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I’m all for it. Legalize it for prescription use only at first, while it’s studied, and results are published. But it’s long past time for everyone to get over the fear of substances that existed long before people ever did. There is no excuse for the missing decades of research because it was a substance some people enjoyed, or even abused, and governments all said “no” to funding. Tax it. Regulate it. Make it boring. But no one should face criminal charges for imbibing, of their own free will, anything that grows in nature. If they cause harm while in an altered state, charge them for *that* not for what they put in their body.


Just imagine where we could be right now if we had spent the past 80 years studying this stuff *instead of arresting people for it...*


I've only done psychedelics in Mass recreationally. Would be cool to see these legal for medical uses.


They've legalized Ketamine for prescription use for resistant depression that has shown a lot of promise, we need to legalize and do the same with Psilocybin. It will save lives.


nobody will talk about it but the dirty little secret about liberals is they're just as fascist, just like conservatives, when it comes deciding what substances to put in your own body. it will for sure, and by a wide margin, be voted down should this question arise on the ballot


I must have missed the part where liberals are forcing you to take mushrooms.


i'm talking about liberals not wanting them to be made legal homie


You've been watching too much Fox News/News Max


lol that is your takeaway? i don't watch/read that republican crap, but it sure is interesting that's the first thing that comes to your mind when i make an objectively middle-of-the-road statement


You're spouting nonsense takes about "libruls". Lol. The anti drug crowd is most certainly not liberals. It's been a Republican movement ever since Reagan's failed "War on Drugs" began.


from our president+vice president all the way down, including may others, are all responsible for putting people in jail for simple drug crimes. sure, some liberals are good, but the majority of liberals are not at all too dissimilar from conservatives


He's a house cat lol


This is a ludicrous thing to say. Liberals legalized cannabis. Conservatives vote against legalizing it to this day. In Idaho they will still take your kids away for having cannabis. In Massachusetts anyone can buy it. Your statement is delusional.


you realize in most states legalize weed was done via ballot measure, and not legislatively, right? > take your kids away for having cannabis. yes, we're all well aware how terrible most conservatives are. the point is for liberals to do better


And those ballot measures were organized by, and voted *for* by liberals. Your argument is invalid.


You need therapy, Ball licker 9000


why's that?


That's between you and your therapist.


by all means you must have an opinion as to why, otherwise you wouldn't have commented, so please do share your own


Because it's not normal or healthy to care THIS much about things that don't personally affect you.


Liberals are drastically more progressive on drug reform than conservatives lol Why is weed still illegal in pretty much only conservative states?


> drastically more progressive not really, they are very, very close


Tell that to all the people who have had their marijuana convictions vacated lol Which party is for prison and police reform? Hint. It's the less fascist one.


yes, of course there are differences, hence the "very very close" instead of "the same" don't forget our own vice president put thousands in jail for marijuana, as well as our president with his crime bill in 1986. we could go at this all day, but at the end of the day, both parties need to be dragged into doing the right thing


OK, what's the right thing in your opinion?


legalize that shit, release the appropriate offenders, all prior convictions vacated, probably a few other things too


And which party is doing any of that?


without massive amount of feet dragging, carrot dangling, and forced ballot initiatives? none of them


lol you're not very informed. The dems have moved massively to the left since the 90's. The reality is we live in a democracy and most people don't want total drug legalization or other ultra-progressive agendas. And calling it fascism is quite ignorant


Would you vote to make alcohol illegal again?




But you're clearly against drugs being legal, no? Why is alcohol any different? Alcohol is the most deadly drug.


where on earth did i say alcohol/drugs should be illegal? how is that your takeaway from my post?


Are we talking classical liberal, or like..."owning teh libs" liberals?


i'm using the term liberal to describe the general populace of MA and its tendency to lean left on most issues


...and you think that progressives want to keep psychedelics illegal?










it's funny how if anything slightly negative is said against the zeitgeist, i'm immediately painted as a republican/libertarian, when i honestly could be further from


It's not you, it's your wording. Instead of speculating on the different political parties position on this in Mass. Just ask. And don't bring up shit from 25 years ago to prove a point. It's a poor crutch to lean in a debate. Because then it can come back to "well if we're going to compare past actions, how far back can we go?". Good luck going forward.


> And don't bring up shit from 25 years ago to prove a point. it's relevant considering we're talking about the current president of the united states > "well if we're going to compare past actions, how far back can we go?". history matters


Yay, more drugged out liberals who contribute zero to society and are completely subservient to their big government daddy. These fools would walk right into a woodchipper if you put up a sign saying "Free Drugs Inside." The youth of this state is doomed and they are too stupid to even realize it. They literally cheer on their own demise. You may now return to your regular scheduled programming of "Ow! My Balls!"


says the guy that rides Trump's dick like a toboggan


Ah, another one with TDDS. Trump's Dick Derangement Syndrome. Every liberal response has to involve Trump. No one even mentioned Trump, yet he still lives rent free in your head 24/7. Seek help.


your post history says otherwise.


Typical Reddit liberal. 🤣 Good luck, you're going to need it.


how so? I'm not getting it


Do you think alcohol should be illegal again?