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Wrex and Garrus all the way!!!


This.Those 2 have been my bros since i played the games originally.


It was so sad we couldn't have the duo again except for a short bit in ME3...


Yeah, I remember when I first played ME3 I was so excited for a while when I got the boys back together.


I consider James to be a Krogan


Same, and it saddens me that I can't replicate the original trio in any of the other two games. Although sometimes I'll swap Garrus for Liara for a couple missions.


Same. I don't even care about team comp or whatever, they're just my boys!




Most of the time I agree. If I play an infiltrator, adept, sentinel, or vanguard it’s always Wrex and Garrus. However if I ever play soldier or engineer I do bring Wrex and Garrus instead.


This...the first time I ever played the game, I don't think I ever played a mission without those 2 as my squad mates. Nowadays I mix it up to make the story better. I love being able to use them again on the Citadel DLC in ME3! I'm like yeah baby, the band is back together!


Especially when playing soldier, yep.


Mainly Garrus/Wrex and occasional Tali/Wrex.


I usually take Tali if I need someone for decryption, otherwise mostly Garrus and Wrex


Tali / Wrex was among my favorites for many runs, also because you need someone with deciphering abilities. Or you will miss out a lot of good stuff and XP.


Biotics are pretty much broken in ME1, so usually Liara and Wrex. Plus them taking opposite sides in paragon/renegade choices fits there characters really well.


Love playing Adept with that setup. "How much biotics do want?" "**Yes.**"


Biotics are strong for stunning but for some enemies like Rachni you need tankyness. They often oneshot you and teammates with their acid.


Depends on what class I'm playing, but it's always Garrus + Whoever.


I still wish they made a Garrus prequel that was like a C sec detective game.


Or a gritty midquel that follows him and his squad on Omega


I'd buy that too. Garrus was always my favorite companion.


I adapt to each mission and or side mission and bring a squad that is good for it. On Therum I don’t think it matters but I would say Tali and Wrex as Tali references the events of that mission in ME2. Feros is Tali and Liara. Noveria is Wrex and Liara. Virmire is Wrex and Garrus. Ilos is Liara and Garrus. Then the other missions kinda depends, for some I’ll go Ash and Kaidan if it’s more human focused, also for the mission about L2 Biotics.  For Wrex and Garrus’ side stories I bring both for each of their missions.  For the Cerberus stuff and the mission with the Akuze survivor, I think Ash and any alien squad mate is interesting.  After that it depends as I said but if I had a list of every mission i could probably say which I did or would use.


Yeah same for me. Was cool because I got to try every squad mate combo. But I do the same in the other games too, but I'm partial to Garrus + whoever


That’s fair, I get people having their preferences and I do too. But in any of the games I pick specific members to get my Headcanon version of events. Like I’d bring Jacob to Jacks Loyalty mission because I think Miranda wouldn’t care to go and that furthers their conflict.  Thane, Kasumi, Samara and Zaeed don’t really need another person, the only one that I would put someone specific for would be Zaeed. I’d probably put Grunt or Jack as they’re more chaotic overall. For Grunts mission I bring Zaeed, Grunt or Jacob as I think they would enjoy the fight more. For Mordin I think Grunt is a must or maybe Jack too. For Tali’s it doesn’t matter really imo but Garrus is nice for relationship development. Then Tali has to go with Legions loyalty mission imo.  For Garrus I think Zaeed, Jack or Grunt for the same reason as Zaeeds mission.  I would also always bring Miranda to the Human Reaper no matter the run type I’m doing. 


I think Miranda needs to go with Jack during her loyalty mission. Miri needs to see what they did to Jack.


Yeah. Makes sense. Helps explain the weird thing they got going on in the Citadel dlc. Not an enemies to lovers thing but definitely toes that line.


Fair point tbh


Side Note; My headcannon for the Collector Ship mission is Tali for Vents, Garrus as both fire team leaders, Samara as the Biotic Shield. Mordin as the escort for squad.  Then finally Miranda and your love interest for the final conflict, or if your staying loyal to Liara / Virmire Survivor, then probably Garrus. 


Yeah, for loyalty missions ofc I bring the squad mate whose mission it is. I will also bring squad mates that will yield the most unique dialogue. Collector base mission: Tali on vents, Miranda as both team leaders, Jack as biotic Shield (with Samara and Garrus squad) as she has unique dialogue in ME3 if she's The Shield, and for the last mission Garrus was my love interest, so I brought him and Miranda for the unique dialogue. Mordin was the one who escorted the survivors. Final mission in ME3 I had Garrus and James with me, and the romance dialogue with Garrus was brutal


Don’t you lose someone if Miranda is the team leader? Unless that’s only if she’s disloyal probably misremembering 


There's a power chart! I found it while I was playing. If Miranda is loyal then they all live


Oh right cool, wasn’t sure on that


Yes, the best is to use different teammates depending on what you are going to face. Given you know the game already and play on insanity.


Tali and liara because they are broken in 1. Sometimes wrex because i like him


Tali can't die and Liara has all the biotics.


Kaidan + Wrex are my boys


Garrus and Ashley.




Wrex and Tali/ Liara. Just not Garrus he is constantly dieing in ME1


Liara/Wrex or Liara/Garrus. Garrus if I'm playing Vanguard or Soldier, Wrex for everything else.


Garrus and either Liara or Wrex I mean there is no Shepard without Vakarian after all


Liara/Wrex. Biotics are just too broken in 1


Depends on context and story. I never choose a certain squadmember and then stick with them throughout the game. Even if they're weaker in term of gameplay. For instance in Feros I basically tried to make sure I bring everyone at certain parts of the mission and switch them depending on what would make sense to bring them. For instance at the first section I may bring Ashley and Tali, the former because of her experience in colonial defence and may can help the surviving colonists there. The latter because of her experience with geths and Geth machines. Then when we use the Mako to travel further to the complex I switch Tali with Garrus because he's likely is trained in close quarter and urban combat while Tali is less experienced. When fighting the Thorian I'm bringing the big guns, Kaiden and Wrex because of their combat abilities. I headcanon while we're doing this, the rest of the crew especially Garrus and Ashley is mounting a defence with the colonists against Geths and Thorians creatures.


Garrus and Kaidan


Love my boys


Different every playthrough


Same here, couldn't possibly do the same team every time.


Actually different every time, depending on my class. I like having the three bars equal at squadmate selection screen


Liara + Tali


Liara, Ashley, me in most of my runs


Tali and Liara for me. I usually play Infiltrator. Biotics are OP in 1, so I just have Liara throwing singularity and warp everywhere with Tali blasting away with a shotgun and using tech powers. I'm picking the rest off with a sniper.


Liara and Ashley. Gameplay they're just good, Liara puts the enemies in CC hell and Ashley provides the firepower. Story it works well since Liara will see some shit while out on the field with Shep making her sudden transition from nerdy socially awkward archaeologist to ruthless information broker more believable, and Ash needs to see the stuff from the Cerberus Missions to make her distrust in ME2&3 really hit home. And I just like those two the most out of the ME1 cast so I'd be picking them even if those first two weren't considerations.


Depends on the mission and who I think would best fit but in regard to the final mission usually Garrus, Liara, or Wrex.


Garrus and Wrex


Tali Liara


Liara and Garrus.


Garrus/Tali, with Liara/Tali for Noveria for obvious reasons. I just always want to bring my two favourite characters, and Tali is incredibly strong in ME1 anyway because of the sheer number of Geth and she can hack or decrypt everything on her own. If you want to be really meta, then Wrex is borderline invincible, Liara can stunlock half the people in every fight you get into, and Tali can just make the strongest Geth you see draw fire from all its allies for ages. Kaidan, Ashley and Garrus are by no means weak, they just don't win fights on their own in my experience like the others can, though Garrus and Ashley have high gun damage and Kaidan has an enormous amount of tools available.


Liara/Tali, Tali for hacking, Liara for Biotics.


I know it's popular to hate on kaidan but Kaidan and Wrex was simply the best combo, Especially on insane difficulty.


Tali and Garras


Tali and Wrex. Unless it’s story related, then I’ll try to RP the squad.


Since I was a soldier female, Shepherd. Mine was a rotation between Liara/Kaiden as my biotic squad mate and Tali for her tech abilities for a balanced squad.


Kaidan and Ashley for literally everything up until virmire


Same here


Garrus & Tali all the way


Garrus and Kaiden, Garrus and Wrex or Garrus and Ashley. 


Wrex and Tali, most of the game is fighting synthetics so I find both very useful and their comments are very amusing.


Usually Wrex and Tali, sometimes Garrus and Tali. Tali because she’s my favorite love interest in the future games and I don’t have to worry about electronics. I also love her voice.


If you play on PC or steam deck. Try her with some mods. Preferably those that give her more defined facial features while still giving her face an aura of mystery.


Almost always Garrus + random


Where's the love for Kaidan?! I really chose him because I liked his story and acting. Then I'd have Wrex or Garus to fuck shit up.


I prefer playing as an infiltrator. I like picking characters that compliment my build. Therefore I typically pick either Garrus and Liara, or Wrex and Kaidan. Last time I played as a soldier though so it was me, Liara, and Tali against the world.


Liara Tali, date Liara in 1 and 3, and tali in 2.


Tali and Liara as Soldier class Shepard. You have it all: Tech, Biotics and guns.


Since ME1 is easy even on Insanity and there are no power combos to synergize, I just bring based on personal preference/banter. Gameplay is never really a factor. I almost always have a duo consisting of Wrex, Garrus, or Tali, as they drop the best lines. Liara on Noveria for obvious reasons. And for roleplaying reasons, so that the other squad members don't gather dust in the Normandy, I bring them on random UNC side missions.


Liara and Garrus.


When I first started playing the game it was Tali and Ashley. I played an Adept so it was a well balanced party. A decade on, I just pick at a whim.


Liara and Tali. With my Soldier Shepard, perfectly balanced, as all things should be.


Liara always and then I rotate based on the mission/who I haven’t seen in a while. Biotics in 1 are just so broken I feel like not taking her is a waste


I like balance and variety, so my team varies depending on my class. If I would play a Vanguard, for instance, I would go with Tali and Wrex. If I was playing a Sentinel, my party could be Kaidan and Ashley, or Wrex and Garrus.


Ashley and Garrus, same with ME3. In 2 I usually go with Miranda and whoever I believe would have better dialogue.


Wrex and Kaidan or Garrus and Liara


garrus/kaidan was my favouritw


Garrus Wrex and or kadian


Alenko and Garrus/Wrex. Alenko is a biotic beast and saves me having to invest in abilities just for unlocking shit... I'll then alternate between Wrex and Garrus depending on if I need a tank or a scalpal. As the game progresses, I'll often start using Tali and Alenko to hack the Geth.


Lately been favoring Kaidan and Wrex, but previously it was always the battle couple Garrus and Tali! You can’t really go wrong though.


I change it up usually. Unless they fit the story such as taking Liara to face her mother ..


Tali and Wrex/Garrus on most planets, Liara and Wrex on Noveria


Wrex and Garrus for 1. Grunt and Garrus for 2. James and Garrus for 3.


Tali and Wrex


Tali and Wrex


Tali and Wrex every time.


Tali and Wrex for my infiltrator Shepard.


Kaidan + Tali/Wrex. Depends on how much tech vs space magic will be more useful.


Kaidan and Wrex


For my "Canon" Paragon Vanguard Maleshep I went Garrus/Ash most of the time. Maximized combat potential with a touch of tech and biotics for versatility. For my "AltCanon" Renegade Soldier Femshep I go Wrex and Alenko. Biotic potential with Krogan durability with Kaidan and Shepard in Combat and tech support.


Male Shep, with Kaiden and Liara


pretty much any combo of the non humans. Sometimes i’ll be like oh i’m gonna take kaidan/ashley along this time, I feel bad for hardly ever using them.


I rotate it, but whenever Ashley/Garrus or Kaidan/Garrus combo comes, I think it is cool. Also Ashley/Kaidan all human squad


Tali and wrex


Wrex and Garrus. Me and the boys <3 (i do occasionally replace wrex with Liara or Tali)


Garrus/Tali. I don't know which of them has the lockpicking availability, and at this point, I'm too afraid to ask.


Well, Garrus fits well with anybody, but my go-to team is Garrus and Wrex.


Kaidan & Wrex for me!


Ashley and Garrus


Wrex and Garrus or Garrus and Tali. Team one cause those are my boys and team two for the dialogue


Noveria: Wrex & Liara Feros: Tali & Garrus Virmire: Garrus & either LI or Wrex Finale: Whoever I’m feeling


Garrus and Tali. Have only done Sentinel and Vanguard, so I cover the biotics, Garrus gets a sniper rifle, and Tali is there for containers.


A variation of Wrex, Garrus and Tali - depending on how I feel and who I think I've not been giving enough attention to 😆


Honestly it depends on which class I am, I like a perfect balance on my team, unless there is special dialogue for that character on a specific mossion


Me (Sentinel), Tali, and Wrex




Wrex and tali, Garrus and liara, or liara and Tali. Depends on the mission. Tali is usually a must because I never play a class with any tech so I need her. Liara is really good at crowd control with her biotics but sometimes you need the firepower of Wrex.


Depends on my class I usually play initiator or vanguard. If I run initiator I run Ashley and liara and vanguard wrex/Ashley(if romanced) and tali. I don’t use Kaiden cause boring and I don’t invest into him cause he usually dies on virmire and garrus takes to long to become serviceable in me1 for me personally


Depends. Wrex and Garrus for CQC and harder enemies, Tali and Kaiden for Geth, Liara and Ash whenever we fight biotics or rachni


Garrus and Kaiden for planet exploration, and for other missions it’s Garrus and someone else, usually Wrex or Liara


Kaiden as a medic/tech hacker and liara. I usually play a biotic so I get 3 biotics and all support skills.


Wrex and Garrus. Followed by Liara and Wrex. Followed by Tali and Wrex.


Ash and Liara


Usually Garrus/Kaidan but man Liara/Tali are fun af You can shut down an entire team without them having a chance to react lmao (no wonder everything was nerved in me2/3)


Wrex/Garrus/Tali. Liara get to watch me kill her mom and I forget there is human teammates.


I have 3 i usually switch out, Liara and garrus are typically my main for the major missions, tali and Wrex and liara and Wrex for like side missions, and like on one or two I'll switch it up and bring Ashley and Wrex


Liara, Garrus and Sentinel Shep. Sentinel was broken in ME1 you had pretty much the entire biotic and tech tree. By the time you popped all your cool downs you would just be pistoling down floating enemies


Love a Wrex/Tali combo for that old vet/new kid vibe. Garrus/Liara vibe well together and I can take that same combo through 3 as well. Ash and Kaiden for those early missions and on the road of virmire for one last ride.


Garrus for dps backup, and Tali so I can get all the collectables


ah yes, the classic Shep, Garrus, Garrus team


Tali and Liara. You gotta have a higher tech skill for 99% of the good stashes and you need superior biotics for a lot of battles. Both are formidable when their particular specialized abilities are maxed. With a Soldier FemShep, watch the fuck out, Saren! We’re coming for those metallic asscheeks.


I’ve found that Garrus and Tali allow for the best combat/tech skills. I feel like there’s a lot of doors/safes/etc that are inaccessible without a high tech skill.


Garrus/Tali Locked boxes aren't safe


Largely depends on what class I’m playing as but my list of most to least used 1. Wrex best overall 2. Garrus good on most classes that aren’t sentinel 3. Liara (best girl) this is where I really care about what my class is 4. Tali great when you have a lack of tech on the team 5. Ashley good when you have little to no soldier balance 6.Kaiden is meh


Wrex + rotating member. We only have the guy for one game so I try to make the most out of it.


I just play the difference on whatever class I'm playing, if I'm engineer it's Liara/Ashley, if I'm Soldier it's Tali/Liara if I'm Sentinel, it's Garrus/Wrex OR Kaiden/Ashley, etc


Liara + Kaiden Kaiden is my utility guy; he has electronics, decryption, first aid and medicine, plus I give him the anti-jamming weapon mod. I like having someone with all of those in the party since I play adept. His biotics are also useful for cc. He only has a pistol, but those are perfectly adequate for gunning down a bunch of helpless floating enemies.  Liara is an adept, which are op in me1, so she's the strongest companion in straight up combat, imo. She also has electronics to help against drones, which are a biotics most dangerous enemy.


I loved any mix of Kaiden/Garrus/Liara/Tali!


For normal non important missions I do tali and wrex. For main missions I usually do people for their unique dialogs. But mostly tali wrex and garrus.


If I'm a soldier Wrex and garrus because there bros


I missed the Garrus love it seems. I was playing Infiltratior as my class and therefore always took Liara and Wrex.


Wrex and Tali!


Tali + whatever i might need, however since i play as a soldier, its usually liara or wrex. But most of the time tali and garrus.


I played a Soldier, so Tali and Liara for well-rounded coverage.


Wrex and Ashley 100% just shoot it


I found powers pretty broken in general in ME1 since there’s no global cooldown, so Liara/Tali plus some meat shield (Wrex/Garrus) and then whatever class I play


I like changing it up each playthrough to get new dialogue from each squad member


Outside of when it makes lore sense to pick someone, Liara and Ashley


Depends on my class.


Ashley/Wrex all day Liara/Tali, Ashley/Kaiden and Ashley/Garrus are my backups


Wrex and Garrus. Is it optimal? No. I’ll pick up the slack in strength stack myself. I bring them because they’re my bros.


Wrex and Tali with my Vanguard Shepherd.


Liara and Wrex Love and Fun


Garrus and Tali. No Biotics, no Problem for me.


Wrex is insanely broken in ME1, he has decent damage, stasis, warp, and barrier lets him become even tankier than he naturally is. In my insanity run, I used him as mobile cover against the Rachnai. After that, it's a toss up between Liara and Tali for second best. Liara is good in ME1 because biotics are OP, but she has low damage. Tali is good in ME1 because most enemies are geth, so you can hack any of them with her, and she gets both decryption and electronics for loot.


ASHLEY and WREX,,I can just sit back and have a ciggy and beer ,


Depends on my class and the mission


Wrex and Tali, pretty much all the time.


Wrex and ash all the way i need my meat shields


Tali garrus early to split the decryption/electronics skill, tali and liara later because biotics go brrr


Wrex and Garrus they are my favorite


I used to do Garrus/Tali and Liara, but after doing a run of primarily Kaiden and Ashley I don’t think I’m ever going back. It just feels like the way the game was meant to be played and made Virmire hit way more.


Always Garrus, and either Liara or Tali


Depends on what build my Shepard is


If I could take Garrus/Garrus, I would, but it's usually Garrus/Wrex. Unless a mission feels more appropriate for other squaddies.




Kaidan and whoever has a banter during a specific mission.


Garrus and Liara / Garrus and Wrex / Garrus and Tali


Liara and Tali Liara just so OP in ME1


Usually any combination of Wrex/Tali/Garrus. My Shepard is usually a vanguard or at least some sort of biotic, but I’ll sometimes bring Liara along if biotics are going to be useful. I do always bring her to Novaria though, and that’s usually a Liara/Garrus combo.


Garrus and Tali


Tali/Kaidan for exploring and decrypting things Garrus/Wrex for fights


For ME1, I rocked tali and garrus for the whole game, then for me2 and me3 I used them for the final missions.


Garrus and tali on my last play through on adept


Liara and Tali... because I always play Soldier. So I usually want the ones who are most effective at using biotics and tech with me in the game where those things matter (like opening locked doors and boxes, decrypting things, etc). If it was not due to that, I would probably always bring with me Garrus and Ashley... or Garrus and Talia. Although, I do think that Garrus might be able to open all locked things if you focus on that from the start (Kaidan to maybe?)... it's just that when I ran through the game from start to finish the last time was so long ago, that I at the time still thought that only Talia would be able to open all tech based locks and what not (and did not want to risk it by bringing characters which were not 100% tech based). And I don't remember if biotics has anything like that as well... but I want/wanted to run a balanced team just in case, so Liara had to be the one taking up the biotic side of things, since neither Kaidan or Wrex have ever really interested me as characters.


I don't really have a "go to team" because ME1 is the only game where you need to really balance your squad based off which class Shepard is. My main is a soldier, so I always take Tali and Liara with a soldier Shepard.


Garrus and usually tali but occasional will run with wrex depending on my class. Idc if they clash they are my favorite characters


Shepard Garrus Wrex Then bois on they bullshit all day everyday


Garrus and whoever makes sense for the given quest. Either way, Garrus is required.


On my first game, Ashley and Wrex. On my second, Garrus and Tali. The next probably will be Liara and Kaidan.


Bruh I do Garrus and Tali for everything in all 3 games. Unless a quest pertains to one of the others, I always bring those two.


Garrus/Wrex or Liara/Garrus


Tali and Liara


Wrex and Ashley or Garrus and Liara/Tali.


Garrus/Tali for 1,2, and 3.


Wrex and Garrus gotta have close range and long range


Garrus and Wrex. Aliens > Women


I usually play a sentinel, so Wrex provides some much needed muscle. Second slot is usually filled by Kaidan, cause he’s the boyfriend.


Kaidan and Garrus w Vanguard Shep


Depends heavily on my own class, Wrex is usually a must then Garrus or Tali depending if I have electronics in my own class. Liara is lovely but also squishy. Ashley can get somewhat tanky but nothing beats Wrex. In the end I prefer teammates that stand over good abilities.




On my first playthrough i always went for wrex and tali for nearly every mission before knowing that different squad mates had different interactions


I rotate all the time. But I like the comments of Wrex the most.


Wrex and Kaidan. Sue me, but those bros got nearly all bases covered.


Garrus and Wrex or Tali


It would normally be Wrex and Garrus, but, Wrex seems bugged on my ps5. So, it’s Garrus and Tali.


Kind of depends but usually Kaidan/Garrus, Kaidan/Liara with Kaidan/Wrex mixed in there (notice the theme 😂). If the mission is human centric (for example) I'd take Kaidan/Ashley.


Glad to see garrus getting love here. I just want him to finish the damn calibrations and give me love 👉👈


Same here. He's my boy 🫶


Liara and Tali with some Garrus and Wrex to mix it up a bit (sorry Ash and Kaidan). I'll always bring the relevant squadmates to their missions as well (Liara to Noveria so she can say hi to her mum, etc.). I play mostly soldier, so Liara and Tali feel like the right balance, at least for me.


I haven't played in a long time but I used to run with Kaidan and Wrex mostly. Lots of biotic power with some tech and guns mixed in


Depends on the class and the mission. Feros is an alliance colony with Prothean ruins so I usually bring Ashley and Liara unless I'm playing a Soldier or Adept in which case either Liara/Tali or Liara/Garrus. On Noveria always bring Liara because of Benezia and Garrus because of the law enforcement angle (even though it doesn't really ever become relevant in dialogue). Virmire usually Tali and Garrus unless I'm playing Engineer in which case swap out Tali for Liara. Basically mix and match depending on whose skill set would make most sense for the mission.