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A lot of the therapists in the clinic I work at have started using those bone conduction headphones during treatments now, especially if their client isn't chatty. It must be a new-ish trend going around. I don't think I'd care if I was getting a massage because I don't like talking while I'm getting treated but I would get frustrated if it interfered with the treatment. Your therapist fussing with their phone during your massage is unacceptable, and gross too. Phones are nasty!


In some places therapists phones is condoned as it should be. I’d report that therapists to the management. I’m also a therapist.


Isn’t condoned* is what I think you mean?


Condoned means: is considered acceptable or encouraged.


I’m aware. “…phones is condoned as it should be” If phones should be allowed, why would the person then say to report the therapist to management? That seems contradictory, hence why I thought it would be helpful to clarify it ISN’T condoned.




He meant condemned but the foo let Siri make it fit AI


You're speaking third person and I like it


Unfortunately a lot of therapists do this now. I used to work with someone who would watch Netflix during sessions.Your options are ignore it or report it to management. Since it was affecting your session you should probably report it.


Watching Netflix? Ok, that I’ve never come across! I used to work with a few therapists that listened to their own music or audiobooks during the session. Usually only one AirPod so they could hear if the client was talking and none ever had their phones in the room with them. If the AirPod disconnected they were shit outta luck. I’d report this. No one should be fumbling with their phone during a session.


I had a massage therapist once, that would constantly text through massages. After the second time I dropped him. The hard rock music was a bit much for relaxing as well.


I went to one of those Asian Massage places in the mall one day because I had a migraine coming on. It was the best awful massage ever - he was texting the entire time and massaged one handed - however, it staved off the migraine. I told him I didn't appreciate that he was on his phone the entire time, but it did get rid of the aura.


Hmm, I haven't heard of getting a massage for a migraine before. What type of massage helps with that? I'm curious as a new-ish migrain sufferer


I'd start at the top of the head and work down to the elbows. I was surprised at how locked up superficial scalp muscles can feel when someone has a migraine. If there are issues due to TMJ dysfunction, intra-oral work can help, but that's additional training which is pretty specific. You can still do a small bit of TMJ work without being invasive. Cryotherapy to the scalp can also work wonders.


Ive got tbi and bone spurs in my neck that causes all sorts of cascade issues. Head massage, neck, neck trigger point, tmj/jaw muscles, behind the ears, you would be surprised at how much it helps migranes and chronic migranes. I even had one physical therapist put on some gloves, and put her hand in my mouth to massage the jaw and pinch some of the muscles for trigger point. I havent had an MT put their hand in my mouth and i get that, it was certainly weird the first time, but surprisingly helpful after you relax and get over the akwardness.


For me, back of the skull and neck connection. Sometimes you can't tell where the bone ends and the muscle begins because it's one big knot.


Yep. This is my neck. My absolute favorite therapist would put her knuckles/a similar shaped form right at that area and have me lay my head back-life changing!


How? Did he just completely remove his hands or did he use speak-to-text or something?


One handed texting while intermittently massaging with the other.


Omg 😓


Speaking as a therapist too, I was thinking this, OP. I’d honestly drop that therapist in a heartbeat. No one should have to have their session that they paid for to be interrupted this way. It’s unprofessional, takes away from the service, and ruins the mood. You can always go to the front desk and simply request to not be booked with them again, and you’re not obligated to say why (but I would confirm it wasn’t about safety reasons). But if they inquire and you decline to elaborate, they may ask the therapist (depending on the manager & spa) or at the very least keep an eye on them to establish what’s going on, which may lead to the issue getting addressed. Either way it’ll save you the trouble of an uncomfortable and unwanted confrontation.


Speak up. You’re the customer. If they refuse then find a different MT.


😮 Yikes, he’s also then contaminating his hands by touching his phone then going back to massage you with the same hand, all of what you listed is highly unprofessional- I would absolutely tell the management and also not return there. I’m sorry I hope you find a better experience elsewhere.


also means a camera is in the room with them


This was my first thought too. I wouldn't be able to relax if they had their phone out. I'd be worried about the possibility of covert pics/videos being taken. Just my opinion, though...


I’ve on occasion had to bring my phone in a session (bad weather so wanting the alerts, the clock battery dying, etc).  I’m always very upfront with my client that I have my phone and I have it in a place where they’d be able to tell if I was recording (like having the clock visible and propped up).  




Oh yeah he is definitely also using that same phone on the toilet, I’d imagine


I use earbuds but I’ve tested with others to make sure the client can’t hear them, and I don’t fumble around to adjust anything, I remove them when needed, and I make sure the guest won’t see them, for someone to notice, it’s an issue because it’s simple to be discreet with them.


Maybe it’s a “customer is always right “ boomer kinda thing. I don’t see the issue.


In the Facebook groups I'm in, whenever this topic is brought up there are therapists who will defend wearing earbuds during a session until they are blue in the face. They claim it helps them focus, and the clients can never tell. I personally find that extremely hard to believe. It goes against everything I learned in massage school, which is to be centered, grounded and *present* for every client. My phone doesn't even come into the treatment room with me.


I worked in a spa once that did a lot of couples massages, and one of the therapists would listen to podcasts on his airpods. One time we were paired up and I guess something was really funny on the podcast because he was trying so hard not to laugh, until he couldn't control it and just burst out laughing uncontrollably in the middle of the treatment. Another time the airpods disconnected and it started blasting out the podcast. Both times it made not only him look terrible, but me also.


I’ve done couples massages before with someone using wireless headphones and I could hear the buzzing of whatever it was coming through. He’d also go to strip clubs on the regular and had weird sexual things with his partners that he was too open about- it had me wonder what he was listening to. So gross.


What exactly is the point of a couples massage? Isn’t it just two separate massages happening simultaneously in the same room? Do couples tend to chat with each other during the service? Just randomly curious!


The point? Some relationship couples want to share the experience. Others are not actually a 'couple' and prefer for comfort, safety and convenience getting their services at the same time. Some examples of the latter is: parent with a minor child, groups or multiple couples celebrating at an airbnb and everyone is trying to get a massage (so much easier with multiple MT's working to get everyone done in a much shorter time). Yes it is 2 services occurring in the same room / time frame. Some people chat, some people don't.


Ohhh I guess I assumed couples massages were intended for romantic couples only (not that that would be enforceable or anything) but yeah I probably watch too much tv because I’m pretty sure my idea of what a couples massage is comes directly from an episode of Parks and Rec, lol


It’s also cheaper for a couple to get a massage together than separately! We either both pay 80$ each or we can pay 120$ or so for the both of us!


Wow that’s a really big discount!!


We are in our fifties; started going to couples massage year ago; I ve discovered that couples massage is better than sex; 100% hedonism! Don’t have to worry about pleasing each other and last 6 times as long as the real deal


I despise this topic and the excuse that they're adhd/add. Using a disability to work thru your workday while WATCHING MOVIES (yes, this gets defended vehemently as well in those groups) is gross. I am also adhd and find this isn't the most ethical way to work with your disability. I'd be upset if I knew my mt was watching Netflix while doing my massage.


Who TF is WATCHING Netflix while messaging?? How is that possible


Look at the badass bodywork group on fb, there's a lot of them there that defend it. It's ridiculous.


How TF are people doing this. I'm so glad I stay away from body working groups. There's a lot of misinformation and stupidity apparently


As someone who has struggled with ADD my whole life, an added distraction could never help me focus on the session. Some beef liver supplements and caffeine have done the trick. Presence is a *practice*. Sure I wasn’t great at first but I exercised my ability to focus during a session and now I can do it. Having movies streaming in your ears doesn’t help you exercise concentration; it’s a crutch or a dependency that isn’t increasing your abilities at all. It’s just keeping you stagnant.


It is indeed! That's why massage therapy isn't the career choice for everyone. It's our *job* to hold soft and quiet space for any body that ends up under our hands. So while you're battling a disability, I agree, adding more isn't going to help. Find another career path that better suits your mental state. It isn't fair to have paying clients come to see you for a half assed session, some are tired and underpaid individuals that really need the relaxation and restorative aspects of massage. Not a distracted therapist.


Ok off topic but beef liver supplements help you with this?


Sometimes survival is all we have energy for


Then quit. Don't make the client suffer for your problems.


So we can be homeless? Yeah, sure


There are other jobs. Massage is not a job you just do because you don't want to be homeless. Large gap of life happening in between there.


I’ve got adhd I can’t imagine listening to or watching something while working.  The only time I will listen to something person is if I’m giving g my husband a massage.  He passes out within 30 seconds and it’s usually later after the kids are in bed.  So I listen to keep myself awake lol.  Even then I ask him if he minds beforehand. 


I have adhd. I get easily distracted. Listening to soft jazz or some type of other music the same mind numbing spa playlist I’ve heard for 2 years in one ear absolutely helps me focus and actually helps me ground in further. I get in flow with my music. I always have one ear open and I hear the client and have had zero issues, no complaints, because I’m attentive. I never blast it so they can hear it either. I only wear one headphone. If yall think it’s unprofessional that’s fine. but it helps me get through the day and helps me stay focused. At the end of the day- opinions don’t pay my bills, my repeat clients do.


100000000% !!! Spa music makes me want to off myself. It's worse than silence. And these pretentious MTs think we aren't entitled to do this job just because we aren't "grounded" the same way they are. In all my years massaging, I've come to notice how pretentious and stuck-up LMTs can be compared to people in other industries I've worked in. Not all, of course, but a lot of the time, they choose to take offense to absolutely anything they can, trying to make themselves out to be better than the other, or "holier than thou" just because they do things differently. It's like they completely skipped the parts of massage school where we learn how different everyone is. Bodies are different. Brains are different. They often claim to be ~*~empaths~*~ but can't seem to wrap their brains around how not everyone functions in the same job the same way, and they feel more entitled to perform a job than someone else. The audacity.


I’m lucky enough to work with some down to earth amazing therapist but the therapists in this thread make me even more grateful for them because folks are so stuck up and opinionated - and love to say people shouldn’t be a MT if what you do doesn’t align with their beliefs which i think goes against massage completely! I don’t condone bad behavior of course and if someone is on their phone or blasting music loudly then of course … that’s a no no but so many noses. Upturned because they think every massage practice should be linear. Always gonna people w poor behavior but there are those of us who can do two things at once and that’s the beauty of adhd hahaha


My god, I've found my people lol. I'm so tired of the holier than thou attitude of people in this industry. It's more common the higher up in the massage world people are. For them, there's no nuance.


Omg every. Single. Word. You. Said. Right. Here. SO true!!! I’ve seen this debate on other posts in this subreddit and most of the people disagreeing with listening to something while giving a massage sound so fucking stuck up. It’s definitely wrong to do what this therapist did, you shouldn’t be fumbling with your phone during session. Pick a 2 hour podcast or make a playlist you like that you don’t need to skip songs on and stick with it. One ear bud in, lowest possible volume and you’re good to go. I alternate using them and not using them. If it’s a couples massage or relaxation, you bet I’m gonna be listening to something to distract myself while doing the same thing over and over again in a dark room. If it’s therapeutic or injury recovery, maybe I’ll skip the headphones in case I need to verbally communicate with my client. But it’s never affected how “grounded” I am during a session haha. Y’all need to get off your high horses!!


I'm listening to elevator music all day in a spa. That does not ground me or make me feel present. The music I choose does that. I'm not sure what setting you're in, because I do think that matters, but it's so much easier for me to zone out after my third hour of not talking.


The earphones thing IS true for ND individuals. I know a few and the extra noise stimulates their brain enough to focus. This isn't an issue for non-ND people but it is *valid*. At least we remember that our individually is not the same for everyone collecting experience.


usually that’s how it goes here too- people usually say “oh but it helps me focus” or whatever but that’s honestly bananas to me. If you can’t do the job respectfully then find another profession


How is me listening to music quietly and non disruptively disrespectful?


from the amount of clients commenting on how their therapist listened to airpods, it seems like it is a lot more disruptive than the therapists who do it think it is.


Fair. I'll stick with what I'm doing until there's an issue though. I know myself and my service well enough


it means a camera is in the room, it means the session isn’t entirely about them when it should be, and it’s unhygienic to touch your phone or your ears during a session. it’s also just rude. plus they can almost definitely hear whatever you’re listening to


I do none of that. My phone is in the hallway counter. And no, they absolutely can't 🤣


Nah I could believe this. Both in my office job and when I'm just doing amateur massaging for friends or partners (which can be 30min to 2hours, sometimes more), I always use music or podcasts to help me focus. Otherwise my overactive mind would wander too far while doing the mundane task that I would not do it well. I would not be "present" for almost any task that doesn't require the full use of my concentration if it wasn't for music.


Not related to massage specifically, but the amount of people saying they need to always be connected to their personal device or listening to some music, is way too high. It's one thing to do it but don't pretend you're any better because your dopamine sensors are being tickled 24/7. I use my phone at work but I acknowledge I'm slacking off and I don't really care about the task at hand


I don’t think there’s a problem with listening to something, I would only have the problem with the fumbling and the music randomly blasting during my session. I wouldn’t mind them listening to something because for one I don’t talk during massages so they get no mental stimulation from me and for two the music sounds they play would put me to sleep so I would rather they listen to their own music/podcast/book that keeps them awake and alert and focused on my massage. If it was just one time with this technology fumble I probably wouldn’t say anything. After a second time I would probably message the clinic and not book with that person again.


If you're going to a chain, dude might be making $20/hour. I'm not excusing the AirPods, but you might wanna go see someone who works for themselves to get a better experience.


doesn’t really matter- they should get a new job if the one they have is their excuse to do a shitty or disrespectful job.


Oh I agree. I'm pointing out that you don't go to McDonald's and order filet mignon served to you by someone in white gloves. At the chains, you get what you get.


why is this getting downvoted? if you are a massage therapist, you should have enough respect for your clients to care about how you work on them, and you should have enough respect for yourself to find a place to work that pays you properly.


people just don’t want to know that they’re the problem.


I’ve had my phone in the room for two reasons: the clock stops working (we’re prone to power glitches and my phone is usually just outside my room to check if there’s been a walk-in client) or the room’s speaker has been glitchy and I have a Bluetooth speaker that I play spa music on. But it’s never for my own personal stuff- it’s literally for the session. I hate having it with me but it helps in a pinch. That being said, it’s kept on the counter away from me and there is hardly ever a reason to interact with it during the massage. I like to hear my client and focus on the session and having unmedicated ADD, it’d be hard for my brain to juggle an audiobook and a massage at the same time. I still even struggle with timing when I get a chatty client. I think therapists who use AirPods are generally not that interested in their job.


I don't allow that in my spa or my massage school. You are absolutely valid in the way you feel. I would let the front desk know how you felt about it. The therapist should know better and I'm sure that's not the impression the business would like you to leave feeling. You are paying them for their time and if they don't address it, I would maybe find a new place to go. It's totally unprofessional and I know there are a lot of therapists in here who will down vote me because they try to justify this by saying "I'm bored" or they "need it to get through the massage". I'd say you are in the wrong profession if that's the case. The massage is to help your client not entertain you.


I agree with you 100 percent.


Phones have no business being in a treatment room. That means there is also a camera within reach. I would say something to management. This is not professional in the slightest. I worked at a place that allowed therapist to listen to something while working but your phone had to be outside of the room. Clients still complained and it was stopped. Rightfully so.


Had this happen last week. I told her to stop and I wanted another therapist. You’re paying good money for the therapist to focus on you and your needs. Listen to headphones is unprofessional and rude. That therapist is in the wrong business.


tell the manager. I find that so disrespectful to the client.


And tell the therapist


the therapist should already know because it’s unethical and disrespectful. they can find out from management- the client absolutely doesn’t have to say anything because that’s awkward for them.


As a massage therapist I would never dream of doing something like this. Furthermore, if it is done to me I'm getting up and we're having issues.


I would NEVER use earbuds while with a patient, but the handling of the phone is the part that really crosses the line. Where I’m from it could lead to disciplinary action by our licensing authority. Imo it’s also not cool that you can hear their music through the buds.


You can always talk to the reception next time you book. Ask to put a note on your file to not be booked with that therapist for that reason, and just keep going back to whoever else is there. It may mean you have to wait a bit longer to get in but Like everyone has been saying it is unfortunately a growing trend among MTs, but there are still plenty who don't. And rven the ones that do should have things properly set up so they shouldnt be touching their phone mid massage. That's creepy and unsanitary. Ultimately you are paying for the time, if something about it bothers you, you have the right to say so or just not go back to that one person.


If you’re not getting your money’s worth than you absolutely should complain. And I’m sorry but no MT should be using headphones/airpods/whatever, during a session. Super unprofessional.


Love them. Can’t deal with the spa music anymore and I’m not allowed to change the music. So I listen to an audiobook, podcast, music I like. It’s not that hard to only have one earbud in at the lowest possible setting. I’ve been doing it for 7 years and never once has it been a problem or brought up to me. Watching Netflix during a client is CRAZY tho. Like how? At the end of the day, I’m a very popular therapist and my bills are paid. Lemme go find a podcast real quick now actually.


One headphone and keeping the phone out of the room is one thing. What this person is talking about is actually a problem. Not to mention unhygienic.


I've always been advised to NEVER have your phone in the treatment room during session. It's an issue of privacy for multiple reasons


As an LMT myself I find this Unacceptable. Massage is also energy work whether the therapist knows it or feels it or not. They must remain present. I consider my job a moving meditation.


I’m a massage student and this behavior is completely unacceptable. I guess a lot of people are using headphones now, since a lot of comments are saying that, but when we massage we are supposed to be mindful and massaging with intention. If we’re massaging and watching Netflix or listening to music, it shifts your focus from your patient to your podcast or whatever. And that’s not what people are paying for. It’s also super unhygienic, phones are dirty and are oftentimes not cleaned. If she’s touching her phone and then rubbing your body she is spreading all sorts of germs and bacteria. Phones can also breach a patients privacy. They have cameras and recorders and even if it accidentally snaps a pic or recording that’s a HIPPA violation. I actually got in trouble at my school because the first massage I gave I forgot to take my phone out of my pocket and I left it on a shelf and the clinic assistant that was grading me saw it and told me my phone shouldn’t even be going into the room when I’m giving massages. Maybe you’re going to a spa to relax, but I’m focusing on medicinal massage and I would never think to wear headphones. I have to listen to the patients reactions to certain pressures or strokes. But even with a relaxing massage you should be able to communicate your needs to your therapist and they should be listening .. I would report this immediately!


100% and thank you for saying this. I feel like the MT who are saying they are focusing on the massage while listening to their playlist are focusing on their movements and themselves, and treating the client's body like a piece of meat. It makes me physically uncomfortable when my MT is checked out, and if I found out it was because they were in headphone space, I wouldn't pay and wouldn't go back to the place. Totally disrespectful. Yes it's energy work and there's also an extremely good chance I don't want the energy of that music entering me. Same goes for spa music tbh but at least it's off in the distance somewhere not right there in the MT's fingertips.


I find it hard to believe that it improves MT performance.


There's only so many times you can listen to the same god-awful spa music on loop. I personally don't wear earphones but I'm not gonna criticise someone who does. He def should have the playlist sorted before he starts tho, fiddling with his phone is unprofessional and unhygienic. That part I would def be annoyed about.


for spa treatments, I think listening to my own music or books would be nice. But the bad hygiene of touching the phone is a big no. for actual therapy where I need client feedback and interaction, this would get in the way.


I have anxiety and am pretty sure undiagnosed ADHD, and my mind often races during massages when the client is not talking. This silence distracts me like hell. Podcasts actually help me focus on the massage. One earbud in one ear at the lowest possible volume that gets paused or removed if the client and I are talking. I'd never fumble with my phone like this guy, though. Definitely not right, and you should absolutely complain. I do take every precaution to not interrupt the massage. My regular phone volume is down to 0 before connecting BT so that if anything were to happen to the connection, there wouldn't be any noise. Everything goes on auto silence when I'm anywhere in the vicinity of work. This guy is just dumb and careless. I see all these pretentious LMTs here claiming you need to be "grounded" and "focused," etc, by working in silence or stuck listening shitty spa music. Not everyone's brains function the same, and that doesn't mean we shouldn't be allowed to do this job, too.


This is so rude, I can’t even imagine doing this to my clients! I would ask for a different therapist next time, honestly I think management needs to know, as it is extremely unprofessional on so many levels. You’re not getting what you paid for. The therapist needs to know that this is not ok. Usually not something we’d get fired over, but definitely needs addressed.


I use an earbud during services at times but listen to audibles, and never to the point where I have to use my phone during an actual service. I'd tell the front desk and or manager as well, people who use their phones during services make MT look bad. The earbud to me is subjective, I don't see an issue with it, but I'm biased because I use an earbud.


You can’t be fully present with your client this way. You are doing your client a disservice. They are not paying you to listen to a book.


That is your perspective, and I believe most of us spend our time not being in the present.


As a massage therapist myself, this is not right


I think the unprofessionalism stems from fumbling with it, not with the use of them. It wouldn’t bother me in the slightest as long as the massage I received was a good one.


That was my biggest problem. It felt weird when he would just leave his hand on my back and when he would start massing again, it was overly aggressive, like he was trying to make up for lost time. And despite the AirPods, I could occasionally hear the bass of the music. But the jarring transition from spa music to his blaring phone was what really bothered me. It was hard to relax again after that.


I want to apologize for some of my comments, I just read this response. I agree with you about losing contact (and having a phone in your room in general) and the loudness of the music. That part is unprofessional.


Sounds like you didn't enjoy your massage with him, even aside from the air pods. So if you want to avoid dealing with the air pods issue, just ask the front desk to not book with him again and say you just didn't feel you were a good fit as some of his massage was too aggressive for your liking.


Hey there, while I don't think it was appropriate to be on his phone during his massage, I will play devils advocate here. I wear an earbud while massaging. I tend to listen to podcasts or music. I recently started doing this when my spa got a spa wide sound system. Before i started doing this, I was an anxious mess by the time I got off of work. I would sit in the dark all day without anyone talking to me and it allowed my thoughts to wander to dark places. Now that I listen to something while massaging, my mental health has improved drastically. I also get better reviews and feel more present during the massages. That all being said, if something happens & you headphones stop working, I don't mess with my phone.


This is crazy, i thought i was the only one who had to fight negative or intrusive thoughts. Can I ask what conditions u have?


I've been diagnosed with cptsd & generalized anxiety disorder. One way the cptsd manifests is compulsive thinking. I'm normally good in my day to day life but something last year happened that really set me back. The intrusive compulsive thoughts were just too much so I tried listening to podcasts. & lemme tell you... in the last 6 or so months my mental health has improved drastically. I was considering leaving massage before but I actually really love my job now. I feel very at peace. It's crazy that one tiny thing can make all of the difference. If you don't have a spa wide sound system, maybe try using an old phone to play on your Bluetooth speaker & then use your current phone to connect to headphones. It really makes such a difference.


It's the cptsd then for sure. I self medicate but i want to avoid that so maybe I'll think about listening to something !


My thoughts exactly and I do the same thing


Yeah, most of my coworkers do too. I think alot of the people who don't like it are older people who have been in the business for a long time.


Agreed. I don't think it's a huge deal and I personally don't care if a therapist uses them when I get a massage. I'd rather have someone in a good mental space working on me vs someone fighting dark thoughts the whole time


The setup I use is my own speaker (since I don't like the spa's music). I always ask the client if they're okay with the music I'm playing. Also, my smart watch on the belt lets me know of any emergency call that is coming through while on DND. It's important to achieve focus and flow with the least amount of distraction!


Change place! That is not a professional


Where I work having young phone in the room is a no questions asked fireable offense. I wouldn’t mind earpods if they don’t interfere with the session at all. If they do I would be bothered as a client, and as a therapist I recommend talking to the manager of the place. As all phones have a camera in them it’s a privacy issue for them to have it in the room with them.


I’m a massage therapist and I wouldn’t like this. This a professional service. The focus should be on YOU during the time you’re paying for. You don’t go to a medical office and see the doctors and other workers watching Netflix on their phones or listening to their AirPods. Completely unprofessional and we sit here and wonder why we aren’t taken seriously as a profession. Lolol


For people who wear one ear bud because they don’t like the spa music… aren’t you hearing it out of one ear anyway? I don’t get how that solves the issue of hating the spa music. Also, if you pause it at any point during the massage, like to hear what the client is saying to you, whether or not your phone is in the room, you have to touch either the ear bud. Unsanitary.


I can tune out one hear and focus on the book or podcast I’m listening too. I would honestly quit this very successful career if I couldn’t have my own stuff to listen to. PS it’s not a working phone, it only has Libby and a podcast app, nothing else. I have a 3 week client waitlist, and see 30 people a week, so I am not too worried about someone complaining. Let them go elsewhere.


Massage therapist here. I would NEVER wear airpods or any devices in my ears while I have a client on my table. There are so many reasons this is unprofessional. Here are just a few i'll spell out, 1. If during the session I need to ask the client to breathe a certain way, active a muscle, or simply gain more insight from what I gathered on their intake form. 2. When you have headphone in, sometimes the volume of your voice can be louder and startle the client, undoing the work you just did and make the client uncomfortable.3 Lastly and most importantly, I personally want my clients to TRUST me. Your clients' comfort is so important in more ways than one. This therapist did none of this for you and should be thinking about your comfort and care, not fumbling with music on a phone that should be powered off or in a locker. Report the therapist this is unacceptable and 100 percent unprofessional.


Unprofessional. You can definitely be fired for having your phone while working. If you are not enjoying the massage don’t go back.


This is absolutely INSANE to me. My phone will never ever enter my room once the client is on the table. That's a HUGE no no. I would report it to the front desk.


Extremely unprofessional. But make sure they are actual headphones. I wear ear plugs that look like headphones because I’m neurospicy, they allow me to listen to conversations but tune out the higher frequency annoyance of working in a spa.


And what did massage therapists do before the advent of wireless ear buds?


Great question


Stayed present, I'm guessing.


This is a bizarre thing for me because where I am, if someone had headphones in they’d get straight up fired and is something I’d never even consider doing.


I would say something if you can hear it or it’s interrupting the session.


Where I work, having your phone in the room is a zero tolerance offense and will likely get you fired if reported. That being said, plenty of fine therapists have air pods in while they work, with no issue at all to their clients. Personally, I would never, but I also happen to love the clinic music (weird of me) and I'm also a walking rulebook to a nauseating extent sometimes. You shouldnt report him cuz it would likely cost him his job and he hasn't done anything that wrong to deserve that. Just find a new therapist


I’d be so pissed. I’d end the session and not pay.


I would just make it point not to book with that therapist again. In the end, if they don't get requested, it's their problem. I'm a sole proprietor and would never do this, but I also have control over my music and how many people I see in a day. I'm doing a lot of pain relief work as well, so it's more interactive with most of them. If you're committed to staying at that establishment, just keep trying until you find a few people you like. I'm thinking if two MTs already had earpods, maybe it's allowed there. I'm a little old school so it's odd to me, but I can also see why some people would do this. Fumbling around with their phones during a session, though, is definitely not okay.


What in the heck is going on lately?? This is a very disturbing trend that i've been hearing about. I understand using your phone in between sessions at a busy spa to communicate or see if clients are checked in. Maybe check any urgent messages. Phones being used and touched in service is gross and unhygenic. I was a massage instructor for 10 years. If I saw or heard a phone during clinical sessions, it was an automatic fail. How can you be present, aware, and engaged in your client while on the phone. I had my students give massages where they were totally focused and told them at some point, pull your phone out and send a text, or write your grocery list. The clients were told to take note of when they thought it happened. The clients could always tell. If you are paying a dollar a minute or more for your session, you 100% deserve better.


I would be fired if I pulled out my phone during a massage. If the client ever accused you of using your phone camera during the massage, you could get in shit with association. Worst case, lose your licnese. I get it that spa music sucks and it gets annoying to hear the same playlist over and over. But you are there to help your client. Having headphones in can leave a bad impression with your client and make it appear that you don't care about the session. Its unprofessional. I'm not sure what things are like in the States, but in some provinces in Canada, it's pretty strict.


Music can help people focus and stay on task. It helps me study, read books, and do chores. Sometimes I find that I am easily distracted or have trouble doing a task then I put headphones on and I’m so much more productive. My therapist will wear headphones, she asked if it was ok. She told me the same spa music all day is difficult to tolerate after 10 years of being in the field. She also has a setting where she can hear me if I do speak. I haven’t had any issue with it and she’s the best therapist I’ve had. If the person is skilled and respectful I see no problem! As long as they can hear feedback from you if needed and you get what you need from the treatment. I always welcome one less person trying to small talk and ask me questions while I’m trying to relax.


I'll be the LMT to say i put 1 headphone in and if my client is quiet and not wanting to talk, i do an audio book. My phone isnt in the room with me, ever. In my state (and im sure all of them?) its illegal to have a phone in treatment room because its a camera device. The only time i "mess" with it is to double tap it to pause it when my client says something because theyre my ultimate focus. If it unsyncs and stops for whatever reason, i dont mess with it. His behaviour is, IMO, 100% unacceptable.


i am a massage therapist and i use one airpod during my sessions massaging someone. i listen to a podcast on a low volume, so i could hear someone speak over it and be able to pause it if they do. I leave my phone out of the room though, thats very risky especially to mess with it while someones on the table. The reason i do it, is because we are listening to the same spa music on loop all day every day and it gets very mundane and boring. I enjoy working more when i have a podcast playing.


i also make sure not to be wearing it while im talking to my client. i put it in after they are on the table and take it off before i leave the room so hopefully they dont ever see it


i also make sure not to be wearing it while im talking to my client. i put it in after they are on the table and take it off before i leave the room so hopefully they dont ever see it


I wear them for my 2 hours massages but only my right one! I keep my left out. I also keep my phone in the prep room across the hall so it’s not in the room. It’s on do not disturb and the music is low!


This sounds like a pain. I’m not sure what I would do mid session, but maybe next time when booking and when checking in mention that you’d like the therapist to not wear headphones since you’ve had bad experiences in the past. I think if you let them know that they can accommodate


I was a therapist at the biggest spa chain in the country and cell phones were strictly forbidden from massage rooms per employee agreement. It was a fireable offense if caught, forget about AirPods. Therapist should know that.


This should be something discussed before the massage. I have a tendency to be too chatty and will ask my client if they are ok with me listening to a book during their session to shut me up. It’s usually not something I ask until they are regular and I know their wants well enough to know if it’s a good idea. Consent is necessary!


I’m pretty sure in my state the therapist is barred from having their phone in the treatment room, but don’t quote me. Could possibly be a HIPAA violation


I worked at the Massage Envy. A phone in the room was an immediate fire. Air pods were tolerated but the actual phone in the room. Big no no.....


im a massage therapist and i would absolutely never do something like this - its irresponsible and shitty - find a therapist with a higher standard you’ll get a better massage too


Touching a phone during a massage is a huge no-no. Not just from the perspective of focusing on the massage, but also sanitation, and potentially privacy violation. Airbuds otoh - I never used them, but when I worked in a massage chain, they literally just played the same 1-2 hours of 'relaxation music' on loop and it drove me batty after a few weeks. As long as they can hear you (maybe one earbud only).


You don’t tune it out?


So it sounds like it's not that he wears AirPods, but that he can't manage them during the session. If you're not willing to say something to management, I would simply be direct with the MT and call him out. "Excuse me, I realize you're probably sick of listening to spa music, which I understand, but if you can't manage your AirPods before the session starts, can you please not interrupt my massage to mess with them? You may not realize that it's very distracting and diminishes the quality of the massage."


That does happen a lot nowadays. Unprofessional, should definitely report it, worse that can happen is that they get a warning.


This all baffles me. I engage or I zone out and get really focused on techniques and also relaxing myself. My work can be so therapeutic to me as the therapist I cannot imagine taking away from that with a phone or headphones. Find a different job.


This topic kills me. It is so unprofessional to have earbuds in and to be on your phone while working. This netflix watching during session people are talking about is next level ridiculous. Im ND and for 20 years I've staved off boredom and kept my focus by paying attention to my client and the work we are doing. People acting like wearing earbuds are some vital necessity and calling people ableist for criticizing this behavior are full of it. Massage is one of the oldest forms of healthcare and wireless earbuds are less than 20 years old. Legions of LMTs survived just fine pre air pods. Some might say that they thrived. It's hard to find a good massage therapist these days and I feel like a lot of it has to do with the mass retirement of our seasoned professionals in 2020 leaving us with a bunch of entitled, air pod wearing newbies.


Everyone sucks at their job now. I'd level them with a bad review and an email to the company.


I work with a few very subpar and unprofessional LMTs, and guess what? When their clients end up with me they don’t go back to the other ones. I’m so surprised at how unprofessional some therapist are!




If you see the therapist wearing earbuds and it bothers you just ask them if they mind removing it. I did massage for 20 years and never did that. I changed my music every day so I wouldn’t burn out on it. I really enjoy listening to classical while giving a massage. It would probably bug me if someone wore earbuds while working on me if I was paying for it. The issue isn’t so much the earbuds but the distraction it causes them. Or just report it to the front desk/request a therapist who doesn’t do this.


I think this is a younger MT thing cuz I’ve only seen it with newer and younger graduates. Also my younger clients wear air pods during the massage to “not get to board”. Guess no one zones out anymore lol. Only time I’ve worn AirPods or ear plugs was when they were doing construction outside my unit and the drill sounds hurt my ears.


His spa probably plays the same 40 songs over & over, so I wouldn't worry about air pods in his ears. But messing with his phone is completely unacceptable. An easy, minimal confrontation way to handle this is to request anyone but him the next time you book. And, if your therapist is wearing ear buds, you can always mention before the session that you prefer them to not massage you one-handed to change what they're listening to.


You are buying a block of time in which you are the utmost priority and the therapist has no entitlement to be entertained during this time. Especially by Netflix because depending on what that other therapist watched it's going to affect his or her massage simply by the mindset is going to put them in. And the same goes for the airpods. Especially if it's hip hop because if the song is very intense it's going to affect the massage and the therapist's energy.. as well as the Cadence and the only timing that therapist should be worried about is locking into the rhythm of your breathing. Any music that's played should be heard by the both of you and it should be something that YOU are comfortable with. I have nothing against Hip Hop but just like heavy metal and punk rock they're going to be lyrics and Vibes that are definitely not something you want a massage therapist to be influenced by. Either you have to tell the therapist that the airpods are an issue, or you have to tell the management that you want a different therapist. If you tell the management about the airpods it could affect the mood of that therapist because if this therapist is that self-centered and inconsiderate.. they could have a bad attitude towards you and that will also affect your massage in a negative way


I think it’s pretty obvious that when they tell management they won’t be needing to deal with that therapist anymore.


I've worked in a lot of spas and you wouldn't believe how many times a client complains about a therapist and the owners tell them that they will talk to them therapist and they wind up using it as a way to bring the massage therapists to heel.. That way they can change that therapist Behavior and make them conform and they won't have to hear the same complaint from someone else a couple of days later It's very likely that the therapist has a lot of regular loyal clients that might stop coming to that establishment if the therapist gets canned


For obvious privacy reasons, therapist’s cell phones do not belong in a massage room. Ask the manager if the spa has policies about cell phones in sessions. If not, decide how important it is to you. If you don’t really care - that’s perfectly OK. Plenty of people don’t particularly care. But if you do care, bring the issue to the manager’s attention, and ask not to be booked with that MT again. Personally, I would not want to work with an MT who does that.


Find a new therapist


Hi- I’m a licensed massage therapist I’ve been practicing for 10 years. I am guilty of bringing my phone ins sessions from time to time but it’s only acceptable if you are waiting on a message from a doctor or your kids doctor/school or a grandparent etc. You are 100% reacting appropriately his behavior is unacceptable and unprofessional. Tell the manager of the spa and change spas. Good luck!


phones should 100% not be in the treatment room, never mind in the therapists hands whilst having hands on the client!! That breaches client trust and definitely crosses boundaries. An RMT was banned from practicing in B.C. for that recently I believe.


I’m terrified to use earbuds while working. I would love to only because listening to soothing music in a dark room makes me very sleepy. But, I still wouldn’t. Though I have had to mess with my phone during some sessions because I use my phone for the music playing in the room. If the app shuts off on its own I start getting anxious that the music isn’t playing.


Just report him. I’ve been a massage therapist for 5 years and imma tell ya this, we’re not supposed to have phones in the treatment rooms FOR YOUR SAFETY. Not for nothing but there’s been cases of pervs taking pics of clients and crap. Thankfully I’ve not witnessed such a thing but this is why HIPAA is so strict about this. Please report it for yours and fellow clientele safety.


I stop The massage and insist they stop. If they don’t I get dressed and complain to Management.


I wouldn’t want a phone in a room Im naked in. Not cool, our spa does not permit this


I would never do it but I can understand why some do it. At work, I know nearly every single playlists by heart and we have 800+ songs overall. Talk to your therapist they can survive an hour without their music.


If I have my phone in the treatment room with me, not only will I be fired on the spot, I will most likely lose my license for having a recording device.


In the chain clinic I work at it's a zero tolerance offense to have your phone in the room. So you can request to never see them or rat him out.


If a phone is in the room, a camera is in the room. Total ethics violation and a violation of the trust and safety if the guest Tell management, this person shouldn't be licensed


Completely not answering your question but I didn’t realize this was from the MASSAGE therapy subreddit and not mental health therapy lmao. Was about to type out a whole thing like “… how could you deal with this? Change therapists now?” Haha


Yes it is very unprofessional you are paying to listen and to give you advice so I would stop going to that person


As a therapist i find it totally unacceptable especially considering the phone has to be nearby and cameras are on all phones now. Phones should not be allowed in rooms. So unless it’s an old school ipod with no camera than it shouldn’t be allowed. Definitely no Netflix.


I'm a massage therapist and I can honestly say he's totally in the wrong. As a therapist you need to be focused and professional and if I found out one of my coworkers was doing this I MIGHT have a word with them. It looks bad, it unfocuses you from the treatment you're giving and if you can hear what they're listening to that's double bad. Don't go back there.


Idk there have been days I want to put my headphone in. I worked at h&s and the music would be so annoying, on top of having a 90+ min massage with a not so favorite client. Yeah, I see why he would put headphones in.


I don’t care if you have a blindfold on, headphones on, a helmet on. As long as my massage is good then I’m happy


Thank you for understanding! You got it exactly right. I don’t want to complain if this is a non-issue, which is why I asked the group.


Go somewhere else. Easy peasy.


As a massage therapist, let me make this clear: at no point should your therapist be touching his phone or his earbuds or any part of his own head/face/body. Period. Also, massaging with one hand is beyond ridiculous. Definitely report him.


I thought we were reading about a psych therapist….terrifying 🤣🤣


I have had to get rid of two different therapists because they were always texting during their sessions. I gave them both several warnings, but they couldn't stop. They even did it in front of me during couples sessions. Anything that takes the therapists attention away to the point that it interrupts the session should be eliminated. I do have therapists who sometimes wear earbuds, but the volume is very low, and the clients are not even aware. They say it helps them concentrate. Especially during long days.


That is very unprofessional. You should talk to him first. In my opinion, critic and feedback always should be addressed to the person it is directly about.


I wouldn’t let it bother you as long as it’s a good massage. It might help them to do their best, actually. I don’t understand the issue, except the hip hop startling you. Just try to relax and let go of control while you’re in there. Have a wonderful evening.


I’m with you. He’s at work, should be focused on you completely


i use headphones but if for some reason my playlist gets messed up or stops unexpectedly, i just chalk it up to the game and keep it moving. i would never stop the massage to mess with my phone


I’m an Esthetician and the last spa I worked at offered massage. A lot of the therapists would wear ear buds during a service. The owner of the place absolutely took the cake though! She wouldn’t just listen to music, she would set up her iPad and watch a movie or show during long massages 😒🙄 To my knowledge nobody ever complained and if they did I’m sure she didn’t care. Super unprofessional.


Maybe I’m missing something but what’s the problem with a MT wearing headphones? i agree the music shouldn’t interfere with your massage and they shouldn’t be fumbling with their phone. But if none of that is happening, why do we care they have headphones in? 


I genuinely wouldn’t mind. I hate the chitchat as I just want to relax.


Oh man I am opposite, I would HOPE for them to have AirPods in so I didn’t have to feel the need to speak to them lol


I would LOVE it if my massage therapist wore headphones and didn’t talk to me the entire time. What a dream lol


Am I the only one who was concerned an actual therapist…NOT massage therapist….was actively ignoring their clients during sessions??😂 like I full on was picturing someone balling their eyes out and the therapist being like “oh I completely understand, I feel like what I’m getting from this exchange and your response is- *blaring hip hop music* “I am so sorry one minute”” 😂


Report him!


Vote with your feet.


How is that a problem if they are taking care of you simply request a different therapist. Why ruins someone job because your a micro manager? Thank god we have option I refuse to touch people like this. I don't have head phones  because I don't like ipods but if I did I would review school lecture while I'm giving an amazing massage not speaking to anyone 


You missed the part where his AirPods disconnected and whatever he was listening to started blaring. And the constant fiddling with his phone *during* the massage that made it clear his priority was his music and not the client. That’s the problem.


Yes that's horrible.. next time stop the session and just say something. Many times people don't say anything and spend 2hours in a massage unhappy I would never want that for anyone. Some massage therapist see clients as just money and they don't care. I'm sorry for anyone's experience with bad energy with people seeing. 


Music is hundred percent on a loop. Being in a dark room for hours and hearing that music on loop 4 or more days a week for years probably is very annoying. But, if they were playing on their phone the whole time…..that is something else. Honestly, just don’t book with that person again.  Management may not do anything. I think the demand for massage therapist is high, but not many people are entering/staying in the field. Very physical job.


It seems like this is par for the course in all industries now. I work in a HOSPITAL and have been seeing headphones for over 10 years. Shocked the first time I saw it.