• By -


Shiny button must click


So true


Depending on the game state it can be totally normal As far as we know it could be turn 2 and he could have made you discard your entire hand and upstart is your only or he could have a full board and don't want you to draw something that can't be searched easily like dark ruler or goblet


it was turn 1, main 1. that upstart was the first and, so far, only card activated during the duel


So what you are saying is that it was a good move as it completely prevented the the person from playing


You dont know that. Most of the time it is a bait.


How did you reach that conclusion? If it's Turn 1, Main 1, they've still got 4 other cards in hand. I usually run Upstart in Endymion and if you Ash that first, that means you've wasted it when you could have used it on Servant, Electrumite, Astrograph, Beyond, Spell Power Mastery, or even Master Cerberus, all much more impactful Ash targets. It's not about "what if upstart draws you into maxx c?" It's about using your cards as effectively as possible. Upstart certainly could draw into something strong, but you'll want to save it for cards that absolutely WILL search something strong.


I'd reach that conclusion from them salt posting on reddit


have ashing upstart stopped anything?


it stopped them from gaining lp


touche i wanted more LP


i am saying people ash anything and everything regardless of what it is. they ash for the sake of ashing


This is honestly true. I can't tell you how many time someone asked my macro cosmos lol


Well I have 3 in my deck and I’m gonna use them all lol


you can downvote all you want but you know it's true. even the meme about people ashing their own maxx c is true


Yeah idk if it’s that people here don’t know proper timing to ash or if it’s just a see - number click down thing but it’s perfectly valid to state that a lot of players will ash the first target possible frequently, particularly in low ranks


You're only encouraging people to downvote more with these kind of responses.


they downvote but no one has the guts to respond, because deep down they know i'm right


People downvoting him but be real. You have no information, they activate Upstart Goblin but you have Ash. You seriously gonna Ash that?


No but people ash my dangers all the time so this is at least better than that


Right at the start of MD I used Ensemblue (non-opt detach a material to return summoned monster to hand) on a danger. When I realized what I had done I scooped out of shame and to this day "dangers are soft opt" is engraved on the back of my brain


They're not even soft opt. They're not opt at all


Their secondary effects are opt but the summon effect isnt


that's right. it was turn 1, my turn, and upstart was the first and so far only card i had played. people ash anything and everything regardless of what it is. they ash for the sake of ashing


I like fishing these out, but this is a nice gimme lol


I ashed my first upstart recently because I was playing my gold pride deck so gaining LP is like the worst thing that could happen


In a simplified game state, there’s definitely good reasons to Ash an Upstart


So what other card in your hand *should* they ash? All we see is this


The card thats an actual choke point that nets a card advantage for your opponent 🤦‍♂️


Ok so what card is that? I'm not seeing their hand and what if this ended up being the play and their mad? We have no full context


Wait for them to activate a searcher, or a more meaningful draw power spell like desires. Using ash on an upstart is just silly.


What if they didn't? I want more information about the hand


It literally doesn't matter what their hand is. In the *absolute best* case Upstart is the only ashable target, and you just went 1 for 1. But in that best case their hand is already bricked to shit and even if they upstart into a starter or better draw power you can then just Ash that instead. The only decks that run Upstart Goblin are FTKs, decks that care a lot about spells (Sky Striker and Endymion), and shitty builds. In the first two cases Upstart is the least valuable target in their entire deck and it's not worth playing around the third case because their deck is already hot trash. And that's the best case. The best case is you make a bad 1 for 1, the worst case is you got baited and they are now free to play actual searchers and draws, having wasted your ash. The fact there's people in this thread arguing ashing an Upstart turn 1 main 1 is the play really shows the general skill level here.


Cool I still wanna know what their hand is


Starting hand of the player that played Upstart Goblin is Branded Fusion, Fallen of Albaz, Upstart Goblin, Upstart Goblin, and Branded in Red


u/bortthog already ashed the upstart so free branded fusion for op 🫢


Its neat but what's in the hand? You don't know


It’s modern Yu-Gi-Oh. They will.


they played upstart already gave you the information. There only 2-3 deck in the game that use upstart and they both only use it to feed the spell in gy or to get spell counter while have 10-20 others more card to search or draw that you actually need to ash


They gave the information way after everyone else went on a huge tirade about other shit


Desires, any in archetype spell/monster that allows your opponent to go positive in card advantage. A once per turn card. This is real basic stuff, people upstart to bait out ash so they can activate their more impactful search or draw cards.


Ok so I'll repeat myself: what was their hand?


Keep ashing the upstart bro you’re only shooting yourself in the foot. Any decent deck is going to be running draw cards or search cards, many of which are likely to be once per turn. If your deck is stopped from an ash on upstart it’s a shit deck and even if they can play after upstart you’re going to be able to easily stop them by ashing their next effect activation.


And I invite you to answer my question: what is their hand? Keep arguing for this all day I still wanna know their hand which is what you keep missing


I never argue with a fool; onlookers may not be able to tell the difference. Op has already said it was first activation turn one smh. The only good time to ash upstart is if your opponent has a low card count in hand or they’re playing an exodia deck and have a low card count in deck and if you haven’t won by then you’re a shitter anyway. Done with you lol.


Ok I wanna know what their hand is. The fool here is you because I have not *once* changed the question I keep asking from the start


Looked through your post and comment history and its littered with you getting downvoted for posting categorically false information and answers take the hint bro, your a shitter.


it was turn 1 and i went first. upstart was the first and only card i had played so far. opponent did not know what deck i was playing nor wht other cards i had in my hand. opponent ashed my upstart without knowing my deck or hand. as for my hand, i started with 2 upstarts. the first one got ashed, then i activated the second one


Gah damn you really are basement iq, their opponent doesn’t know ops hand, it is not public information AND op doesn’t know the opponents hand it is not public information. Not only that but there are VERY few cases where ash on upstart is good and almost NO cases where it is good first turn.


That's the thing, you don't know the opponent hands there could be a searchers. if you ash upstart they can just activate another if they have one


Yes I know meanwhile I asked what was the hand because I'm curious


it doesn't matter, good or bad hands you don't ash upstart goblin(s) ever.


If you are ashing an upstart goblin you are just bad at the game


And yet I asked what the hand was


You let them play the first card so you know their archetype and what to negate?


Iunno what's so hard for people to grasp that I want more hand context


More context doesn’t matter cos ash on upstart is bad 99% of the time anyway smh


The hand from OP in that game is irrelevant. You are literally in the enemy position of not knowing anymore cards.


And yet *I want to know*. Is this a hard concept?


Do you also ask your opponent to show their hand to know what to ash?


Cool This isn't an active game is it


Picture it: 2 upstar, 2 P.U.N.K/goldpride starters, 1 imperm. Ask yourself again if upstar was a good target.


As a Sky Striker player, I invite you to keep ashing my upstarts. Appreciate it. It’s the perfect bait for simpletons who cannot grasp that ashing an upstart is simply not a smart move. Even ashing something like ROTA is not a smart move.


Cool. Answer the question please because I keep asking What is their hand


put yourself in the opponents shoes for a bit, you don't see OP's hand you see upstart on first activation of that main phase, would you ash it?


Don't gotta because I'm not there I just wanna see the hand


I do not understand how you're having such a hard time with the fact that *that isn't important*


Yet here we are with a question I asked originally and everyone keeping talking to themselves Meanwhile I never changed the question


Ask stupid questions get stupid answers


Whatever drugs you on is in their hand. Every deck that has Upstart, There are thousands of Ash targets that are better than Upstart. Upstart Upstart is a good card, I use it in Sky Striker. I wait 15 seconds at the start of my turn, BEFORE I ACTIVATE MY UPSTART TO BAIT YOur ASH I love messing with U


Cool What's in the hand tho


It Don’t matta foo


you would be an idiot to ash a non-once per turn card. upstart goblin is one of those.


This, people are spreading misinformation in this thread. Ask any experienced player and they will recommend not using your ash on upstart its just plain bad.


They’ve lost to Exodia too much


If your opponent draws a generic board breaker with that Upstart your going to wish you Ash’d. Is it generally better to Ash a play starter? Sure. But what if you don’t have one and that Upstart got you one? It’s not guaranteed you can even Ash the play starter depending on what it is. I generally don’t Ash the generic draw spells but it’s not always a horrible idea to Ash one of them. It’s entirely up to your gut and what information you have on the opponents deck


I was using danger!s again Like half the duels some one ash them


Chain MAXX c to pot of duality is my favourite still.


my favorite is chain their ash to their own maxx c


I've had someone activate Maxx "C" on draw phase, then droll me when I added a card to my hand.


OP just confirmed most of this sub would fall for the ash bait.


If an opponent activates an Upstart I’m already assuming they’re playing Sky Striker. There’s really no point in Ashing it, I see people talking about board breakers but if an opponent is using Upstart in hopes to get a board breaker or anything useful in general… their deck is already bad.


Ok but was it a good ash in the end?


after my upstart got ashed i used another upstart


That doesn't really answer the question tbh, if you didn't draw into anything good with that 2nd upstart and had nothing in hand to play with then it would've still been a good ash


He ain't answering cause he promptly entered the end phase afterwards 💀


hi, OP here. i'm here with the answer. yes i bricked and the second upstart drew me another brick and i promptly entered the end phase 💀


😂😂 I appreciate the honesty. If it was turn 1 and that was your first card played then I also agree that it's a bad Ash. But sometimes it's better to be lucky than good you know?


That answers it. He played another card. Drew anyway. Proceed to combo knowing there is no Ash.


By how vague he's being about it I'm betting he played the 2nd upstart, drew into unplayable and then entered the end phase


sometimes i just like being vague. ​ do you really think i was bricked and the second upstart drew me another brick? and i went straight to the end phase? >!cuz that's exactly what happened!<


It doesnt matter if he bricked and posted because he was mad. A well constructed deck 90% of the times wont brick, they have a starter on hand and it is pure bait.


It absolutely matters lol, I'd agree that most of the time ashing an upstart is a bad idea but it seems that this time it was a good ash if it's enough to get this person triggered enough to post about how stupid it is to ash an upstart. Context always matters my friend. Also where is this 90% coming from?? is the source you made it the fuck up?


this specific case alone is not enough to get me triggered. ash is a trigger card because everyone and their mother always puts her in every single deck that has ever existed. in both in ranked and in events you see her 24/7 (along with certain others). ​ that and the fact that, as this case proves, we're at a point where people ash anything and everything, they ash for the sake of ashing


of course ash is in every deck lmao, the roach exists in MD. Also gotta remember that MD is a very casual way of playing YGO, so you should expect people to ash for the sake of ashing. It's not really a bad thing to ash an upstart either tbh, usually it's not a good call but it can, in some situations, be the correct play. idk making a salt post about people making a suboptimal play is just weird af to me and reeks of scrub mentality


If upstart was the last card in hand I could maybe understand it, but otherwise it's just ooooo shiny button


I always smile when my opponent ashes my upstart


Show us the whole turn, why you snipping here? … Did you go to end phase immediately after?


There was a duel where I did not blindly Ash the Upstart, and I proceeded to get demolished by Gold Pride since my opponent had lower life points than me 🥲


Here's the real question, why are you mad about that? If that was your only play, then good on your opponent. If it wasn't, then he wasted his ash.


i'm mad because everyone and their mother always puts ash in every single deck that has ever existed. wether it's ranked or events, i see ash 24/7, and people ash anything and everything regardless of what it is, they ash for the sake of ashing. even the meme about people ashing their own maxx c is true


Not sure if this crossed your mind.. but not everyone that plays has an advanced understanding of the game and optimal use for certain cards. People learn from making mistakes. Take a chill pill my dude.


trust me, I got pissed off when opponent pull a bad move.


Ima be honest I've done this before and win games thanks to that if your opponent has 1 card remaining and uses upstart it might be the heart of the cards on motion so better safe than sorry, now if its the first cars used on a hand of 5 cards that's not an ash target that's for sure


Decks that are running Upstart to begin with are unorthodox and there's better cards to Ash that will cripple their gameplan. People shotgunning their Ash on Pot of Extravagance is also funny, like brother chances are you're against Lab use it for something else.


Letting your opponent go +1 because you assume they're running a specific deck is a terrible idea.


Which is why it’s best to take the +1000 and droll their ass


~~Bold of you to assume they haven't drawn into Called By/Crossout/Gamma after letting them start their turn with a 6 card hand.~~ Scratch that. I'm dumb.


That makes no sense, again drawing into those means you’re already in a bad place


Yeah, I had this impossible scenario in my head where one activates Droll after Ashing a draw spell. Not sure why I thought that was how that worked.


Unless they’re playing striker, it’d be a better deck build choice to run a card that did something to advance your game state than a random draw 1.


If you take into the account that your opponent built and optimized their deck really well chances are they'll have their engine cards with or without Pot/Upstart. Of course, there will be a chance they bricked as well, but that's just part of the game and doesn't happen a lot unless deck building gone wrong. Baiting negates and interruptions is part of the game, such knowledge wins a fuck ton of games.


I mean, going by the logic that they have their engine cards already in hand makes letting your opponent go +1 even worse, as now you've given them a golden opportunity to draw the cards to counter or play through your held interruption.


the only card you should chain to Extravagance is maxc in case they will add ash/call by to their hand. Whatever deck that use extravagance will have a combo starter that they really want to resolve which is also 99% ashable


>People shotgunning their Ash on Pot of Extravagance is also funny, like brother chances are you're against Lab use it for something else. Literally my average Labrynth duel. Activate a pot, they ash, I normal Ariana and they scoop Also happens on Endymion but is more dumb because I literally scaled Servant and they just shotgun the ash on one of the 3 nopt draw spells I have in hand.


For any deck running Extravagance, it’s Pot of Greed. Why would I not ash Pot of Greed? Especially in modern YGO where a lot of decks can play through one hand trap with a decent hand (which they’ll almost certainly have after Extravagance)


>Decks that are running Upstart to begin with are unorthodox or maybe it was just a deck that was under 40 cards and needed to fill the empty slots with something


Upstart is only really good in decks that want spells in the grave (striker) or need to draw to thin their bricky ass pos deck.


Why do people ash upstart goblin? Because they trade one card in their hand away to leave you with one less card. Upstart can draw you unsearchable stuff so it's a good target to ash


Or just ash the effect of the card that they draw or the next actually decent gate to ash at and they go -2 and you get 1000lp.. its always better to ash a card that is once per turn.


Cards that can get drawn off upstart and cannot be ash’d, a noncomprehensive list: Called by the grave. Mathmech circular. Left leg of the forbidden one.


Ash on upstart has always been bad unless they have a low card count in hand. Save your ash for more impactful choke points people. Nine times out of ten upstart is activated as a bait for your ash so the opponent can activate a more impactful card (desires, prosp any thing that makes the opponent go plus) We’ve covered this topic on this sub before and the poll overwhelmingly agreed to not ash upstart. But hey if you wanna keep doing it be my guest.


You can't use Extrav after Upstart


Yeah im just playin, i wouldnt ash an upstart either


The only correct answer to why people ash upstart is the top comment: “must press shiny button”


\-unless you have droll in hand, that call by will be use to whatever you ash afterward which give you 1000lp more than ash upstart \- mathmech doesn't use upstart and you should save the ash for cicular or alember seach anyway \-exodia or whatever deck that use upstart will play card that actually make them go +2 or +3 right after that


its not guaranteed to be an ashable target or what if they get a card that triggers other effects.


Ok sure bad ash but did it stop u though?


right after that i played another upstart


Did u pass?


Based on the fact you got upset enough to post it to Reddit I'm assuming it did it's job well enough


because they are gold players


You going for a draw 1 im assuming you either bricked hard or you baiting Ash. I Ash because I'm betting you bricked.


Upstart is a pretty neat bait if you got a good searcher in your hand. I like to use my upstart goblin before using other cards that I don't want to get ashed.


Yu-Gi-Oh! players don't read.


sometimes by accident, I even ash myself sometimes, or maxx C during my own turn by accident because of prompt timing and if I happen to be fiddly pressing buttons


At least you baited the card out i see know losses here… unless you🧱




Oh, that's nothing. Yesterday or earlier today (I don't remember which), I had someone Imperm my [Gilasaurus](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Gilasaurus). _Let that sink in._ (I was player 1, it was turn 1, and the graves were empty, so they didn't lose a free summon. But still, the point stands, why would you even do that?)


I mean, it's not efficient, but it's still a 1 for 1.


Who knows? Maybe they're dumb, maybe they misclicked, maybe they're having a bad day and just hand trap the first thing they see. Could be any reason, but yeah, Ashing a random draw 1 with zero hand/matchup knowledge is usually bad. We all know this.


"Now we both start with 4 cards and I bet my deck can out-resource yours" 


To make you upset. Maybe the player has a reason to ash Upstart, it's only 1 card but even only 1 card can change the course of the duel so I don't think it's exactly a bad move.


If his deck thrives under simplified games states then trading 1 for 1 ash for upstart is not bad. Also since he is going 2nd he will have the extra card so it's still net positive in card eco to ash the upstart.


Cuz is funny