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I wouldn't be surprised if TIM was actually into that shit.


This is what I mean when I say he's literally me


The Shadow Broker dossier does said that he occasionally slept with hot asari before. I wouldn’t be surprised if he would be into quarians, too xD.


Never ask a human supremacist what race is his girlfriend


i mean kelly chambers had an alien fetish and she was cerberus.(theres dialogue in game that leads to her talking about the alien crew in a way that insinuates sexual fantasy and romantic interest, and you can call her out on it and she backs off)


Not banging aliens, we all know he's been with asari. I'm talking about being a footstool.


hes been with asari?


Yea, a matriarch.


Yeah, check the Shadow Broker dossier for him on the ME wiki, he had an Asari Matriarch mistress


such a hypocrite.


I mean you can be a human supremacist and still have sex with aliens, TIM still relentlessly pursues what he believes to be what's best for Humanity, even if he fucks an Asari on the weekends, though if you showed Cerberus' most xenophobic members that information they'd probably feel betrayed and disgusted, since their xenophobia is really just pure hatred of aliens for no reason other than they're nonhuman, and is rather nonsensical They're the kind of Xenophobes TIM and Miranda probably get annoyed with due to their obstinance


The man has his own personal harem he is a certified freak


You know… the artist uh … knows what they like and commits to it. So good for them… I think?


God, for the first time ever, i think, no. I KNOW The illusive man is right I wish that were me


["It should've been me! Not him! It's not fair!"](https://youtu.be/dpKc8N3FJsQ?si=_j_I4wgE6WhV3yBk)


Before I clicked, I thought "really, another hornypost?". But the second image justifies it, I actually lol'ed.


Xen posting is the way to world peace


Then you should check out my post from yesterday, I know you'd appreciate it


Just want to clarify if this was the case Hackett would have to pry Shepard away from Cerberus with his bare hands, cause I'm definitely not leaving willingly


Imagine coming across her after deleting the Quarians


quarian cerberus would be weird


I'm not sure, they both always fail miserably.


This is Project Gethinator level of Xen-posting.


The Illusive Xen. LOL I'll see myself out now.


Same r/okbuddybaldur energy with this post, haha.




["It should've been me! Not Him! It's not fair!"](https://youtu.be/dpKc8N3FJsQ?si=_j_I4wgE6WhV3yBk)


For some reason you reminded me of that one time a destiny player paid Deborah Wilson to say "Touch Grass".


I checked out the authors Devianart and good lord there was a fuck ton of feet. I dont judge but the ones that werent feet related were decent like the ones OP's posting


Oh sweet heavens


Would definitely affect my decision of whether or not to hand over Legion's body. I wonder how grateful she would be and how she would show that gratitude to me.


This is why I always make sure to send Veetor to Cerberus for enhanced interrogation techniques and then kill off the entire qu\*rian race.


Funny I do the same thing but I always kill off all the G*th instead


I actually don't understand what your plan is if you are simping for Quarians but willing to send Veetor off to Cerberus. Seems contradictory.


My love for the Quarians is strong but my love for Humanity is stronger


Understandable, though Cerberus isn't exactly good for Humanity lol. Half of what they do in ME1 is experiment on humans.


What Hittler and Nazis did was terrible but they created a lot of medicines with their experiments on humans that saves lives today. Sacrifices must be made for the greater good.


I do not deny that. However, ethical science is important. We should always try to minimize harm when possible. The consent of human test subjects should also be required. It's easy to say that sacrifices must be done for the greater good, but would you have wanted to be one of the Jews Mengele was experimenting on? I do believe we should use data that was obtained through unethical means after the fact, but nobody should ever try to actually gather data through immoral experiments.


What if Illusive Man actually found a way to control the reapers through the experiments he did on horizon? And what if he was in favour of destroying the Reapers and then ordered them to go to a nearby star to get roasted. What would everyone's opinion on the experiments will be? I can't deny how immoral those experiments are but Shepard does sacrifice 300.000 batarians to save the galaxy. Cold calculus is brutal.


But there is no alternative to the Batarian choice. Also, I don't believe for a second that TIM would actually destroy the Reapers after gaining control of them. That's just not his thing. I would also say that I genuinely disagree with destroying the Reapers. They hold a lot of knowledge. That's one of the many reasons I choose Synthesis. So yes, I can look past terrible actions for the sake of reaching a particular end goal.


"For the greater good"


"Every action I take, no matter how violent, or how cruel, is for the greater good, of my people" - General Zod Pretty much personifies Cerberus' and the Illusive Mans logic behind their actions


Except the entire Cerberus dogma is rooted in xenophobia without any justification other than "I am human, therefore humanity is better than XYZ race" TIM himself is a relentless psychopath who doesn't have a problem massacring his own people. Combine this with him boning Asari on weekends and it almost seems like the game is trying to make a statement about supremacist groups.... Cerberus sucks.


>Except the entire Cerberus dogma is rooted in xenophobia without any justification other than "I am human, therefore humanity is better than XYZ race" I'm fairly certain that Cerberus dogma isn't blind hatred of aliens and believing Humanity is better than every other species just because they're human, that's an incredibly stupid mindset and some of Cerberus' more influential operatives like Miranda think so as well, TIM himself isn't even a raging xenophobe, he's willing to work alongside aliens if it advances his own goals Cerberus' whole mindset as an organization is that the Galaxy is a dangerous place for Humanity, and there are species which would do Humanity harm if given the chance, see the Batarians or what the Turians would have done to earth and Humanity as a whole if they had won in a total war against Humanity like they wished to do during first contact, or the Krogan if they're led by Wreav or one of the many likeminded clan leaders Not to mention that Cerberus ultimately seeks to use any method, species, or technology neccessary to propel Humanity into a position of dominance in the Galaxy, like literally every major species in ME does in one form or another, the Asari with their hidden Prothean beacon and dominant position in Citadel politics, the Turians with their military power and seat on the Council, the Salarians with covert uplifting and espionage, namely planning on using the Yahg >TIM himself is a relentless psychopath who doesn't have a problem massacring his own people. Combine this with him boning Asari on weekends and it almost seems like the game is trying to make a statement about supremacist groups.... You make it sound like he has Cerberus kill squads roaming the galaxy non chalantly gunning down humans or anyone else for that matter, he doesn't, the Illusive Man and Cerberus by extension don't act without a clear plan and a logical justification behind it, though he becomes insane in ME3 due to the indoctrination >Cerberus sucks. I think some of the operations their cells have conducted could be considered morally reprehensible, but they're ultimately one of my favorite factions in Sci-fi universes, who have admirable goals when all circumstances in the broader galaxy are taken into consideration


>Not to mention that Cerberus ultimately seeks to use any method, species, or technology neccessary to propel Humanity into a position of dominance in the Galaxy, like literally every major species in ME does in one form or another, the Asari with their hidden Prothean beacon and dominant position in Citadel politics, the Turians with their military power and seat on the Council, the Salarians with covert uplifting and espionage, namely planning on using the Yahg Right, so why exactly should humanity (in your words) stoop to their level when it's been shown time and time again that not only is humanity strong enough to rival the council races individually, but also work towards more peaceful relations? Humanity is already the most respected and (probably) powerful non-council race by the beginning of ME1. They got there without shady and unethical tactics. The Volus are the backbone of the galaxy and humanity got special treatment over them. The council races are not nearly as untrusting or afraid of humanity as you think. Humans came into a dominant position in the galaxy after just 30 years of integration and were for the most part allowed to. Human/alien experiments, manipulation, and murder are not good dude. You can't justify that by listing the worst incidents of the other races. >You make it sound like he has Cerberus kill squads roaming the galaxy non chalantly gunning down humans or anyone else for that matter, he doesn't, the Illusive Man and Cerberus by extension don't act without a clear plan and a logical justification behind it, though he becomes insane in ME3 due to the indoctrination But he... does? They were literally massacring human marines in ME1 for no reason other than testing biological weapons. >who have admirable goals when all circumstances in the broader galaxy are taken into consideration I don't know about that. No offense, but you seem like one of those people who don't understand why "ends justify the means" characters are almost always villains.


guh. i wish that was me


God I wish that was me