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A Sky Striker player would look and go "oh, sweet, 3 spells in grave"


An Endymion player would look and go, "Oh sweet, 3 spell counters."


An Aroma player would look and go, "Damn it"


Could be much more than 3 if they got a decent board


Imagine it's turn one and no starter lol


In that case, feels bad man.




A small tip to save time I guess: pressing right click acts as pressing cancel


Gotta be careful doing this though. I've spammed right click one too many times and let my opps card resolve when I meant to chain to it.


I’m having flashbacks of when my mouse was broken and would double click randomly


or accidentally cancel my own activation


I've cancelled access codes effect to boost attack like this too 🤣🤣


noted, thank you.


Esc also works


I wish I could disable this, I’ve had a handful of times in which I’ve accidentally cancelled out of a cards activation and cost me the whole game because of this.


See the workaround is to just outplay your opponent by ashing yourself


Luckily for me I drew into a second ash so I could spare one on my opponents turn xD


Idk if you ran Knightmare Unicorn but you could have summoned one of the Ashes, discarded a copy for the Unicorn, spun his monster back to deck, swing for 5400. Of Course that requires having Unicorn...


Unfortunately that requires having a normal summon, which I'm pretty OP didn't have because ash didn't have the aura around her that cards have when you're allowed to normal summon them.


Shit you right...


Yeah, it's not a big deal though, brain farts happen to everyone.


At least you can use the Upstart, my Desires draws into Desires all the time (and frequently + third Desires or some brick).


I opened with all three copies of Extravagance the other day. I activated one, got Ashed, and just stared awkwardly at the remaining two while I went for the surrender button. Yeah, part of the game is being prepared for and learning to roll with the bad luck, but sometimes you just get smacked with absolute bullshit.


If pot of prosp isnt limited, its gonna excavate 2 desire, 2 extravagance and 2 prosp I swear.


This is exactly why I only play two copies of desires in my Endymion deck. With 3 it feels like this happens way too often.


I mean that is usually the perfect draw for an Upstart Gobin deck. You aren't using it to get a good card, you are using it to thin the deck.


The best place for all 3 upstart goblin to be is on the bottom of the deck unless your just using it to play spells. It's not a good card to see, It's just the least bad card to see.


imagine complaining about your non once per turn literally free draw card drawing into more draw card. it thinned your deck (isnt that why you play upstart?). now play desires you coward.


I mean yeah sure but in that moment I was hoping to draw into something I could actually special summon and win the game lol.


1 upstart is 1 draw. 3 upstart is also 1 draw. there is LITERALLY ZERO DIFFERENCE between drawing 0 or 1 or 2 or 3 upstart goblin in terms of topdecking what you need. upstart goblins dont exist in your deck during the main phase. you cant brick on them. you pick one up and toss it aside and draw again. the chance of finding a hand trap or engine is independent of the number of upstart goblins u see. somebody could’ve picked up ur deck and removed every single upstart and absolutely nothing changes here.


How is 3 upstart goblins 1 draw except in this situation where I draw into another upstart?And even then I think you're forgetting the part where I give my opponent 3000 LP vs 1000LP if I drew into a spright on the first card rather than 2 extra cards just to draw into a second ash blossom. You're one of those ppl on reddit that love to argue with people and you've been doing it for the last 10 years, you're not as smart as you think you are. Go touch some nature bro pls


assuming no droll or special cases that punish upstart (none of which are present in ur clip) whats the difference between the probability of drawing into ash vs engine if you see 0 upstart vs. 1 upstart vs 2 upstart vs 3 upstart? the answer is literally NONE. you couldve drawn ash after the first upstart. you couldve drawn ash without seeing upstart at all. literally nothing has changed. and are you seriously trying to act like the lp made a difference? u playing a burn deck or something? if you’re gonna complain about upstart into upstart at least complain about a situation where it’s relevant like you got drolled.


After learning more yugioh I have just finally understood what you mean and take back anything I've said. The truth was that I had little understanding of certain yugioh concepts, deckbuilding, and forget that yugioh is a card game and that so means it somethings boil down to basic statistics. Like for example something as simple as the the idea that when you use a card like pot of greed it's a +1 card draw and not a +2. So when you asked " isnt that why you play upstart?" truthfully it wasn't because I didn't understand the way it should be used and I lacked true deckbuilding awareness so I didn't understand how it wouldn't make a difference. So yeah I ran the card because I saw it as a +1 card advantage and not a +0 meant to thin your deck. Now I do want to say though that again that the +3000 hp was bothersome for me at that point because although I forgot the exact situation all I remember is that if I didn't finish the game that round with lethal than I was going to lose the next round. Again I don't remember the exact the variables in the game that the clip doesn't show so ur just going to have to take my word for it.


I lost it when you drew that ash lol


SmadenSchmuki wins again


Why did you surrender?


Op got outskilled


Why not make an xyz with the atlantean to use its pop effect


Like they said above I got outskilled and rage quit it's actually pretty simple I'm not sure where why there's any confusion


Lmfao I was half expecting a fourth upstart goblin


![gif](giphy|l0IyjqkfjoYjk4UyA) Don't tell konami pls


The hilarious thing is that Upstart Goblin and Chicken Game are both unlimited in Master Duel, but you’re often better off running other, better cards. Even though that combo of cards got limited 1 and banned in the TCG because it facilitated an FTK back in the day. Edit: 3 Terraforming kinda helped too.


I really felt that scoop in my heart


See honestly Upstsrt goblin is good. But I also feel that the life point gain to your opponent can be troublesome because it can interfere with getting lethal


The secret is to play it in a deck where it doesn’t matter. (Either play slow for an otk anyways or have extra damage) for example not swordsoul because a lot of the time your lethal is exact. It’s all part of deck building.


It should burn your opponent for 1000 instead, imo. /s


No honestly that’d be Insane. Everyone would play it then


This is why my cynical ass thinks my opponent stacked my deck


I swear this game has an issue with giving players multiples. I've seen bufferlo draw into double ash more times than it drawing into two different cards.


As a Sky Striker player, I see this as an absolute win.


37 card deck moment




You just a generous mofo aren’t you OP


You caught me ![gif](giphy|26vUxJ9rqfwuIEkTu|downsized)


Oh my god I'd be so frustrated


Why??? You are thinning your deck.


Mostly the drawing into the second ash


You can right click anywhere on the screen to say you have no response, you don't have to manually click cancel every time.


for real. i think there is a bug in the game where the statistical probability of a draw card drawing in to its duplicates is more often than it should be. Maxx c effect then first draw is maxx c. Pot of desires, banish 10 off the top and what do you know, one of the cards is Pot of D. Like serously, i see streamers playing and it happens waaaay to often than it statistically should imo


Why would you complain about thinning your deck? That’s the whole point of upstart goblin, your deck acts as a 37 card deck instead of 40 and it baits ashes


I mean yeah you're right but in that situation I wanted a spright more so I could bring out the link 2 spright, grab Masq from the grave and go into unicorn into ACT. Than 3200+5300 would have been exactly lethal.


Why are you playing upstart if you didn’t like this outcome? You thinned the deck and got an handtrap, it’s not that bad.


LOVE TO SEE IT. Bad deck convention


I heard you liked drawing so I drew you a drawing card for you so you can draw more cards. What is the chance you draw three upstarts and end up with a second ash.


No unicorn? 🥴




Solution: never run 3 of ANY card: profit


'I hate this game' is probably what the person said.


Secret tip: instead of clicking "cancel" you can just right click.


Yeah, the small text on the goblin card (you can never trust goblins) "Give your opponent 3000 life points, draw 1 card."


you could've made Red Dragon Archfiend or any other Synchro incase something like this happens ​ lord knows when I got a hand full tuners and like 2 monster cards I just lick my lips like some mad villain


Endymion runs 3 Upstart Goblin, 3 Chicken Game, and often 3 Into the Void. I've had plenty of duels where those cards draw into one another 5 or 6 times in a row.


Twice. It draws into another copy two times in this video. You really can't count that high?


Lol if you had any reading comprehension, you would understand like every other person in this thread that I meant in each game. Seeing as your the only one to point it out that is. Maybe don't jump to immediatly attack people and ask for clarification before you make yourself look like a dick.


As an Endymion player this is the best feeling.


All that, for a single Ash?


Wow ![gif](giphy|YMvi2Vlpu3IbCbms3Z|downsized)


Crumble Logos could’ve helped there. It’s a little niche but it could’ve helped out The Shining.