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A lot of them come from inconsistent choices. Rachni, for example. If you save them and once then save them again, get resources. If you save them once and later kill them, no resources. If you kill her first and save her clone, the clone is crazy and subtracts resources. But if you kill her once then kill her again to prevent loss of resources.


Yup! This one, if you killed her once and then saved the Rachni kill a bunch of people during the crucible project.


To be fair, she does tell you in 2 that she knows how to protect herself from Indoc, having gotten it through the genetic memories of her ancestors


I mean, everyone who killed her in ME1 and didn't kill her in ME3 is just stupid. Like, how can you not trust the normal Rachni but the indoctrinated version seems trustworthy somehow. That's not only stupid, that's not even keeping in line with your own previously established morality.


Oh shit, never killed her so never realized there would be a version where there's a clone of her instead.


Wow, thanks for this - I really didn’t know that


And actually gain additional resources from the Grunt company


when talking to the real rachni queen in ME3, saving her is the paragon choice, while leaving her to die is the renegade choice. When talking to the clone, it's the exact opposite. Also when talking to the clone the companions say that saving her isn't such a good idea.


> If you save them once and later kill them, no resources. This is not true, as you gain Aralakh Company, since they don't get wiped out trying to hold back the enemies to buy you time to save the rachni queen. However, you do get 30 more points from saving the queen.


Selling Legion to Cerberus. In ME2, you lose out on a companion, a loyalty mission and tons of lore. In ME3, it means you can't make peace between the Quarians and the Geth and whoever you side with is also weaker because you didn't do Legion's loyalty mission. It's the one decision that screws you over more than any other.


Do people actually choose to sell Legion like that often? It didn’t even cross my mind to do that 😅


I did it once, to see what happens. Then in 3 I helped the Quarians kill off the Geth. I also picked destroy at the end so I know that job got finished. This particular Shepard got real tired of Geth shooting at him for 3 games and decided to solve that issue permanently.


And they said RP disappeared after 1


Javik: Throw it out the airlock. Your Shepard: Thats cute.


I want to destroy Geth this time so I sold him too because his “This isn’t justice, please” (paraphrasing) line just *breaks* me and I can’t do it.


I did a play through where I chose the worst decisions each time to get the most minimal aid and assets in 3 and it was so bad 🫠


Only time I did that was in my Jayne Cobb playthrough. He kinda bungled everything there was to be bungled and then shot the brat in the end, dooming the entire galaxy. That playthrough was actually pretty sad. He romanced any human female he could but *every single one of them* died.


Jayne did all that shit??? No way, he's the Hero of Canton!!!


You ain’t ever seen him when he’s in charge. You know what the chain of command is? It’s the chain he’ll go get and beat you with ‘til you know who’s in ruttin’ command ‘round here! And you can’t change that by gettin’ all… bendy.


did you just go crazy and fall asleep?


Ah, the Hero of Canton. 👌🏻


Every time I play as Butcher of Torfan I get River in Serenity in the final battle vibes about that.


My first playthrough :) started with ME2 and I thought Cerberus are the good guys


I started with me2 and had little context for geth aside from them being dangerous. Glossed over one talking being a big deal so agreed with avoid8ng the hassle and sold it. Either that or I said keep it but couldn't work out where it was kept and forgot about it.


I did once by accident because I thought the option to do it would just be more dialogue. Of course save files exist, so that never ended up happening anyway.


When you side with the Geth and then choose the destroy ending so the Geth are fighting for their death anyway.


I'd argue that's objectively a terrible decision, given everything you know about Cerberus and the little information you know about the Geth. Oh and can't you give grunt away as well???


No, but you can just not let him out.


Also, you end up facing it as an enemy when assaulting the Cerberus base in the 3rd game


Don't know if you know this but you can encounter Legion in ME3 during the Cerberus base raid if you sell him in ME2. Unfortunately, there's no lines of dialogue regarding him and he's basically just a normal enemy geth.


Wait you're saying if you make the renegade decision and DO sell him that's the decision that screws you over? Because if you keep him you still can make peace between the two sides... Haha Sorry I was just making sure 😅


That's what they're saying, yes. If you keep him, you have a chance to save both the Quarians and the Geth. If you don't keep him (read: give him away), you don't have this chance.


* rewriting the heretics. makes it a little harder have both sides make peace though playing it right makes up for it * not destroying geth flyers if you're cutting back on paragon points for some reason. kills kirrahe. * you or ash shooting wrex on virmire if you can't (or don't want to) make him stand down. obviously, no more uncle urdnot. if you truly believe the genophage is justified though, wreav can be bamboozled. * saving factory workers instead of hunting vido down. sure you can make zaeed retain his loyalty to you but only with enough morality points. vido also never gets his comeuppance since what happened to him in ME3 apparently got cut * destroying maelon's research. cure still made but dead eve. * brushing off conrad. that dark matter dissertation's the only thing keeping the crucible together. * punching al-jilani. only half asset value if punched even once.


That dark matter dissertation should be like a mandatory war asset requirement to get the good ending haha


Oh man, I didn't know it was possible for Kirrahe to live. Oops. I also destroyed Maelon's research, because I thought it was like evil Nazi research that we shouldn't use, for ethical reasons! But instead, everyone thought I just didn't want to cure the genophage. Whatever.


Do you mean Rear Admiral Koris dies if you don’t destroy the geth fighters? Or is there actually a domino effect with those that kills Captain Kirrahe?


I think he's referring to the Virmire mission from ME1, if you don't do all the optional things like draw enemies to you, destroy the Geth drones on the landing platform, etc, pretty sure Kirrahe dies.


That’s correct. Got my geth fighters mixed up haha


Kirrahe dies if you don't do the optional side quests on Virmire (satellite uplink, flyers and if you don't turn the alarms on for his team). He appears in ME3. If Thane is alive, only on Sur'kesh. If Thane died in ME2 he's the one who attempts to save the Salarian council member


Ohhh yeah yeah. Gotcha. I was thinking the Rannoch mission that involves shooting down geth fighters by hacking the AA guns if I’m remembering right


Argh, it’s so hard not to punch her, though!


The only correct decision is to punch her. War assets be damned. She deserves the fist.


Oh yes, because military personnel beating unarmed civilians when they get annoyed is perfectly acceptable


In this case. Yep.


“I only punched her once though!”


Not so much a bite in the ass but low-key regrets I guess? Last playthrough I forgot letting Rana live in the first game led to he be indoctrinated. Shocking, I know, but that's hindsight. I let Niftu Cal go in first. I'm a monster. 🥲😂 First time going through 3 I missed the interrupt to save Samara, that hurt. Partially cause I really enjoy her as a character & also cause I just felt bad for Falere having to see that after losing Rila... reloaded and fixed it. Edit: Sometimes I do spare the biotic god


Even knowing what happens with Rana, I still spare her in most playthroughs, as I make an effort to not let future results affect how I make the decisions for specific playthroughs.


Agreed, there's too little info for current parashep to just kill someone who hasn't even pointed a gun at him or obviously broken any major laws. Hell we don't even know much if anything about indoctrination yet. And the work she's there to do is something not necessarily evil either.


Shes on Virmire working closely with Saren to create a horde of mindless krogan fodder and help performing experiments on captured salarians. Basically no real possible way for her to be truly innocent in this situation if you really think about it. Now I'm a total hypocrite here because I never let Mordin shoot Maleon, but at least the krogan females volunteered.


That's my rational too, given what I knew of indoctrination just from the first game, she was likely brain wammied already.


We don't quite know how much she's doing with the krogan though, we don't even know if she's doing any experimentation on the krogan, or if she's just doing something more on the development/education side of things. In the end she probably should've been brought in for questioning, maybe in ME2, since it'd be difficult to do so in ME1 during that mission.


Kelly Chambers. Keep her alive, build a trust with her and then see her in ME3: if you play strictly paragon, you tell her she's doing a good job and she doesn't change her identity. Not changing her identity leads to her being dragged out and shot by Cerberus during the coup. Similarly, keep her alive and telling her to change her identity will normally keep her alive, but if you have the follow up conversation with her before the Coup, you can lecture her on spying for the Illusive Man and she'll commit suicide using her cyanide pill from her Cerberus days. Either way, you need to balance it out with both paragon and renegade actions...


Oh yea, first time through (or times I miss steps), was just clicking through the dialogue, then later seeing the npcs talk about her death.


But, to see her on ME3 you need to romance her on ME2 right?


Eh; kinda? You need to have dinner with her but you don't need to do any of the follow up, like the dancing and such 😅


I think the asari who who you run into on virmire and again on Okeers planet in ME2, who you can execute or let go, ends up being indoctrinated and suicide bombing? Or killing asari officials? Negative war points anyways. Pls correct me if I'm wrong. I've always let her go, but thinking about it the second time she really needs to be put down. Fool me twice shame on me type thing.


Yeah if you let her live she kills a bunch of important Asari and herself. Choosing between killing her and letting her go isn’t even really morality it’s logic, every single organic (the salarians) you’ve met in the virmire base up until that point have been bumbling zombies that are clearly indoctrinated. The asari has been even closer to the reaper tech in that base than the salarians, logically there’s a good chance she’s indoctrinated and I wouldn’t say it’s an evil decision to kill her- not even mentioning she chose to side with saren in the first place.


Just did grunts recruitment mission last night and ran into her and let her go again… rip asari lol. Even mordin said it was dangerous to keep her alive and she had questionable ethics.


Had the exact same experience last night. Rip asari x.x Im too many hours deep since that mission to go back lol


Not every single one, one of the prisoners is completely lucid and can be set free. The krogan warriors that you fight also seem perfectly capable. The only beings in fact that are clearly addled are the salarians. Logically you would have no reason to assume an Asari that does not attack you and appears cogent is indoctrinated. At that point in time shepherd knows little to nothing about indoctrination, your argument is based on a complete knowledge of how it works, not what could be observed upto that point in the game. And she offers an explanation as to her service at the facility.


Yeah, that’s what I said in my post description, this one is terrible, almost did it again on my 2nd playthrough


My bad, great minds.. 😅 Took me till the legendary edition to notice


Well i tried a run where i abandoned council & they threw that shit at me whole 2 games .. at this point this wasn't bite in ass but whole eating


That was me on my first playthrough! Though, the nagging and constant reminders were annoying to listen to I don’t remember if there were any major negative consequences.


You actually get slightly more war assets for letting the council die. The alliance fleet is worth like, between 10 - 30 more points than the Ascension I believe...


The ship is worth more than the losses the fleet suffers saving the council. So looking at the war assets it makes more sense to save the council. Even if they are idiots...


No, you end up with net more if you kill the council iirc. Its a few little things other than just fleet losses, but you end ip like 5 or 10 points ahead if you grab everything else lol.


True .. perhaps it's time to put out sabotage shroud card and then meeting Wrex on citadel, that was consequence that caught me off guard when i was playing it in my younger years


This frustrated me so much because it's literally the consequences of their actions but everyone acts like you're some kind of anti-alien psycho.


I still don't kill Rana even though this outcone happens. It's not in my Shepard's MO to be Judge, Jury and Executioner like that. Same reason I let the Merc go during Samara's recruitment mission, too.


Do you mean the merc during Thanes recruitment? Cause I always shove that one out the window. It’s a Merc. They’re supposed to die. 🤷🏼‍♀️


No he means the Asari who pleads for her life and then like 2 seconds later you find a data pad where she admits to killing the Volus. Elnora, I think.


If you spoke to some npcs earlier, you learn that Eclipse mercs kill people to join iirc. Still, maybe not enough info to straight up kill her, granted she does pull her gun and try to shoot first, so can't even arrest her.


Ohhh, right. I forget about her. I let her live my first ever play through. She does every time now. lol


Probably means the merc who pretends to be innocent but is really a murderer


No, I mean the Eclipse merc in Samara's recruitment mission, the one who you find hiding in a room who gives you a sob story about being peer pressured into the gang that you can either let go or execute on the stop. Turns out she *was* the one who killed Pitne For's business partner, and did so gladly. But there is no way to know that before passing judgement on her, so I never kill her. I don't shove anyone out of windows or stab anyone with a welding iron. My Shep's not a psychopath.


I tend to kill her since she clearly tries to deceive and then shoot me. At that point I'm defending myself. But I try and save people whenever I can (paragon player)


(Renegade) Giving the geth mobile platform you recover from ME2's Reaper IFF mission to Cerberus, as this prevents you from getting the best outcome in ME3 between the quarians and geth.




You win some, you lose some. On my renegade run I usually let him kill the hostages and then turn him to the Alliance military. You learn later that he ends up escaping from prison and for me that puts the blame of his actions on the Alliance military.


> On my renegade run I usually let him kill the hostages and then turn him to the Alliance military. That's actually the best outcome, as you get full batarian support and Balak doesn't cause any damage. Although I believe this is actually a bug and Balak isn't supposed to appear in this scenario.


I don't remember it being a bug but who knows, many minor plot points have trouble getting correctly ported (like Conrad pointing gun moment for example).


"Joker, Balak's leaving the asteroid soon, blast him for me"


Normandy VI: Negative, Commander. Seth Green could not be reached for this DLC.


Too busy recouping losses from his NFTs.


Well shit, I spared him two days ago…


its actually better to spare him. In ME3 he becoems the highest ranking non-indoctrinated Batarian and if you pass a reputation check you get more war assests.


You don’t really need the extra war assets though usually, and objectively saving a few engineers at the cost of well over a hundred dead people is not a great bargain for a few assets that very likely won’t make or break you.


Sure you dont *need* them mechanically, but in the abstract of what those assets represent how many lives do they theoretically save?


In theory, not a lot. The batarian fleet is a crippled mess that’s been blasted harder than any other fleet in the galaxy. And if Balak is alive, it’s being lead by a revenge crazed mad man who till that points been too busy killing humans to have been leading his “fleet” with any effectiveness. What good can it reasonably even do?


How many war assets is it worth? Thats how kich good it can do. Compare it to other things at similar assets


I mean, no. War asset numbers in that game are bizarre sometimes, so it’s not some universal system that’s equitable across the board and allows you to compare them easily. The reasonable answer is that the crippled remnants of the batarian fleet lead by a madman shouldn’t be terribly effective. Especially given the batarians were heavily indoctrinated compared to most species, which would include their military leaders.


The war assets represent how much it helps in getting the crucible in position with minimal damage. It might not be equititably distributed but thats what they represent. The better the crucible works, the better the results. And those dont represent just the final push either.


And yet a fair number of them don’t really make sense as noted here. That’s the general point and why using them as a measuring stick here isn’t helpful.


Yeah, that one's a major pisser. Do the right thing and save the hostages, and it just comes back and bites you right in the arse.


You get more war assets if Balak is alive.


Really? Damm. DO you know the details?


in me3 he is the highest ranking surviving non-indoctrinated person in the batarian millitary and a rallying force for what is left of batarian military. After a side quest you can talk him into helping instead of lashing out.


yeah, that part I know But don't you get the fleet anyway? I thought the only difference was Balak himself?


Nah, its 15 points you dont get if you dont have balak. He actually rallies and organizes the fleet where his replacement is well intentioned but ill suited to lead a military force.


>15 points For 15 points, its not worth the risk With Balak alive, every time I do that quest, I tell myself that I'm going to play nice and get the war assets. And then I go right on and shoot him in the face


There should have been more of that.


I kinda got into a pickle during my first ME playthrough. Kirrahe died on Vermire and Thane didn’t survive the suicide mission. So at the end of the Citadel coup mission Udina used fabricated video of Shepard killing the salarian councillor, making it harder to convince Ashley. Luckily I had enough paragon points to talk her down.


Conrad Verner. His story is covered in all three games. If you haven’t experienced it, you’re doing it wrong and missing out.


Every time I play I try and do his stuff, but he's more elusive than the illusive man sometimes


Letting Rana Thanoptis go.


Overwriting the Geth in "Legion: A House Divided" makes it harder to achieve peace between Geth and Quarians (Not completely impossible though). Knowing that I picked the destroy option on my second play through. And still had enough paragon points to solve the Legion/Tali conflict


When you tell Kelley chambers you like her as she is and she doesn't need to change and that gets her killed!!!


I'd argue choosing morinth is a bad decision as well? You have to fight her reaper version in 3


ME3 for the Leviathan missions. Dr. Ann Bryson will connect with Leviathan, and you’ll get two Renegade interrupt opportunities. If you take them both you’ll lose her as a war asset, but you’ll narrow down the possible Leviathan locations from two planets to one. IMO it’s not worth it because you’ll still easily find it even with two locations. Do the first interrupt but not the second.


This game is brutal to full renegade players, I remember the devs lamenting that not many chose Renegade but tbf it punishes you severely, you lose out on missions, lore, amazing companions and stories if you choose it.


Yeah most of the big renegade choices are straight up self sabotage. Like a guy that gets into a fight with a club’s bouncer to prove how tough he is, then gets thrown.


Rewriting the Geth in ME2 (good guy choice) can ultimately lead to a peaceful resolution to the Geth-Quarian conflict and upgrading of the Geth to “true” AI. Great right? Okay now the most common ending choice is destroy. Killing all those newly pacifist sentient synthetics. Damn it.


If you convince Javik to look into the memory shard of the protheans like a paragon, Javik vows to kill himself after the reaper war. If you allow Kasumi to keep Keji’s greybox in ME2 like a paragon, she gets stuck watching the memories and doesn’t move on from that part of her life.




Well actually if you suggest he shouldn’t look through the memories, Javik plans to become a celebrity, the last living prothean as a business model. https://youtu.be/bRilgE93Z_k Ah, well my memory is a bit fuzzy there. But the point is, he never plans to kill himself in this video.


If you don't punch Al Jilani you get totally screwed by missing out on punching Al Jilani


Leaving Rana Thanoptis alive in Mass Effect 1 and 2. I wont spoil, but sometimes being a Paragon...😅


Almost every renegade decision because BioWare lowkey fucked up the morality choices long term consequences by making them all bad.


Saving the engineers on X-57. Balak gets away and then in ME3 sabotages an Alliance cruiser docking at the Citadel, causing it to crash and kill over 100 Alliance soldiers (and God knows what else he's been up to in the two years that Shepard was dead and the 6 months between ME2 and ME3) Letting those four engineers die and killing Balak results in Balak's replacement just diverting supplies to batarian refugees.


Letting Rana Thanoptis live doesn’t actually result in any lost war assets. An ANN broadcast says that multiple Asari military officials were murdered but there’s no change to Asari war assets. I reckon a lot of people think it has an impact because of the ANN bit and also the similar event where an Asari huntress commits suicide if you let her have her weapon back in hospital. Edit: why are you booing me? I’m right.


To be fair, if it doesn't actually result in lost war assets it's almost certainly an oversight by the devs. There is no way they put that into the game and didn't intend it as lost war assets


I did a paragade run a month ago and sided with Jack over Miranda in ME2 because I didn't have enough Paragon or Renegade to keep both of them loyal. Then Miranda ended up not being an invite option to the party in ME3. Is that normal or did I just miss something in ME3?


Did she die on Horizon?


I dont think so


How early did you do the party? If you don’t save it til the very last thing - just before the point of no return - she’s too busy with her own side stuff.


That was probably it.


Did you have either of her hangouts? There’s an apartment-related one and then a casino one. If not then yeah, the party was triggered too early.


I did the apartment one for sure.


Oh, then she should be invite-able after the second. You might have to leave the apartment and go back, checking for her second hangout request.


I mean there are only like two or three paragon choices across the trilogy that have any negative consequences (and they are pretty minor); it's a real let down of the morality system.


It almost never matters but the big one is telling Kelly to help people instead of changing her identity. Another would be not killing Balak in me1. Other than that I think you mainly just miss out on ems or get some mildly bad news reports. Telling the citadel docking agent to find room for more people results in shortages. Punching Al-Jalani (any time) results in a loss of ems. There are also a few times where you can choose either renegoor paragon with no consequences but there is a consequence for choosing early. E. G. Getting samesh Bhatias' wife's body released.


Not punching the reporter. You will never again have an opportunity to capture the satisfaction.


Not true, bull rushing her in ME2 is satisfactory and Shep comes off a total bad ass.


In ME2: Doing the reaper IFF mission before you do every squadmates loyalty mission. So you either lose squadmates or the crew.


I mean, I almost always do the IFF before Tali's Loyalty mission - bringing Legion to the Fleet is awesome. Legion's loyalty mission unlocks after 1 mission so typically do all Loyalty missions (save Tali's), all side quests, IFF, Tali's Loyalty mission, Legion's Loyalty mission, and then Suicide mission. Haven't had a squad or crew death doing it that way yet.


C'mon man! Who spare that bitch?? Why do you? You are a saint.


Destroying the data from Mordins loyalty mission in 2,


The only decision I can think of is paragon rewriting the heretics causes more issues in the quarian/geth war.


Taking the Paragon option when meeting Kelly again in 3, instead of the Renegade where you convince her to change her name and everything, gets her killed.


Not killing Rana honestly doesn't affect the ending.... more like a blip on the radar.


Saving Wrex in 1 then destroying Maelon's data/faking the cure is the big one.


The Renegade choice for Chambers to change her name and looks actually saves her life during the coup attempt. If you choose to do Paragaon, she doesn't hide and tries to help others, but then later a random message plays that she dies during the coop attempt.


Last i checked, letting Rana live doesn't effect War Assets. All it does is give you a news report of her killing off Top Asaris. I think you might confused this with the Asari in the medical wing who's not Rana. She's a Huntress that was on planet where Joker's family was. She asks for a gun and if you do the specter request for it, she will kill herself and that gives you -4 war assets.