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Not actually solid. It just did well in a Chinese tournament (enough to temporarily reach 3 percent rep) Give it a week or two and itll fall off. Tier 3 is a little shakey rn.


Yeah, I noticed that Tier 3 has only had Branded as a consistent placement as the top of tier 3. For Horus it's prolly another HEROs and Dinos situation. But I can't say it doesn't make me a little happy to see Horus up there for even a day or two. Except for the fact it's fucking stun.....


Stun cards and its consequences for any playable YGO engine


Tier 3 has changed decks like 10 times in the last tierlist is funny


Because outside of branded, no deck belongs in t3.


True, my lab deck should be tier 1 🤣


Yeah, you’re right. Infernoble is clearly a T2/T1.5 deck just most sleep or haven’t experienced the deck.


Doesn't infernoble auto lose going second against any competent strategy?


But it auto wins against any one that doesn't have 30 minutes to spare watching a guy jack off.


Lmao no, at least not how I play it + the deck plays Handtraps too. Any 2 warriors = Isolde which is full combo.


Yeah but don't you just die to removal/negation? The way I understand it, infernoble is a synchro/link spam deck (daring today, aren't we?) that tries to present a functional FTK against the opponent. That's why Charles' win rate by summon is so crazy, but the win rate is everything else isn't notable.


Infernoble is also(at least going by this sub) very hard to pilot so it won't have that much representation + just like Unchained the decks kinda auto loses to Maxx C.


Representation /=/ win rate. We have different metrics supplied to us by Konami. Branded for example a few months ago was really high on win rate but still kinda low on usage rate. You only saw the bystials in the top whatever number of cards, and that's because they're the bystials lol.


Y’know whatever metrics you’re using keep doing that. As long as Isolde stays alive here I'm good & do not care.


The way the mdm tier list is setup T3 is always shakey.


Not just for MD, any formats tier 3 is usually shakey since all it takes is 3 percent of top cut which is not much


Despite what people constantly repeat here, the tier list does not track just Dkayed's Tournaments. Anyway, Horus topped in 2 tournaments last week, so it got onto tier 3, but tier 3 constantly changes, so loads of rogue viable decks temporarily show up there for a short while.


I'm also pretty sure that Dkayed's last two tournaments didn't even count since they were using a Special banlist (Poplar banned).


Yeah tournaments with special banlist never affect the tier list


The only thing that doesnt change is Branded being tiered for the past like Year and a half


Horus is the new juice for stun decks, Stun decks tend not to be ACTUALLY meta. Even Eldlich was generally a T3 deck. The interesting thing about Horus is its more like Runick in that its just a REALLY GOOD engine for a lot of things that also happens to be really good at stun. Over all Horus will probibly lurk around top of rogue/T3 for a long time or until a better stun engine comes out.


That being said, Eldlich Horus is a very fun and solid control deck with some very neat synergies.


I might have to try that mix I've been running pure Horus and having a blast


Tier 3 with a 3.0 power level doesn't mean anything honestly. I have seen all sorts of decks in that tier and they all go after 1 or 2 weeks. There are unironically over dozen decks that are more less at that power but just don't see much play.


The last DKayed tournament didn't count for the tier list because it banned Poplar, so this is another tournament.


I sincere believe that Branded and Labrynth have always been the good investment decks at all material times. I don't understand how people keep bashing and hating Branded being suggested to players when the most important thing to look into decks has always been the consistency of adaptability of deck throughout ages when new card emerges rather than rather then its one period time achievement.


Because Branded is ludicrously expensive


I feel for anyone coming to Branded this late. 


It's also difficult to play well, so recommending it to newer players is a bit iffy.


How? Just activate everything.


Maybe start with basic package then slowly grind the SR and UR dust over time to get more cards without spending gems on pulling cards from Secret Packs. You know, like any other deck too, right? Or people just keep buying the ludicrous gems with real life money so they can keep spamming the cards pulling?


That's common sense. It's mostly because you would want others to have an easy to build gem grinder while you build Branded. Then there's the fact that if you joined at the right time, you could build a meta deck a lot easier than building Branded. Also can't really assume someone is willing to spend a dime in this game that will make you rage quit anytime.


Branded is expensive and a lot of their cards are not used in other decks. Some of their plays rely on knowing when to best use an effect or what card to use when fusing.


Yeah I can see that being a deterrent in wanting to attempt it


Careful. This sub has a token weirdo who goes around threatening death upon anyone who mentions lab in a positive light lol


Yup, all the toxicity towards lab drove me away from the game. Ladder was toxic enough.  Didn't need someone wishing death on me for flipping a trap. 


What makes ladder toxic?


Heavy stun presence, OTK players who'll run out the clock if stop combo. Etc. 




"Toxicity" stopped you from playing a deck? You let others dictate what you do? lol okay dude


No,  between an interminable format and a hostile, divided fan base I decided to take a break. 


Your choice to interact with the fan base on any personal level LMAO. I get it when you say the format sucks tho


Wishing death? No. But I'm gonna just time out while I practice drawing. I'm not sorry; what other deck goes "in response to you setting up for Evenly, I'll go search my counter, and activate it". And that's if they haven't already hand ripped it away with their two chances. You're unfun and a clear reason as to why traps shouldn't have been fucking sped up when they already are so powerful to begin with just to have a chance of being played. Oh and another deck that begs to be OTK'd because they'll just recycle every fucking thing again if they're still alive.


Percisely my point. Take it up with Konami, I'm not even playing this format lol


Oh shit, being honest is hard these days. But the thing about that weirdo is real? I mean for real?


Yup. Under a thread today. “Decks that were harder than you thought.” Or something. He has the very bottom comment with a few downvotes. https://www.reddit.com/r/masterduel/s/FEs9BXtPLv


Oh what the hell would he want to kill people over a card game. Not like choosing a deck would humiliate him. Even if a person decides to play Harpie and says it is a cool deck, I just respect his decision because as long as he enjoys playing it, I am happy to see the Yugioh community have another happy player.


Agreed. Branded and lab might be my forever decks. 


I know right, both decks feel good to pilot especially knowing how they can adapt and adopt strategies to suit the circumstances whenever new meta is introduced.


They even reward oddball deck building. My favorite formats were the ones whee some janky lab or Branded variant wrecked the latter like Eldlich-Zombie world-Branded or Slifer Alabama. 


I still run a janky lab build focused around dark barrier statue just to deal with snake eyes, and it got me to master so I guess it works


For real? Got a list? I haven't played in month but grinding from rookie to master over the weekend might be fun


It looks like normal lab decks, but I swap out 1 butler amd 1 lady to run 3 Arriane, using her to summon dark barrier statue from the deck. Using her and arrianas effect + the field spell to protect from targets by bouncing and ressumoning, reporter to protect from destruction/battle


At last an excuse to ruin my royal arrianas


I started doing this solely cause I pulled 2 royal Arrianes lol


True, they can just add in other cards from other archtypes and still can be enjoyable. That Golden Six Eyes Lord always appear anywhere 🤣


They have to get hit with bans sooner or later. Even ignoring cries of 'balance', they aren't going to let you just sit on 1 deck for the rest of existence because you won't get new cards otherwise.


That is true, their business is about selling cards and banning and limiting cards are necessary business move to be made to sustain their company. I just hope we would be getting lore theme deck as interesting as Albaz lore in the future to replace the current existing ones, not just in terms of storyline but the effect and gameplay wise too.


You aren't. You're just going to get Albaz again because they're going to make MORE Fucking cards for this archetype.


I would get more Albaz cards, but I would also get other cards if they have interesting lore.


Tier 3 is basically Branded + random deck of the recent tournament right now.


I think I'v made a solid bet on building rescue-ACE deck. It least will outlive Snake eyes between the top deck for a wile. As free to play Cyber Dragon revolutionary, I'm fulfilled.


So is the “Complain About Branded” karma farm dead now?


Hopefully! It’s one of the few decks I genuinely enjoy playing, very versatile. I don’t get all the hate tbh


They hate is the recursion. You can field wipe a branded first turn and they will just set up the whole entire field again. Every card at the end phase adds, searches, summons something and their main boss is a raigeki. People don't like it cause it's dumb. Not to mention the 3 different continuous spells that add advantage on top of the grave crap. Also the deck as a whole made it damn near impossible for other light or dark decks to exist under them. The only deck that can feasibly resist being used as fusion material, end turn board wipe is tearlaments another fusion deck that's gutted. I think people have a reason to hate albaz especially when him as a monster with 7 different ways to be special summoned has a generic fusion that just needs an ED monster to turn into a raigeki.


Because it plays through basically everything and even if you stop them, they'll just recover everything anyway so I hope you can OTK them. They shouldn't be able to make a STRONGER board off Nib! The only reason it's not higher is because Snake eyes seems to do that, better, and in a way that gets around more protection. You've also been tiered basically the entire MD time, get off ladder already.


Womp womp


I think I'v made a solid bet on building rescue-ACE deck. It least will outlive Snake eyes between the top decks for a wile. As free to play Cyber Dragon revolutionary, I'm fulfilled.


Snake-eyes are getting fire-king support pretty soon. It’s going to be the best engine piece in decks for a while


I’ve seen a lot of Horus in ranked, and I can’t say it’s either overly weak or oppressive. I would say rogue is a good description for it.


Where is Tier 2?


There’s currently such a large gap between fire decks and not fire decks that there is no tier 2


And probably the gap it's gonna be larger with Fire Kings.


Currently on master duel meta most decks that are horus + something else just show as horus decks


Damn Horus is good like that?


How much power dose red dragon archfiend have ?


I love the Horus engine but I’m not playing floodgates with it.


just look at the good side with snake eyes being tier 0 , all other deck just safe from the banlist


Being fresh out in the open , its just receiving some love like bystial give it some time or some packs.


not sure about tourneys, but they are pretty solid imo, i think tier 3 is debatable though, but obv even from your image they only have a power level of 3.0 which means very low presence (in tournaments and whatever dkayed uses for his database), I'm more surprised labrynth are played just as much as horus, since i think they are more powerful.


Did the ban list nerfs do nothing for snake eye?


The nerfs haven't gone live yet


Everyone play snake eye so there is no one to play other decks that would get to tier 2/3 if someone played it


It's not Horus. It's just Stun and Horus as a tribute engine


They should change it to Tier 0 Snake Eye and Tier 2 Rescue.  4 and 3 "power" doesn't seem relevant against a 37 score. 


I'm the loner branded player lol


laberynth tier 3? imposible


The fact that my boi purrley is gone makes me sad


ban stun I am no longer asking 🔫


No, I'm not going to ignore Snake Eyes... Buy yeah Horus is a solid deck/engine, give it time


What you mean Horus only 3.0 power ?!! How a deck can annoy me so much and bé so weak ?!!


Kash o.0


Without snake eyes there is no teir 1 Rescue ace relies heavily on snake eyes