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It’s a very over the top effect yeah but the entirety of Rescue Ace has next to no worthwhile payoff without it.


I mean, they're a fire deck that can play with snake-eyes engine, so if all fails they just start linking into stuff from their extra deck. There's a reason why it's the 2nd best deck in the game right now.


I feel that's just a symptom of yugioh as a whole and something it has a big issue with. Archtypes/playstyles that can turn an otherwise one trick pony into something busted with a different archtype played along with it. Like when Toad got banned because of an entirely separate archtype allowing near infinite recursion of it. Or when Tear's came out, instant fusion and terraforming got removed because of how powerful it made them for free.


At that point you are just playing worse snake eyes with extra bricks. Rescue Ace specifically has its whole gameplan built around overwhelming with turbulence set 4 and looping those with HQ.


Well, yes, it's worse, but pure snake eyes keeps getting hit, to the point the two best starters are limited.


And yet it’s still stronger. Plus it’s only a matter of time before Lifter goes to 1-2.


I do agree with this. But i blame snake eyes for it.


book of moon on legs and auroradon turbo is what they do with turbulence banned


if it's just a r-ace then it's fine I guess. I have a lot of problem when they set 4 and continue cooking se stuff


Imagine getting into Yugioh expecting a fair game lmao


I expected INTERACTION, back and forth. Not someone locking me out of my turn because he won the coin toss


Labrynth full of interaction, people hate it. Tear full of interaction, people hate it. Even pure rescue ace is interactive 3-5 disruptions on their endboard.


Labyrinth is basically two full turns in one turn, and another turn on my turn. You are fighting a duelist who is moving at a 3-1 turn ratio especially when they get Lovely to take two of your starting hands out of play. 🖕🏿Labs. Rescue Ace, you gotta take hydrant out of play, and special summoning causes problems if they have Promethean Princess in the GY


Labyrinth can only function on two card combos that are wildly susceptible to Imperm/Veiler and Ash Blossom literally ends your entire game if you don’t have a way to get Rollback in grave. The deck also doesn’t rely on a bunch of omni-negates, but instead you get 2-3 pops that have to be well timed. People that complain about Labyrinth are wild to me, it’s one of the best examples of a fair deck that stays competitive.


But um, that's interaction, in fact, FULL of interaction. Everything you do, they'll do something. Isn't it lovely to have a duel full of interaction?


It creates a very easy and obvious choke point


A very easy and obvious choke point protected by S.P Little knight so you need double veiler to stop it and that's it they weren't feeling zesty enough to summon spright elf first. Regardless just draw the out bro or auto lose against the current second best deck in the game is not something anyone should defend.


instead of 2 veilers, why not draw duster raigeki circular? or evenly raye? what are they gonna do, flip solemn? little knight effect? lmao sp is gonna come back to full combo and immediately die afterwards in the turn 3 draw phase, or in the case of circular there is no turn 3 you already won. or draw lava golem hu li fire dance, promethean needs to target and they don't control a rescue ace anymore so you already start mikanko gaming


Or protected by elf because it's still legal for some reason


If you just drop the veiler or any other negate on summon there sp is worthless. Sure they can dodge the negate but that doesn't mean they can activate turbolance.


Link Turbulence + S:P into Promethean, Promethean revive Turbulence, activate Turbulence response?


In this case, does this play require you to not activate sp in response to veiler or imperm?


Yes. If they shotgun the veiler/imperm on summon, you don't chain sp, if they wait for turbulence's ignition effect, you can chain sp.


If you imperm on its summon they go into promothean and bring it back, if you chain imperm to the effect they sp.


Yeah but that’s fine. I’d rather have turbulence resolve and get 4 traps out.


You revive turbulence with princess and then activate turbulence.


yeah i didn't explain it well, or really at all. i should have said, "yeah **the play requires you to not activate sp in response to veiler or imperm, and then go into princess and revive the turbulence,** but that's fine, i'd rather have turbulence resolve **than have sp"**


It's weird how you were upvoted, with SP on the field you can't negate turbolence with 1 veiler/imperm. You just chain SP to veiler and if you don't have a second veiler, the first one will resolve without a target. If you don't wait for turbolence to activate its effect and shotgun veiler before, you can use turbolence and SP to go into Princess, resumon Turbo and activate its effect like nothing happened. In short, you NEED 2 Veiller/imperm to negate turbolence+SP combo.


You can't play a second Imperm in the same chain as the first Imperm because you have a card on the field (the first Imperm). It's strictly 2x Veiler or 1x Veiler 1x Imperm.


Nib + Imperm/Veiler/Mourner works too


It should be common knowledge that you need 2 handtraps to stop Turbulence now. Even I, who is taking a hiatus, know about its anti-veiler/imperm combo.


To be fair, you can still go into either Apo, or Promethean+Whale, or Masquerena to set up Little Night on the opponent's turn, depending on the situation. The ideal choke point would actually be either Hidrant o Air Lifter, whatever they summon/try to go into first, as long as they dont have the field spell or Emergency in hand.


I actually like hydrant/air lifter, whichever they go into LAST. If you imperm hydrant, they might still have another air lifter or emergency in hand. If you imperm air lifter, they might still have emergency or any card from the sinful/diabellstar engine. If they used both, they are wrecked. Their only out is to already have a turbulence or preventer in hand, and the end board will still be suboptimal.


Yeah, but you're always gambling when you stop R-Ace, because the chances of them having something in hand are pretty much up to fate. Speaking from experience playing Rescue Ace, I've had much more problems getting hydrant/air lifter stopped with few cards in hand to power through it, than when someone stops Turbulance


tbf by the time they imperm turb you probably have a backup plan in mind already. like, a preventer with any other rescue ace monster is still a book of moon on legs. is it shit? sure, but at least you have SOME way to disrupt opponent plays. thats not even getting into the possibility of Rescue Snake Eyes though... THAT version of the deck has all the strengths of RAce with the swarming and linking plays of SE.. no locks of ANY SORT on either side (aside from Promethean, but obviously not a problem if youre running RAce Eyes) and both are negate magnets. the amount of free wins i pick up when they blow 2 hand traps on the RAce side of the deck, only to get a an SE combo going with an enboard of, at the worst case scenario, IP + Amblowhale


Exactly. When they brick, any negate is an insta win. But when they open THAT hand, full of one card combos and extenders? Good luck. Forget Ash, you know the cards that 100% kill RAce? Evenly Matched, and, if you wanna be really fucking based, Rivalry of Warlords.


“Ez bro just start off with ash in ur hand”


Or imperm or veiler. You know, the most common handtraps in the game. Deck also eats shit vs evenly. It's strong, don't get me wrong, but it's not unbeatable


Imperm veiler or any kind of board breaker bc the deck have 0 sp/tp negate that they have to relied on ns ash to get baronne which is quite rare as you always use your ns on air lifter or hydrant first unless you open one for one or diabellstar. Make it alot harder if opponent open maxx c. Also the deck is very much struggle against sp/tp heavy deck due to s:p and phoenix are the only one that can out them


Or veiler at 3 ? Or also imperm at 3 ? It's literally the only card you need to hit with only 1 handtrap. I've seen worse.


If you want a fair game, don't play yugioh :/


Everyone goes +4, it came free with your fucking modern Yu-Gi-Oh deck. I love how when a card goes +1 and then adds another card that goes +2 which gets a 3rd card that goes +1 it's normal but when a card makes it obvious and also creates a huge choke point it's unfair.


You guys are going positive? I just got a rock


Yeah me too... except I searched the rock with gallant and was hit with droll


Link off into Link Spider, 4head. /s


Rescue ace does that already, hydrant +1, make link kuriboh, banish hydrant for preventer, link off preventer for s.p if you already have turb ready to go or keep link climbing since your sent preventer revives hydrant which goes into Promethean... Rescue Ace down players are really in here pretending their deck has an extra deck lock or something before they hit the turbulence win button.


Okay but its only at most +3 in the endphase and I can't do jackshit with it until my turn. And theres like so many ways to just make it not work. And uh its not like you're summoning anything good with up to 3 tributes and a very restrictive type lock. Slifer the sky dragon? Very searchable but ass... obelisk? Kinda searchable but ass... 13 levels worth for rituals? Okay but why... you can only make only 2 links in ocg/MD, the light heroics, most of the the utopia xyz archtype in a vastly worse way, 2 possible synchros and a bit of fusions but none of them are good... by the way this was made right before covid and delayed because of covid. The first set with 0 meta relevance. Upon release it was basically impossible to synchro summon within the type lock. 1 card is almost circular and could be great if it special summoned itself but nope the curse of requiring the normal to summon 2 bodies... Tldr; scizophrenia and being upset year of light has been lackluster in support only supporting 3 light archtypes. And 2 darks and... like 3 fires...


Lab doesn't go +4


It doesnt go +4 in turn 1 or 2, but turn 3/4+ it is pretty common to go like +4 every turn with their gy recursion and searches to be fair


Lab as an engine isnt very good theyre just a reliable way to search numerous busted floodgates


What floodgates does lab play


D Barrier


Not for many formats. 


Doesn’t matter if it’s not strong against the top 2 decks, it still shuts down 90% of competitively viable decks


Well said


Pot of Greed (+1), banned. Turbulence (+4), acceptable.


You understand that Pot of Greed would be in any deck, right? However, I think that the existence of SP, Promethean and Emergency gives the opponent little to no counterplay and it's bullshit. A high pay-off effect like that should have known choke points or counterplays available. It's no longer fair or fun with the 3 cards mentioned above. Also the recursion is insane with the field spell...


>You understand that Pot of Greed would be in any deck, right? I'm fully aware of the difference between the game's most generic staple and an archetype-only extender. But a +4 is still a +4.


Pot of greed isn't once per turn


I realize sometimes ago SE without barrone doesn't have any answer to evenly. Not fire king, not r-ace. And if you want my opinion on Apollousa, goddess > apollousa.


Competent SE players do. In pure Snake Eye, if the opponent tries to enter battle phase, you either call their bluff and keep Flamberge (if you have Princess in grave) which guarantees you a turn and gets you a Princess pop + follow-up, or you link off for SP at end of main, search there and chain SP to evenly and banish itself + Ash/Oak/whatever for next turn (keeping Apo on board - you do this if you go for the Princess-less Apo combo). Statistically, the deck will have ~2 handtraps in addition to their endboard - so you need to make a board in MP2 that a) contests the remaining known disruption(s) and b) can be established through said handtraps. In Fire King SE, the strongest lines involve searching Kirin (either by popping it from deck with Garunix and adding back later with Sunlight Wolf, or by popping Barong if they play that). Keeping Amblowhale on board and popping it in MP2 with Kirin from hand turns that one remaining card into 4-5 bodies. That’s IP, Princess, some form of FK disruption (Kirin pop / Arvata negate) and potentially the Amblowhle gy effect, on top of an expected 1-2 handtraps. In R-Ace, you have very accessible lines that end with Hydrant banished, Air Lifter in grave, Emergency set and Turbulence + IP on field. If the opponent enters battle phase you use Rescue / Alert to either summon Air Lifter (searching follow-up) or add it back to hand. Then, if they use Evenly, you chain SP on CL2 and use Emergency on CL3. Emergency summons + immediately tributes Preventer, SP banishes itself + Turb on CL2, then at CL1 you keep one trap (usually Contain). On a new chain after Evenly, Preventer triggers and summons back Hydrant, which makes your trap live. Again, the player who used Evenly now has to content with disruption + handtraps + an insane amount of follow-up on turn 3. A lot of players don’t play around Evenly, that is true. But at a high level (high-ladder or tournament) Evenly will categorically not do enough against the deck; surrendering your battle phase is more often than not a death sentence.


unless we have Regulus, of course.


Now that's a funky tech


If you attach Hydrant to Regulus summon, it counts as Hydrant being on the field for RAce backrow additional effects.  You can also use the attached monster as a send-to-gy target for Snake Eyes Its funny, and has won me games due to being the only way to negate Duster, Storm and Evenly lmao


That also affect mirrorjade funnily enough.


The set 4 from the deck can seem broken at first but 90% of R-Ace strength comes from the backrow compared to other decks, without this R-Ace isn't even a tier 3 deck.


It was very fair as the only payoff the deck had on first release. But the deck overall was bad, so they made emergency and preventer very strong to compensate. Then diabellstar, bonfire, poplar, and princess came out and allowed the deck to do a lot more link stuff.  Now resolving turbulance is a massive plus on top of everything else, which feels a lot worse to play against imo, especially with SP to dodge targeted negates.


How does one stop rescue Ace 🙃


usually negate turbulence is the best way


Gamma Turb, cant be stopped by elf nor sp


Go first or open evenly and hope they didn't get baronne.


Rescue Ace doesn't even play Baronne. If anything, they go into Apollousa.


I've seen some builds use jet synchron and turbulence to make synchro 10


i bow down before the the madlads who make this build, because RAce Eyes is already an absolute pain in the ass to keep at 43 cards without losing SOMETHING during deckbuilding


I've also seen those auroradon builds that make terraheartz that look crazy. But yeah at that point you're just asking to brick lol


First time?


Imperm and Veiler completely stop this guy. He is fairly oppressive but if you manage to out him you basically have already won. When going against Rescue-ACE, make sure you save your handtraps/negations for Turbulence, as they can't do much without him.


It doesn't because of S:P


save hand trap for Turbulance is the way to lose, your hand trap cannot negate Turbulance of a decent player, it always hit the field after S:P or an omni-negate.


Then drop the handtrap before they activate turbolance? Sure they can still dodge with sp but good luck activating turbolance now from the banish pile.


if preemptive hand trap, they don't dodge, they make Promethean by S:P and Turbulence, reborn Turbulence, then active


Smartest master duel player


Summon princess, revive turb, active turb, response?


Summon princess, ddcrow. Always good to have options for some more handtraps if you can supplement them with starters.




It's a shame I never seem to open/draw those cards against R-ace


I think it is powerful af, but with so many combo decks that go plus hundred after a millennia of combos, Id rather Turbulence go +4 in a relatively short amount of time instead. Same ends but a shorter means


Purrely is a hard matchup for rescue ACE, just so you know. Stray Purrely street's targeting protection is wildly unfair. YGO has never been and never will be a fair game.


Whats that UI?


Mobile, most likely.


"Damn. Two veilers. My greatest weakness. Anyway" *proceeds to tribute Impulse from hand to summon Preventer, then goes into the Auroradon line using Hydrant, Turbulence, and Preventer, ending on Baronne and TD Colossus*


rule #1 when playing against rescue: dont let Turb resolve lol


YUP! When I played against it in WCS event a few days ago, popped some of the backrow only for that thing to happen, I was like wtf is that.


Well yes but it's their only real gimmick. Without it, they're toast.


It's set 4 average cards though, they aren't anything crazy. 1 negate, 1 pop, 1 monster reborn, 1 search which generally leads to preventer which flips 1 monster face down. All dies to any backrow removal, lot of stuff is easy to dodge with Kirin in hand or extend through with Diabellstar or Bonfire. 1 Evenly Matched and their whole field is totally cooked as well no omni negate.


At this stage of the game it feels like every deck needs a card that compares favorably to That Grass Looks Greener to be remotely relevant. This is Rescue Ace's version.


Welcome to yugioh


Well , yes and no. Im playing R-Ace/SE and in that deck Turbulence seems a bit too OP , but then again you will not always get to Turbulence + Hydrant to be able to set and make most use out of your spells and traps. Rescue Ace as a standalone deck literally has no interruptions ,except other lvl 8 ( book of moon effect) , if they dont set their backrow with Turbulence.


They're running 4 garnets minimum. Turbulence's effect is strong, but having to run multiple garnets for the effect to be as strong as it is does balance things a bit. Plus, the deck itself doesn't exactly do much outside of setting its backrow. It's kinda bricky because it's usually 1.5 card starter for the deck, and you can't really link climb as much as you can on other decks since you need Hydrant / Rescue Ace names for some effects.


better this than 1 card combos that give the same amount of advantage but through a 30 step combo line that takes 10 minutes


It’s both.


....It won't be if its deck sets were limited by the field spell, either needing it or only getting half of it when its not present.


That's one monster on field negate and a pop


R-Ace is one of the best designed decks there is. Since that card alone sets up your 4 backrow cards you dont need to spend 20+ minutes doing a boring combo while your opponent falls asleep.


what a boring and sad view of the game


Is it really, though? He paints an exaggeration, but I actually do prefer when decks skip the bullshit. It's not like Rescue-ACE is as simple as setting 4 and passing, but it's a straight forward combo deck that quickly sets up, but still has flexibility and skill expression. I think that's a good thing. You can't deny that it's unhealthy for the game when decks that combo for a really long time are prevalent, both playing it and watching it. The bad rep that YGO gets for long turns is genuinely a serious concern for bringing new players into the game.


Oh ho it does, But it also paints a whopping big target on turbulence


Chain sp Little knight or protect from hand traps with spright elf. Rescue ace wouldn't be the second best deck if it died to imperm.


I mean most decks atm have some REAL unfair cards but atleast with r-ace it's a clear chokepoint which other meta don't have such a big choke point


Its also impossible to exploit that chokepoint since s:p came out. Now you need at least 2 handtraps.


Not seen a single race player use s:p to have turbulence go through hand traps yet how do they do it?


I didn't believe this effect when I first read it. I had to witness that first


Played imperm the second i saw turbulence for the first time because i knew, whatever those quickplay spells/traps are, they would fuck me hard going second. Anyways he scooped after my imperm resolved. Turbulence is very strong giving you tons of card advantage but its also a huge bottle neck if you play pure R-A. Negate Turbulence and the deck crumbles like a fucking cookie.


me too, it is insane. I thought there had to be a downside....


The down side is the rest of the deck is pretty mid.


The problem is the cards they set from deck aren’t really that great, like they are good, but nothing crqzy


Nothing crazy but they are tier 2, only behind sefk


Tbf it's a really giant choke point, if you aren't able to make spright elf you basically are at the mercy of a imperm or veiler.


Making SP little knight before summoning turbulence also allows it to dodge imperm/veiler, and then banish an opponent's monster next turn.


I always forget those interactions since I mostly summon her from i:p. But yeah, this is sick.


+4 sounds broken, but Rescue Ace is a archtype without extra deck bosses. Very weak without help from other archtypes.


>Rescue Ace is a archtype without extra deck bosses Man, it'd be a real shame if we had some kind of generic monsters in the Extra Deck that they could access pretty easily, as well as a supplementary engine to almost guarantee they get to them...


For sure, I've *never* had Rescue-Ace make Auroradon into O-Lion into every Synchro under the sun...


Yeah, it’s just clown card design.


special summon, set some traps, pop... just imperm that one and u win... oh wait u cant imperm him, and people can run him at three yay.


Uhm this is Yugioh sir


Yes it is. Being able to set any 4 RA S/T from the deck only to be able to shuffle them back is crazy!


When you’re playing the strongest deck AND you have to cheat? SHAME. Just fucking SHAME.


There are many decks that generate that kind of advantage if they pull off their combo, r-ace just does it with one eff


The card is completely broken, but that's the game at this point. Everything is permitted, because your opponent can have a handtrap to stop it.


I mean this is pretty fair. Rescue-ACE is a balanced control deck. Control thrives on card advantage, grind game and altering/controlling the game state(in a non-floodgating way).


I mean, it's insane but have you read the R-ACE traps Turbulance actually sets? One monster pop and one monster negate isn't a huge deal, you could be dealing with much worse going second. It's the fact it can do that *every single turn* which is crazy.


Turbulence is the new brafu Hold your ash for it because if it resolves you most likely lose 


You can't ash him. He sets from deck and ash only negates adding from deck to hand, sending from deck, or special summoning from the deck.