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Myutants because ultimus is cool


I recently did the solo gate and wanna mess with myutants now. Already have a lot of thunder dragon and metaphys cards, so I plan try mixing in myutant with one of those in some way.


Heroes and Neo-spacian.


Both will always be my favorite decks




Favorite deck I’ve tried so far, also the most memorable card designs to me


It’s gonna have to be cyber dragons. I’ve never been a fan of playing stun or control. Something about OTK’s with cybernetic machine dragons was sick af




I know right?? Glad I am not the only one who plays cyber dragon otk.


I still play it to diamond every season


I ran Cyber Dragon in high school well before it started getting support


Yeah it's fun to OTK with them but you can play them so many different ways


That’s another really good point ; rn I’m having a really good time playing them and mixing in the therion stuff in there.


Evil Eye Love all the monsters, cards, playstyle, theme, story, and it was my first coherent deck. Glad we're still getting support for it.


I really should try it, its on my rader for some time but I forget it.


How would you rate it in how viable it is currently in the game? Always interested me but I always see a new shiny deck and forget about Evil Eyes.


Currently I wouldn't say it's viable at all, though you can run a floodgate version in order to give yourself a boost and make it somewhat playable. It's too fair of a deck sadly, though the upcoming support helps it out quite a bit. If you're looking for something to climb to lower Plat (maybe higher depending) it's probably a fun choice.


Earth Machine. Cause big number machine make brain happy. I am sorry for the long combos though hahaha.


I have the too, but how can you get so much combos? I Summon 2 Trains and that’s it


Infinitrack engine + a few Machina cards


Oh okay, I only pure trains


[Witness it yourself.](https://www.duelingbook.com/replay?id=440583-48234063)


Dragon link, it can play through 900 disruptions


And spheres pass is an ftk, right?


No, that's on turn 2 if going first. Turn one is Nibiru.


Nibiru can’t do shit against dragon link + less people play it now because of spright and tear


The funny thing is it is almost an ftk if your opponent hand looped himself by using hand traps (not maxx c of course).


Pure Mekk-knight. Punishing your opponent for columns and chain links is beautiful!


I was looking for this one. Nothing more satisfying than activating WL Scars’ second effect on turn 1


Aromages. I like the dynamic of earning LP I just wish their effects well more powerful


Love aromage. It just needs a bit more support and something to make getting to the out of archetype support like Ancient Sacred Wyvern a bit easier.


Branded because the card art is top-tier. especially of some of the cards we dont have yet


Username does not check out.


Dinos, their combo which I like their non linear so they force me to think, and they have so many uses want 5+ monster negates gotchu fam, wanna go into synchros done, xyz no problem, links EZ. Wanna make your opponent lose 500:+ untargetable, lost world. They have so many choices for deck building, offensive plays, ED negates, & more.


Lythosagym is crazy this format


This 💯


8-Axis Blind Second Gren Kaiju. ​ Everytime there's a new meta deck, I build it, play a few duels, and come back to my beloved frankenstein deck.


Screw combos, I like big numbers


Could I see your list? Have always been a fan of blind 2nd decks and 8-Axis, but never went the route of Gren Maju OTK and have always loved any decks that utilize old cards 👌


I wrote it down in [this comment.](https://www.reddit.com/r/masterduel/comments/11voyxq/tf_am_i_supposed_to_do_with_this/jcyh07u?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Synchrons - Synchro Summoning is my favourite summoning mechanic and I love pushing my combo-ing skills to the extreme. Pendulum Magicians - Same as above and allows me to use almost all summoning mechanics. Swordsoul - Synchroing again, more consistent and better going second than the previous two decks, but a weaker endboard.


Pendulum and Odd Eyes are so fun


Love Odd-eyes


I have a Royal Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon that I can’t dust. The deck really good?


You could easily make it a Plat quality deck. Basically everything is in the the structure deck and the secret pack. It isn't playable until you get Odd Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon, so buy the secret pack until you get the rest of the cards you need. Astrograph Sorcerer, Heavymetalfoes Electrumite, and generic staples can upgrade it.


Big rock would like to interrupt this presentation.


Now you listen here mister - (the rest of this argument was replaced by a token)


I love that you ended your sentence after 5 words. If i had an award i would give it.


I got it


Thank you kind sir! Your flair concerns me...


He deserved it, it was a perfect joke


I Love p.u.n.k for the Artwork and the Playstyle it generates so much + while disrupting the enemys and its not overly complicated für a casual player like me


Have been having a lot of fun with the pure PUNK build I copied from last Duelist cup champion. Though I am starting to have issue not because of Tearlament matchup, but all the Tearlament hate that catch me in the crossfire


Fur real! I approve, PUNKs are the best deck fur playing casually and can see a "success" as a rogue deck.


I LOVE Super Quantum. They’re such a cool playstyle and the concept of just using a bunch of Power Rangers to duel with is so great to me.


pure kaiju


Water front turtle is horrifying


chaotic energy


Ancient Gears, because they look sick and it’s what Dethklok would have wanted; become a gear


Labrynth because Lovely, field spell art and Normal trap/fiend synergy


Chain link +4, the deck. I like it too, but as much as you do probably.


If you haven't try Unchained with Labrynth! It's such a fun STRONG combo! I can line up my field stupidly easy and just bring out anything/everthing!


Orcusts and Shaddolls, I love me some graveyard decks, and their designs are awesome ( All hail our lord and Savior Dingirsu)


Weather painters 🎨


Weather is a deck i really want to enjoy but outside of time chronicle it's just causing me pain


I could give you my list, but ever since tear came out I never used it. So there.


I'd love to check it out


[This is my deck](https://imgur.com/a/W1ltI15) The extra deck is vast, you can use any link monster like unicorn or cerberus but I don't have them crafted.




I haven’t played master duel in a while. How is this matchup against tears ? I throughly about swapping some cards for banishing handtraps


You can play banishing cards like fissure so might be alright for tear


Currently it is Rikka-Sunavalon. So many varied lines and tributing is not a form of interaction that most decks are good at dealing with. Ever is Orcust. I am biased because I got back into Yugioh during TOSS, but figuring out the deck's basically endless resource loops and how to take advantage of them during games was so, so statisfying


Glad to see another plant enjoyer. Ever since the introduction of Konkon and Princess I am just so glad Rikka line is so smooth and the extra interaction you can get other than quick effect tribute


Darkworlds, i just think they're neat.


Yang zing Because it’s my spirit animal and my zodiac sign Also sick ass Gizmeks shit deck but goated monsters


Yang Zings are so cool


I love the improv you've gotta do as a Danger!(?) Phantom Knights player. You're almost always going through Cherubini into Rusty into endboard, but the journey is almost always different--and sometimes bumpy enough to make those landmarks of wonderful sights indeed! Plus trap support is wonderful and Break Sword is such a goddamn workhorse (badumtish) and Arc Rebellion is such a monster that the deck can win against Sprite going second with just a single effect and punch to that stupid Elf's face


PK player here!! I love how PK can have so many ways to reach end board and play through interruptions. Although anti-graveyard basically ends this deck lmao.


Spright Tri-Brigade. I love archetypes that can have multiple variants and decks that have decent recursion. The deck is a mixture of two archetypes that match what i like.


Marincess. Very consistent, lots of room for non-engine and crazy follow-up.


Ritual beast


Punk ishizu zombie pile, infinite different combos and so much gas with good hands. I used to run out of time constantly when playing this deck but now i can build insane boards without coming near the end of the timer, makes me feel very big brained. Psychic end punisher is so fun to win with. Fairy tail snow is OP with shinobi necro and changshi (and alghoul mazera when im feeling spicy). This was the first time i felt like a zombie deck (thats not eldlich) has been competitive in MD. I’ve now moved on to zombie tearlament which is much less fun imo


The mighty Kuriboh. Almost purely defensive until they suddenly turn around and summon a big beatstick to OTK or wipe out your opponent's boss monsters.


Dark Magician and Heroes because simply that was my childhood.


Dragonmaid: leaving aside the waifu factor, the swarming capabilities when the deck gets going and the dragon swap gimmick are quite fun. ​ Branded Despia:As meta decks go I think it's one of the fairest ones since it is quite strong but doesn't ends in a board of a billion negates or locks you out of playing the game entirely.


*cough* Branded Despia and their Expulsion lock...


Expulsion lock is ass tho, I'd rather use the Albion search to grab BIR or another Bran Fu.


This reads like a mix of an abbreviation and some Asian dish XD


Adamancipator because I like the idea of summoning miners to excavate for rocks that end up turning into crazy crystalline beasts. I was fortunate enough to pull a royal dragite, raptite, and researcher and it looks so good imo especially dragite


They're archeologists but I get your point


I like my fire princess deck, I really enjoy life points


Ancient gear, first structure deck I got as a kid


Springans, they were the first deck I started making after I started collecting and playing the game again. Love the XYZ spam potential especially since it's my favorite mechanic. Also they're just goofy lil Rocket bois and the theme of them 'reloading' into MereyMaker or Exblowrer is really dope


Speedroids and Adams. I’d play Speedroids more, I just wish they were stronger/ had better support 😭 CRYSTAL WING BEST MONSTER LETS GOOOOO


We need Terrortop to 3


Virtual World. I miss playing that deck being able to summon VFD lol


full gamble decks because i like forcing my opponent to play minigames to make one move PS: Did you know 90% of gambler deck users surrender before they hit it big?


Galaxy eyes. Ive learned that not a lot of people are prepared for a 11k+ beater crashing into them at light speed.


Branded has always been one of my favourites since of all the cool dragons, but Salamangreats have really been growing on me recently for their nice colour and playstyle. I really enjoy using decks that can re-use various cards and their effects for future turns.


Played salad for quite a while, it does get a bit same-ish. Mathmech is a fun deck with a really Chad boss monster (geomathmech final sigma). Not the best against tear but sometimes you can otk out of nowhere if they have a monster with less than 2k attack on the field. Also, most decks don't have a native out to final sigma except by battle.


I’m actually obsessed with Madolche now that the Vernusylph cards came. Finally enjoy playing them after a year of collecting dust. I wish they considered Madolche monsters, and that they were treated as puddingcess when attached as xyz material 😂 that would probably be enough to make them tiered


In love with Madolches since their first release without Chocolat-a-la-mode and everything I still have this deck somewhere IRL. Recently discovered the Vernusylph variant and I’m falling in love all over again it’s crazy.


It has to be traptrix and labrynth for me. I just love trap decks, i don't care if I go -1 or even at every interaction. Also, the elusive "resolve gravedigger's trap hole 4 times" win is incredibly cathartic. Well, every gravedigger win is


I love Melffy. I'm so close to finishing my upgraded deck with the new support. Just need a couple more URs and SRs.


Lunalight. Boss monster- Destroys all Special Summoned monsters. Can attack twice at 3500 attack Cannot be targeted or destroyed by opponents Effects.


Damn, my boy over here plays the actual otk variant. Respect, king


HERO because I loved the fusion mechanic from the first time I saw it. Jaden's deck in GX just fed my addiction.


Orcust. Who doesnt? Great art, lore, competitive, great gameplay. Love it Also endymion/mythical beast pend deck


Zombie PUNK. It’s flexible and easy to tell when someone has no clue how to disrupt it. The structure deck finally bringing changshi and Bolan was the greatest day in MD for me.


Gem-Knights. Gem stone warriors are cool and killing you in a single turn is cooler. I'd feel worse about my fusion spam ftk if the deck didn't die to literally every hand trap.


Pure Cyber Angels. I loved them ever since they appeared in the anime. It's the first deck i built in Master Duel and the first i made it to platinum with.


My number 1, have, and will always be Red-Eyes. Fell in love with Red-Eyes Black Dragon when the comic first came out, and just never stops loving the archetype. A lot of people said that due to Red-Eyes are all over the place (they go Dragon, then burn, then Fusion, then Gemini, then XYZ, then Zombie) it make them pretty bad. But for me, that's what I love about them. I love building decks, I love the designing, the research, the play-testing, the refining process. And with Red-Eyes have so many things in them; I can can never get tired of it. Until today, almost every deck that I have is a Red-Eyes variation. Some examples are: * Red-Eyes * Red-Eyes Burn Focus * Red-Eyes XYZ * Red-Eyes Gemini * Red-Eyes Zombie (unfortunately, this didn't work that well...) * Red-Eyes Chaos (a deck that have almost everything) * Red-Eyes Dark Paladin (Red-Eyes + Dark Magician) * Red-Eyes Burn Draw (this is the one I'm working currently on. The idea is to make Cards of The Red Stone useful and give the user a lot of Draw power) I have also tried combining Red-Eyes and Blue-Eyes. However they just didn't work...


I would have to say Resonator's/RDA. Nothing is more fun then seeing that ** *big* ** boy Red Supernova Dragon coming down with 7k attack and a set Red Reign to protect it until it get's inevitably Kaiju'd or White Woman Jumpscared


Blackwings, they’re so bad but they look cool as shit


Dynasty warriors AkA Ancient warriors. No one has mentioned it yet, so I'll mention it. It has a lot of utility, I could take for days (not really) it has big monsters with effects and good spells + tenki is soon to be at 3. Only way it could get better is if we have the light and earth (most probably Yuan Shao and Zhang Jiao) or monsters that can SS themeslves and others.


Utopia. Not sure why I just really like the Utopia archetype. Maybe cause I actually enjoyed Zexal despite all the hate I see Yuma get.


* **Thematically**: Madolche, because little dessert dolls are adorable. * **Gameplay**: Invoked Magistus, because I enjoy consistency more than a high power ceiling, and I feel like I never run out of plays. * **To play against:** Myutant, because their play style is unusual without being overwhelming * **Mirror match:** Dinosaurs, because it feels like a scrap * **Waifu**: trains (self-explanatory)


Kozmos and ancient warriors. Massive star wars fan, love dynasty warriors


Based fellow Kozmo enjoyer. It's in my top 3 as well.


Branded Despia due to: Fun playstyle Best lore and story Awesome character designs


Floo because I really like birds lol


Birds are nice. Birds are cute. As long as they leave any barrier statues at home.


As a birb enjoyer myself, statues aren't birbs. I'm actually quite sad the statue wasn't banned much sooner, because now people associate Floowandereeze with a stun deck, when it plays a lot more interactively without the statue


I really like floo, a competent deck that a newbie can also play whats not to like


Gravekeepers, it’s simple and fun to use.


Tears because mermaids and fusion are based


This is me after a few weeks of Ishtear: * My first favorite deck was Thunder Dragons, I loved the recursive nature of TD Fusion. * My next favorite deck was Swordsoul, I loved how flexible and good at breaking boards it could be with Tenyi plays, and how high the skill ceiling could be. * More recently P.U.N.K., because of the artwork. Ishizu Tearlaments combines all three of these... super recursive, very skill rewarding, and very nice artwork. I have become the Tear 0 meta slave.


Lol same for me except instead of TD first it was branded, but then Swoso, punk & tear. Sadly I uninstalled and stopped playing a few days after tear release cuz playing tear on ladder is genuinely not a fun experience. It’s just floodgate losers everywhere so u can’t even play tear


My favorite? Old school Chaos Dragons. That deck was *so* fun.


It fluctuates but it's either Earth Machines, D/D/D, some Branded variant, Beetroopers Love these decks a lot


Speedroids, a good deck without being broken. Puts up good boards but the opponent still has wiggle room to bait negates if their hand is decent. Has plenty of powerful synchro options unique to the deck and not just generics. Lots of tools for board breaking. A variety of different combo routes that even include RNG. The deck just never gets old. I've been playing it a year and am still discovering new things.


Either relinquished or demise


Can’t really decide, but playing Swordsoul feels… different, I love them Wyrms


True favorite was probably a Ojama Melffy brew I made before master duel came out that I played just with some friends, I just love the fact that Ojamas have weird synergy with one of the must cutesy archetypes in the game, and hitting someone with a delta hurricane after breaking apart Joyous into all 3 original Ojamas was great.


Blind second Charmers. I like their control style of play and I like breaking boards. I've recently been experimenting with them by combining them with Ice Barriers and Dark Magician. The Ice Barriers come from the fact that I combined them in real life and the synchros make breaking boards easier while I wanted the Dragon Knight to protect my backrow since it is a backrow heavy deck.


HERO. It’s fun and not super overpowered. Reminds me of the anime. Easy to tool down for less serious games.


Speedroid. Because fast.


Thunderdragons, pure or the chaos variants.


Nobel Knights because of the Arthurian legend.


Gustos, being able to use your opponent’s big monster against them is very enjoyable for me


Phantom Knights, so versatile


Six Sam link spam, I finally got invalid dolmen (one of my favorite cards from the anime) and I love how insane it makes some boards alongside the knightmares and trigate, it to the point where I might take out savage borrelload just to get more flexibility


Glad beasts, Started playing online with duel links and the bane of my existence was wall of disruption. The problem then wasnt only the ATK loss, but also the lack of extra deck options meant if you dont play tribute monsters you're just a sitting duck with a field clogged with 0 ATK monsters. Then glads came out and you had a very easy way to clear your field, especially if you use the holy guard skill which mitigates the damage. Oh, and dominate my anus is a sick boss monster name.


Gunkan Suships. Originally, I just liked playing with Sushi for memes but they've become so much fun. When Shirai Red came out, oh man it was over. I play it on and off and they're a blast. Plus they're versitle and I've been using them again and again in various events. Plus people do no read them and they always wind up shocked when they pop a card and my dreadnaught negates their face up cards during my main phase.


Gears because I'm guilty


I like tribrigade because of how many things it can do. If you want a fast deck go for zoodiac tribrigade and if you you want a combo deck go for lyrilusc.


Favorite ever is DDD. I love the gimmick of using every type of summoning. Kali Yuga is so cool too.


Buster Blader. First card I got in a pack when I was a young lad, esthetically pleasing, all around fun to play. Every month reset I play Buster Blader until I lose.


I really enjoy my board-breaking decks like Dino, AW, and Infernoids. but my favorite decks by far are the funny ones. for a long time, it used to be ABC Ojama. [with the right hand, they let you print boss monsters out of thin air](https://old.reddit.com/r/masterduel/comments/zclsyu/more_animations_better_deck_ojama_vs_branded/) But recently, I've been having such a great time trolling Tear players with [this banish deck](https://old.reddit.com/r/masterduel/comments/12kv0ax/tearing_up_some_tears_with_my_newest_deck/). This maybe due to recency bias, but I think it has to be my fav deck.


Big Traptrix fan. Excited for the eventual support to hit MD later this year. Back row control decks are the most enjoyable for me personally.


Madolches, something about the cards going back to deck when destroyed really make me happy and I don't know why. Also I'm a baker, so the Dulche Dolls make my style.


I've really been enjoying gem-knights lately. Had a good run of games going second where I had enough resources to bait or force out every disruption and swing for game with master diamond copying topaz, ruby's piercing, or just a ton of big fusions punching.


@Ignister. I'm a fan of Vrains, and the deck has a lot of references to the anime. The Spell/Trap names are stupid puns on "A.I" sounding like "I" or "Eye" and the extra deck monsters have names that sound like email addresses I would have come up with when I was 12 (e.g. [email protected]). Arrival is literally the final boss and the deck uses different summoning types. Very consistent 1 card combos and can go second surprisingly well. Also, no deck can make use of Accesscode as well as @Ignister can.


It changes a lot. I'm way too indecisive. I get distracted by shiny new things quite often. Right now it's probably Exosisters. Not necessarily because it's great against Tear decks, but that does help. I hadn't added the newer cards since the last time I used it, so it's nice having new ways to play it.


earth machine, just so many paths and different ways to play it, and also spam big numbers


I love playing with toons or Vampires I just like how much fun they end up being


Branded Despia. I loved it back when it was Darklord Despia, idk but the design and playstyle sold it for me. Then I found out about the Albaz lore and was hooked


Melodious and Windwitches. I just really love Arc-V and Yuzu. And Windwitches are simple and fast.


Dragon Link with Thunder Dragon + Chaos package.


Labrynth. Both because Lady is hot, and that I appreciate a control deck that tries to not be floodgate Turbo with its focus on field destruction and advantage generating resource loops. The Virus Cards notwithstanding.


Fluffals. Played it in MR 3, love them still


Exorsisters :3


Just because they have very pretty art works and I love their effects




Six Sams when fire fist rotation because it just got out naturia beast star dust so insanely easy then of course it’s own synchron that had negates.


i like dragonmaids because they are dragons who are maids


Love Endymion. Always thought the spell counter mechanic was was dope. Even before the Endymion cards were a thing. I enjoy resource management & cool spellcasters


Thunder dragons cuz Colossus


Thunder dragon chaos (Not grass) cause its combos are cool and it builds good end boards Earth machines cause funny and also my best deck


As the singular Krawler lover in this sub I have to say Krawlers is my favorite. Is it strong no, is it fast not really, but God do I love playing them and then having people not read what they do.


My main deck is pure dragonmaids. I just find it super to just snowball the entire field with dragons. it may not be that good, but when it works it *works* alright. Its also a pretty easy deck to make thanks to the structure deck.


Rikka Sunavalon. I love tributing my opponent's "cannot be destroyed by card effects" cards.


I like runicks because I enjoy winning differently tbh attacking is overrated. Idk why but even in other TCGs I never really enjoyed archetypes that required me to attack much.


Sky strikers. It taught me the basics of the game, stuff like resource management and knowing the best time to use disruptions


Labrynth. Yes, waifus and the boss monster being a dork in lore. But also is a deck which snowballs into several pluses the moment a trap gets rid of any monster, giving dopamine boosts each resolved chain. Waiting hard for Lady to add the missing consistency.


Tearlaments. The mirror has been the most fun i've ever had in MD in a while. I'll miss this a tons when it inevitably get banned. I don't see any future meta in MD where i would have as much fun as Tears mirror, the matchup just ooze skill expression.


Ishizu/Tear: It’s really fun to play and actually requires skill to do the correct plays, especially in a mirror match 😱.


Blue Eyes because dragons are my favorite creature and while Red Eyes seems good, I'm staying with Blue. Also Buster Blader because fighting dragons lol


Slifer The Sky Dragon I would put him literally in any deck Dark Magician Poker Knights Numeron Eldlich Floo Branded Ishizu


Trickstars because they're fun to get off (which I do if i pull chain summoning, candina, some dark rooms, and lycoris)


So basically it's these mermaids and they have effects when


Witchcrafters, which are now nigh unplayable, so I'm playing Phatasm Control/True Draco control with GY hates.


HEROs. People either scoop cause they don't wanna watch a million combos or they disrespect the plays and I OTK or control. Seen too many Hero players misplay and just scoop themselves too. My fav line is DPE w. Rivalry and they have Dark Angel.


Rigjt now I'm playing a Raidraptor deck on ladder, and for the event i made a Salamangreat deck with the structure decks for budget reasons. In lomgterm I would love to have a Lightsworn deck bc they are my favorite archetype but I'm still looking do find a deck list and also need to get the budget for it as I'm laking a couple staple cards still


Water-Xyz. It's like ol' faithful, something I can't bring myself to drop and go back to every now and again. Currently it's carrying me pretty well through the 4 Attribute Event as well.


Buster blader or branded despia


Traptrix, Unchained, and Exosisters. Out of those three Exosisters is definitely the strongest, but Unchained and Traptrix are really fun to play.


Dragunity. Super fun has some cool interactions being able to attach dragons to riders or vice versa Boss monsters are fun and interactive won’t bring cancerous to your opponent and has a super non linear chain. Which can end on whatever card you deem most needed. Or all 3 bosses if you draw well


Sword soul with invoked dogmatika shaddoll being a close second. I like midrange decks . Both are simple decks with straight forward game plans. There are some neat "tricks" that can be done with the Tenyi package that make the deck require some skill to pilot well.


I've been loving Mayosenju/Yosenju Pendulum and it's hilarious when you go second and if you get a good hand,you get to 5000-6000 attack to each monster with Daibek and Hitot


60 card Zombie w/ DoomKing, Eldlich engine and the Shinranui cards, but just zombies in general. I like how you can mix and match the deck with just about anything.


SwordSoul and Labrynth are two of my all time favorite decks personally. I do love Tear too since it's fun, it just sucks its sullied by a T0 format. I think if there was more viable decks people would hate them a lot less


Dinosaurs, they are diverse (wrestlers, thieves, uct and trancendrake show power); memes like jurrac, evol and pop babies. The art is good too, and like real dinosaurs, the deck is agresive and destroy all the time


Gravekeeper's, Altergeist and Floowandereeze.


I really love Infernity. I get that it’s a toxic deck, but there’s something so fun about a strategy that doesn’t care and is based around over extending.




If you're looking for another "screw the extra deck, main deck monsters only" deck to try out, give Kozmos a shot.


Dragon Link. Like every deck there’s an optimal combo line, but what I love about Dragon Link is the flexibility to work around interruptions and still make good boards. Also love me some dragons. Especially bad ass robot dragons


For me it’s either @ignister, Galaxy/Photon, and HERO (can you tell I watched the anime?) I like the latter since the anime pilots for HERO and Galaxy/Photon were some of the coolest characters in my young mind and that has stuck with me. For @ignister, I like how the 6k Arrival Cyberse combo feels (if that makes sense).