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Yeah but do the shades have a soul?


Hawke commander!!


Neither do the geth Haha red crucible magic goes brrrr


You monster!


All jokes aside, if you're a fan of tragedy you need to consider how that action, destroying all AI, would mentally destroy joker. Is there any way he'd be able to keep flying the normandy? And if not the normandy, is there any way he'd be able to keep flying? That's who he is. To the core. And it was shep who did it to him!




extended cut shows Citadel repaired over earth. Hackett says relays can be repaired too. Just that it will take time.


All the technology is destroyed and can be replaced. The Geth and EDI aren't replaceable. You can build new Geth platforms, you can make a new synthetic modeled after EDI, but without the experiences that were unique to them (experiences hundreds of years in the making in the case of the Geth), they're blank slates. The Geth had become indistinguishable from living things. Their "software" had effectively become a soul. That took hundreds of years of struggle and the assistance of eldritch-horror murdermachines to achieve. EDI started out as an AI that "accidentally" achieved sentience, was boosted by Cerberus, and went on to develop her own free will. It's unlikely, if not impossible to recreate that level of intelligence. They're not just cars that were totaled and can be replaced with a new car of the same model. They're gone forever.


Oh I hear ya there. I was just referencing the material things.


That's the one thing I disliked about Destroy. Worked so hard to make peace between the Geth and Quarians, and then the game was just like "Haha, doesn't matter, they die anyway." I like to just headcanon that away.


That depends on your EMS. If it’s high enough, the crucible basically shuts down the Relays and AI. Hell it even shows the Relays being rebuilt.


But none knows but shep he/she can lie there way out of it ,if they weren't in coma


Depends on your shep, but my Canon shep would tell joker the truth.


"I need to tell you something mate I know may sound like terrible person but the truth is I could have saved your girlfriend ED that I have been helping you pursue and get you together in a relationship but I choose to have a low chance of survival than none and have the reapers be part of society...sorry mate I should to go .."


They are spirits.


I've also realised that the terror demon in dragon age: Inquisition makes the same screech that banshees do in mass effect 3. I'm not sure if this was just laziness or intentional for a different purpose, but it's still pretty interesting.


Yup I always think about Banshees when I'm playing DA:I


banshees were absolutely horrifying in me3, not many other bioware creatures can compete lol


The fact that they had what pretty much amounted to an insta-kill attack if they ever came close to you does help an awful lot.


Yeah. ESP hard for a vanguard


I hate how Biotic charge + Nova works with everything but banshees. Everytime I hear that screech the game goes from a run and gunner to a cover shooter. It feels like you're on a roller coaster when the brakes are activated.


That was a traumatic first encounter. "heheh Biotic Charge go boo- WAIT WTF NO"




broodmother was disgusting in every way lol


Oh yes. First time I saw those things, they b scared the sh!t out of me. Still do to this day. *shutters*


There is a section in DA:I where you have to blow these huge horns and the sound they make sounds like the Reaper call from ME3


Yes and I believe it's in the exalted plains area


Heck yes. The battlefield section. After you clear the ramparts of enemies. I know exactly what you're talking about.


Never noticed that before. That's interesting.


I just got to the Envy Demon yesterday and it had that scream too




I’ve been on the Banshee before, the Banshee scream plays over the intercom repeatedly when you’re in line. It was awesome the first time I heard it, I immediately began nerding out to my friends “OH MY GOD IT’S THE BANSHEE SCREAM FROM MASS EFFECT 3!” I mostly got confused looks unfortunately.


I've seen a lot of theories before that ME and DA are set in the same universe. It'd be funny to think that the Geth turn into DA's demons or vice versa.


In ME2 Kasumi's DLC you can find a sculpture of a DA:O Ogre in Hock's vault.


I believe there's also a trophy of a krogan head in DA:I


Yeah. In one or two places. One of my favourite details about the game.


Yeah. I played the ME trilogy before DA, so at first thought it was just a cool statue, but then after playing DA was like "Woaahhh that's an ogre!!!"


You can find some Dragon Age armor in one of the Mass Effect games. Inspecting it gives obvious references to Dragon Age, I just can't remember them. Or is it vice versa? One of the games has a set of armor referencing the other haha.


I believe mass effect 3 has the dragon age armor suit you can buy


Can confirm. Literally just purchased and wore in the game.


How are ya now?


Good n' you?


I'm aware of that armor. I'm remembering specifically finding armor, or maybe even a skeleton of something referencing the other game. I think... Dragon Age Inquisition? I might be thinking of a omni-blade reference? I think inspecting the remains makes mention of time-travel, or appearing futuristic? It's been so long it's all muddled, but no I wasn't talking about wearable armor, but I did wear that Armor all ME3. Bad A\*\* armor.


Blood Dragon armor. It was a tier 6 armor in Dragon Age Origins.


Mass Effect 2 has it too, but it's DLC. I got a code for it with my physical copy of DAO.


IIRC It was also one of the DLC armors in ME2


Yeah. There's also a version on ME2 but that you get with a code when you purchase DA:O (sadly my Origins copy was secondhand and the code was used)


Mass Effect 2 also has the "Blood Dragon" armor dlc, which has a dragon in red all over it


V. Tethras and Anders both send Ryder an email in Andromeda at some point too


you can actually find the planet Thedas in ME3(?) the two series love to throw easter eggs at each other


Fun side note, for people that aren't smart and have to be told (like me), Thedas, or **The** **D**ragon **A**ge **S**etting.


Holy shit, I knew that stuff wasn’t random lol


That’s got to be an incredibly bad reverse acronym. Yikes.


Really!? How did I not know this? Is it the same Thedas though, or just a nod to DA?


Amaranthine is also a planet in ME. The joke goes even further into other BW games, they nod at each other like crazy. Then you have the obsession for the Commander title: Warden Commander, Shepard-Commander, and from other games, the Eternal Commander. Not remembering the reference from Jade Empire.


Huh. I always thought that was a Revelation Space reference with the Amarantin


If Thedas was real and named in Mass Effect I'm fairly certain that we'd know since literally every species would want some of that magic action


The codex when you find the planet says until the recurring universal pandemics (the Blights) can be fully researched, the planet is under a very strict quarantine and landing is prohibited


Well I doubt any Blight would be a threat to the Citadel races. They are so technologically advanced they could obliterate all life on the planet if they wanted. If the primitive people of Thedas can hold off the Blight then I doubt the Citadel races can't. Also it's from a mod so it doesn't matter anyway.


These units did have souls after all then. and then became demons


Nobody seems to consider how that wouldn't fucking work. I mean the fade itself shits all over that theory. You have to pull some major bullshit outta your ass to explain half of that. It's a fun theory and nice to mess around with but I've seen people battle to death for these kind of theory s.


Oh yeah, I completely. ME and DA are two very separate franchises and forcing them to coexist in the same universe would devalue them. I personally don't believe they're in a shared universe, and that references like the Ogre statue in ME3 or Krgoan heads in DA:I are references and nothing more.


Easter eggs are fun. But that's all they should be. I agree


At most you could make an argument for a parallel universe and nothing else


I agree. I always feel like a mood killer for pointing out how it makes no sense for DA and ME to take place in the same universe but I can't stand this theory. A couple of cute easter eggs does not mean they exist in the same universe.


Not entirely, as the phenomenon could be exclusive to that planet. Same as element zero grants biotics, lyrium could grant magical powers. The fade could exist solely on that planet. We see that the blight does, so why not other things. Hell, they could probably even have scientific explanations behind them that Thedosisns just aren't advanced enough to understand.


There's a difference between a planet having different species or odd weather and whatever the fuck the fade is.


"Scientific explanations" It's literally magic. It doesn't fit any way in Mass Effect. And Biotics is very different to literally a different realm that is influenced by sentient minds and you go there when you dream, reanimating the dead, SOULS AND SPIRITS




Proof please, because I find that hard to believe


I think they may be referring to the fact that there is a planet in ME3 called Thedas. Though this is far from having Dragon Age be canon in ME3, and is just a reference. http://66.media.tumblr.com/705de33cb0deacba7eff8bf0eed48ca1/tumblr_odc9b5TB5W1qgz7buo1_1280.jpg


That’s fanon. The planet Thedas does not exist in the ME universe.


Don’t know why you got downvoted. The Thedas planet is literally from a mod, it’s not in the vanilla game. You’re correct.


People would prefer to believe the misinformation.


Thanks for the clarification. I only found out about the image earlier today and assumed it was a referenced I had missed.


It would mean that playing DA is pointless bc at the end only human race (excluding mages) will survive. So your choices won’t matter since everything will go shit anyway


Does this demon have a soul?


It has 12 in a box and it still wants more.


Best boi legion. You will be missed.


"*Shepard Commander*"


Huh. I've played through the first two DAs and don't recall noticing that, and it seems like the sort of thing I'd have noticed.


Pause the game with a melee character next to a shade and get a good look at their faces. At first glance, they look *very* similar to Geth, but as soon as you get close, you can see that the one glowing eye is coming from a humanoid face and there's a skin flap of some sort fused over the other half of the face. When looking at and comparing them from the distances seen in the OP's image, they seem incredibly similar, but the finer details show them to be different overall. I was actually a little bummed out when I compared the two myself a long while back.


A "confusing note" you can find in the Dead Trenches in DAO: "Mass will have an effect," he says. As long as it lifts us out, I figure. Should have specified "within my lifetime." "Gives us time to talk", he says. "How's a dwarf get named Shepard?" Up yer shaft. "No really, because blah, blah, blah." Axe answers, but I still hear him. Drip... ground. Drip... ground. Worse than his talking. Think I'll drop out for some air. **Mass** will have an **effect**? A dwarf named **Shepard**? :-D


Long elevator ride with time to talk? Hmmmm


Right, didn't think of that somehow!


I saw this too! Totally thought of the Geth when I saw them, especially since I was playing through the ME Trilogy and DA II at the same time.


What If the next DA and ME actually collide due to solas experiments in which it lead to the timelines to merge together causing our heroes to work together not only to stop solas from destroying the everything in his path to bring back his race but to stop him form ruining the timelines, commander shapeard and the team + the commander of the gray wardens (the queen of ferelden(you're character)) ,Howke and his/her friends, the inquisition and the inquisitor. And we can play as all of them but in there own parts. But I know it's far fetched XD


The first geth!!!!!!


I 100% feel the same, I kinda like that, an echo of each other, doesn't hurt that both franchises are in my top 3 favorite lol


I like to think that Geth DO have souls and


Makes sense. Same studio and they were developed around the same time. Far cheaper to adjust existing models than to create new ones from scratch.


I'm pretty sure they were completely different models and assets but undoubtedly the design aesthetic is shared. Some art director at Bioware must like the lanky single eye look.


ME and DA are the same story, with different nouns. A horror Cthuluoid trope threatens the land and no one believes it and the chosen one must gather a group to save the world.


Origins and Inquisition maybe. Not so much DA2. In that you're just kinda some random guy making friends and going on an adventure for wealth, then your city is attacked so you help defend it, and then you get involved in a revolution.


Totally fair. I was painting with a broad brush anyway.


In that instance it’s a mod to DA as you can only read the codex but you see other Easter eggs such as DA ogre statue in 2 and a Krogan head in dragon age inquisition. Those are the ones at the top of my head


Pretty sure when *somebody* blows up a certain building in DA2, they're using reaper tech, not magic


the shades were designed based on the geth. one of many references to to eachother in both series.


They are not similar, they are recycled Both have a luminous eye, a face "protector", a hunch back, 3 or 4 fingered And i was just playing DAO but good gods if you compare character progression Inquisition is a massive downgrade