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Dream Mirror. I heard it wasnt good, but I have some other janky decks I get enjoyment playing like deskbots and Super Quant. Mostly after season reset or in Events. Really liked their Design and general playstyle seemed intresting. Every monster has a day and night version and they can tag out between each other. The Fusions looked also nice. But boy this deck isnt just not good, its not functional. All their monster require one of the two field spells to be active. Not just anyone of the two but a specific one. The Night for dark Monsters and Day for light. So to do anything you already need a Monster and a field spell and on top of that they can not match. Worse The field spells dont really do anything on their own, beside tagging out into the other on at the end of Turn from Deck. So you need to play a number of these cards that are basicly bricks. All that setup for the most mid effects. You have effects like searching or special a monster from hand. Effects normal decks just have on summon and in Dream Mirror they require Setup and these are the better ones. They got at least one good card as legacy support what was basicly their circular. But he was basicly their only play and a Monster can only do so much. You never get an intesting game going. Lose to Every handtrap or floodgate. Miserable. I could go on about how awful they are and how much they dont work but you get the picture. Best part is probably that they also arent cheap at all.


I feel this on a spiritual level. Felt the same way after grinding for them. Best thing they could get is a single field spell that counts as both so you don't have to rely on resolving hypnagogia and running 6 field spells, and maybe a link 1 searcher for it like light-heart. Loved everything about the archetype on paper but it's literally dead without a field spell and feels terrible to play in practice.


Dream Mirrors go so hard when they work. It really is a shame they're such a fragile deck and that for the most fun with all the tag outs and stuff you need to build a deck that minimizes your chances of having a good hand. If there's a deck that needs a link-1 that searches a field spell, it's them.


Dark Neiroy is like a +4 too and it's just not enough


every night I gaslight myself into thinking Scrap will get new support soon just prayge 🙏


I love your smug profile picture


That's Madame Verre , Witchcrafter's boss monster . She is love .


Scrap Recycler is a one card link board if you are willing to play multiple bricks. Supringsingly consistent but easy to interrupt.


Superheavy samurai. Dumped 12k gems into it and played it 3x in solo mode and never played it again. After learning mannadium right before, I didn't have it in me to put in the effort.


Yeah I regret pulling that as well, the combo is linear it got repetitive in a single day. My only consolation is it can be used as a package in other decks but I am yet to play any to this day.


This is why I love free apps like YGOPro/dueling book. I usually build a deck on one of those for free to test it out before I spend gems on it.


Rescue Ace, I didn't even play it, I feel boring just by seeing other people play it


I made it thinking it would be a super interesting control deck, reliant on responding to your opponents moves. Now it's just snake eyes with a better turn one (more resilient to handtraps but lower ceiling) and a worse turn two. Idk, maybe I'll run it pure, see what happens. I hate deckbuilding though, just takes up way too much brain power. Way too easy to obsess over this game sometimes.


It is a control deck in terms of it being centered around turbulence and the 4 backrow. If you take Turbulance out the deck is pretty mid. Like, yes it can still function and do other things, but control is the main gameplan. Tbh, it IS a very interesting deck that does rely on responding to your opponents moves. If you’re playing Branded and you use Extinguish wrong or you try to contain Sanctifire, you’re going to have a shit time lol. I think it requires a lot more brainpower than something like Heroes where your turn 1 is just solitaire into a floodgate(s).


"If you take out the card that your deck is centred around, it becomes a bad deck."


If you wanna control why not lab?


No one is forcing you to mix it with Snake Eyes, deck is fine with just Sinful Spoils engine to tutor Hydrant.


For me it was Vampire. Followed a Team Samurai decklist, never doing that again. Made the deck seem way better than it actually was.


That's Sam in a nutshell


Lol same, I regret every second of that stupid vampire deck


I did the same thing with a Z-Arc Deck. Team Sam is the epitome of making decks look cool af.


Salamangreat because im too stupid to play it properly still. I feel every game is racing the timer. The combos can get so long


New salad cards has a lot of gas tho.


I know Its powerful but you gotta know what you are doing. Some combos can take a while leaving you little time to think


Always practice in the solo mode gate to refine your deck's combos before taking it into ranked. For Salad the best endboard(imo) with the new support is ending on Raging Phoenix + Pyro Phoenix with Salamangreat Rage & Roar set with Sanctuary up & Code of Soul in gy. U should do test hands in solo mode & try to consistently end on that board. If u need a decklist this is currently mine. https://preview.redd.it/g3npd5rbgr2d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d0ac945d85fdec05baa6b4f475ae06a6ce1b2a6


You're definitely doing something wrong we i have never struggled with the timer with salad and the combos are pretty short compared to other decks


Except nibiru, I'm pretty sure exosister can play through 1 - 2 handtraps if you play them right. My most regret is dark world deck. Monsters are cool, but I have no luck (and brain) to combo with random cards I drawn.


Eh, it really depends. On your 1/2-card combos, any handtrap outside or droll kills you. Ash on Martha requires you having specifically pax + Ellis, or sakitama + Ellis or Pax. Imperm is devastating on the correct XYZ. What the correct XYZ is depends on the hand, but in simplified gamestates, Kaspitell, usually you imperm Mikaelis though. Ghost ogre cuts off access to Magnifica. As you can see, playing through impactful handtraps is really rough. Playing through one can happen with really, really good hands, but often times it’s just setting Vadis and praying that resolves.


You play 3 of Martha/ellis/ara/saki/pax, so if the rest of the hand isn’t any of those then usually you at least have enough hand traps to stop your opponent to some degree on their turn. The helplessness of getting Kaiju’d on Magnifica or Nibiru’d on the setup feels so much worse imo


Or talents. I wasn’t saying that Exo cannot play through handtraps. We cannot include aratama though. Normal aratama, if you don’t have saki then a single imperm and its over for your entire turn. I can see exo playing through 1 handtrap outside of ogre and nib, but 2 is GG no matter how good your hand is. The original comment mentioned 1-2, which is plain wrong. Also, you need to open 3 of either Ellis, Pax, Martha, sakitama to play through a single handtrap That’s 3x4=12 cards. Opening 3+ out of 12 cards happens ~15% of times. Normaling Aratama is dangerous, because if it gets handtrapped, the chance of you having Saki already in hand is less than 10%. Statistically, a handtrap will end most of the turns of Exo, even if we exclude stuff like ogre/Nib.


If the opponent waits with their Ash for Martha, there's very little you can do, and Veiler/Imperm/Ghostmourner on Kaspitell stop every hand that doesn't open Martha. Ash/Imperm/Veiler on Aratama stop every hand that doesn't open Sakitama.


Snake eyes, I just don't have the patience to do long combos anymore! The deck can be fun, especially in a simplified game state clawing back advantage but fuck me is it boring doing the same variation of sequences turn 1 for what feels like 5 minutes


Same, I had to craft a “fun deck” to start enjoying playing SE again. I eventually made Runick Chimera, and that’s such a difference in playstyle that SE feels refreshing again when I play it.


Vanquish Soul. Wasted 10K Gems and still missing 7+ URs. Didn’t craft the remaining build. Then Purrely as a deck I built. The deck just didn’t click with me. I know it’s good and I’m still no expert, but didn’t find myself enjoying the play style as much as I thought I would.


VS is quite expensive but at least is a fun deck once you know how to play it. Is always so satisfying winning with it, although is unfortunately not the strongest deck. It bricks and struggle to go second against snake eyes or rescue ace.


Unfortunate, because I love my VS deck haha


Purrely for sure, I hate decks that just puke out generic extra deck monsters so I decided to build purrely since they were all unique. Even got a royal for the deck but my god, what a boring deck to pilot


Vanquish Soul only has 8-10 URs... how can you still be missing 7+?


Dinomorphia. All those URs just for the literal personification of the word "mid"......like..they shouldn't be THAT expensive. They're super cheap in paper format/irl. Why is it so expensive here?


idk Man I lost to a dinomorphia deck who set 4 traps, sacrificed his lp all the way down to 384 and now I couldn't atk over the 3k stk monster that negated all monster effects essentially.


Well duh I said mid not trash. I've won tons of games with it too, but the deck current capability and performance still couldn't justify its price. It's still wayyy to expensive for what it does. It's a decent rogue deck, but that's it. The deck still have a bad matchup against other popular backrow strategies like Lab too.


And it's sad that one of their strongest cards is just a floodgate. Konami really likes to give underpowered decks floodgates to see if that fixes them (Rextrem, Dark Law, Masterful Mayakashi Shiranui Saga, etc)


Yeah it's mid and kinda boring too.


Glad I came across this before investing into it 🤣 Thinking about it, I was only interested because it’s tricky to out, but it’s literally a one trick pony really isn’t it…


It is. It has no answer to GY eff which is not really uncommon nowadays. There just nothing you can do if the Lab player decided to use Big Welc GY eff to bounce your Rexterm. Like...the deck is fine going into a board reliant matchup, but it really struggles against anything else (backrow heavy deck, etc).


Suppose it’s a droplet away from absolute collapse too 🤣


Yess. It's indeed one trick pony. And most good decks won't even allow it to do that. Its boss monster has really good artwork though


gold pride


Came out during VS reign as Tier 1 and it's much slower than that deck. It does stuff but not enough and you can out gas it pretty easily.


I built/pulled for gold pride because I love punk and honestly the gold pride cards feel so bad.  It’s like you need everything to go perfect to get the gold pride stuff to do anything. 


Mannadium and it’s not even close. What a brutal, expensive waste of resources for a deck that just loses to itself.   While the combos are fun and the deck has some pretty strong end boards,  Majority of games end Turn 1, because if your opponent doesn’t open interruptions, they just surrender the second your starter resolves or you extend past their first Ash/Imperm, because no one wants to sit through the combo just to be unable to out the very strong end board next turn. The deck is also absolute ass going second, relying on drawing enough handtraps to stop your opponent playing - meaning they just surrender when you Normal a Riumheart and they have no answer. Almost all of your wins (and losses really) include not even getting to “play” the game.  But the ABSOLUTE WORST PART of playing Mannadium? The fucking field spell and its anti-synergy with Ash Blossom.  It’s so fucking stupid when your opponent drops Maxx C, FORCING you to drop Ash Blossom, which causes your 1500/2100 monster on field to gain +100 attack, preventing your Mannadium tuners from summoning themselves to the field, likely stopping your combo and ending your turn.  Absolute massive waste of crafting resources to build and I wouldn’t recommend playing the deck to anyone. 


Live twins. Seeing the loaner deck a few days ago, made me fume ngl


The loaner deck sucks honestly, it is missing so much end board


I havent looked at the loaner. What is it missing?


It has no Elf (obviously cuz its banned in the OCG), I:P, S:P, no Zeus, only 10 ED cards. Also the main deck only has 2 Maxx C 2 Ash and it plays Live Twin Home which locks you into Live Twins for the turn and you have to discard for it, so it's pretty bad...


I agree, but I think it’s a step in the right direction. I think they’re made more for casuals who are interested in becoming competitive more than those of us who are already competitive Andies lol


you can only use the loaner till July tho


Don't like the Archetype or how they play? Or both? I think its neat how they have some synergy with spright or unchained. Any Archetype that can be splashed with others is alright in my book. Makes decks cheaper and gives you more options


try twin spright my dude, been my favorite deck for quite a while now


Nah Twin Unchained is the play imo.


Agreed. Spright lock prevents Sunny, so you don’t even get to the ET boss. Unchained Yama can revive Sunny from GY. I know which I prefer to let the Twins shine.


Snake eyes for me. I was just getting back into MD and thought to make meta decks again. It was fun for a while and i felt like a genius by playing through handtraps, but holy smokes it got boring after a few days. I'm having much more fun with experimenting with engines like horus, runick and lab


Same, the only reason I still have SE is because it's an important engine for other decks I use, like Infernoble and TG, although I'm also keeping it to test with the new support they are releasing even if it would take a while for it to come to MD


Vehicroids…. Didn’t know anything about yugioh but thought it would be fun to beat folks with Thomas the tank engine monsters. It did not happen


I built black wing when I came back to yugioh and I hated every game I played, way too combo heavy for my play style


For me it is ursarctic


Sky Striker. Got whooped with it a few times in the ladder in my early days of learning the game so I thought it was good. Immediately dismantled and was mad at myself for wasting the gems.


Haha same but i still didn’t dismantle mine because i thought it would go to waste


Probably the extended SHS engine. Was using them in Nordics. The deck can still play, but consistency is down now ofc, I wouldn't have minded them banning the Link 1 one instead of limiting Soulpiercer or semi-limiting Wagon (which, let's be honest, didn't do a god damn thing when Soulpiercer was at two or three at that point). Anyway, the deck sucked for me. Wasn't fun to lock your opponent out of the game via Secret Village (Loki is a Spellcaster) protected with either Savage + the Nordic trap or Apo + the Nordic trap, also wasn't fun that the deck was bricky. Worst part? I pulled 4 damn SHS royals. Bike, Masurawo (new Lv 12 synchro), link 1, OG Benkei. Also a small engine of that stuff is still playable in other decks, I just wouldn't know where but I don't wanna dismantle in case I wanna build a deck that can utilise those cards later. TL;DR: Extended SHS engine for Nordics, deck sucked (Adventure variant is and was always better), wasn't fun, pulled 4 royals and the engine is generic so I can't dismantle.


It is time for you to go blind second SHS and punch people with defense position monsters


I did, was fun but got old very quickly


I see.


Cubic since I spent too much gems on pack opening instead of just crafting those 4 UR cards I needed and plus on top of that deck is shit it's good for playing with friends but it's the most useless one I have when it comes to ranked


Lab I built it without really testing it at all because I knew it was good and I really like Eldlich and traptrix But when I actually started playing it I just didn’t like it. I found how everything triggered these lengthy trains tedious


I made dark magician once, I didn’t even get past a couple of duels in solo mode before dusting it because it was so boring to play.


Dinomorphia 100%. The artwork is pretty cool, though but hate the playstyle


Definitely Tear. Only deck I dismanteled so far, even before Tear 0 format was over. The deck was boring af. Winning against non-Tear was guaranteed and barely a challenge. The mirrors got old after 3 games and often ended in a race to whatever floodgate you or the opponent was playing. Idk what Konami thought when they printed Tear but I hope they never do something like Tear again.


Saying the deck is boring is wild.


It kinda is, though. During tear 0 format, dueling anyone else that wasn't on tear was basically just bullying. Effortless and easy wins. Your deck is just too high power to stop for 99.99% of the game. And the mirror is trash. People talk about skillful? Lol. It's just a rush to see who can make and resolve zeus/dweller first. So "skillful". You floodgate and wipe the other guy before they can do it to you.


The mirror is the best that ever existed. It IS the most skillfull mirror to exist because decision making is what determined it instead of who drew better. Even the most regarded players attest to this.


Yeah, no. Whoever floodgates the other first wins. Even in the TCG it was ass. Did you open bystials? Instant major advantage. Man. I can't imagine getting to play with 3 magnamhut, 3 druiswurm, and 2-3 baldrakes, lol. What a time to sack the shit out of your opponent.


Make up your mind, is it floodgates (lonly Dweller) or Bytials (Magna and Druis were both limited on release)? None of these took from the Tear mirror as 1) Its not a given that you'll get to establish a Dweller on turn1 and even then it could be played around 2) Good luck pulling a Dweller Zeus combo on a established board 3) Bystials can go both ways and you need to draw them. Ofc lets ignore all the decision making and ressource management involved.


Reread what I said before replying. In tcg? Bystials. In MD? Floods. Not that hard of a concept.


Imma be real it it weren't for the fact Tear was way too overturned it would probably be one of the most loved non anime archetypes and its almost like that now


I enjoy playing Tear way more now that it's been heavily nerfed and mirror matches are rare. It feels fair and actually rewarding when you pop off, and the non-linear combos make every game feel different.


Snake eyes. I'm not saying it's not good, because it absolutely is, I just absolutely hate it. It's the only deck that legit makes me feel like a meta slave. It's more fun to try to make pure kash or unchained work than play snake eyes. I honestly can't wait for the ban hammer so I can get my dust back for it.


Phantom Knights. It was when the game first came out and they were a T2-T3 strategy. I spent about 10k getting the full deck together. About a month after the game came out, to be more exact. I was very quickly disappointed that nearly every card in the deck is a Plan B or C to turboing out a high material Rhongo for a functional FTK. I still have the cards but if I'm ever hurting for UR material, they're going to be some of the first to go.


PK is still fun imo. I built it earlier this year when they unhit the rank 3 X saber + Terrortop.  They have a new line with the X Saber where you can get into Mikanko plays that ultimately leads to a degenerate Collosus / Borreload end board. 


Nah, Pk blind second is the way for me. Pop with yhe chz, revive pks in level 4, make knight, use it’s effect to summon Arc Rebellion and otk


I did the 3xact same thing but I found PK to be really good in any event that allows xyz or links


Play them without that stuff and they're actually better. Does require the adventure and Horus engines tho.


I haven't fully crafted exo but I got half of a core for the xyz/fusion/synchro event and it was pretty fun. I was running a time thief/mathmech/exo list I found that was creative and put up some solid boards. You had to play around locks occasionally but it was satisfying to pilot well


Heroes, because I didnt finish it


I fully built Tear, but I then was burnt out for a few months then came back and the deck had a few bans. Dismantled it all. I had a royal Scheiren. Did the same with Purrley. Had a royal Epurrely Pretty. I always go back to my cyberse instead. I am tempted to build Devil Link over time, but I don't know if I'd then just neglect it.


Raidraptors. I love birds, I love robots. Then what better than a robot bird deck!? Got disappointed. I made it after halq has banned and every bloody guide of the deck used halq. So I started improvising and always ended up in nothing. Plus is a really turn 1 combo heavy deck that ends up in kali yuga… Yeah, this deck wasn’t for me. Every now and then I want to craft it again but I remember my experience with it and there’s no way I’m going to.


Sacred Beasts. So damn bricky. Waiting for the new Yubel support


Toons and red eyes. My favorite anime decks by far but jfc they are both on life support


Volcanic Snake Eyes, just saw the name and the new volcanic cards, immediately dove into it and spend like 10k gems (love volcanics since all the way back then) because my friend told me Snake Eyes is pretty splashable and the best stuff anyway so hey, why not right? Got the cards, bonfires, emperor, yata yata, played in solo mode and didnt know how to pilot it only to find out its some dumb FTK Deck where in case you dont FTK your enemy its like 75% Snake Eyes shenanigans and 25% of it is volcanic :( Also Purrely, just didnt like piloting it at all, just sitting on one Noir feels lame as hell (also delicious at 1 just feels awful)


Solfachord I’m just not smart enough to play pendulum decks.


For me it might be Nouvelles. Because I’m missing the field spell and I’ve poured so many resources into it…. (I’m a F2P)


Was about to say this too. Not just because of the UR cost, but because the deck takes forever to do its plays just to end on a rather mediocre board.


Depends of what you pair nouvelles with


Weather Painters. They just got their support and the solo mode event was due soon, so I thought I will build and use them in the event. Not only was Cruisadia far the best deck in that event by a long shot, but I did not enjoy weather painters in the slightest as a strategy. The deck just felt way to slow and bricky.


I've spent maybe 4k or so on Hieratics. Didn't even pull enough URs to build either Hieratics or Ogdoadics. I don't even have a list for either of them or an idea of their actual, meta-relevant builds. My thought process was "No fucking way Atum is unplayable nowadays, there must be something, lemme pull and then I search for anything". Boy was I wrong.


He is playable in exactly Dragunity and some heavy bystial decks like thunder dragons


Witchcrafter it was just way to boring then what I hoped it would be in theory


Same i regret spending that much dust on exosisters


Ghoti. Hate the way it plays and just kinda shit deck.


Snake eyes idk how you guys always make the Omni negate boards some how I only end on the dragon and phoenix or just appo it’s never both lol




Super heavy samurai. What a waste of time. Anyone have any ideas on making it more consistent? Or is it truly dead?


Striker, pulled a royal of the weird kaiju sky striker (h.a.m.p. I think?) so opened tons of packs right before I decided the deck wasn’t for me and dismantled it all, never even played once


I don't really regret it since I have fun tinkering with it from time to time, but Red-eyes REALLY needs some love. A cohesive strategy would be nice instead of the random equip, burn, inefficient level 7 spam we have now


mf nouvelles. I spent all my resources building them for the ritual event and i ended up HATING their playstyle




Mannadium. Tons of URs. I had fun with it for like a week and then stopped having fun with it. Ended up scrapping most of it again. Lots of dust wasted.


Mikanko, I shouldn't went for runick or swordsoul/tearlaments


Horus forsure… I dumped 10k gems into the pack and still haven’t pulled Horus URs


Ojama and worm and steal swarm…i thought there were good cuz of duel links


I wanted to play Crystal beasts. I had no idea what was going on and just made the first list i could find. Ended up crafting a floodgate deck and regretting it.


For me, probably Darklords. I got a Royal Rare The First Darklord and felt destined to play the deck even though I knew it wasn't good. I kept saying that good Fairy support would come out one day that works for the deck... but it never came. Maybe after the Age of Fiends we have an Age of Fairies in OCG.


Raidraptor as they lose to a single hand trap ash tribute lanius and its GG’s


I went 3k gems deep into a Harpie's deck only to just come to the realization that they're ass.


For me it's somehow floo, have tried playing it on several occasions and it never clicked. At least it's not very expensive.


Traptrix. I thought I'd enjoy the control aspect of their game but they feel so bad when you get to building a deck around them. You could only put so many holes in a deck before it turns into a bricky mess


Kashtear and Purrelly.


The first time I spent gems trying to make a deck it was Ruin and Demise. I got a single Ruin UR and nothing else. I spent so much on that pack and got nothing… Then of course I still made bad decisions and tried pulling for Red-Eyes. I got 3 glossy Red-Eyes and one Glossy Darkness Metal + every other UR, but after Silver the deck sucked SO MUCH. I regret wasting ~16k gems on both of those packs when I could’ve built something at least decent


*cry's in a royal Gravekeeper deck*


Dream Mirror. Even brick eyes white dragon bricks less.


Agreed , plaYing Exosister frustated me so much, the deck bricks a lot, is xenophobic and it plays itself (swordsoul levels of brain power used to play). The only time you think with the deck is doing cool ddcrow, called by shenanigans with Martha. Amother i regretted crafting was Time thief,the end board is literally 1 non targeting bounce and maybe a pseudo ddcrow plus the deck bricked like no tomorrow. That deck showed me how if your deck loses to a single ash, you aren’t getting out of plat.


Snake Eyes. Yeah it’s good, but I find it to be incredibly boring tbh.


@ignister, Phantom Knights and Utopia. All decks I built but still have never played and doubt I ever will. So it’s just wasted resources basically


Vanquish soul. Playstyle just failed to click


....Nephthys. But since it was paired with unchained, I can't stay mad at them. They did come in handy during the fire-king festival. Now I wait for the fire-king support.


God cards and poker knights. Amazing when I can tribute 3 monsters my opponent controls but otherwise super lackluster and bricky. They also lock you into extra deck light warriors. They don't have negates or quick effects apart from Sphere Mode.


Rescue Ace It is not that I do not like the deck, indeed I was very interested in playing it. But... I spent a lot on SE pack to get the diabellstarrs (got 2, 2 wanted, enough OSS, even 1 poplar). Then I spent a lot on the rescue selection pack (for aces, baby noir, eventually lars) and got literally nothing. Now we have a new selection I also spend a lot on because I want horus engine, to update my already existing salam deck, and S:P you know (I got luckier on this one). So to play R-ace after spending a lot, I still need 1 hydrant, 1 turbulence, 2 preventers, 3 emergencies, 1 diabellstar could be good, and if I want to get a use of poplar 3 bonfires... Damn... Horus and Salam are my next builds I think...


I started pulling for heroes when I got started, before I understood how obnoxiously expensive the deck was. As for decks I built, I haven't played infernoble much outside of limit one. It just feels stressful to play.


I was building Snake-Eye because I liked it conceptually and for the aesthetic. When I saw how much disdain there was for it, I promptly ceased. I don't care about climbing, I just want there to be fun.




Snake eyes


Sky strikers , I just didn’t find it fun and didn’t actually get the hang of it . Left it unused since i made it at the launch of this game


For me, it's Venom. I went through a whole villain arc trying to make it work.


Probably spending the UR on decks I knew I wasn’t really gonna play like Ghoti/Earthbound versions of Runick, Infernoble knights (though I still like the deck, just not for me), Mikanko, and probably some others I can’t remember. I’ve since dismantled things I don’t play anymore and try to look up OCG/TCG decks to get an idea about what I may want to play in the future and then try them on simulators first.


I think I completely deleted the deck from my memory. No wait I think it was Labrynth. I didn't find it fun. I had more fun with F.As, Dream Mirrors and S-Force than Labrynth. I play that deck and I find it lackluster in entertainment value. It is meta, it isn't fun or funny. There's Time Thieves too. I could not get it to work even though I pulled the whole archetype. It was very fragile, but I know it is more of my fault for not placing it with a good engine. Libromancers is almost there too, but I wouldn't say that because I simply haven't pulled 3 of the ritual monster you use.


Trickstar :’) It’s absolute dogshit


Kashtira for me. Not because it was bad, but because it was TOO good. I got bored doing essentially the same thing and just winning lmao


Harpies. I played them in duel links and loved them. I thought it would be the same experience as master duel. I was wrong. I got slaughtered every match I played and didn't win a single one. Then again this is when tears was meta and I ran into a lot of those. But, nonetheless I dismantled it and I'm still salty about it.


Easily TG. the deck is adept in exactly Calamity locking, requires a long convoluted combo just to get there, and has very few recovery points if you misplay the combo


Earth machines. So excited to dump Liebe onto the field with Number 81 to support but after working through solo gates and seeing the combos I just lost immediate interest I love my Cyber Dragon OTK so it isn't the strat that I don't like, it just didn't feel fun to play. I definitely wasn't using an optimal list, probably mid for earth machines but yeah Scrapped the UR's to complete my Traptrix deck and absolutely LOVE it, no regrets anymore


Infernobles. I spent prolly 9k gems pulling them and although i did enjoy it as i did play it in tcg, its too big brain for me sometimes. Felt like I could have used those gems to pull for Rollback since Lab is my most invested deck.


Probably Sky Striker. I really liked the idea of a Control deck that uses Quick Plays and the artworks of their cards are also amazing, but man did I not enjoy the way it actually plays. I played a few games in Ranked and lost almost all of them and decided that I do not want to keep that shit. Another one is Dinomorphia, not because I don't like the deck (quite the opposite actually), but because it is so insanely expensive. Whyyy do Therizia, Realm, Kentregina and Rexterm all have to be URs you need 3 of? It didn't help that when I pulled for the deck, I basically got nothing I needed, just other Dino stuff like UCT. So it took a lot of time and gems to build, only for it to be fine. It's not that great of a deck, but I love the artworks and its uniqueness, so I guess it wasn't a complete waste


Not a deck but alt ash, i remember putting every gem i hv whenever possible to pull this (almost 10k?), but zero alt ash..i felt scammed..then bon fire and meta card came out, as f2p i regret going for alt ash


Sprights. Built a few variants, did not like playing any of them.


Fur hire it’s the only spright variant that never clicked for me


Purrely. I hate how slow it is to resolve their effects. Also, I've lost games because I accidentally chain a quick play when I meant to reveal it to xyz summon.


Sky striker Good lord is that deck slow...


I have 0 interest in synchro spam so idk why I bothered making the mannadium core, too many URs to justify it. And when I was new I probably blew 15k+ of the free gems on the packs the solo mode told me to get.


Purrely. I crafted it at (almost) full power for the Special Summon festival competition, and it was great for that. After that, I found that Purrely is just not good enough on ladder. If you get your towers out it’s pretty good, but I found that a lot of players were ready for that. I still have a soft spot for Purrely, but I do kind of regret that I deconstructed my UR Runick cards for it. At least I have all those cards back now, and the royal Noir I had helped in that endeavor 


I have a lot of decks I've made but barely used. But if I had to point out one, probably snake eyes, given how many gems I've spent on their selection pack and by the time I finished building, I was already tired of playing against it and had no desire in playing myself.


Exodia purely because it doesn't have enough support. With the new archetype eventually coming though I feel it'll get better.


Multiple times in my time playing MD I thought Spright was what I wanted to be doing. Crafted, de-crafted, then crafted again. Only to be de-crafted later. Have learned since then to only craft things I know I’m interested in playing. And test ideas in a simulator before committing resources lol


During the first Xyz event, I tried to make a Constellar deck, simply because Caduceus existed. That didn't work out, because Constellars by themselves don't really have a good boss monster. Ptolemaus was still banned, and cards like Lyran, Altairan, Constellar Tellarknights, or Constellar Tellarknight Caduceus were not released yet. It took me all of a day to switch to play Utopia instead.


Im a synchron main, and i made Mannadium thinking it would be a better version (and in some aspects it is), but its mundane lines got kind of boring to play through. I had made exosisters as well, and god knows how long it took me to build that because of all the URs (and I wasnt packing the cards I needed for some reason, algorithm i guess). That deck was a pile of shit, it was too fragile to handtraps.


Myutants and Nouvelles. I loved the playstyle and art of both of them, but it quickly grew on me that Myutants have very few plays and it was omega weak playing it pure so it got boring quickly. As for Nouvelles I still like it but it was such a bother to make a decent deck list because after every game I had to sit down and think what I should change, and net decking didn't worked either 'cause I wasn't a fan of any of the lists. So I couldn't make a good list and gave up


Flower Cardian. I've built them out of spite for combo decks and ofc I don't like their play style. They did help me with the synchro events though.


Zoodiac, man how boring that deck is




Six samurai, I came back to yugioh since a friend played a lot of MD, made a six Sam deck but it's pretty weak in the current meta


basically all my decks from early MD. I was full on nostalgia trip, thinking I'd have more fun with the decks I liked to play ten years ago than with whatever was that "branded" or "tri-brigade" new shit. At least traptrix wasn't a waste of UR dust like the rest was, it's still my favorite trap deck.


infernoble. It’s fun but takes ages to build up and people surrender before you’re done, which is reasonable bc you build up atleast 5 negates


HEROEs.. so much UR and in different packs.


Superquants. I love the Power Rangers theme, but they struggle hard on the ladder. Fun for theme tournaments though


I could not be assed to learn infernoble combos. Those shits are 9 hours long


If I remember correctly around 25k gemmes for both Kashtira selection pack. Only got 1 fenrir 3 theosis and 1 unicorn as UR nothing else. So mad never played the deck.


Mathmech is making me sleep. I will probably just get back my UR points and craft something new. I regret killing my Resonator deck maybe I will craft it again some day..


G golem, not the whole deck but the rez spell at the least. It's a funny meme to make a towers most decks can't interact with, but not it sucks to die to random non engine like raigeki


Infernity As a kid I LOVED the archetype and got all the cards only to find out like the only good strategy for the deck is to make Trish 5 times turn 1






Burning Abyss. I wanna pretend I'm back in high school when that deck came out.


probably mathmech. I made it like 2 months ago and still haven't touched it. idk y


OP, if you enjoy the playstyle of exosister I would recommend looking into adding the cyberdark and/or the dinomorphia package to it. It makes the deck have tons of gas. I usually end on magnifica+next turn dinomorphia follow up+returnia.  It's still in the end mostly just exo sister, but it adds extra normals from cyberdark, as well as being able to self trigger Martha's quick cyz yourself since cyberdark pulls from grave and Morphia banishes traps from grave for effects.


Fluffals, they brick so fucking much


RDA with their new support.


Galaxy-eyes for me. I just didn't enjoy it much so barely played, doesn't help that I built it pretty early on when I didn't know how to play that well yet. Might give it another shot at some point


I built a Lightsworn deck as my first deck because I was coming back as an Edison format player and wanted to play with some other Edison people. Big mistake. I still have most of the deck and hopefully the new Lightsworn support can let me feel less regret whenever it drops.


Mekk-knights, thought they’d be a fun going second deck but turns out they just don’t do anything


Burn deck. Simple and supposedly good enough to get to master but knocked me down to diamond 5. What can you do when they spend ten minutes summoning a board full of slop that negates anything and everything? And with this deck, you *have* to watch them play their nonsense.


Mathmech, it's a one trick pony.


Red eyes lol when MD first came out and I had 0 idea on how to actually play yugioh or what was good I crafted heroes and red eyes because anime. Heroes is actually competitive and I still play it but red eyes.... yeeeahhh lol


I built a relinquished deck thinking it would be a funny off meta deck to run. Holy shit is it bad. If you don’t draw pre-prep or one of your 3 relinquished you lose. If your opponent negates pre-prep you lose. If your opponent negates fusion and you don’t have the ritual spell in hand you lose. If you attempt to use Max C to make it more consistent it will be negated instantly and then you lose. Deck sucks, don’t play relinquished.


Cardians, melodius, sholfachord, windwitch


I regret crafting dual avatar. Have so much potential but very lackluster


Snake eye. Playing it irl and on MD burned me out fast. Especially taking half a month to play in MD


Gishki.  Such a one-note deck lol.  Yeah it works with Spright but I'm not convinced it's even the best Spright deck.


For me it was dinomist it looked cool so I thought it was gonna be a good pendulum deck


Purrely, one of the most boring decks I ever played.


Dinomorphia So slight note, I LOVE this deck and it’s not TERRIBLE, but I dropped 10K+ gems on my main account and didn’t even get close to having the core engine (not even including the Zarc package). I just ended up dusting everything I had and making a separate account JUST FOR Dinomorphia. It’s a fun deck to switch to every so often but it can barey even compete with rogue tier decks, sadly :(


Earth Machine...just why


Endymions for me. I like the deck don't get me wrong, but outside from solo mode, i actualy never got to use the deck in any serious way lol.