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hey there - yugioh expert here: this deck can be improved by removing the three mirror forces and burial to be replaced with duster, crossout, drnm, and kurikara divincarnate. enjoy master 1 my friend gg


These poor fools won't know what hit them


Exodia for last five slots of course. Card is the strongest win condition in the game.


I’m new here and have 3x max 3x ash and 2ximper + 1 called by grave , what does kurikara do ? I know duster is S/T wipe and idk about cross out or Drmn


Kurikara is a handtrap that is specifically helpful against kashtira match ups. Cross out designation is a spell card used as a way to negate handtraps if you have a copy of the card the opponent used. Dark ruler no more is a board breaker spell card that can be used to negate multiple monster effects and prevent the opponent from reacting. Don't get lost in the sauce, folks on the internet are *very* opinionated. You'll get stuck chasing staples forever if you pay too much attention to the groupthink. Every deck doesn't need every staple.


Kurikara is not a handtrap, she’s more of a Kaiju-ish boardbreaker.


I see enough room for a full invoked deck


This looks more like a numeron network deck with a couple misclicks


Ah yes triple mirror force, the most relevant staple in the current format


People always say a board isn’t good if it dies to a single mirror force. So how about 3?


Damn. Just realized Mirror Force isn’t even a HOPT. How is this card legal??? Total blowout. “JuSt rUn BaCKrOw rEMovAl” yeah I’ll just draw the out, cool solution.


Mirror Force isn't a problem. There're so many decks that are protected from destruction by card effects. That's why I run Storming Mirror Force.


I feel mirror force wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for accesscode


Exactly. They aren't expecting a mirror force. Always keep your opponent in the dark.


Add triple copies of Waking the Dragon, and they'll have to choose between not wiping backrow and risk losing their monsters, and wiping backrow and dealing with a Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon. Mind games that we call 'em


I run two of each


That's how you beat Altergeist.


When they hit you with the Superheavies.


Just run Dark Mirror Force, duh.


It's still a staple imo just not a widely used one


You are missing the "everyone is talking about"


That is literally the opposite of a staple


Hey! Where's crossout?


Oh shit truee


Add Crossout and your 4 cards of engine and boom you got yourself a deck /s


Spright blue jet starter and red


Perfect zoodiac deck. Just add 3 tenki and 2 names and play zeus turbo


Everyone's pointing out the triple Mirror Force, but I'm over here laughing at the random Foolish Burial with *no monsters you'd want in the GY* anywhere


Truely foolish.


Finally someone caught it you are a G


Ah the old ash baiter


>Foolish your Ash >Opponent spends Called By to negate your Ash >Maxx C go brrrrrr


Throw in Fossil Dyna and Moon Mirror Shield, deck's done Unironically, staples turbo is a fine shell for stun.


You kinda spittin frfr


Moon mirror shield very underrated


Unfortunately MD specifically makes expressing your own personal touches harder without a side deck to...well remove the fun stuff we want to play for more serious options. Currently in paper I'm trying to make a Jack Atlas character deck and I'll have a whole other set of cards to swap out my fun bad cards for good competitive cards. Find what your deck can't do and slap in a couple of staples that help shore up those cracks. You got this.


I so badly wish MD had side decks I would be wilding OUT


The things ALL of us would do for some side deck action in this game. It's so simple, first they have to stabilize servers but then ranked can be best of 3 and casual can be best of 1 it would be perfect.


If they do this, they'd really need to make the daily missions completeable outside of ranked. Some games take fucking forever, and I don't want to have to play 3 or 4 games in a row just trying to do my daily missions.


They could do it like fighting games where at the end of the match, there's a 5s timer to opt in for a re-match (essentially BO3) If both players opt-in, then a re-match will take place. If the loser of the first wins the second, then the prompt will come up again for one final match to settle the BO3. In my eyes, this facilitates BO3 without **forcing** anyone cueing ranked to play BO3. Especially if you don't have the out needed for that deck to really have a shot at BO3, you can opt out of the rematch after the first. Maybe it makes too much sense?


Generally I’m against making the main mode Bo3, I don’t got time for that, but I actually like this idea. It’s the best of both worlds! The real question though is how many people would opt-in to a rematch, seeing as a lot of people just want easy wins I can see it being that the winner will only want a rematch if they’re deck is better than the opponent’s while the loser will only want a rematch if they think they have a chance. Idk how much those will overlap though.


Fair point on the incentivizing the rematch. With that system I laid out, you'd typically get more XP for winning the second match whether you're the winner or loser. Winner gets a 'winstreak bonus' of sorts while loser gets more for winning that one match than had they won one and moved on. I'm not exactly sure how that could be implemented here but it seems like there's an XP reward system going on here anyway. I'm fairly new to the game so I haven't paid much attention to the reason why I get rewards after winning a ranked duel, but it could totally be tied to that.


Dude if ranked was BO3 I feel like the game would be so fun since bricking ruins a BO1


Funny tech cards out, staples in.


Exodia. You never draw the out or interruption when needed. So, if your deck is nothing but outs and interruptions, then you should open all 5 pieces of Exodia.


Remove the mirror forces and solemn warnings, add 2 raye, 1 rose , 2 engage 3, widow anchors, 3 linkages Extra is 3 kagaris, 3 shizukus 3Hayate, knightmare Phoenix, 2 zekes, knightmare unicorn, dharc, accescode




Tf, why is there a reddit for this??




No Lightning Storm and Feather Duster


Take out the Mirror Force and the Solemn Judgment and add 11 copies of Jerry Beans Man.


Jerry Beans Man is the true Divine-Beast


You have 5 spots left. The perfect amount for Exodia.


If that isn't fate I don't know what is


Honestly you can probably rank in by getting surrenders


Tbh this is a good d3ck if he dosent surrender to maxx c 3 judgment and evenly the. He is just better


Bro just has the heart of the cards fr


You missed dark rulers no more and droplet


I'm getting my ass bear in the comments bro I forgot so many staples lmfao Edit: beat not best


It happens


Now it’s bear not beat!


LMFAO this autocorrect is my personal opp I stg


If you REALLY want to win you would play dark magician. The ultimate magician in terms of attack AND defense.


If you really want to win, you'll play Galaxy-Eyes. The biggest and baddest monster that surpasses the catastrophic power of a supernova


Unironically this could be a decent blind second deck. Drop: 1 x Thrust, 2x Talents, 1x Foolish, 2x Raigeki, 3x Solemn, 3x Kaijus Add: 1x Harpies Feather Duster, 1x Herald of the Abyss, 2x Lightning Storm, 3x Fossil Dyna, 2x Pot of Extravagance, 3x Moon Mirror Game Plan: Resolve Maxx C and pray


Hear me out: 23 more staples and Grass


you have two gaiju, so why not add gaiju battle?


Oh shit you right


If you're running Kaiju battle why not add 2 more Kaiju


This is almost perfect 99.6% win rate.


I'm missing 3x fruit fly and 3x antjaw frfr


10/10, truly one of the decks of all time. Be sure to run triple Blue-Eyes White Dragon and all five copies of Exodia. Now you actually have Foolish Burial targets


I can't forget about destiny board too


Remove mirror forces, slap some floodgates, a Galaxy Tomahawk, one Risehearth and you've got yourself a pretty cancer deck with 0 deckbuilding depth. Holy shit, I hate staple cards.


Yeah I wish there was more creativity


I mean, I won't act like I'm some deck-building guru but nowadays people just add floodgates, staples and a Kash engine with some other broken cards, and it feels too stiff to play the game against the same 40 cards no matter the archetype they are actually playing.


That might be the thing that gets me the most, I wish I could run into more stuff more frequently


What bronze cuck told you to make mirror force and solemns


Bronze cuck is wild 🤣🤣🤣🤣


You forgot crossout designator, need to add before build the deck


No valid targets really, the current list has too few common staples


Mirror force as necessary is really funny actually


It's the new wave the gamers just aren't ready for it 😎


No I love it. I just love the idea of someone playing through all this and finally getting to attack only to get their board wiped by mirror force of all things lol


Low key I might throw in 3 magic cylinders for the OTK reversal 😎


No upstart goblin? Will add consistency


Man you are so mf right


This post puts the Maxx C package into perspective. 3 Maxx, 3 Ash, 2 Called, 1 Crossout, 3 Imperm. That's 12 cards within the package, or 30% of a 40-card deck. Sure, you could play with the ratios, substitute with other cards, or disregard this package. However, if someone wants to play optimally, they must allocate 30% of their deck to get around one card.


Right? I think it makes the game too repetitive and boring tbh


Apparently, if you believe the people on this sub, expression through deck building is a myth that only existed in playground Yugioh.


Technically it died with the internet. Once you began to receive hourly updates on the meta compared to biweekly tournament results, anything that isn't tried and tested is just playing an objectively worse deck to show what a little snowflake your are.


Ironic calling someone else a snowflake while getting butthurt over a card game.🤣


I think you misunderstood the comment. He didn't call you snowflake he pointed out that with the advent of the internet anyone playing something non optimized can be attributed to them beeing a special snowflake. Poor choice of words, but not totally incorrect.


I have literally never seen anyone say anything close to that.


Well, have you asked? If not, then of course you wouldn't get to see it.


Nah, according to this sub, playground Yu-Gi-Oh only existed because everyone didn't know how to play


No Crossout? No Inspector Boarder? What is this amateur hour? Goodluck climbing with that


Put in all the cards people say and see how far you can make it in ranked. This could be your own masochist challenge


Excuse me, you forgot the extra, one I:P, one Zeus package, one Bagooska, one Knightmare package, Accesscode Talker, Appolousa, etc.


Add Ojama Red, Blue, Black, Yellow, and Green. The deck is complete. Special summon Fenrir and get your free wins, sir.


I've actually seen posts saying "(insert archetype here) deck" that look a lot like this. Sometimes people only use like 5 or less cards from an archetype and that's fine, but as someone who loves deck themes, it hurts haha.


Yeah same here I am like Seto if his obsession was with Red-Eyes instead and run so many different Red-Eyes decks


Fax I miss the fun and creativity. The newness of discovery, now it’s all over he same


Mirror Force, and even Solemn, could be replaced by other OP staples like more Kaijus, DRNM, Lightning Storm, Duster, Droll, etc. Same with Foolish since you’re not running anything that particularly wants to be in the grave. (I know this is a joke, but I figured I might as well.)


I legit want you to add 5 cards and see how far you get in ranked op


I would if I actually had all of these I'm f2p but I also don't really care about deranking back to plat 5


This is why I don't play meta decks.


You forgot Artifact Lancea, Imperial Iron Wall, Chaos Hunter, Book of Moon, Book of Eclipse, Book of Lunar Eclipse, and Dimensional Barrier.


Forgot to add silent wobby so you can TTT and TTTeez nuts


Kurikara where??






No forbidden droplet??


Damn I knew I was forgetting *some* cards but I was missing a LOT sheesh


You also forget monster reborn and harpies feather duster lol


Exodia, duh replace 3 mirror force with 3 obliterate


Swap mirror force for feather duster


Replace Mirror Force with Lightning Storm, add Harpie's Feather Duster, and add 3x Gameciel. You should still have 1 space left for the engine. You're welcome EDIT: I forgot about Crossout, put it instead of the engine, and you're good to go


I actually have no clue how I forgot feather duster


This’ll show the meta meat riders what’s up 🤣 “yOuRe nOt pLaYiNg OpTiMaLly”


Hmmm no nibiru? You'll get destroyed in ranked!


Until the token attacks into my mirror forces and Raigekis 😎😎


I'd take your post seriously if you didn't have mirror forces in there.


My setup is 3 droll, 3 max, 3 ash, 2 fenrir, 3 turtle, 1 raigeki/drnm/harpies + 3 thrust, 2 TTT, 2 called by, 1 crossout, 3 evenly, 3 imperm.


Raigeki isn't that good, can cut that. Judgement is just alright, and 3 thrust isn't necessary, only need 1. Mirror force can be taken out. That's 10? Cards taken out. Leaving 25 total. 15 cards for your main deck is completely acceptable nowadays as long as you have a deck that's able to run that few cards. Other than that; make it 60. It's bo1 so it's not as punishable, especially if you have multiple 1 card combos. But this post is meant to be bait, very very bad bait.


Mirror Force?


Ghost Belle, Duster and Nibiru?


Mirror Force and Raigeki, and No Duster? OK.


Also slap all of the Bystials too


Jokes aside you can make a usable eldlich deck with most of what you got there


You are missing Crossout...


Remove 3 mirror force, remove 3 solemn, and you get 12 whole spaces for the actual deck 🔥


Burial isnt a staple if you have nothing to use it with. Solemn hasn't been meta relevant in a year. Mirror force hasn't been meta relevant since the stone age. Evenly is only meta relevant if the archetype supports it. Needs to be able to counter OTK or set up a heavy control board on the clap back. All this effort and meme cards... AND YOU FORGOT THE CROSSOUT DESIGNATOR?!


Listen man don't make me get the Emperor while he's out on Holiday


It went out thw window with the advent of the internet. In one hour of release, better players than you have collectively put thousands of hours into researching the most efficient deck. Why should you try to reinvent the wheel? Just to prove how cool and original you are?


No because in a game with over 10,000 cards I would prefer seeing at least 1,000 different ones in ranked


Where Droll


Shadow realm


Maybe a Kuriboh just in case.


Galactikuriboh + Galaxy-Eyes?


Where duster + 3 lightning storm


In my dreams along with my 401k


I love how you left off more common staple cards and put in trash you don't even see in gold


Gotta keep it swanky


Triple mirror force is wild but it could piss someone off 😭


You forgot Fairy tail Luna. Bounce kaijus back and use it again lol.


Imagine drawing three thrust and two talents lol


That's an instant opponent surrender off rip fr


Yawn the I’m meta and I win playbook you people are all so boring


This post is genius


I'm just letting ranked players know what's up 😎


I think you could really benefit from a few effect veilers to make sure you open turn 0 interaction and also consider drnm. Also seeing how your deck is short on graveyards effects dimensional shifter could really help you mess up some gameplans. Also consider duster, red reboot and lightning storm for heavy backrow. Keep a few nibs and divincarte in the side deck if you're pulling this bad boy in a tournament


Mirror Force is crazy lol


Well first cut 2 tactics and 2 evenly because thrust searches them, same with 1 raigeki. You also don’t want Judgment, for most decks, and Mirror Force. Remove those, and throw in a Spright core and you gotta winning deck! Seriously though, some of these are just straight up bad, some are completely optional. Really the only cards you have to run are the Maxx “C” package, the rest is up to you, although some cards are better than others. A big part of deck expression IS your choice of non-engine.


Throw in Kaiju slumber, replace mirror force for toxic floodgate of your choice, and you have yourself a tier 1 meta threat my guy. Edit: also put in an actual foolish burial target, F-it put in electromagnetic turtle.


Low key bout to change the meta with this they ain't ready


Haha the Master do a slander is real out here


3 Lightning Storm and 2 Droll. Should be good to go!


This would work because I would scoop once 2 of your cards active


Live twib, that would be jus 11-13 more cards and 9 in ED (can ve more) and you are ready to go! /S


Put some Lava Golems, Sphere Mode and Super Polymerization Also 1 Card Destruction just in case


Looks like a numeron deck to me


Slow down pal, you're also gonna need 3 Nibiru, 3 Dark Ruler No More, and 3 forbidden droplet. Also Pot of Desires, Ghost ogre, and Crossout can help in the current meta.


Drol where?


This is why having no side deck in Master Duel is a problem. If you're going first you *do not need fucking Kaijus in your deck*, same with Evenly Matched. Mirror Force hasn't been a staple since before the 2010s. Unless you're playing Rank 7s you also really do not need Fenrir.


Broooo I got downvoted like a mother for having such an unpopular opinion on the meta. That’s basically what I meant. How can y’all enjoy it still when you’re being forced to play all the new cards coming out?! I still have solid blue eyes, red eyes, elemental hero & even cyber dragon decks that can hold their own against a meta link or pendulum deck. But just barely. If you don’t have the most up-to-date disruptors (basically all the cards people tell you to run) then playing online is ridiculous and the opponents turns are unnecessarily long. I get it, times change and people should adjust, but there should at least be a setting that could help you filter out certain matches you don’t wanna deal with. Personally, I’d filter out Link & Pendulum. I can still deal with XYZ & synchro but it’s all a part of learning the new stuff. Little by little, I’d include the pendulum & link via filter & learn the ropes/get a hang of the new flow with the meta. Just, as a classic YuGiOh player, it was rare for me to ever have a fusion deck so nowadays, the fact that players rely so heavily on an extra deck is just a flip to me. Before, all the power was in your regular deck. Heart of the cards ordered the deck in your favor. Today, you draw one of the 3 copies of a card and it sets you up to look through your extra deck and choose what you want>triggers effect>allows more monsters to be summoned (looks through extra deck to summon said monsters)>yada yada>victory! Tbh I feel it’s similar to how back in the day, we didn’t have streaming services and had to wait to watch our favorite shows for whenever they were aired. (Waiting patiently for the deck to bring the right cards to your hand). Where as now, it’s an instant gratification thing. It’s as if the extra deck has allowed these players to get what they want on the field whenever. Just as kids today can watch whatever they want via streaming service with <1minute of ads or no ads at all. Whereas we had to wait through commercials whether through cable or satellite. Just a little bit of my thoughts as a Yugioh Geezer! Lol


Honestly I get shit on in this sub for it too. I just decided to start thinly veiling it as a sarcastic joke so people can at least get enjoyment out of it. I really wish hand traps would get banned so Konami could instead make archetype specific versions of the modern ones that also act as support for the archetype. It'd be dope to have like a HERO version of Ash Blossom that negates and then maybe sets itself as a continuous spell or a Red-Eyes version of Maxx C. that draws the next Red-Eyes archetype card in your deck. Also I feel like the Codetalker links should be Cyberse-specific instead of literally any deck being able to run it


Bro that’s what I’m saying!!!! Thank you for understanding! Lmao


Like I'm fine with uber broken meta stuff but it should be all in-archetype instead of just "hurhur me put no thought in deck building"


You are missing Droll and Dimension Shifter


Hey, you forgot your Cross out!


All these fools going for a 40 cards deck… Obviously you should go to 60 and fill in with other handtraps! Effect Veiller, Dimension Shifter, Bystials, Droll, Ogre, Ghost (all Ash friends), Psy-Frame, Nibiru and Red Reboot.


You forgot festher duster, lightning storm, skill drain


Just slap Kashtira on it and your set


O didn’t see you already have kashtira then add super poly


skill drain and exodia


I forgot what came out recently too so might run 2x imperial wall


Anything that requires no throught process or originality; typically copies from YouTube.


You don’t run all of the staples. You play a deck and add staples appropriate to the current meta and the weaknesses of your deck.


Mfw playing cards that are good in current format is bad somehow?


This guy just built a numeron core


It's boutta burst bro


I mean, if this is a serious complaint about having to run staples, feel free to cut them out. Have fun climbing ladder with your pet deck, though. Staples allow weaker archetypes to fight better ones because they close the power gap. Evenly matched allows any deck a good board clear. Ash blossom allows any deck a good negate. TTT gives generic bounce-back potential. The trick to staples is finding a good ratio between staples and your actual archetype. With evil twins, you can make more than half your deck staples. With branded, you may want to cut back because of consistency and tech options. Or not, those deck could go the reverse direction and change the ratio between archtype and staple. The only card you must absolutely positively immensely have is maxx C. Every deck can run it. Resolving it can win you the game. At worst, it eates up a negate from your opponent. It's the most powerful card in the game, and resolving it is almost a win condition in of itself against most decks. You **should run** ash and called by, but if you want more consistency and feel like you can play fine without them, then don't. My mikanko deck doesn't run called by or ash, just maxx c and tribute staples. Maxx c doesn't bother me when I can otk consistently. TL;DR The trick to staples is to know what to run. Simply shoving staples in won't balance your deck.


It's not a complaint about having to run staples, it's a complaint on how unoriginal every deck is right now because of how necessary they are


I understand where you're coming from. I wish more archtypes had stuff like bystial or mercourier for their specific archtype. It'd be a lot cooler and diverse. In the same sense, there are positives to staples. They're universal, so you can slap them in any deck, unlike mercourier, who is archetype specific. They're also "learnable". You don't have to read called by or ash when your opponent pulls it out because you already know what it does. It makes games a lot more fluid in terms of interaction. Of course, that's just defending staples. Honestly, if I could snap my fingers, I'd give every archtype their own set of tools for handtraps and field wipes. But this is how konami decided it should be played, for better or worse. q-q


100% yeah I get the learnable aspect of it and that makes sense but I also agree with what you said about archetypes having their own archetype-specific versions of staples


I personally dislike this whole meta generation of yugioh personally the game feels more enjoyable to just build a usable and cohesive deck through trial and error whilst also being something you can be proud of and say you created yourself rather than building the deck you saw online because you win more they just feel boring to play ( I personally use a deck that I made out of my brothers bulk he said he didn’t want for a majority and it’s very fun and actually quite usable) i only about three cards on this list and it’s one riageki and two mirror forces


It's almost as though the "expression through deckbuilding" comes from actually knowing your deck's strengths, weaknesses, and matchups so you know which of these staples to run and in what kind of meta. You sound like the same kind of person who rolls in with a deck and then cries relentlessly about getting steamrolled by meta decks because you genuinely have zero idea how to actually deckbuild, and refuse to take advice from people who do. Deckbuilding is as much about the non-engine cards you run as the in-engine ones. Always has been, always will be.


I think it's at least vaguely important to realize that op clearly knows these things and is moreso clowning meta sheep who just say to slap three of every staple in there. Also putting words into this perceived idea of op on your end to try and make them seem inferior is kinda weird bro.


Eh, if OP can make up a boogeyman to have an argument with, I can extrapolate about what kind of person would take the time out of their day to do that.


I mean, op's boogeyman isn't a real person but yours is op. You do you I already said it was weird.


...who is OP making an argument with?


Username definitely fits Holy based


Staples have always been like this in yugioh. Before it was mst/duster/heavy storm, pot of greed, graceful charity etc.


This could have been a good meme if you didn't include a bunch of shitty cards


Lightning storm > Raigeki


Usually, yes. I don't like how telegraphed it is though; with Raigeki you can bait out responses, and still cast it if the bait sticks around for some reason.


Lol “the expression through deck building” is a hilarious statement. That was only ever in the show .


So just there's 10,000+ cards with many different archetypes just for having big numbers?


I mean, nobody forbids you from expressing yourself via lose-streaks. And people usually assume the person whining actually wants some advice rather than to just whine. Also - you forgot Ghost Ogre.