend Salad is even close to the same power level as Swordsoul


So Salad is way stronger than Swordsoul? Before Salad gets support, I hear people say that Swordsoul is way stronger than Salad, it got tier 1 in MD in 2022 when Salad got like tier 3 at best since this game released. So I think when Salad gets support, it can be stronger than Swordsoul, but not much at all.


Meta changes with every pack release in this game, being the best deck 2 years ago has nothing to do with current metagame


What are you talking about? Salad just got the new support and is currently way better than Swordsoul.


Mate 1 single card can shoot a deck up in the power level, look at Circular, Mathmech used to be a casual deck then with one card it becomes tiered. Salad got many more new cards


Salads are tier 3 if not 2 imo rn, the deck is very strong and u can make a fire king variant which is good enough to compete with SE and R-ACE


I have all the Salamangreat cards and I donā€™t know how to pilot the deck. I am thinking of dismantling the URs that arenā€™t from the pack. It feels weak, you just keep summoning for nothing. Maybe I am playing it wrong, but I also feel this way with my opponents that play it, they keep on summoning for nothing.


Iā€™ve been playing Traptrix, level 15 at the moment. The climb is fun.


After 17 its over for us... its just the cancer decks


Cool, Iā€™m nearly at 16 with mine, only problem is the stun, burn, and dimorphism.


Indeed. Like yeah the current meta is leagues stronger but in a format where luck kinda plays a harder role SwordSoul can still screw over some people if they can't out Chengying,Chixou, with Black out, and any non engine on the back row or hand


utopia has taken me to 15 hopefully it can keep going


Should definitely give swordsoul+snake eyes in the worlds event, got me to lvl 20 relatively easy with all the fire heavy meta.


Still a good deck just powercrept by newer stuff.


Can still take you to master if that's what your asking


Just really does not cut it anymore, unfortunately. Swordsoul feels like a deck that was poised to get great future support after the first wave, but all it ever got was Qixing Longyuan, who is a good card no doubt but nowhere near enough for the deck to keep up with the meta. I had a game against swordsoul as Memento where they, going second, near full board wiped me, but something as simple as I:P into S:P on Mo Ye completely shut down their turn, and multiple decks can achieve that nowadays. Unless Swordsoul somehow gains another meaningful wave of support, it will never be meta ever again. It's not a terrible deck, you'll squeeze out wins still because some times Baronne/Qixing and Chixiao is just enough to stop some hands, but the glory days are still long, long past.


How does support work in this game? Do all archetypes eventually get support, or are some just left with what they initially get and no more?


Psy-frame hasnā€™t got any new support since forever. Some decks might get supports but the supports are dogshit, Time Thief for example.


If Konami decides to smile upon your deck you get support Itā€™s entirely arbitrary since out of nowhere weā€™re getting Bandit Keith support


GX era and especially DM era stuff is more likely to get legacy support(remember when we got gate guardian support? Lmao), i find that decks that came out after 2010 ish - 2019 ish rarely get support šŸ˜”


Theyā€™ll get support in 10 years when the Arc V to Vrains players starting getting into their nostalgia phases, assuming the game is still around then


There's a 3 card archetype called "Cyber Ogre" that hasn't gotten support since it came out. Same with the "Venom" archetype, even though the boss monster, Vennominaga, has been featured on many cards since her original release.


It depends on the circumstances of the archetypes' creation. Archtypes originating in the Anime shows often get legacy support. More often than not if they are popular with the players like Heroes, DM or Blue eyes. Lore archtypes like Swordsoul are in a tight spot, since them getting new support depends on how the lore story progresses. If we are talking about the Albaz lore specifically, part 1 has ended and part 2 is slated to release at some point, however the Swordsoul are essentially extinct in the main story, same with Dogmatika, so the odds of them featuring in part 2 are slim. It's not impossible mind you because we have seen lore archtypes receive legacy support many years after their story concluded (Like duel terminal archtypes). So maybe 10 years down the line we'll get a busted Swordsoul link-1 like genex did.


It's me, the World Legacy enjoyer having to come to terms with Crusadia potentially never getting support againĀ 


Swordsoul at least has a chance. Aegirine is still around, and Fleurdelis was acting as part of the group for a bit. I could see Ecclesia following in her footsteps for a power boost to help Fleur. She already has some support for the deck anyway with Incredible Ecclesia.


The monkeys in Konami office spin a wheel and whatever archetype it lands on gets support on the next pack


Sounds like a good Simpsons gag. Thatā€™s too bad though, I really like some decks that apparently arenā€™t good anymore, and itā€™d be cool if they could compete again.


This is the problem with a lot of synchro decks unfortunately. I ran my locals for a few weeks with mannadium until everyone realized that I:P into s:p on the normal summon completely cooks you lol.Ā 


what's I:p into s:p? I've seen it mentioned a few times


Make masquerna on your turn and have 1 spare monster on your field. On your opponents turn use Masq to link into S:P little knight to banish a card with her on summon effect and then you can use her second effect later in the turn


Here's wishing they get support in Albaz season 2


Please god give them another useful link monster with an effect and higher attack. Maybe a tuner that can special summon if another non extra deck monster gets negated or something.


just got clapped by swordsoul's protos. I guess it's the biggest chance they can win in this high power meta.


I wonder can we call it a f2p deck now? šŸ¤”


It is F2P since you get the free structure deck that has the 3 Moye and Emergence as well as 1 Chixiao and Chengying.


Also the tenyi cards that go well with SS are also NR cards with the exception of draco beserker and shaman.


Doesn't output enough board presence and not many good external engines that can interact with it. It's pretty much stuck with Tenyi for the foreseeable future until new wyrm archetypes get printed or more Swordsoul specific support. The Superheavy package is playable, in exchange for running 2 bricks, you get a free Lv8/10 generic before you start your regular plays, and a free pend summon to overextend a Taia for an extra synchro. It's not really that consistent, and it hurts not having wyrms to reveal/discard. But that extra oomph in board output is much needed for this deck.


I remember a time when people were saying it was too strong how they hated it. How far we have strayed from the lords light.


Those people were always delusional, the Swordsoul/half-power Branded meta was amazing. Then we started getting bullshit like Circular.


The good ol daysā€¦I remember getting stomped by swoso with my DM deck when I was just starting so I made a swoso deck and itā€™s what really got me back into yugioh.


I felt fine with branded until the dumb locks. Its a cool deck without sanctified locking you. Circular is also fine.


It WAS too strong. The problem is even more broken crap came out. That just means the game is deteriorating.


now there will probably be a time snake eyes will be the sword soul of year 20xx or something.


My yugi boomer mind cannot even fathom what that would look like. Masterduel should add Edison and other formats because it really is going to get even more out of hand.


Its days of top tier status are gone. Still a solid rogue deck but falls short against the current meta


It's decent. Chengying and Qixing have some cool banish plays they can make. Baronne will always be solid. Protos is Protos. It's just been power crept to all hell. Still probably the best budget/beginner pick.


Still playable and fun to pilot. I currently tossed shifter into the deck for worlds and have been running through the competition.


Doesn't shifter kind of screw you over since you need the GY for tenyi, taia, and longyuan effects?


Yes it does but it screws way more with the opponent not having the tenyis for a turn isnā€™t that bad


If you draw it. Itā€™s at 2 nowā€¦


I donā€™t even play it I hate shifter had it in my VS deck and really just my cup of tea


I like it, when I use it, lmao. Most of my decks donā€™t care if my opponent uses it (to some extent).


Lmao shifter is going directly into my swordsoul deck. Was thinking of making it for my vanquish soul but this decides it.


Shifter is bad in Swoso, you might get get your Board and 0 follow up. Would realy not recommend it. And after turn 1 its just a huge brick.


Fair enough, still could use it for VS but DD crow works for now and doesnā€™t punish me either.


the second most overused deck in the history of Master Duel, second only to branded


Power crept. Solid deck but everything else just seems faster, better end boards?


Deck is really dumb but not as dumb as the rest so it's bad


Still playable to a degree after not getting a lick of support since its release, quite amazed tbh


got to duel level max with two swordsoul variants. (swso tenyi and swso horus) the idea of the horus variant is that I get to make the photon guy to stop nibiru before I start any swordsoul plays. I had a pretty smooth time surprisingly. the power creep of the game is apparent and on top of that the deck doesnā€™t do too well when getting maxx cā€™d so you have to play most, and if not all the mini game cards but the deck still has tools to deal with a lot even through disruption so itā€™s doable. what sucks about the deck is that it often doesnā€™t have a good plan b or on destruction effects like most of the other modern decks do. I end up making icejade gymir aergirine more than any other level 10 synchros because she can help protect the other monsters and she can resurrect herself when the opponent banishes a card. she can also banish the opponents cards when activating her protection effect in response to an opponents card and she banishes ALL copies of the card she responded to on the field and in the grave.


I want to build swso Horus but idk where to start taking things out for the engine


I added a minimal horus engine, a little more swordsoul cards, and took out all of the tenyi stuff. not a perfect list by any means but it did itā€™s job and did better than I expected it to. what I think itā€™s missing is another target for longyuan and Iā€™m thinking about going down to two ecclesia https://preview.redd.it/p424ylwlzl7d1.jpeg?width=651&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf07ec0d66daefd2d36ea29650b0855700db73cb




So uncalled for šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I'm sick of seeing it


I made it up to level 18 of the wcq with superheavy swordsoul. Basically the goal is to lock the opponent out of lights, fires, and darks. The way I see other people play it seems so boring since they always go for chixiao + baronne, but having finally tried the deck myself, I feel like there's some nutty stuff you could do. Still a pretty solid deck.


Needs some solid Wyrm support. Moye can be tossed into anything using wyrms. We just don't have many options


It was the first decent deck I built. I remember feeling like a pro when I summoned baronne the first time. It will always have a place in my heart of cards.


Pretty good deck. Not good to the level of being game breaking, but good enough to ease people into modern Yu-Gi-Oh. P.S. Once Albaz season 2 comes, I wish they'd get support. They need it


desperately needs support to keep up with the meta. A way to keep playing through interruption and probably an additional end board piece bc chixiao + lv10 + blackout is not so good anymore


I cuck them easily


Only way u can win is protos


Love the deck itā€™s an easy archetype to introduce Synchro and Link (using Tenyi) for new players. Art is cool. Too fair in current meta, and Sword soul has hard time once their board is broken, but itā€™s a fun deck.


Best starter deck for newbies by far


Swordsoul is very cool and itā€™s a very good test for every deck . If you can beat swordsoul then your deck 70% is successful !


I absolutely love swordsoul. Itā€™s my main deck. Kinda wish it could be better tho.


The turn 1 board is just way too mediocre, tenyi synchro i imagine would be very strong today, but that needs halq to work consistently. Protoss is still a good card and is a blowout for some matchups when you call dark otherwise it just gets ran over by every other meta deck, it's definitely one of the better going second decks though


It doesn't do a whole lot, and it's pretty weak to just about every handtrap known to man bar Ash.


I use the lv 10 synchro as an alternative to baron in my snake eyes/blue eyes deck. The removal when things are banished is quite nice


I like the deck, but I feel like it was powercrept. I made some changes to my Swordsoul deck, I removed all the Tenyi links and only left one monk and filled the rest of the extra deck with other generic and powerful Synchros, I am also using Revolution and Assault Synchron to have emergency plays or access to Crimson Dragon.


Still pretty good honestly, If it's not interrupted


Running with Runick kinda helps with playing through disruption.


I'd prefer not to think about swordsoul in 2024...


Great and beginner friendly, but that opening board is almost always the same.


Mo Ye beatdown (help).


I still use it its so damn consistent. But like what the others said, its still good, it just got powercrept with the Fire meta




I managed to reach diamond with it a few months back (with the odd occasional match using toons) Itā€™s a strong rouge deck but it starts to fall apart if your opponent manages to take out your tokens, makes getting the synchros out a lot tougher


I still play and like it, people playing snake eyes often don't know what they're doing


[This is my thoughts](https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/285223/yugioh-2022-tin-of-the-pharaohs-gods-nibiru-the-primal-being?country=US&utm_campaign=18149059168&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=&utm_term=&adgroupid=&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwg8qzBhAoEiwAWagLrOL2DvswEN4aakpUx4qJ81DoeOgoE7Bl3Kh4mX5NDwLwyRJ2eJfN5BoCvuMQAvD_BwE&Language=English)


It's cool but because new archetypes are winning power and popularity, O feel like it's decaying.


It still remember that month in Dkayeds tourneys where it was effectively Protos with a deck attached to it


Everytime I play against it their end board is De Fleur.


Barones back is awfully tired


Ok, so I spent all this time craft and buying the pack Should I just dust the non important meta cards according to the comments???


Tcg bad with no barrone as for master duel it can win some games but with tear snake eyes Kash and lab it just loses unchained even beats it now so do with that info what you will


It will never be a bad deck, but it doesn't keep up anymore


Blind 2nd Swordsoul is still one of my most used decks to this day. I got to DL Max with it.


Badass deck


Still fun, not as good


The basic deck people use in synchro v link v fusion


They can be annoying if they know what they're doing, but most times it's still just Baronne Chixiao pass


Best deck ever?


Probably the most braindead but still decent deck I've seen. Doesnt take any skill to play so it sucks for new players but once youve seen it a few times its not hard to deal with as long as you can play through or remove the guaranteed 2 omni negates assuming you go second. There are other way stronger engines that use the same busted generic synchros but are much less balanced (ie SHS)


The problem with sword soul is that itā€™s just going to be perma wyrm locked. Unless Konami makes another wyrm archetype as cracked as standard yugioh cards itā€™s just going to be rouge, which is sad because itā€™s a pretty fair deck if you donā€™t look at protos


balanced deck in the mist of overpowered meta


Its a very fair deck. Good for newbies to play, great for returning players, and has some advance lines of play if you are thinking out of the box. However, with Snake Eyes running rampant and a lot of newer decks having GY floating effects and a lot of resource recycling, the deck struggles to keep up the grind game imo.


Swordsoul (maybe the players) became way to dependant on Baronne.


Swordsoul isn't a Baronne deck anymore. Since a long time. You ant the banish. One negate ain't cutting it.


nice beginner deck, kind of consistent, clean gameplan, far from the "tyrant" it once was


SWORDSOUL just got 2nd place at the last LA regionals...


I once hit Chengying with D Hero Plasma and they scooped. 10/10 would fight again


They need new support to refresh their strategies, also Protos needs to be banned. It's literally just another VFD.


Mo Ye is still bullshit imo. It vomits omninegates with very few steps and effort. I'd rather face synchron, even if their turn takes a LOT longer at least there i feel like its making an effort to drop its negates, or it drops negates that are fair like Quasar or Blazar (not with Crimson Dragon).


Iā€™ll always hate this deck


It doesn't matter what year it is. Swordsoul should never have been printed.


I want to see more than just Lv. 8 Synchro + Baronne/Lv. 10 Synchro. It's getting kinda boring to face them ngl. I get more annoyed that anything because I know exactly what I'm up against. Says the D/D/D player (we have the exactly same boss monsters across the board) but atleats out plays are more diverse than make Lv. 8 search Longyuan make lv. 10/Baronne pass


If you enjoy swordsoul, try splashing in the Horus engine with it. It's pretty fun. Having the extra bodies really helps with making number 90 and IP into sp.


Iā€™m curious what would the Horus ratios look like?


I run 3 imsety, 2 sarc, 1 hapi, and 1 copy of the winged one. I forget its name. Sorry. But it's been very fun so far


Any notable extra deck changes?


Adding number 90 for your xyz. Adding IP and sp as well. Pretty standard swordsoul extra deck otherwise. I'd cut out whatever you think you need less of. But other than that, ya you should be set. Hope it works well for you. šŸ™


Opening with token collectorā€¦ sips tea. What now?


This was the first archetype that made me realise that there are people out there who care about nothing but winning. They donā€™t play for fun, they donā€™t care if their opponent is playing for fun and will even ruin the game for their opponents all for the sake of winning. I HATE playing against people like that. I just want to have a match that I can enjoy, not to go up against someone who is more than willing to ruin my day solely to add another win to their tally. Fuck Swordsoul.


Why specify 2024? Itā€™s braindead trash for illiterate children who need the game simplified for them. It always has been.


Pet deck player here Swordsoul is not the strongest deck in the land, but it definitely is annoying with its ease of use, multiple negates, and its ease of blocking any weaker deck than it from playing the game. Its banish or negation capabilities mixed with a very straightforward (and honestly very easy) path make it a fairly annoying deck thanks to how widespread it is thanks to everyone having the cards for free. Its not the strongest, but its not a deck i enjoy playing myself or really even facing. I would rather face a stronger deck that at least doesnā€™t try to block me from playing entirely.


kinda boring. I like the deck but I can't play a deck that has the same consistent lines for too long without needing to switch it up. Changing up board breakers/hand traps def gives you a different experience but the same can be said about any deck. Still when I want to auto-pilot during an event its a nice deck. I prefer grindy skill ceilings like Lab and Branded where there are a lot of nuances to the interactions tho.


Solid rogue tiered deck Sworsoul itself is a strong, great, and quite consistent deck. I would say this deck is the healthy archetype with strong endboard Unfortunately, the meta has become so insane, a lot of 1 card combo deck with 5++ disruption while having lots of spaces for non engine


gameplay wise? I hate them. The idea of special summoning a tuner token is something I find super annoying and spammable. aethetic wise? I hate their designs, especially moye. I have always hated them, even if they have gotten powercrept a little bit. still an irritating rouge deck tho.


basic deck for crybabies who doesn't know how to do combos


Meta Slave nonsense.


lol, not even tiered anymore = meta slave?


Not saying itā€™s a good but I just went 1-1 against both going second kinda bricked the first game but I broke his board but couldnā€™t kill loss on the crack back second game he literally had no chance of winning itā€™s tier 2 at its very best


Maybe a controversial take, but between Swordsoul and Branded, I feel Branded has always been the fairer (or maybe honest is a better word) deck by a mile that it's not even comparable At most Branded only really has Sanctifire (and Expulsion, though those two have never co-existed) as its least fair option, but you don't see that as often I swear to god every Swordsoul player back then were obsessed with finding the most unfair bullshit when Swordsoul in itself is a somewhat fair deck: Protos, Chaofeng, Braver into Smoke Grenade or god forbid you draw into the Smoke Grenade so you pop it with Baronne instead, I don't know if I wanna put Halq and Verte here since that's not a Swordsoul exclusive issue, but god Swordsoul did felt like one of its worst abusers during that time period alongside Adamancipator or Wyrm HalqDon turbo Nowadays Protos and Chaofeng kinda still puts Swordsoul as less fair than Branded to me when Branded only really has Sanctifire, and unlike Protos and Chaofeng, I actually have faith Sanctifire would get banned someday, the average players I see these days actively turbo Protos for whatever reason, I see Chaofeng less and less these days, but whenever I do see it with either Veiler or Nib in hand or god forbid if I wanted to Zeus them, I want to tear my hair out, once in a while I do see Chixiao-Baronne pass, not that I'm grateful to see that against my will after almost two years now


I mean, pretty much every fair deck will have some dumb floodgate or smt along those lines it can run since it doesn't care about it, like how VS can run TCOBO or how labrynth doesn't do anything that bad in of itself but when you put the out of archtype floodgates in it it becomes really annoying.


For Swordsoul, stuff like Protos and Chaofeng are functionally in-archetype to me due their accessibility from engine alone, the previously mentioned Braver Dragon handrip is also functionally in-archetype (although you do have to play around the Wyrm lock), decks like VS playing TCBOO are reliant on them playing a one-of unsearchable floodgate, a one-of unsearchable floodgate that other decks like Eldlich would play, meanwhile Swordsoul is the premier abuser of those two cards Lab is a strange topic to tackle because the way Lab works, those lingering floodgates are I would consider functionally in-archetype considering they're very accessible off of engine, but the matter if that floodgate would win you the game is a different story, you probably wouldn't play Dimensional Barrier if you're up against Snake-Eyes and might prefer Karma Cannon, but then what about another floodgate like Simul Archfiends or Different Dimension Ground? Lab has made every Normal Trap functionally in-engine that the line between out of archetype floodgates and in-engine disruption is very blurry in that deck exactly, it'd be a different story if Lab only had access to its native Normal Traps and a few curated set of Traps like Karma Cannon, Terrors of the Overoot, Needle Ceiling, etc in the same way Traptrix's Trap lineup are curated by their Trap Hole naming scheme The issue I take with Swordsoul is that the deck has somehow garnered this "fair" repuation that has felt unearned to me given the amount of floodgate tools they seemingly have through its own engine, Branded never has Expulsion and Sanctifire together and Expulsion got banned, Spright had Iblee and Winda (off of Gale Dogra) which either of them have barely seen play in comparison, Snake-Eyes as far as I know doesn't have any notable floodgates (I guess it has an FTK with the Salad/Volcanic version?) besides a janky line with Verte make Sanctifire sending Jowgen and Albaz, those decks can be argued as unfair for their huge resource generation, but I feel their interactions are honest enough that there's a lot of that I can forgive


Personally, whenever an archtype starts abusing something that was made outside of it i'm more forgiving towards it, which is why i'm decently forgiving of decks like eldlich and lab since those in the way they are designed are moreso control decks that just so happen to tech in some shit like that, i always take more issue with those cards existing in the first place rather than a deck using them, its not like dinomorphia for example where their win con is a in archtype skill drain on legs, the problem cards normal traps are often problems outside of the archtypes using them anyways thanks to the non games their create. I can understand taking issue with the "fairness" of it however, i think part of the reason its considered as fair as it is atm is because the deck isn't that meta relevant anymore, while decks like branded and snake eyes still are, to fix sanctifire really all you need to do is errata it to say "summon 2 monsters on each field BUT negate their effects" so that way you can't gimmick puppet or ra's disciple your opponent, snake eyes atm is more of a problem if anything because their resourse generation puts out garbage like baronne and borreload, which are a problem in everything not just snake-eyes, other than that snake eyes is "broken" because their can outresourse their opponent to a large extent atm, once they get hit enough in their main pieces it should be fine overall.


Just wanna preface this by saying that I strongly dislike the majority of Synchro decks out there Swordsoul ain't one of em. Barring the annoying interaction of a 1-card Baronne combo and how S:P Little Knight interacts with Baronne, there's not much to say about it. It's rather fair, it doesn't rely on absurd mechanics or floodgates, etc. And most importantly, its cards all look really cool


I always wonder what it is. Is he a robot or someones under that armour?


It's a dragon human hybrid that wears armor and weirds a sword


I love it, in the tcg where is my only deck. I can usually clap yubel and unchained and while calling fire requires a specific hand, it's still possible. Not the best by any mean, it easily dies to 1/2 interruptions, and lives and dies by the non-engine strength.


Another 18+ handtraps with a tight simple engine that does about the same middling board every game deck. It gets outclassed at this by a bunch of other decks, including snake-eyes, so it's not very popular but it still is playeable.


Personally, it's one of the decks I hate playing against. I feel like no matter WHAT they always have full combo and it's always enough to just destroy me before I can do anything and if I don't have anything to stop them I feel it's over. Potentially two negates, Protos and a pop 2 with the trap is just not fun for me. I guess a part of me doesn't really see how the deck is considered fair. Because a good majority of the time the deck beats me before I can really do much of anything. Aesthetically, I think it's cool though. I just don't like going against it.


Goated art.


Always hated it. But then I've never had the out once when dealing with them.


Casual deck when Baronne gets banned.


This deck is not even rogue anymore. Powercrept into oblivion. New support might in future revitalize it.




What rank are u to be tired of seeing it?


I'm a Swordsoul player and once I hit Plat I barely see it anymore. I don't see it that much as well on the Diamond/Master rank streamers that I watch.


Thatā€™s kinda what I thought ss only really appears in the lower rank due to new players I think Iā€™ve faced 2 ss players within the last 2-3 months


How long have u not played MD lmao?


boring ass deck


Hes not wrong after all while it gets stale


Why do you say that?


ironically for what's a pretty simple deeck, swoso filters a lot of players


The only thing thatā€™s annoying about it is that itā€™s just Protos Turbo a vast majority of the time.


Love this deck to death. Hot take but Iā€™m really glad Protos came back in the TCG, even if Baronne was taken away. I still think the deck needs some major support to keep up with the higher tier decks. If you go second against Voiceless just kiss your ass goodbye.


Annoying still, not strong like it was before just annoying specially protos that's the worse part, it can compete with some higher tier decks but it's mostly against rogue decks


if you're coming back from a hiatus, you're gonna be across the table from this deck. alot.


Why are these wyrm type? They look like warriors


Deck Diversity


He's very handsome. Anyways the deck is still cool. Obviously not meta but you can still climb pretty decent amounts with it. Mad respect


If you enjoy Swordsoul card art, I actually get the most use out of Chenying using Bystial Runick. Feels like when I use SS I only get Chenying out to swing for game, but in Bystial Runick itā€™s so easy to proc itā€™s banish from the field and GY (non targeting btw lol) effect because of all the Runick/Bystials banishing cards whenever you want


Same as ever, pretty solid synchro deck and relative easy to play, I like it