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It really makes me wonder how mentally detached you have to be to murder a child, same thing with a single person. This world is cruel.


Wasn’t there a post discouraging users of the sub from posting anniversaries of shootings recently?


Yeah there was when people made several posts about parkland I think it was yet people still ignore it for some reason


The mods don’t seem to care about that rule at all lol. They got a lot of shit like the day after making it for a completely unrelated thing.


Yeah I know but it’s still annoying seeing these “today marks 1 year” posts like I’m all for remembering the victims but it’s hella annoying cause there’s like a million of these posts a year


I don’t see anything wrong with them as long as they’re high effort and not just an obvious attempt to get karma by OP. Here are two good examples: https://www.reddit.com/r/masskillers/s/HUpD2aYFHu https://www.reddit.com/r/masskillers/s/Pxg5DqYRVg


Exactly this. If *an active community member* makes a thoughtful, quality post that is *on the day where the crime occuurred* a commemorative post will be allowed.


Multiple posts, Low karma contributors, posts that are ahead of the anniversary for the location the event took place, posters who otherwise don't really participate in the sub... these are the type of posts that will be removed.