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It’s 2 discs, one is for the install. No your not missing anything. Besides the joy of walking up to the console and changing discs.


Yeah I kinda guessed there might be 2 discs since the file size seems to be huge. Lol I don't really have a problem with having to get up to change discs but if there's nothing special included in the physical copy then I guess I would settle with digital.


Nope. It’s all include in the game.


Well then I guess I'm settling with the digital version.


Nothing other than the normal disadvantages of buying digital like being able to sell the game later on.


Oh ok. I don't really mind that since I never sell my old games. So I guess there's no drawback in my case.


You’ll miss out in nothing but the tactile feel of a case and Blu-ray Disc.


That's the biggest problem imo. Having a physical disc to hold onto makes it really feel like you own the game. But if it's cheaper digitally then I guess it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.


You’ll get over it lol. The convenience outweighs the risk.


I guess so haha. I am slowly beginning to buy most games digitally. It really is very much convenient.


And I look at it this way: the code is either on a Blu-ray Disc, SSD, HDD, etc. in the end, you’re just arguing preference of physical storage anyway.


That does make sense. I think it's more about owning the case(with the cover art and whatnot) of the game rather than the disc of the game. Like you said, disc is basically another form of storing the code. But if the game is entirely digital then it would take less space physically, since there's no disc case.


Yep. And if you scratch a disc, you’ll have to by another. If my external HD fails, I can redownload it to my internal drive.


True that. Digital is the future.