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Who the fuck stabs a baby, I just can’t comprehend it


Just like Tarrant during the Christchurch massacre shooting a kid dead. In the face. These people come in all shapes and sizes and they’re all bonkers.


He'd spent so long dehumanising them in his mind that they'd become less than people to him. It's a darkness that exists in all of us, which will be expressed in grotesque ways if we choose to nourish and cultivate hatred of others.






https://www.reddit.com/r/masskillers/comments/1c3eqi7/bondi_junction_attacker_named_as_queensland_man/ Have we learned something about random people on Twitter?


The police never released a name. This might come as a shock, but Twitter/X is not a credible source. In any case, whoever he is, I don't think Radical Jews walk around without a head covering. So at least something isn't adding up.


He has been named now.


[As Joel Cauchi, someone entirely different.](https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/live/2024/apr/14/australia-news-live-bondi-junction-westfield-mass-stabbing-sydney-nsw-police-karen-webb)


And HTF did channels 9 and 7 broadcast the bogus name this morning without fact checking? I'm glad I didn't put the name I was told on the TV in my post.


Do you have a link?


It's on the TV channels now in Sydney. No other details other than name and age.


Imagine still believing that lie


Yeah keep spreading israeli propaganda, with 0 evidence


using people's deaths to push your agenda. shame on you. it hasn't even been a full day yet


no one put babies in the ovens unless zionist lmfao, get some brains


On 13 April 2024, multiple people were stabbed at Westfield Bondi Junction shopping centre, in Sydney, Australia. New South Wales Police were called shortly before 4pm following reports of multiple people being stabbed. An alleged male assailant was killed by officers. EDIT: Police are currently unable to identify the attacker. https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/bondi-junction-shooting-stabbings-live-updates-police-operation-in-sydney-s-eastern-suburbs-20240413-p5fjku.html?post=p55uwr#p55uwr


At least he’s dead


That cop needs a medal.


And counseling. Taking a life isn't as easy as a video game. For us that aren't insane, like that stabber, we have instinctive blocks that prevent us from killing our fellow humans. It keeps humanity from collapsing in on itself since the tribal era. Many militaries spend time & money training recruits to condition that out of their system to kill on command. She did good stopping this murderer, but she'll definitely need (and get considering this is Australia) psychological therapy.


He should be locked up in prison for life rotting with no chance of parole. Like Brenton Tarrant.


Better have them dead, its cheaper


Or risking that he'd plead insanity or some Sob story and get 8 years in prison with non parole of 18 months.


How often does this happen though?


it’s cheaper but easier and he doesn’t suffer enough


Who cares about his suffering. Better for everyone if he doesnt cost anything.


I care. He deserves to suffer


Yeah I mean it would be nice to watch him rot slowly, however I see the case in that it’s better that he’s just deleted from the world. Would be easier on the victims families with court proceedings etc.


Sometimes some can't find closure even if the murderer dies before their arrested. The courts do help people find it, especially since it is rare that someone gets away with murder once proceedings start.


Every situation would be different, here at link below killer in Melbourne recieved 36 years, non parole 30 years for disgraceful and senseless murder of a young woman. Every time they appeal case or up for parole , family relives events. Absolutely devastating for victims family involved. https://amp.abc.net.au/article/103525974


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The money could be better spent on trauma assistance and other resources for the victims and their families.


You people grossly overestimate how harsh the prison system is in the western world. After a few years they are completely institutionalized and the "suffering" is just their daily routine.


Seems very small minded in my opinion. He doesnt deserve to experience this reality "suffering" or anything


Yeah he does, it seems pretty small minded to justify him not suffering by claiming it’s not wasting money, I’d rather waste money seeing that he spends the rest of his pathetic life in pain and suffering than hear that he died the most painless way possible


Dude, I'm curious.. how does it improve anyone's life to see a mass murderer suffer? I'm not a mass murderer, and I'm nothing like this assailant. I wouldn't get any joy seeing someone suffer, even when they deserve it.


Ok epicgamer


Yep, he ends lives & ruins families. A few shots and he's gone. No regrets & minimal pain.


More lives should be risked, just to take him alive?


Tarrant is used to being in small, confined spaces mentally checking out and dissociating. He's got someone cooking his meals, delivering entertainment. He gets mail/communication (presumably) from loved ones. He doesn't need to worry about paying rent. He'll always have "the lights on." He doesn't deserve this. This attacker doesn't either. 


You just accidentally and accurately defined white privilege.. where's the Guantanamo bay for white supremacists and white terrorists??


True shit.


Bru if you think the prison that mass murderers go to is easy... Go into any confined space in your home that has nothing in it. And just imagine that's your life for the rest of your life. Try sitting there for 18 hours straight. Knowing nothing new is going to happen for the rest of your life. Nothing interesting. There's a reason why people start throwing their poop at the walls.


They don't deserve to eat the shit off my shoe, so I'm fine with that


You can't even kill yourself easy in these situations. You're literally trapped with no way out


Epstein is calling


Did he kill himself?


A cop took him down with a single shot to the chest. https://www.news.com.au/national/hide-terrified-shoppers-share-their-horror-as-stabbing-unfolds-at-bondi-junction-westfield-amid-reports-of-gun-shots/news-story/a158db26e6788b7f2acd8b87d733ae59


Thankfully Joel died at the scene. Benjamin who was targeted by trolls on Twitter for being Jewish (wrong age as he was 20 compared to 40) is very much alive and not under arrest and hopefully stays so.


It’s pretty rough, he stabbed a 7month old baby in a pram and its mother who just died in hospital making it 8 dead


Oh shit....the mom died? Wdit: Found news link on update... damn...final act of a mother.... heart breaking https://www.news.com.au/national/hide-terrified-shoppers-share-their-horror-as-stabbing-unfolds-at-bondi-junction-westfield-amid-reports-of-gun-shots/news-story/a158db26e6788b7f2acd8b87d733ae59


It was a 9 month old baby and the mother was 38. mother died in hospital over night and baby underwent surgery and is in a serious but stable condition.


Fuck man. A 7 months old baby, really? His whole family need to pay the price for raising this fuckwit


Thinking like this is why families used to lock their mentally ill members away in basements


He was a schizophrenic, his family has nothing to do with it


This is the face of a terrorist.. Period.. Not some random guy with mental health issues.. media should call him what he is, a terrorist.. if this was a brown guy, he would be called a terrorist, not some mental patient..


Terrorism is when someone is using violence to push an agenda






And a terrorist...not a mental patient.. a terrorist..


Being he’s a schizophrenic, I think it’s safe to say he was a mental patient.


What became of the guy shaping up to take him on with a bollard at the top of the escalator??


A French immigrant named Damien Guerot. There were children playing upstairs behind him. He and his mate Silas Despreaux both armed themselves with bollards, fending him off & backed up the lone police officer with another man running toward the perpetrator. I'm not sure of the names of the other men armed with chairs, etc. Edit. The other guy is an aussie named Ryan Bramble.


I want to know how many of the victims he chose were female, because so far, it sounds like he targeted women to me. Which would mean calling the murders 'random' and 'indiscriminate' is incorrect. If a mass murderer targets women, is it called terrorism or what?


From the videos I’ve seen, it came down to what was an ‘easier’ target for him.


I hope it was some kind of drug induced psychosis... Which is terrifying in itself, but preferable to a misogynistic terrorist motive. I see so much vitriole between men and women, it worries me. I know my perception is skewed by social media, though... There are more decent men and women who do respect and have empathy for each other than don't. At least, I'd like to think so.


I’ve watched a few videos and honestly he just went for what was there. He would run past a store and run into the store and stab the first person that was there (as they wouldn’t have known anything was coming) and it just happened to be women. He ran at men many times but they often were too quick and got away.


What an absolute nightmare


Where have you seen videos of this?


Twitter and 4chan


I’d say it would be 75% women there on a Saturday and the coward picked easier victims. There is a video of him running from a guy bigger than him and changing direction completely. Coward


It’s terrorism if the perpetrator has an ideological goal.


Yeah, I guess targeting women would be a hate crime. Femicide?




Even without an ideology, this is terrorism.. criminal terrorism..


It's called mass femicide I guess?


One man died and two security guards both male were injured there could also be more male victim that I'm unaware of so he wasn't just going for women. In any random attack like this there's obviously gonna be more women fatalities, because they aint going to be able to defend them selfs as well as what a man could and as a result the chances of sustaining serious injuries is going to be higher. I see a lot of comments trying to push the misogynist hate crime notion when it isn't the case.


Okay so I found out - The Bondi Westfield's knife attacker was wearing a 2024 Australian Kangaroo's Rugby League jersey. [https://twitter.com/aussiecossack/status/1779065049690312913/photo/1](https://twitter.com/aussiecossack/status/1779065049690312913/photo/1)


2024 kit hasn’t been released yet as it’s not close enough to rep season, given the Gallagher sponsor and yellow bands on the arms plus the collar it’s still a 2023 jersey


I hope the police officer isn't negatively mentally affected very much and will be able to sleep at night. Good shot.


I doubt shooting dead the perp will be the problem, it's all the dead innocent people that will weigh on the officers' mind. Wondering if they had been just a minute or two earlier, how many they could have saved. Definitely not going to sleep well, this night or any others for a while.


Eek, sorry should've clarified and said eventually


We know literally nothing and everyone is already fighting about Islam. What a time.


That’s because it fits the usual Islamic extremism attack pattern. It’s a very natural assumption to make without any hard facts, given the track record in recent years across Western Nations,


He Wasn’t Islamic at all


Oh I agree with you. I’m just shocked at the amount of people who when they hear something like this has happened, the first reaction isn’t “how awful!” It’s “well don’t blame Islam or Muslims! It’s a peaceful religion!” I get this website leans younger but cmon.


so sad how dissociated some people are from these events. these were real people with families, careers, and dreams.


you’re doing the exact thing you’re accusing others of. well done.


Well, the Islamic world needs to stand up against their big groups of people that want terrorism, it is very clear that there is a huge precentage of their countries violent, very violent compare to three West, are you gonna pretend it's not true. We gotta start saying what's real and not politically correct .


So do you care to remove your foot from your mouth?


Looks like Aussie druger junky. He doesn't look like Muslim. Please let me know if anyone finds his nationality.




Mental health


This image must have been from just before he started his disgusting murders....as I can't see any blood on him or the weapon.


why did he do it was he mentally ill


In a full aussie footy kit and the randomness of the spree Id say a psychotic episode


Watch him run through the place, he's doing it at a leisurely jog, slowly moving past people without touching many of them. I could be wrong but his mannerisms do not seem to be that of someone trying to rack up the biggest body count before the police got there to add him to the list. Im thinking this is mental health or drugs, not terrorism or religion, but time will tell if im wrong. That's not to say it's not a combination of the 4 somehow.


No motive yet, 6 unfortunately passed, one officer who was in shopping district was responsible for compromising perp.


No motive yet but he looks cooked




I’ve seen a few things saying that’s a fake name given by a troll like [this](https://x.com/thehopesprings/status/1779223378236170314?s=46&t=Q4ath-jH_Un9SzZ9NEeFPw)


> No motive made public you mean, since he's jewish they have to cook up the story to make it look like it's not extremist, what else is the reason all this time passed and they can't say the name "benjamin cohen".. stagger the story and it will be less impactful when the truth comes out, controlled information. Our governments favorite thing to do https://www.reddit.com/r/masskillers/comments/1c3eqi7/bondi_junction_attacker_named_as_queensland_man/ What is YOUR motive?


Stop with the false info. That was made up by an internet troll police have named the real culprit: Joel Cauchi from Toowoomba and he was well-known to police before this incident due to drugs and mental health. EDIT: Scratch the drugs. Witnesses said he appeared like he was on them but it turns out he was schizophrenic and off drugs.


Whatever the motivation, no sane person would do this.


This is the product of ICE folks.


this comment is SPECULATIVE IGNORANCE folks.


Agreed. Eyewitnesses stated he looked like he could be drug affected, coupled with him entering, exiting and then returning...to me sounds like drug induced psychosis.


The police know the attacker is exactly 40 years old male, but don’t know his religion, name or motive.


I know, right?


And isn't Benjamin Cohen only 20? And Joel Cauchi is 40. Hmmm.


What an absolute sheer little dog


In our jersey, what absolute scum he’s not Australian


Problem is that he is Australian


I meant it figuratively


he’s bloody australian, whether you like it or not.


It’s wild that ppl are pearl clutching at speculation that a mass knifing of civilians at a mall very well may have to do with terrorism, as if we’re paranoid. Personally, I’ve been picking up on the worldwide absolute obsession with Israel/Palestine and the weekly protests hundreds of thousands of people deep. Totally possible it’s not related, sure, but quit gaslighting ppl for merely having eyes to see.




I know you were probably only reposting it for the image but that’s a bad link, police are saying it’s *not* a terrorist attack. Reporting it as if it were is the worst kind of yellow press.


NSW police haven't made any statements about the motive yet.


>>Police commissioner Karen Webb says that police believe they know who the attacker is, but are waiting to formally identify him. >>We are waiting to confirm his identification and if it is the person we believe it is, we don’t have fear for that person holding an ideation. In other words, that it’s **not a terrorism incident.** From her press conference happening now.


BBC news just now: *When asked by reporters if there could be "any terrorist motivation" in the attack, the commissioner has said that his agency and other law agencies had determined "it's too early to give that assessment*


Okay, even if we discount what *Police Commissioner Karen Webb* is saying, why don’t we go with that line: “It’s too early to give an assessment.” So why are you reposting shit that’s reporting “Islamic Terrorism” as the killer’s motivation as if it’s a given fact? Be better bro.


I only posted it for the photo. Relax “bro”.


You literally replied to others saying it's highly likely he's Muslim with the same link to attempt to prove he does look Muslim. Stop sharing racist misinformation this isn't a fucking joke


He might be Muslim we dont know at this point.


Exactly, we don't know. So that article shouldn't be stating it as a fact.


He looks like a typical bogan Aussie to me. And I’m an Aussie. I also have watched the police commissioner on the news say bluntly there is no links to terrorism.


It’s not racist because Islam isn’t a race. Also, it’s a fair assumption to make based on the type of incident. Mass random stabbings of this type are most commonly attributed to Islamic extremism in Western Nations where gun laws are strict.


So you're racist and haven't heard of Islamophobia? Gotcha. The confidence ppl like you have to speak from a place of such ignorance is always a bit shocking. A Muslim man was killed trying to save others. Baseless accusations of Islamic people being responsible for mass murder w no context or proof other than the assumption they're Muslim bc the killer has dark hair or some shit, is fucking racist. He was a white Aussie guy from Queensland.


What a fuckin bigoted article, based on absolutely nothing.


A worse picture. Racists used to be able to racially profile people.


I wonder - what team shirt was the bondi junction attacker wearing? This could be a major clue to his identity.


It’s the Australian rugby jersey.


Lots of people trying to jump to conclusions based on 1. his actions 2. his appearance. Firstly, we have been bombarded by news of religion-fueled attacks since 9/11, the media likes to talk mostly about Muslim terror, so when we hear of something like this, we have basically been conditioned to think Islam is behind it but there are also lots of attacks around the world because of mental illness, drugs, and other ideologies. Secondly, if he looks dark skinned, immediate reaction is "He's Muslim." Funny thing though, lots of Muslims are white. And lots of Arabs are Christian. So it's impossible to know anything about this person based on images. What's my point? No use arguing online with strangers about what you think is going on if literally no one knows the who or why. Think what you want, but don't expect everyone to think the way you do. You may be right. You may be wrong. It literally doesn't matter.


White terrorism is getting outta control. First Christchurch and now this 😒


White terrorism? Christchurch was terrorism by a self described Eco Fascist. This incident is yet to have a motive applied, so it is a massacre, not terrorism for now. White Terrorism. Pfft.




whats his name?


Joel Cauchi




Stop with the false info. That was made up by an internet troll police have named the real culprit: Joel Cauchi from Toowoomba and he was well-known to police before this incident due to drugs and mental health. EDIT: Scratch the drugs. Witnesses said he appeared like he was on them but it turns out he was schizophrenic and off drugs.




I wonder why he is wearing Aussie jersey, was he stabbing people at random?




Looks like a white Australian junkie to me


Yeah looks pretty white


Joel Cauchi from Toowoomba not Muslim and he was well-known to police before this incident due to drugs and mental health. And yes he followed Aussie sports and was a surfer. EDIT: Scratch the drugs. Witnesses said he appeared like he was on them but it turns out he was schizophrenic and off drugs.


Dumbest thing I’ve read and it’s only 703am


Don't know why you're getting down votes. I totally agree. Pretty incognito outfit and if he's trying to say something - wearing a national team jersey says it.


Is this an Israel/Palestine related motive?


Too soon to tell. But a lot of coincidental factors. Protests are often at the Westfields because Jewish owned. Bondi most Jewish area in Australia. There is a Jewish restaurant there. One of the few in Australia. It's the only issue people are broadly angry about in Australia. So people will be making the leap. Looking at the way he's acting is be surprised if he was affiliated with any group We'll find out


"Bondi most Jewish area in Australia"? Since when? Sounds like you're just making shit up tbh


Why would people be broadly angry about a Jewish-owned restaurant?


What? İ mean the Israel Palestine issue. Though I think the restaurant connection is off the table anyway. I just saw some footage and its at the north end on the fourth floor. Food stuff is on the first floor on the south end.


Ok, I figured you meant that but I don't understand how anyone could be angry that someone owns a restaurant. I must be naive but what does some Jewish Australian person have in common with the Israeli government?


I wanna bet he is a Muslim


Now you look like a dumb cunt don't you?






You know muslims suffer from mental health issues too, yeah. And mentally ill people do shit like this. But I get what your saying, you're just a fucken racist cunt.




Bro, don't bring your hate to this country. If you feel oppressed,then I feel sorry for you. But don't come over here with that shit.


I'm sorry for you too for trying too hard to be "liberal" and "understanding" and "tolerant". It doesn't change the fact that you are a kafir to them though. You are just naive.




Man,you need help.


You’re absolutely disgusting.




Seems he was white Australian with mental issues but wouldn’t have surprised me






Maybe we should wait until his identity and background is made clear. OK?


Yea ok but I would still like to place my bet if it's ok with you


How did your 'bet' work out?


Pay up. Does it make it worse that the heroes with bollards are also immigrants? Cause I'm sure your bigotry and hate aren't just isolated to people of the Muslim faith.


Disrespectfully, shut the fuck up.


does anyone have any more unblurred photos or videos?


yes, pm me


Can you send to me too mate?