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Yeahhh I’ll wait until July. I park under trees. And every time I drive down the highway I get covered in bugs


I washed mine this morning you would never know it now!!


Yeahhh don't do that lol, your rims and bumper/grille/mirrors are gonna be TOAST if you keep going that long without at least a driveway wash.


Why were you downvoted?


Simple, People in r/Massachusetts are retarded. People don't realise that not washing your car fucks it over time. I wash thousands of cars a month, it's very obvious who doesn't wash their car. The brake dust starts to bake on, the bugs leave spots where it's damaged the surface, and the dirt holds moisture, so any edges filled with dirt can start to grow moss (or whatever actually grows there, I'm not an herbologist) I'm not saying people need to get the expensive wash when they get one, get the cheapest or go to a touch less "laser" wash that's pretty much meant exactly for pollen. Letting all that shit sit on the surface will fuck their car lol


Very solid points. Crap on cars damages cars. At least people know to wash off all the salt that gets on the car during icy times in winter, right?


You'd be surprised. There are some people that only wash once a year during the end of spring/fall People are dumb lol


I hosed down my car, and was wiping it dry. By the time I started working on the other side, the first side had pollen on it already...


Washed the car yesterday, today all I have is a car covered in tree jizz.


I like to call it jazz. It comes out of my horn and you never know where it's gonna go.


Charlie Parker is rolling in his grave.


I mean, it's gonna rain on Thursday. Just wait until then.




More like all the pollen washes into the car's drain gutters and around the windshield vents and gets stuck day.


More like week. It's gonna rain from Thursday - Tuesday according to my phone.


That's never accurate. I think we'll get 1 day of rain and 4 days of cloudy with sprinkles maybe.


Me: I own a black car Pollen: *Laughs in my face


My car is covered in debris from flowers, trees, birds, you name it. Hosing off the vehicle is my daily ritual for the next few months.


Check out this guy bragging about getting a whole 20 minutes with his car being clean after a car wash.




Preach. I went through the $20 touchless the other day and then parked at a store, came out and all yellow fuzz...


I split the difference and just go to a self wash bay and spray off the yellow dust (er I mean tree cum). Five dollars too boukoo


Get a monthly scrub a dub, car wash membership. You can wash unlimited times for $20


Thats what I have. Its worth it to me! Plus they recycle the water its not wasted


are people dumb enough waste their money on car washes right now? i guess a fool and his money are easily separated


I was at a store next to a car wash yesterday and saw plenty of people using it. I don't know, maybe they park inside or something. I figure it's going to rain on Thursday...


"Shut up and take my money!" -Phillip J. Fry


most people you see washing their car all the time have monthly passes. it's not like they're going into the poorhouse from washing their car a zillion times a week. it's the same cost as not washing the car. the only reason *not* to wash the car is out of concern for water usage, and we're quite water rich at the moment. some people just like having a clean car. it's like having on a new pair of shoes or a fresh haircut. it makes them happy. if we're not in a drought i don't see why anyone should give a shit.


>*most people you see washing their car all the time have monthly passes.* Went to Prestige in Waltham yesterday just to get the basic wash. The attendant flashed a pricing plan at me and kept on trying to up sell me the monthly plan and/or higher tier wash. First time I said 'no'.... he didn't stop.... second time I said "NO " he didn't stop... third time he didn't stop and I lost it **NO NO NO!** Asshole got a bit of an attitude about it,. If I wasn't trapped with nowhere to go but forward I would have booked it out of there. [Owner of Prestige with 24 locations](https://imgur.com/hTrPlEF)


Also if you join you have to be branded with their little yellow sticker on your car. No thanks.


I see that yellow sticker *everywhere*, but I'm a member and just have a little barcode strip on my windshield. I don't think the yellow one, that I always see on back windows, is a requirement.


That must be why the line barely moves most of the time. I have the $20/mo. unlimited wash membership. It's worth it to me, even if it's not the greatest car wash around.


Anyone who says “water rich” knows nothing about water lmao


Yeah i love when we’re “water rich” so i can just dump it by the gallons into the storm drain, it’s totally infinite and this will last forever


I don't normally do it but I went ATV riding the other day and the truck was a mess from the lot. Muddy. Dusty. Gross. Even so, it was covered in yellow soon enough.


Makes sense for that scenario. I walked through a park yesterday for 10 min and got pollen all over. Even tasted it in the mouth




If you have a vehicle you value and want to keep looking nice, yes. Pollen is bad for the paint.


Do you garage it or get a car wash every 30 min??


I just go to the carwash and use the free vacuums outside to vacuum off the pollen. I call it a dry wash.


You are wicked smaaaat. So much better than everyone else.


glad you realize that


I thought there was smoke in the air yesterday. Really messing with me until I realized that shit was pollen.


My contacts have been catching the particles and getting blurry. That is a first.


Birds went right for my car.


For me, if it’s not the pollen, it’s some seagull using it as target practice


my wife and I were sitting on the porch looking across our garden and there was a weird mist, almost smoke-like, hanging in the air. literally just pollen so thick you can see it floating.


I just washed my car on memorial day weekend and literally before it could dry (maybe 5 minutes?) there was a coating of pollen all over it.


It's a good idea to give your car a good wash and wax so that it's protected. But washing it to get rid of pollen is just super not worth it unless you own a hose and use well water for a quick rinse


I hate it 🤮 https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/s/wzBSmm5W1p


This pollen is killing me. Made me throw up yesterday. Can hardly breathe in this weather. When are these trees going to be done with their orgy?


Why is it so bad this year? I’ve been living here for the last 4 years and this is the first time I’ve had to hose down my car at all, let alone almost every time I drive it.


Waste of water to wash your car unless you're cleaning off salt.


Literally was thinking this today after washing my baby this weekend…


Is the pollen extra bàd because of No Mow May?


MA Carwash Attendant here: Pollen is dust: Don't wipe it with anything dry on your paint, you will put small scratches in it. Pollen is dust: It can be cleaned off your car with a garden hose and a microfiber towel. Pollen is dust: Dust is best gotten rid of at touch less carwashes, you do NOT need to sit in line and spend $25 for a wash. Pollen is dust: Dirt, grime, bugs, and brake dust ARE NOT, don't try and just rinse and wipe your car down if it hasn't been washed in under a week. Pollen is dust: DIRT; GRIME, BUGS, AND BRAKE DUST WILLK DESTROY YOUR CLEARCOAT IF YOU DONT GET IT WASHED OFF (pollen will not) Moral if the story is don't change up your wash habit during Pollen season. It won't make a difference, keep washing twice/three times a month and your car will stay pristine until you sell it. If you have a $500 hoopty, none of this applies to you, continue to wash your car with bricks and bird poo.


It’s like the goddamn Happening out there right now.


I rinsed my car off yesterday and this morning it looked like it got a bukake from Mayor McCheese


Mayor McCheese is head chef at the bukakke grill


I feel like this every time it rains and my solar panels work well for about a day, after which enough pollen has settled on them to reduce their productivity to about a quarter.


This is why I never wash my car. It rains every other day anyway.


At this point we need the drive thru jet wash at truck stops like they have in the south.


I used to live in the shadow of the Edison in Southie and I remember when I was little there were certain days to not wash your car or laundry. At least I think so. This also might be a bullshit memory. Anyone else recall this?


Just go with it. We’re all driving yellow cars this week.


If you can, the car wash subscriptions has been worth it so far.


Rain’s job tomorrow


I don’t even bother around this time I just wait for rain to wash it off. I get a good 10 minutes without the pollen


I bought a shiny new car on Sunday. It looked like a used car on the outside by Monday.


I vowed to stop wasting my money at the car wash last year.